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‫َّ ْ‬ ‫َّ ْ ٰ‬ ‫ْ‬

‫الله الرحم ِن الر ِحي ِم‬

‫ِبس ِم ِ‬
Machine Learning
Lecture 01 – Basics of Human Learning

Authors: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab

Instructor: Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab


‫اللَّه َُّم ِخ ْر ِ ِْل َواخ َ َْْت ِِل‬
‫ُس ْب َحان ََك ََل ِع ْ َْل لَنَا ا ََّل َما عَل َّ ْم َتنَا ۖ‬
‫ان ََّك َأنْ َت الْ َع ِل ُمي الْ َح ِك ُمي‬
‫اْش ْح ِِل َص ْد ِري‬ ‫ر ََ ِ ِّب ْ َ‬
‫ِس ِِل َا ْم ِري َوا ْحلُ ْل ُع ْقدَ ًة ِم ْن ِل ََ ِاِ َ َ ْْ َقهُاا ََ ْا ِِل‬ ‫َوي َ ِ ِّ ْ‬
‫َّر ِ ِّب َأ ُعا ُذ ب َِك ِم ْن َ ََه َز ِات ال َّش َيا ِط ِني َۖو َا ُع ْا ُذب َِك َر ِ ِّب َا ْن‬
‫ُض ْو ِن‬‫َّ َّْي ُ ُ‬
‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫حیحصت تین‬

‫ِان َّ َما ْ َاَل ْ َْع ُال ِِبل ِنِّـ َّي ِ‬


‫اامعل اک دارودمار وتینں رپ ےہ‬

‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬

‫حیحصت تین‬
‫ارگ داین ںیم یسک ےن وکیئ اکم ایک ےہ وت آپ یھب رک ےتکس ںیہ‬
‫ںیم دل ےس لمع یک تین رکات وہں ہک‬
‫ریمی زدنیگ اک دصقم ےہ وخش رانہ اور وخش رانھک‬

‫ریمی زدنیگ اک دصقم اہلل وک اپان ےہ‬

‫ریمی زدنیگ اک دصقم رضحت دمحم یلص اہلل ہیلع وملس ےس اکلم قشع اور اکلم اابتع ےہ‬

‫ریمی زدنیگ اک دصقم اےنپ ےبعش ںیم وپری داین ںیم ےلہپ ربمن رپ آان ےہ‬
‫ریمی زدنیگ اک دصقم ولخمق دخا یک ےب ولث دختم ےہ‬
‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬
Introduction to Course
Course Details

Instructor Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab


Office Room no. 04, Faculty Block

CUI Profile CUI Profile

Google Scholar
Profile Google Scholar Profile

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 8

Course Details – For BS(CS) Class
Google Classroom Code: gjujteq
Note: Join using CUI-Lahore email ID

Office Hours: Email requests for appointment

Midterm Examination
Final Examination

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 9

Course Aims

To introduce with the main concepts that are essential

to become
o a balanced and characterful personality and
o a great Machine Learning Engineer

To develop skills to become a Commando in life

To develop skills to persuade Allah to do any task for

him / her )‫)اہللےسےلصیفرکواےکس‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 10

Course Aims Cont…

To develop skills to systematically learn any concept

To introduce some of the main topics in Machine

Learning, especially learning from examples

To develop skills to: (1) analyze, (2) understand, (3) pre-

process (if needed) data and then (4) transform data in
such a format which Machine Learning Algorithms can

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 11

Course Aims Cont…

To develop skills to understand which Machine Learning

Algorithms will be more suitable for a given Machine
Learning Problem and how to: (1) train, (2) test and (3)
deploy (in real world) Machine Learning Models

To develop skills to: (1) plan, (2) design, (3) build, (4)
evaluate and (5) deploy serious Artificial Intelligence
(AI) Programs (or Models)

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 12

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
By the end of this course, the students should be able to

Have belief in himself to become a Commando and do

miracles )‫)داینںیمارگیسکےنوکیئاکمایکےہوتآپیھبرکےتکسوہ‬

Understand what daily tasks are important to have a

Physically, Spiritually, Mentally and Socially healthy
Understand how to become ‫ اہللاکہفیلخ‬on this earth
)‫اظنماکانئتاسےکاتعبرکدے‬ ‫)اہللاپک‬
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 13
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Cont…
Understand how to systematically learn any concept of life
using a template-based approach

Understand how to understand and pre-process data and

represent (transform) data in a format which Machine
Learning Algorithms can understand to learn from data

Understand main categories of Machine Learning

Algorithms and what Machine Learning Algorithms are
more suitable for which types of Machine Learning

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 14

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Cont…

Understand, (1) how to train / build a Model using Training

Data, (2) how to evaluate the performance of a Model
using Testing Data and (3) when it will be suitable to
deploy a Model in real-world

Understand how to: (1) build, (2) evaluate and (3) compare
various Machine Learning Algorithms over the same

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 15


Good Programming Skills

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 16

Machine Learning - Summary

𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒂 = 𝑴𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒍 + 𝑬𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 17

Course Content – Key Topics

1 Introduction
A Template-based Approach to Learn How to Learn
Basics of Human Learning
Basics of Machine Learning

2 Data
Data and Annotations
Data and Annotations – Step by Step Examples
Treating a Problem as a Machine Learning
Problem - Step by Step Examples
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 18
Course Content – Key Topics Cont...

3 Model
Concept Learning and Hypothesis Representation
FIND-S Algorithm
Version Space Algorithms
Decision Tree Learning
Artificial Neural Network
Bayesian Learning
Instance Based Learning

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 19

Course Content – Key Topics Cont...

