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Aside from technology and globalization, what do you think are the other forces that will
influence quality? Give two forces and explain how.

Machines and equipment can also have an impact on the quality of a product or
service. Machines and equipment are also required in production as a result of
innovation and technology because they ease the work of human resources. This factor
is especially important for businesses that will not use it. It will be a loss of profit
especially when the consumers know that there is no standardization among the
product or services.

One of the forces that influence the quality of a product or service is incentives.
The major factor of quality is the human resource who will perform the service or
manufacture the product. Workers' motivation to do a good job is influenced by their
benefits and wages. If an employer practices late payments for their employees, it may
result in unproductive or unmotivated employees. In this case, the production of the
product or service will be hampered because the human resources do not receive their
wages and benefits on time.

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