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On the activities implemented during the reporting period

COACH NAME: Karine Saribekyan

LAG NUMBER/NAME: LAG No4, Aghstevi Hovit

REPORTING PERIOD: February 28, 2023

Please, introduce the activities done by the Community Coach during the reporting period․

Please, describe the activities in the calendar order

During the reporting period were fulfilled the following activities

February 1-2nd- Spreading information on grant call announcement through social pages (Ijevan
municipality page, local NGOs, individual calls). Answering hundreds of calls to explain people
how to apply and what documents to prepare. Consulting people on application form filling.

February 3, 5, 9th –Zoom meetings with people from the Aghstevi Hovit LAG area to talk about
the LEAD project, Aghstevi Hovit LAG strategy, goals and priorities. During the meetings
people were informed in details on how to write project proposals.

February 3rd- Zoom meeting with the YCCD manager and liaison, coaches and LAG managers
and UNDP national experts to discuss the evaluation process and preparation of the invitation
letters for observers which must be done three days before the meeting.

February 4th – Visiting the Aghstevi Hovit LAG office in Azatamut settlement to see the
construction current works and negotiate with the builders to make the office room more
comfortable for working.
Updating the information in email.

February 6th- Zoom meeting with Marta Marczis, YCCD manager and the project liaison,
coaches and LAG managers on
- not to forget to make minutes of each project selection meeting
- to prepare a written report in Armenian on the applications received, based on the outlines
contained in the LEAD Project Selection Guidelines
and share 
(1) The Excel of the registration of the submitted projects 
(2) The AB report on the project proposals
(3) The minutes of the Selection Committee meetings 
(4) The scoring done by the Selection Committee 
after the pre-selection
- The projects with the highest scores must be defined as pre-selected projects by the Selection
Committee. It must be a clear list.
- The list of pre-selected projects must be approved by the LAG Board.
- UNDP business training is available to all applicants (online).
- UNDP business coaching is only for the pre-selected projects.
- Participation in business training and business coaching is mandatory for pre-selected
- Projects not pre-selected cannot participate in business coaching in this phase.
- Each pre-selected project must have the opportunity to improve the project with the help of
individual business coaching

Besides, Marta planned to visit Armenia in February 21st and organize an offline meeting with
the UNDP national experts, LAG managers in Dilijan YCCD NGO office.

February 7th- Visiting Ijevan municipality to meet interested people from the public sector and
talk about the ongoing work in the “Aghstevi Hovit” LAG area and collaborating on spreading
the information about the grant call announcement.

February 8th- Zoom meeting with coaches and LAG managers on how to write short minutes
and evaluate the project proposals and how to count the scores.

February 10th- checking the email and answering the online questions. Collecting the project
proposals from the applicants. Advising applicants to send the whole package in case there were
missing documents. Reminding applicants to take part in the business zoom meeting I February

February 11-12th- Visiting Gandzor LAG as an observer from the UNDP. Participating in
two-day meetings with the Selection Committee: technical evaluation of the applications and
scoring process. Preparing observer’s report for the UNDP experts.
Finishing the process of project submissions in Aghstevi Hovit LAG and posting the names of
applicants in FB page. As a whole 51 applications were received from 12 settlements of the LAG

February 13-14rd- Zoom meeting with the BSC (Business Consulting Center) expert-trainers
Klara Hakobyan and Anna Gevorgyan, applicants, coaches and LAG managers on business plan
and budget writing. Each meeting lasted 3 hours.

February 15-16th- Working on the excel sheet with filling in the information of applicants by
names, sectors of applicants (civil, business and public), project sectors (agriculture, business,
tourism, social, environment, culture, integrated), project short descriptions, documents received,
emails, addresses and etc.

February 17th- Offline meeting with the Aghstevi Hovit LAG Selection Committee to talk about
the LAG strategy goals, priorities and evaluating criteria and sharing the experience gained in the
Gandzor LAG. The meeting lasted 4 hours.
Preparing invitation letters for the observers from the UNDP, UN, marzpetaran and FAO to take
part in the technical evaluation meeting in Aghstevi Hovit LAG in February 2.