4 Error
Evaluating Hypothesis (Model)

5 Advanced Topics
Deep Learning
Multi-label Classification

6 Semester Project Presentations

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 20

Journals and Conferences

Journal Journal Journal

Machine Learning Journal of Machine Neural
Learning Research Computation

Journal Conference Conference

Journal of International Neural Information
Intelligent Systems Conference on Processing Systems
Machine Learning (NIPS)

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 21

Machine Learning Toolkits

Python Java

Scikit-learn (a.k.a. sk-learn) WEKA

Documentation Documentation
http://scikit- /ml/weka/
on.html ml

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 22

Little Efforts Daily Will Make You the Greatest
To systematically learn and get excellence in any concept /

‫ اےسی یہ‬،‫اک ےنیہم اک اھکان اکی دن ںیم ںیہن اھکای اج اتکس‬
‫اکی ےنیہم اک اکم اکی دن ںیم ںیہن وہ اتکس‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 23

‫‪Little Efforts Daily Will Make You the Greatest‬‬
‫‪Importance of completing tasks on daily basis‬‬

‫‪Main Reason of Failure in Life‬‬

‫وجاکمیھبکیھبوہاتکسےہوہ یھبکںیہنوہات‬
‫زدنیگاکیدنےہاوروہےہآج۔زدنیگںیملکانمیکوکیئ زیںیہنےہ‬
‫وجزگایگوہآانںیہن‪،‬آےنواےلدناکہتپںیہن ‪،‬آجدیمانامجےہوت‬
‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬
‫داھکؤ‬ ‫وجرہ‬ ‫اےنپ‬ ‫‪24‬‬
How to Achieve BIG Goals in Life
Balanced Life is Ideal Life 😊
To achieve BIG Goals in Life
❑Make a Schedule of 24 Hours with a focus on Five main
components of Human Life
• Health
o Physical Health
o Mental Health
o Social Health
• Spirituality
• Work
• Family
• Friends
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 25
How to Achieve BIG Goals in Life Cont…

For details on how to Live a Balanced Life

See Motivational Seminar - Balanced Life is Ideal Life

Download Link:


Motivation is the Fuel of Life 😊

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 26

Sample Schedule – Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab
Schedule to Live a Balanced Life
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab
Task Time Slot
Sleep 21:00 to 5:00
Fajar Namaz + Zikar + Tilawat 5:00 to 7:00
Breakfast 7:30
Office (Not more than 8 hours) 8:30 to 16:30
Lunch + Zohar Namaz 12:30
Asar Namaz 16:45
Running + Exercise (with Family) 17:00 to 18:00
Family Time + Maghrib Namaz 18:00 to 19:00
Dinner 19:00
Friends Time 19:30 to 20:30
Isha Namaz + Zikar 20:30 to 21:00

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 27

TIPS – To Follow Schedule

Tip 1
Go to bed at 20:00 (immediately after isha naamz) 😊

Tip 2
Have a Guru (Mentor) in Life 😊
Report your Work Progress to your Guru (Mentor) on Daily
Basis 😊

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 28

How to Achieve Semester Goals
Set your Semester Goals

Break Semester Goals into Monthly Goals

Break Monthly Goals into Weekly Goals

Work on Daily Basis and Report to your
Instructor on Daily Basis to achieve your Weekly

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 29

Instructions – To Do Machine Learning Course Tasks on
Daily Basis
Email your Daily Work Progress on Daily Basis to the following
Email ID
PhD (CS)
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 30
Sample - Weekly Work Schedule
Weekly Work Schedule of a Ph.D. Student
Task Time Slot Duration Task
• Data Types
Monday 06:00 PM-09:00 PM 3 o Variables
o Numbers
• Data Types
o Strings
Tuesday 06:00 PM-09:00 PM 3 o Lists
o Dictionaries
• Data Types
Wednesday 06:00 PM-09:00 PM 3 o Tuples
o Sets
Comparison Operators
Thursday 06:00 PM-09:00 PM 3
Friday 03:00 PM-08:00 PM 5 If Else Statements
• Loops
Saturday 10:00 AM-05:00 PM 4-7 o For Loop
o While Loop
Sunday Rest -
Total Number of Hours / Week 21 - 24
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 31
Sample - Weekly Work Schedule Cont…


Daily Work Progress Reporting Time

through Email is: 21:00

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 32

Sample Email – A PhD Student Reporting Daily Work Progress

Subject: Daily Work Progress

Respected Sir


Monthly Goal: Complete Assignment 01 – Basics of Python

Week 01 Goal: Complete Data Structures in Python

Today, I worked for 3 hours. Tasks done are as follows.

Understood Variables and Lists in Python (Basics of Python.docx attached)

Wrote Code for Variables and Lists in Python (Basics of Python.ipynb and Basics of Python.html are

Jazak Allah Khair and Regards

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 33
Course Execution Plan – BS(CS) Class
Course Execution Plan – MS / PhD Class
Timeline Lecture Tutorial Quiz Assignment
Week 1-4 1-3 1
Week 5 4 2
Week 6-7 5-6
Week 8 7 3 and 4
Week 9 Mid Term Exam
Week 10 8
Week 11-12 9, 13
Week 13 10
Week 14 11-12
Week 15-16 Semester Project Presentations
Terminal Exam
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 34
Semester Project

Your Assignment 03 and 04 will comprise of

Semester Project
Insha Allah, I will share a List of Potential Semester
Projects with you
Choose one Semester Project of your interest 😊

Note - You can do Semester Project on topic of your interest

but it must involve Machine Learning 😊

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 35

Book / Course Design and Development Methodology

This Book / Course is designed and developed using

the following approach

𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 + 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 36

