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Assignment No.


 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Student No: 46758
 Course Registered:
Advanced Diploma in
Environmental Management
Level 5. (ADEM-L5)
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

Question No.1:

i. Ecosystem

 This system describes the simultaneous reaction of living things (biotic) with the
non living things (abiotic) to complete the circle of life. Living organisms such as
plants, human beings and animals etc. and nonliving organisms includes
temperature, humidity, radiation and energy etc. Such kind of living organisms
consumes and store organic material constantly after this returned back this
material to the environment. This cyclic process maintains an equilibrium of
energy between each step to maintain itself which is called self-regulate.

ii. Lithosphere
 It’s a regional component of biosphere that contains a rigid rock of earth’s crust.
It consists of different type of rocks such as igneous, sedimentary and
metamorphic rock. It provides necessary nutrients to plants. this part of earth
crust provides us, forests grasslands, agricultures and essential minerals. it also
helps humans for their settlement by supplying food and major source of fuel
such as coal, gasoline, and natural gas. it’s a source of mineral e.g. calcium,
magnesium, silica, coper etc. we use this material for constructing buildings and
machinery tools.

iii. Fictional Components of ecosystem

The functional components of an ecosystems are outlined as below.
 Energy Flow: This component mainly provides flow of energy from biotic to
abiotic such as plants and sun by sung photosynthesis process.
 Food Chain: Since Plants are eaten by insects and these insects are eaten by
fishes and frogs and thus these are eaten by many animals and human beings.
It forms a food web.
 Time and Space diversity: this factor discuss the generation pattern of living
organisms over the period of time with space resources. Resources in rich
amount produce high efficiency in the ecosystem in the lean time.
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

 Nutrients Cycle: This cycle explains the flow of nutrients between the living
and nonliving organism such as plants gets nutrients from soul and then return
back into the environment after death or decomposition
 Developments and Evolution: This describe the essential growth of
ecosystem by converting energy and storing the material. Evolution comes up
with increase output level i.e material transferred.
 Cybernetics: this belongs to feedback of the ecosystem from living organism to
non-living organism for the self-regulate.

iv. Environmental Sustainability

 It’s basically the conservation of natural resources and protect ecosystems
globally. It’s the responsibility of every human being to preserve these assets
because of their survival in this earth planet for now and after centuries.
Because, so many proactive measures can save the living organism in this
ecosystem. Such as water conservation policy, Protect the biosphere from air
pollution can survive the life and well health of human beings and animals.
With the development of these regulations and policies of sustainable
practices can lead to secure the future of living generations of this earth.

v. Biotic and A-Biotic Components

 Abiotic Components are consisting of the non-living organisms that
constitutes an ecosystem. They are given as temperature, radiation, energy,
humidity, water, soil, air, land structure, gravity, and geological natures.etc.
 Biotic factors are composed of all living organisms that comes interaction with
non-living organisms. These are the vital organs in the ecosystems such as
Plants, animals and human beings, insects etc.

Question No.2

i. Food Chain:
 It’s a linear series of living organisms that transferred both nutrients and
energy to other organisms. Food chain classifying animals, plants and fungi
that eat other organisms for their survival of fittest in the ecosystem. It
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5
consists of four part or level, each of this level is called trophic level which
start from producers and Primary consumers, which goes up to tertiary
consumers and finally decomposers. Each of level consists of flow of energy

that determines the numbers and biomass of every organism. This flow of
energy remains inconstant. Sometimes, the energy is loss when predators
fails to catch its prey.
 In this ecosystem multiple numbers of food chain occurs because some
consumers eat only one kind of food and some of them eats more than one
variety of food. e.g. rabbit eat plants and vegetables so it forms single chain
but on the other hand wolf is the animal that eats rabbits and plants so it
forms a multiple this category a human comes at the final consumers
because it eats sub consumers e.g Sun gives food to plants and these plants
are eaten by goat. In next stage this goat finally this goat is eaten by man
ii. Food Web:
All the food chain in a single ecosystem forms a food web. This contains three
main trophic level i.e. producers, consumers and decomposers. each of this
trophic level is described below.

 Producers (autotypes)
 These are the primary level of an ecosystem which produce their own foods
and do not depend on other organisms e.g plants generates their own food
by using photosynthesis process. some type of bacteria is also producers
e.g bacteria living in the volcanoes, contain food from sulfur not from carbon
dioxide so they are autotrophs

 Consumers:
 The next step is consumers that gains energy from producers these are sub
divided into primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary
consumers. Primary consumers are herbivores e.g. mice, insects.
Secondary consumers eat primary consumers such as snakes and quails
eats mice and insects. Tertiary consumers are dependent on secondary
consumers e.g. an eagle and peacock eats snake. At the end it comes the
top trophic level e.g. a lion eats both eagle and peacock for their survival.
 Decomposers:
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5
 Finally, it comes the decomposers (bacteria, fungi,) which complete the food
web because they convert organic waste into rich nutrient soil by decaying
process. these helps to complete the life cycle and start a new series of food
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

 Report on Activity:

1. Activity Performed
o I went to my rural areas “Noor Shah” situated at 48 km away from my city I
surveyed many colonies and houses. I met with their people and also at the
representatives of councils. I confirmed their total population and source of

o Results and Discussions

o on the basis of my research I found that many of the houses have almost a
high numbers of family members almost 6-7 children in several homes and
there is an increase in population. About 13% since last census.
o By using these natural organic foods, the children and old people have
strong immunity against dieses and viruses so they have high impact on
growth rate.
o This increase in population depends on their land structure. They grew
organic foods without biochemical and fertilizers in their field.
o In this area the breeze and atmospheric air was not polluted due to low
numbers of powered motor vehicles. The atmosphere was clean.
o High population growth rate and less number of resources of incomes may
stimulate the inflation in the rural areas.
o Since people are less educated so they have no awareness on impact of
population on economy rate.
o These are not aware from the procedures to control of population like
Family Planning system etc.
o They have wide space to occupy the people so being less number of
people as compared to land area. It urges to move the population from
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5
urban area to rural areas. Due to migration of people the population eaten
has been increased over the time.

2. Activity Performed:
o I visited my nearest business college ‘’New Pak College of Commerce’’. A
session is held with the business students in which the environmental issues
and its significant impact on the economy rate was under the umbrella of this
session. After a prolonged discussion the following findings were found

o Results and Discussions

o It is found during discussion that students are very familiar with the
environmental aspects on our earth.
o It is observed that some of students are keen of interest in their final year
project on “how to save the economy of the country by lowering the earth
temperature. This positive comments from the students is a big diversion
to prevent global warming.
o During their meetup it has discussed that by reducing the environmental
issues can increase the net profit income in small business.
o If your workplace area is properly cleaned, well versed the products
(items) in a proper manner and rubbish is being disposed of properly then
this picture will attract the costumers and pay more attentions for buying
o Polluting the atmosphere though emission sources (Industrial fumes, Black
Smoke of vehicle, burning of fossil fuels) can increase the economy rate
but it will damage the biosphere, thus results in various disease and global
o In appropriate use of water resources and polluting the sea water by
disposed of chemicals is danger to aquatic animals and human beings.
The economy can be grow up by controlling these parameters
o Using unsustainable farming methods are damaging the agriculture land
as well as cultivated land.

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