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Bhagy bahava{ house of fortune ): 9th house is for bhagya , dharma , punya, morality or thrine . Its karka is guru.

Karma bhava ( House of Activities ) 10th house is kendra., karma,rights of natives,prstige,leadership,business or services and about father Its karka is Budha. Labha bhava : ( House of Income ) 11th house , indicates income, property,manglik work, Lavishness and about jewels ( ratnas ) Its karka is guru Mokhsha bhava is indicated by 9th and 12th house and karka is guru and shani The Lord of trines are considered as First rate benefics. The lord of quadrants ( Kendras) are considered as Second rate benifics. The lord of 2nd,3rd,and 11th houses are considered as third rate benefics or third rate malefics. In other words if the lords of above mentioned houses are associated with good planets, they are considered as benefics and if associated with evil planets, they are considered as malefics. The lords of the 6th,8th and 12th houses are considered Malefics. A house may be considered as powerful if : 1.The lord of that house is in kendra from that house or from the ascendant, or from the lord of the Lord of the ascendant 2,The lord of that house is in trine from that house or from the ascendant or from the lord of the ascendant. 3.The lord of that house is in the 3rd,6th,10th or 11th housecounted from the ascendant. 4.The lord of that house is associated with or surrounded on both sides by benefic planets. 5. The lord of that house is aspected by the benefic planets. 6.The Lord of the sign occupied by the lord of that house is in its own, exaltions or Moolatrikona sign. A house may be considered as powerless if : 1.If lord occupies the 6th 8th or 12th house from the ascendant or from the lord of the ascendant or from the house itself. 2.Its lord is associated with or is in between malefic planets. 3.Its lord is aspected by malefic planets. 4.its lord is in inimical sign. 5.Its lord is in debiliated sign 6.its lord is combusted 7.The lord of the sign is occupied by the lord of the house under debiliation or inimical state.

Every 1 gets disturbed in life due to these RAHU KETU SATURN now a simple but powerful remedy that can lessen the burden of these planets malefic effect a very effective remedy..AND u will gain the positive effects from them On Saturday...Take One black cloth, put One cocunet (jatawala) + 100 gm barley +100 gm Black Uard + black seasam seeds + 1 Nail Flow the above all in flowing water in canal . This will help in reducing problems from Saturn ,Rahu, Ketu this is to be performed nearly 43days regularly or total 11 saturdays.


The 1st, 5th,and 9th houses are called Trikonas or trine houses. They are the most powerful and auspicious houses. They are also called Lakshmi sthanas as the rule all kindsof prosperities.

The 1st, 4th,7th, and 10th houses are called Kendrasor quadrants. They are also auspicious and powerful houses next to the konas. The 3rd andthe 11th houses are called Upachayasor houses of growth. The 6th, 8th,and 12 houses are called Dusthanas or bad houses. 1, 5, and 9are Dharma houses. 2, 6, and 10are Artha houses. 3, 7, and 11are Kama houses. 4, 8, and 12are Moksha houses.

For everylagna some planets are benific, some are malefic and some are neutral. Againhow they are placed in the chart is a very important point to be considered.however the following are the basic thum brules:

Lords of 1,5,9houses are always benefics. Lords of 4, 7,10 houses if placed in auspicious houses produce good results. Lords of 6, 8,12 house if placed in 6, 8, or 12 houses produce good results but are bad ifplaced in the good houses 2nd and 11th lords are better placed in the auspicious houses. !! OM GAN GANPATAIYA NAMHA !!

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