Teaching Methodology

Insha Allah, this Book / Course will be taught using

the following Teaching Methodology

Course will NOT BE TAUGHT

‫ااشنءاہلل‬, Course will be


Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 37

Lecture Outline

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 38

Lecture Outline

1 What is Human Learning

2 Subjectivity in Human Learning
3 Deductive Learning vs. Inductive Learning

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 39

What is Human
Learning ?
‫‪Human Learning - Ultimate Goal‬‬

‫ےنبوہگےسانبےنواےل )اہلل( کتانچنہپ‬

‫?‪How to Achieve this Goal‬‬

‫ینبوہیئ زیوکانبےنواےلیکرمیضےکباط قالامعتلرکان‬

‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫‪41‬‬

Example -‫ینبوہیئ زیوکانبےنواےلیکرمیضےکباط قالامعتلرکان‬

Task Using Your Car

Choice No. 01 Choice No. 02

Use your Car According Use your Car As You

Two to Instructions of the Wish
Choices Creator
‫اینپ رمیض ےک باط ق الامعتل‬
‫انبےن واےل یک رمیض ےک‬ ‫رکان۔‬
‫باط قالامعتلرکان۔‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 42

Example - ‫ینبوہیئ زیوکانبےنواےلیکرمیضےکباط قالامعتلرکان‬

Task Outcome of Choice Outcome of Choice

No. 01 No. 02
Two main benefits Two main disadvantages
Outcomes You will enjoy the car You will not enjoy the
ride yourself car ride yourself
Society may also take Your car may also
benefit from your car harm others

The main reason for disaster in your lives and the whole world
Conclusion is that
• We are not using our body, mind and soul according to the
Instructions (given in ‫ ) رقآناپک‬by our Creator (‫)اہلل‬
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 43
Human Learning

A human is said to learn if his today (character) is better
than his yesterday (character)

To get excellence in character
A journey from

Beginner Intermediate Expert Excellence

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 44

Human Learning (Cont.)

Without learning, one cannot
get ‫رعمتف‬of Allah
understand how things in this world can be
used to serve the humanity for ‫اہللیکراض‬
understand how to Improve the quality of
life for an individual and society

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 45

Human Learning (Cont.)


Learning helps a human to

❑ Convert her/him-self from ‫ ویحاینووجد‬to ‫االخیقووجد‬
❑ Live a happy and peaceful life
❑ Serve humanity for the sake of ‫اہلل‬


Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 46

Human Learning (Cont.)

Signs of Learning

‫رہ زیاینپالعوتمںےساچہپیناجیتےہ‬
To judge if you are learning or not, check your ‫وسچ‬


Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 47

‫وسچںیماپزیکیگ – ‪Example‬‬

‫‪Task‬‬ ‫)‪ (Love and War‬تبحماورگنج‬

‫ارگنزیوںےنرضحتوپیٹاطلسنرحمتہاہللہیلع‬ ‫یلہپوسچ‬
‫ےساہک " تبحماورگنجںیمبساجزئےہ "‬
‫" مہاملسمنںیہ‪،‬مہےتہکںیہتبحموہایگنجوہ‪ ،‬وجیھبوہ‬ ‫دورسیوسچ‬
‫اجزئوہ "‬

‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫‪48‬‬

Advice of My Respected Teacher

Adeel! You are a Teacher

When you supervise a female student, you should

have same feelings for her as you have for your

When you work in collaboration with a female

colleague, you should have same feelings for her
as you have for your sister

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 49

Three Main Sources of Human Learning

Five Senses )‫)وحاسہسمخ‬

‫( انھکچ‬5) ‫( وسانگن‬4) ‫( اننس‬3) ‫( دانھکی‬2) ‫( وھچان‬1)



• ‫ لقع‬starts when Five Senses (‫ )وحاس ہسمخ‬ends

• Similarly, ‫ ویح‬starts when ‫ لقع‬ends
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 50
Example - Three Main Sources of Human Learning
Limitation of Five Senses )‫(وحاسہسمخ‬

You see an object (for e.g. a human) with one of your

Five Senses (‫ )دانھکی‬but cannot categories it as Male or

To categorize an object, you need ‫لقع‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 51

Example - Three Main Sources of Human Learning
Limitation of ‫لقع‬

You see (‫ )دانھکی‬an object (a human) and correctly

categorize it as a Male or Female

But ‫ لقع‬cannot decide with perfection and

authenticity whether it is appropriate (both for an
individual and society) to marry that human or not?

To answer this question with perfection and

authenticity, you need another source

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 52

Perfect and Most Authentic Source of Human Learning

‫ ویح‬is the perfect and most authentic source of human


‫ینبوہیئ زیوکانبےنواےلےسرتہبوکیئںیہناجات‬
Recall the example of Using Your Car which I
mentioned earlier in this lecture

‫ اہلل‬created us and He knows us better than anyone

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 53

Perfect and Most Authentic Source of Human Learning

So, to be successful in this world and hereafter

Surrender to the Will of ‫اہلل‬

‫ اہلل‬revealed his message for us through His pious and

chosen Messengers

‫ رضحتدمحمﷺ‬is the ‫ رسدار‬of All ‫ اایبنءایہٰلوالسم‬and

also the Last Messenger of ‫ اہلل‬i.e. ‫اخمتاالایبنء‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 54

Consider the following scenario and answer the questions given below

Person A has a wife and 5 children. Person B has a wife and 6

children. Person A kills Person B. Consequently, wife of
Person B becomes a widow and children become orphan.
How Person A should be treated on his act?
How ‫ لقع‬will fail to give a perfect solution (without Scope of Error) to
your selected situation? Give reasons in bullet points.
How ‫ ویح‬helps us to find a perfect solution to your selected situation?
Discuss with an ‫ اعمل‬and write down the perfect solution given by
‫ )ویح( رشتعی‬for your selected problem. Also, justify your answer with
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 55
Your Turn

❑ Write down a real-world situation similar to the one given
in TODO (on previous Slides)
How ‫ لقع‬will fail to give a perfect solution (without
Scope of Error) to your selected situation? Give reasons
in bullet points.
How ‫ ویح‬helps us to find a perfect solution to your
selected situation?
Discuss with an ‫ اعمل‬and write down the perfect
solution given by ‫ )ویح( رشتعی‬for your selected problem.
Also, justify your answer with reasoning.

