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On the activities implemented during the reporting period

COACH NAME: Meri Tukhikyan


REPORTING PERIOD: February, 2023

Please, introduce the activities done by the Community Coach during the
reporting period․ What successes and challenges have there been?

During the reporting period were fulfilled the following activities

Please, describe the activities in the calendar order

Date Events
03.02.2023 Online meeting with the coaches and YCCD staff members and UNDP
experts we discussed how to organize the selection and evaluation process of
applications, as well as the preparation and sending of invitation letters to
experts, representatives of marzpetaran and observers before 3 working days.

08.02.2023 Preparing and sending invitation letters to UNDP and FAO experts ,to the
representatives of the Lori and Tavush marzpetaran and observers

09.02.2023 Zoom meeting with the Ganzor LAG Selection Comity Members with the AB
staff . It was mainly discussed about the clarification of evaluation standards,
understanding and correct evaluation․

10.02.2023 Calling and inviting SCM in the Gandzor LAG Ayrum settlement to organized
applications evaluation process

11-12.02.2023 Evaluation of “Gandzor” LAG 29 applicants (guideline , technical criteria’s ,

grant application).
13.02.2023 Minutes of meeting of Gandzor LAG․ The protocol was signed by the SCM ,
observers , LAG managers and approved by the LAG president and the LAG

14.02.2023 Preparing of Gandzor LAG 29 applicants list by sectors(public ,

private ,business )

16.02.2023 Calling and informing 29 applicants about zoom meeting with the BSC on 20
of February
18.02.2023 Preparing PPT about Gandzor LAG for online meeting with Marta Marciz`s
International Expert

19.02.2023 Preparation applications and separation to UNDP and FAO , and part of FAO
sent to FAO coach

20.01.2023 Calling the “Gandzor ” LAG founders to inform about the upcoming meeting
with BSC in February 23 in Ayrum settlement.

21.02.2023 Online meeting with Marta Marczis, International Expert, Hripsime Manukyan
National Expert, and Harutyun Gevorgyan, Expert, UNDP LEAD, February
21, 2023

 LAG reports on the results and current situation of the first LAG local
call for proposals,the registration and selection process. Individual ppt.
 LAG management training needs (discussion and needs assessment)
 LAG work plan for the next month (UNDP experts)activities required
for the project selection process, contribution to the management of the
business coaching and mentorship process ,reporting finalizing the
management body and work structure of the LAG, general
management plan,communication plan,office issues Community
coaching and networking activities for the next month,monitoring of
the LAG management process, networking.

22.02.2023 Visiting to Aghstevi Hovit LAG to participate in evaluation process of


23.02.2023 Visiting to Ayrum settlement and organize BSC meeting with 18 applicants

27.02.2023 Zoom meeting with the UNDP experts and SCM , updating PPT of Gandzor
LAG (map , some information by Lori and Tavush regions , by sectors and by
settlements )

Total 16 working days

Did you get enough support and guidance from the YCCD NGO (Administrative,
communication, financial, transportation)?
Yes, we did get the relevant support from the YCCD, regarding the logistics of the project grant
package submission, as well as the transportation. As the LEAD is a pilot project for Armenia,
there was always a need for clarifications, deadlines and guidance, which YCCD provided with
responsibility and professionalism

Did you get enough support and guidance from the UNDP Team (Program Manager,

We did get the guidance especially in the following phase of the project implementation, as the
documentation submission process was quite hectic, regarding the ABs’ role, as the project’s
financial body. It is worthy to mention, that we got all of the necessary forms, documents from
UNDP team, as a part of our grant package.

What new knowledge or skills have you gained in the past month
and how are you going to apply them?

- A part of Needs Assessment tool for the LAGs.

- LAG management basic skills.
What new knowledge or skills are needed in connection with the
Improve my English language skills



LAG NUMBER & NAME: Gandzor/LAG 3- Lori and Tavush

March, 2023: 4-rd Board meeting of 2023, selection of the

applications in 3 steps , Preparation of the project (business) plans of the selected

Please, make sure to submit your Car Log file for the reporting period with this Report.
taxi costs- ( AMD) Thank you!

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