February 18th – Preparing Ppt for the upcoming meeting with Marta Marczis in February 21.
Printing the application forms, conflict of interest statement forms, observer’s statements and
other relevant papers.

February 19th – Arranging the lunch and coffee breaks as well as the meeting place for the
offline meeting with the Aghstevi Hovit LAG Selection Committee to take place in February 22.

February 20th- Additional zoom meeting organized by the BSC for the applicants to be able to
answer questions and help applicants to prepare the project proposal package in the more
professional way.

February 21st - Offline meeting with Marta Marczis, UNDP national experts, coaches, YCCD
manager and the project liaison and LAG managers in Dilijan YCCD NGO office. The meeting
was on the following;
 LAG reports on the results and current situation of the first LAG local call for proposals,
the registration and selection process. Individual ppt from the LAG managers on the
fulfilled tasks.
 LAG management training needs (discussion and needs assessment)
 Work plan for the next month

February 22nd - Meeting with the Aghstevi Hovit LAG Selection Committee, observers from
the marzpetaran, UNDP, FAO for the technical evaluation and scoring of the received 51
applications. The meetings started at 11 and finished at 5 and took place in the Smart Center in
Aygehovit settlement. As a result only 33 applications corresponded to the LAG’s strategy goals
and priorities and they were submitted and scored.
Preparing the short minutes of 2 sessions and providing the signatures of the participants and the
LAG president.

February23rd - Working on the document of the applications which passed the 1 st evaluation
phase and filling thee data of project sectors and sectors of applications.
The applicants who didn’t pass the 1st evaluation were informed about it via emails or phone
The list of the applicant names who passed the 1 st evaluation was posted in the Aghstevi Hovit
LAG FB page.

February24th - Informing the applicants about the upcoming Business coaching meeting in
Azatamut Culture House building.
Informing the members of the Selection Committee about the zoom meeting with the UNDP
national experts on the evaluation process and the 2nd phase of the evaluation for the applicants.

February25th - Providing necessary information to the lawyers (Artak Saribekyan and Karen
Zadoyan) ho deal with the documents of making “Aghstevi Hovit” LAG into NGO.

February26th - Visiting Ijevan municipality to take part in the Council meeting for discussion
and receiving the submission from the Council members on making the “Aghstevi Hovit” LAG
into the NGO.
February27th - Zoom meeting with the UNDP national experts, members of the Selection
Committee and LAG managers on the evaluation process and the 2nd phase evaluation of the
applications and scoring.

February28th - Business coaching by the BSC experts with 33 applicants. The meeting was
organized in the Culture House of Azatamut settlement. The meeting started at 12 and finished at
Writing of the narrative report for the YCCD NGO.

Total 28 working days

What successes and challenges have there been?

All the work and meetings were fulfilled in accurate and timely manner.

Did you get enough support and guidance from the YCCD NGO (Administrative,
communication, financial, transportation)?

-copies of applications and relating documents and lunch break costs were provided

Did you get enough support and guidance from the UNDP Team (Program Manager, Experts)?


What new knowledge or skills have you gained in the past month and how are you going to
apply them?

-managerial skills

What new knowledge or skills are needed in connection with the job?

-management, monitoring, fund rising skills

Please, submit your work plans for next month.


COMMUNITY COACH: Karine Saribekyan

LAG NUMBER & NAME: LAG 4 – Aghstevi Hovit

Date Settlement & Description (Please, describe the Who will be involved
(please put Location (if planned activity and expected (Coach, UNDP Expert,
dates, if available) results) International Expert
possible) and etc)
1st week Ijevan  Receiving project proposals Coach
from applicants
2nd week Ijevan  3rd evaluation process Coach
 LAG Board meeting

3rd week Ijevan Coach-LAG manager

 Negotiations with the
applicants and preparation
of the project packages to
be sent to the UNDP experts
4th week Ijevan  Marta Marczis` visit in Coach
“Aghstevi Hovit” LAG
5th week Ijevan  Narrative and financial Coach
reports(Car Logs) for YCCD

Please, make sure to submit your Car Log file for the reporting period with this Report.

Thank you!

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