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 56

Subjectivity in
Human Learning
Human Learning Cycle

To learn a task, four main phases of Human

Learning Cycle are

Training / 1 Feedback Phase

Learning Phase 4

Testing / 3
Evaluation Phase Phase

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 58

Example - Human Learning Cycle


Learn to Drive a Car

Training / Learning Phase

Trainee will Learn to Drive a Car (Task) from

a Trainer at a Training Center

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 59

Example - Human Learning Cycle (Cont.)

Testing / Evaluation Phase

Performance of Trainee will be evaluated by

an Examiner at a Test Center

If (Performance = Good)
Allow Trainee to Drive Car in the Real-World
i.e. give Trainee a Driving License for 5 Years
Ask Trainee to take more Training (go back to
Training Phase) and reappear for Evaluation

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 60

Example - Human Learning Cycle (Cont.)

Application Phase

Trainee performed well in Testing Phase and got a
Driving License
After getting the Driving License, Trainee has become
a Professional Driver
In Application Phase
Professional Driver will drive a car in real-world

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 61

Example - Human Learning Cycle (Cont.)

Feedback Phase

Performance of Professional Driver is continuously

monitored by Traffic Police

If (Feedback of Traffic Police = Good)

Keep Driving in Real-world

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 62

Example - Human Learning Cycle (Cont.)

Feedback Phase

After 5 years, Professional Drive is re-evaluated

If (Good Driving Skills = Maintained)

Renew Driving License for Next 5
Go to Training Phase and re-appear
for Evaluation after completing
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 63
Example - Human Learning Cycle (Cont.)


This Human Learning Cycle continues till death


❑ Learning is a continuous process till death

❑ Therefore, Be a Learner Till Death

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 64

Subjectivity in Real-world


In real-world, majority of things are Subjective



Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 65

Subjectivity in Learning
Learn Machine Learning

One Possible Approach

Take CSC315: Introduction to Machine Learning Course
i.e. Training / Learning Phase

After taking the course, the question is
How much you have learned Machine Learning?
Note that the answer to this question is Subjective
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 66
Subjectivity in Learning (Cont.)

Quantify the Degree of Learning

When we Quantify things, we try to establish Standard
Approach(es) / Practices for Quantification

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 67

Steps – Quantifying the Degree of Learning

Step 1 Define the Task

Step 2 Define Main Components of Training / Learning and Testing /

Evaluation Phases using Standard Approach / Practice

Main Components of Training / Learning Phase

Trainer / Instructor
• Standard Approach - Must be a Domain Expert
Standard Training / Learning Material
Standard Training / Learning Environment
Standard Training / Learning Methodology

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 68

Steps – Quantifying the Degree of Learning (Cont.)
Step 2 Define Main Components of Training / Learning and Testing /
Evaluation Phases using Standard Approach / Practice

Main Components of Testing / Evaluation Phase

Examiner / Invigilator
• Standard Approach - Must be a Domain Expert
Standard Testing / Evaluation Material
Standard Testing / Evaluation Environment
Standard Testing / Evaluation Methodology
Standard Evaluation Measure

Step 3 Trainer will Train the Trainee on the Task during

the Training Phase

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 69

Steps – Quantifying the Degree of Learning (Cont.)

Step 4 After the completion of Training Phase

Examiner will evaluate the performance of the Trainee on the
Task that (s)he learned in Step 3 (i.e. Training Phase)

Step 5
If (Performance in Testing Phase = Good)
Allow the Trainee to perform the Task in real
world i.e. Application Phase
Ask the Trainee to Go to Step 3 and take more
Training and re-appear for Evaluation
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 70
Steps – Quantifying the Degree of Learning (Cont.)
Step 6 After deployment in real-world i.e. Application Phase

Take Feedback from both Domain Experts and Users /

Audience / Participants (Feedback Phase)

Step 7 Based on Feedback

Go to Step 2, and repeat all phases of Human Learning

Cycle to further improve learning and keep doing this till
death i.e. Be a Learner till Death

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 71

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning)

Step 1 Define the task

Learn Machine Learning by taking the

CSC315: Introduction to Machine Learning

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 72

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)
Define Main Components of Training / Learning
Step 2 and Testing / Evaluation Phases using Standard
Approach / Practice
Main Components of Training / Learning Phase
Trainer / Instructor
o Teacher with at least 18 years of Education
Standard Training / Learning Material
o List of Topics to be taught
o Lecture Slides / Notes
o Best Seller Books on Machine Learning
o Tutorials / Blogs on Machine Learning
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 73
Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

Main Components of Training / Learning Phase

Standard Training / Learning Environment

o University classrooms, labs, library etc.

Standard Training / Learning Methodology

o Number of Teaching Hours (Lectures + Tutorials Delivered)

o Standard Approach
• 3 hours / week for a total of 16 weeks

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 74

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

Main Components of Testing / Evaluation Phase

o Standard Approach – Teacher who taught the course

Standard Testing / Evaluation Material

o List of Topics taught during the Training / Learning Phase

Standard Testing / Evaluation Environment

o University Exam Rooms / Labs

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 75

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

Main Components of Testing / Evaluation Phase

Standard Testing / Evaluation Methodology
o Take Quiz / Assignment / Exams
o Standard Approach
• 2 assignments / quizzes and 1 – 2 exams

Standard Evaluation Measure

o Marks
• Standard Approach - Scale [0 – 100]
0 means no learning and 100 means perfect learning
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 76
Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

Trainer will Train the Trainees (Students) on the

Step 3 Task (Learn Machine Learning) during the
Training Phase

Teacher will deliver lectures on various topics

of Machine Learning and answer student’s
queries to teach student’s Machine Learning

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 77

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

Step 4 After the completion of Training Phase

Examiner will evaluate the performance of the

Trainee on the Task that (s)he learned in Step 3
(i.e. Training Phase)

Examiner (Teacher) will evaluate the

performance of students using Standard
Evaluation Tools i.e. Quiz / Assignment / Exams

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 78

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

Step 5
If (Performance in Testing Phase = Good)
Allow the Trainee to Perform the
Task in Real World i.e. Application
Ask the Trainee to Go to Step 3 and
take more Training and re-appear
for Evaluation

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 79

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

Step 5 If (Marks >= 50)

Student will get a Grade which
Quantifies the Degree of Learning
achieved by the student in
Machine Learning Course
Learning is not satisfactory and
student will have to take further
Training to improve his learning

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 80

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

After deployment in Real-world i.e.

Step 6 Application Phase

Take Feedback from both Domain Experts and

Users / Audience / Participants (Feedback Phase)

Student should take Feedback from his / her

Teacher and other Domain Experts about his
knowledge / expertise in Machine Learning

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 81

Example - Steps (Quantifying the Degree of Learning) (Cont.)

Step 7 Based on Feedback

Go to Step 2, and repeat all phases of Human

Learning Cycle to further improve learning and
keep doing this till death i.e. Be a Learner till

Student should further improve his knowledge

about Machine Learning based on Feedback

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 82

Consider the following Tasks and answer the question given below

Task 01
Learn to Make Tea
Task 02
Learn to Become a Good Teacher

Apply Human Learning Cycle on the two Tasks (similar to Task: Learn to
drive a Car given in Lecture)
Apply Steps: Quantify the Degree of Learning on these two Tasks

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 83

Your Turn


Apply Human Learning Cycle on the Two Tasks (similar

to Task: Learn to drive a Car given in Lecture)

Apply Steps: Quantify the Degree of Learning on two


Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 84

Deductive Learning
vs. Inductive
Two Main Types of Learning

Deductive Inductive
Learning Learning

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 86

Deductive Learning

Learning by using proven success methods

To learn without making even a single mistake
i.e. no wastage of time, effort and resources
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 87
Deductive Learning (Cont.)
Life is very short
Question - How to get success (become a balanced and
characterful person) in this short life?
Answer - Use Deductive Learning Approach
Example - One Success Formula after Reading 6000 Books –
Author: Cop Copimar
o Successful people always learn from successful people
(Deductive Learning)
o Unsuccessful people keep on trying their own ways
(Inductive Learning – Will be discussed in next Slides
َّٰ‫) ِإ ْ َشناءٱلله‬
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 88
Deductive Learning (Cont.)

Very Very Important Note

The most successful person in this world (till the Day of
Judgment) and hereafter is ‫رضحتدمحم ﷺ‬
Therefore, to quickly and easily get success
o Simply follow ‫ رضحت دمحم ﷺ‬in all matters of

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 89
Deductive Learning (Cont.)

In Deductive Learning, we learn from experts
o We first learn a task, then experience it
o No new knowledge is generated
o There is no Scope of Error

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 90

Steps – Deductive Learning

Step 1 Define the Learning Task

Search for the proven success methods used by

Step 2 the most successful person(s) who were an
authority in the whole world in the Task you want
to learn

Simply follow (‫ ) ویبوقفنبرک‬proven success methods

Step 3 used by the successful person(s) in the world and
you will be successful in this life and hereafter

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 91

Two Main Approaches to Search for Proven Success Methods

Meet and learn from the successful person(s)

1 who became an authority in the whole world in
the Task you want to learn

Read books which describe the proven success

2 methods used by the successful people to get
success in this world and hereafter

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 92

Example 01 - Steps (Deductive Learning)
Step 1
Define the Learning Task
O Learning Task
Should I increase my income by taking interest )‫? )وسد‬

Step 2
Search for the proven success methods used by the most
successful person(s) who were an authority in the whole
world in the Task you want to learn
O Allah created us and He knows us better than anyone.
O ‫ رقآن اپک‬is the ‫ الکم‬of ‫اہلل‬.
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 93
Example 01 - Steps (Deductive Learning) (Cont.)
Step 2
O Therefore, it is the most authentic and reliable
book in the whole Universe till the Day of Judgment
O When I searched for proven success methods used by
successful people to increase their income, I found the
following ‫آایت‬.
O ‫ اہلل‬says in ‫رقآناپک‬

ِّ ۡ ۡ ۡ
﴾۲۷۶ -‫الرهبوا مويُرِِّب الص مقَد هت ﴿ سورة البقرة‬ ٰ‫مَي مح ُق ه‬
ِّٰ ُ‫اّلل‬
‫ اہللوسدوکاٹماتےہاوردصاقتوکڑباھات‬:‫رتہمج‬
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 94
‫)‪Example 01 - Steps (Deductive Learning) (Cont.‬‬

‫اّلل ورس ۡولِّهٖ‌ۚ واِّ ۡن ت ۡب تمۡ‬

‫ِّ‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫فم م ۡم م ۡ م ُ م ٰۡ م ۡ ٰ م م ُ ۡ ۡ م ُ ُ‬
‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ا‬‫و‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ذ‬‫ا‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ا‬‫و‬ ‫ل‬
‫ُ‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ت‬ ‫َّل‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬
‫ِّ‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫س امم موال ُكم مَل تمظل ُمو من مومَل تُظلم ُمو من ﴿ سورة‬ ‫و‬ ‫ء‬ ‫ر‬ ‫م‬ ‫ۡ‬ ‫ك‬
‫ُ‬ ‫ل‬
‫م‬ ‫ف‬
‫ُ ُ‬ ‫ُ‬
‫رتہمج‪ :‬رھپیھبارگمتااسیہنرکوےگوتاہللاوراسےک‬
‫روسلﷺ یکرطفےساالعنگنجنسول‪ .‬اورارگ‬
‫ےہ‪ .‬ہنمتیسکرپملظرکو‪،‬ہنمترپملظایکاجگ‬
‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫‪95‬‬
Example 01 - Steps (Deductive Learning)
Step 3
Simply follow (‫ ) ویبوقف نب رک‬proven success methods used by
the successful person(s) in the world and you will be
successful in this life and hereafter:
O What I have learned from above mentioned proven success
methods to increase my income is that
❑ If I take interest ( ‫ ) وسد‬I can never be successful in life
because taking interest ( ‫ ) وسد‬is war with ‫ اہلل‬and His ‫روسل ﷺ‬
❑ If I take interest ( ‫ ) وسد‬my income will decrease and if I give charity
( ‫ ) دصہق‬my income will increase
O Conclusion
❑ To increase your income
➢ Give charity ( ‫ ) دصہق‬and
➢ Don’t take interest ( ‫) وسد‬
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 96
Example 02 - Steps (Deductive Learning)
Step 1
Define the Learning Task
O Learning Task
What will happen if I speak truth or lie ?

Step 2
Search for the proven success methods used by the most
successful person(s) who were an authority in the whole
world in the Task you want to learn
O ‫ رضحت دمحم ﷺ‬is the Last Messenger and the most successful
person in this world (till the Day of Judgment) and hereafter
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 97
Example 02 - Steps (Deductive Learning) (Cont.)
Step 2
O Therefore, it will be perfect to search for proven success methods
used by Him S.A.W.W. to do the Task that I want to learn
O His (S.A.W.W.) ‫( ااحدثیابمرہک‬quotes) are present in different authentic
books including

Sr. No. Book Name

1 Sahih al-Bukhari ‫حیحصاخبری‬
2 Sahih Muslim ‫حیحصملسم‬
3 Sunan Abi Dawud ‫ننساوبداود‬
4 Jami` al-Tirmidhi ‫اجعمارتلذمی‬
5 Sunan al-Nasa`I ‫ننسااسنلیئ‬
6 Sunan Ibn Majah ‫ننسانبامہج‬
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 98
‫)‪Example 02 - Steps (Deductive Learning) (Cont.‬‬
‫‪He (S.A.W.W.) said‬‬
‫ِّ‬ ‫الب ي ْه ِّقَدي إِّ مل اجلن ِّ‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫الص ْقَد مق ي ْه ِّ‬
‫ص ُقَد ُق محّت يم ُكو من‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬
‫ُم م ْ‬‫ل‬ ‫ج‬‫الر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫إ‬‫و‬ ‫م م‬‫‪،‬‬ ‫ة‬ ‫م‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫إ‬‫و‬ ‫ٰ م‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫الب‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫ل‬‫م‬ ‫إ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫قَد‬ ‫إِّن ٰ م‬
‫ب‬ ‫ار‪ ،‬وإِّن الرجل لمي ْك ِّ‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫الن‬ ‫ل‬‫م‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫إ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ور‪ ،‬وإِّن ال ُفجور ي ْه ِّ‬
‫قَد‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ف‬
‫ُ‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ل‬ ‫م‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫إ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ص ِّٰقَدي ًقا‪ .‬وإِّن ال مك ِّذب ي ْه ِّ‬
‫قَد‬ ‫ِّ‬
‫ُم م ُ‬ ‫م‬ ‫ُ مم‬ ‫ُ م‬ ‫م م‬ ‫م‬
‫(صحيح خباری)‬ ‫حّت ي ْكتب ِّع ْن مقَد ِّ‬
‫اّلل مكذ ًاب‬ ‫م ُ مم‬
‫رتہمج‪ :‬کشیب چس(ااسنن وک)وکین اکری اک راہتس التبات ےہ اور وکین اکری ًانیقی(ااسنن وک)‬
‫تنجںیماچنہپدیتیےہ اورکشیبآدیمچسوباتلراتہےہاہیںکتہک اہللاعتٰیل‬
‫ےک اہں(اس اک انم)دصنیقی ںیم ھکل دای اجات ےہ(اس ےک ربسکع)وھجٹ(ااسنن‬
‫وک ) دباکری اک راہتس التبات ےہ اور دباکری ًانیقی(ااسنن وک)منہج ںیم اچنہپدیتی اور کشیب‬
‫آدیم وھجٹ وباتل راتہ ےہ اہیں کت ہک اہلل اعتٰیل ےک اہں(اس اک انم)ذکانیب ڑبے‬
‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫‪99‬‬
Example 02 - Steps (Deductive Learning) (Cont.)
Step 3
Simply follow (‫ ) ویبوقف نب رک‬proven success methods used by
the successful person(s) in the world and you will be
successful in this life and hereafter:
O What I have learned from above mentioned proven
success methods by the most successful person
(Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W.) in this world (till the Day
of Judgment) and hereafter is that
❑ In any situation
➢ if I speak the truth, I will get ‫ نجات‬and
➢ if I speak the lie ‫ جھوٹ‬then I will get ‫ہلاکت‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 100

‫‪Why People Fail to Follow Deductive Learning Approach‬‬
‫‪Reason for Failure‬‬
‫‪O When you follow the proven success methods used by‬‬
‫‪successful person(s) then‬‬
‫آپ وک اصقنن وہات رظن آگ ا‬
‫رظن(اشمدہے)ےکاجبگربخ(بیغ) رپنیقیرںیھک(یہیاامینےہ)‬
‫رہ زیاہللےکےضبقاوردقرتںیمےہاوراسےکمکحےکاتعبںیہ‬
‫عفناوراصقنناکامکلاہللےہ وہاچےہعفن ےساصقنناکنلدےاوراچےہوتاصقننںیمےس‬
‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫ہینبدےھکیاکوسداےہ‬ ‫‪101‬‬

‫رضحتدمحمﷺ یکالیئوہیئامتمربخوںوکقحاورچس‬

Stronger the ‫ اامین‬you have, the easier it will
be for you to follow Hazrat Muhammad

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 102

Example - Why People Fail to Follow Deductive Learning

❑ Consider that you have Rs. 100

❑ Two Choices to Increase Income
❑ Choice No. 01
❖ Take interest ( ‫ ) وسد‬of 15%
❑ Choice No. 02
❖ Give ‫ دصہق‬of Rs. 5

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 103

Example - Why People Fail to Follow Deductive Learning
❑ Outcomes of Two Choices based on ‫(اشمدہہ) رظن‬
❖ Outcome – Choice No. 01
➢ Your money will increase from Rs. 100 to Rs. 115
❖ Outcome – Choice No. 02
➢ Your money will decrease Rs. 100 to Rs. 95
❑ Outcomes of Two Choices based on ‫(بیغ) ربخ‬
❖ Outcome – Choice No. 01
➢ Your income will definitely decrease, and you will not be
successful in this life and hereafter
❖ Outcome – Choice No. 02
➢ Your income will definitely increase, and you will be
successful in this life and hereafter
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 104
Example - Why People Fail to Follow Deductive Learning

❑ Conclusion
➢ To learn any task and be successful in this life and
hereafter, simply follow (‫ ) ویبوقف نب رک‬the proven
success methods used by the most successful
person i.e. ‫رضحتدمحم ﷺ‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 105

Reason of ‫ احصہبرکامریضاہللاعتٰیلہنع‬Success

‫ احصہب رکام ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬were successful in this life and
hereafter, in all disciplines of life including Social
System, Economic Systems, Business, Family System,
Education System, Health System, Governance, etc.
➢ They (R.A.) simply followed the proven success
methods used by the most successful person i.e.
‫رضحتدمحم ﷺ‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 106

Inductive Learning

1 Definition
Learning a general rule from specific examples of
a task

2 Purpose
To experience things ourselves

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 107

Inductive Learning (Cont.)

3 Remarks
In Inductive Learning
❑ We learn from examples of a task
❑ New knowledge is generated
❑ There is Scope of Error
❑ Learning process is very slow

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 108

Steps – Inductive Learning

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Define the Take Learn from Generalize
learning task examples of Examples the task
the task to learned
be learned from

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 109

Example - Steps (Inductive Learning)
Step 1 Define the learning task
Learning Task
What will happen if I speak truth or lie?

Step 2 Take examples of the task to be learned

1 example – if I speak 1 time (Truth / Lie)
50 examples – if I speak 50 times (Truth / Lie)
100 examples – if I speak 100 times (Truth / Lie)
Note: For more accurate learning, I need both Positive
(speak truth) and Negative (speak lie) examples
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 110
Example - Steps (Inductive Learning) (Cont.)

Step 3 Learn from Examples

I speak (truth / lie) in 100 different situations

50 times I speak truth

➢ 30 times I got ‫ نفع‬and 20 times I got ‫اصقنن‬
50times I speak lie
➢ 25 times I got ‫ نفع‬and 25 times I got ‫اصقنن‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 111

Example - Steps (Inductive Learning) (Cont.)

Generalize the task learned from specific

Step 4 examples

To conclude, I learned that in majority cases

speaking truth is better than speaking lie

As your experience (no. of times you speak

Note (truth / lie) in different situations) will
increase, you will reach the conclusion that

Speaking truth is good and speaking lie is bad

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 112

Biggest Disadvantage of Inductive Learning Approach

Life is very short and we don’t have time to do experiments

to learn each and everything from scratch to be successful
in this life and hereafter
Considering example discussed in previous Slides
Ultimately, you will learn that speaking truth is good and
speaking lie is bad, but in this learning process, you will lose your
credibility and a lot of time, effort and resources will be wasted

Unfortunately, around 95% of the people fail in life due to

following the Inductive Learning Approach

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 113

Consider the following Tasks and answer the question given below

Task 01
‫ الحلاکہمقل‬O
Task 02
➢ Considering Deductive Learning Approach
Collect proven success methods from ‫ رقآن اپک‬and Books of
‫ ااحدثیابمرک‬on the two Tasks
Conclude your findings on proven success methods from ‫ رقآن اپک‬and
Books of ‫ ااحدثیابمرک‬on these two Tasks

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 114


❑ Use ISLAM360 App for finding ‫ ااحدثی ابمرک‬and Ayat of

‫ رقآناپک‬with References
❑ For IPhone Users
➢ Download Link

❑ For Android Users

➢ Download Link

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 115

Your Turn

❑ Select any two Tasks from Real-world
Collect proven success methods from ‫ رقآن اپک‬and
Books of ‫ ااحدثیابمرک‬on these two Tasks
Conclude your findings on proven success methods
from ‫ رقآن اپک‬and Books of ‫ ااحدثی ابمرک‬on these
two Tasks

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 116

Lecture Summary

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 117

Lecture Summary

Life = Technical Skills (15%) + Human Engineering (85%)

To Master the Art of Living, mainly get Excellence in two

Become a Balanced and Characterful Personality
Become an Authority in Machine Learning in the whole

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 118

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

To develop such a Machine which behaves like Human

It is essential to first understand
What is the ultimate goal of Human Learning?
How Human learns?
What are the main sources of Human Learning?
How efficiently and quickly a Human can learn?
How Human Heart and other body parts co-ordinate
to learn?
What internal and external factors effect the Human
Learning Process?
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 119
Lecture Summary (Cont.)

The ultimate goal of Human Learning is

A very simple approach to achieve this goal is
‫ینبوہیئ زیوکانبےنواےلیکرمیضےکباط قالامعتلرکان‬
A human is said to learn if his today (character) is
better than his yesterday (character)
To judge if you are learning or not, check your ‫وسچ‬
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 120
Lecture Summary (Cont.)

Advice of My Respected Teacher

Adeel! You are a Teacher

When you supervise a female student, you should have
same feelings for her as you have for your daughter

When you work in collaboration with a female colleague,

you should have same feelings for her as you have for
your sister

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 121

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

A Human mainly has three main sources of learning

Five Senses (‫)وحاسہسمخ‬
‫ انھکچ‬5 ‫ وسانگن‬4 ‫ وسانگن‬3 ‫دانھکی‬ 2 ‫ وھچان‬1
The important point to note among all these three sources
it that
‫ لقع‬starts when Five Senses ( ‫ )وحاسہسمخ‬ends

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 122

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

Similarly, ‫ ویح‬starts when ‫لقع‬ends

‫ ویح‬is the perfect and most authentic source of Human
Learning is a Searching Problem and it continues till death
To learn any Task, Human Learning Cycle comprises of four
main Phases
Training / Learning Phase Application Phase
Testing / Evaluation Phase Feedback Phase
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 123
Lecture Summary (Cont.)

One of the major problems in Human Learning is how to

Quantify the Degree of Learning because
in the Real-world, majority of things are Subjective
Generally, to Quantify the Degree of Learning Standard
Approaches / Practices are established for a Task
To systematically learn a Task, use the following Step by
Step approach
Step 1 Define the Task

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 124

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

Step 2 Define Main Components of Training / Learning

and Testing / Evaluation Phases using Standard
Approach / Practice
Main Components of Training / Learning Phase
Trainer / Instructor
Standard Approach - Must be a Domain Expert
Standard Training / Learning Material
Standard Training / Learning Environment
Standard Training / Learning Methodology

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 125

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

Main Components of Testing / Evaluation Phase

Examiner / Invigilator
Standard Approach - Must be a Domain Expert
Standard Testing / Evaluation Material
Standard Testing / Evaluation Environment
Standard Testing / Evaluation Methodology
Standard Evaluation Measure
Step 3 Trainer will Train the Trainee on the Task during
the Training Phase

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 126

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

Step 4 After the completion of Training Phase

Examiner will evaluate the performance of the
Trainee on the Task that (s)he learned in Step 3 (i.e.
Training Phase)
Step 5 If (Performance in Testing Phase = Good)
Allow the Trainee to perform the Task in real world
i.e. Application Phase
Ask the Trainee to Go to Step 3 and take more
Training and re-appear for Evaluation
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 127
Lecture Summary (Cont.)

Step 6 After deployment in Real-world i.e. Application

Feedback from both Domain Experts and Users /
Audience / Participants (Feedback Phase)

Step 7 Based on Feedback

Go to Step 2, and repeat all phases of Human
Learning Cycle to further improve learning and keep
doing this till death i.e. Be a Learner till Death 😊

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 128

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

From Machine Learning perspective, Human Learning can

be broadly categorized into
Deductive Learning
Inductive Learning
In Deductive Learning Approach, a Concept / Task is
learned by using Proven Success Methods
The most successful person in this world (till the Day of
Judgement) and hereafter is ‫رضحتدمحم ﷺ‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 129

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

Therefore, to quickly and easily get success in this

world and hereafter
Simply follow ‫ رضحتدمحم ﷺ‬in all matters of life 😊


‫ہیاہجں زیےہایکولحوملق‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 130

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

To systematically learn a Task through Deductive Learning

Approach, a Step by Step approach is as follows,
Step 1 Define the Learning Task

Step 2 Search for the Proven Success Methods used by the

most successful person(s) who were an authority in
the whole world in the Task you want to learn
Step 3 Simply follow (‫ )ویبوقف نب رک‬Proven Success Methods
used by the successful person(s) in the world and you
will be successful in this life and hereafter

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 131

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

The main reason why majority of people fail to follow the

Deductive Learning Approach is that
When you follow the Proven Success Methods used by
successful person(s) then

‫آپوکاصقنن وہاترظنآگا‬
‫رظن(اشمدہے) ےکاجبگربخ(بیغ) رپنیقیرںیھک‬
Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 132
‫)‪Lecture Summary (Cont.‬‬

‫رہ زیاہللےکےضبقاوردقرتںیمےہاوراسےکمکحےکاتعبںیہ‬
‫رضحتدمحمﷺ یکالیئوہیئامتمربخوںوکقحاورچسامانناچےہ‬
‫‪Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab‬‬ ‫‪133‬‬
Lecture Summary (Cont.)

Stronger the ‫ اامین‬you have, the easier it will be for you

to follow Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W.
The main reason why ‫ احصہب رکام ریض اہلل اعتٰیل ہنع‬were
successful in this life and hereafter, in “all” disciplines of
life including Social System, Economic Systems, Business,
Family System, Education System, Health System,
Governance, etc. is that
They (R.A.) simply followed the proven success methods
used by the most successful person i.e. ‫رضحتدمحمﷺ‬

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 134

Lecture Summary (Cont.)

In Inductive Learning Approach, a Human learns from his

own experiences
To systematically learn a Task using Inductive Learning
Approach, a Step by Step approach is as follows
Step 1 Define the learning Task
Step 2 Take examples of the Task to be learned
Step 3 Learn from Examples
Step 4 Generalize the task learned from specific examples

Dr. Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab 135

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