Assignment 1

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David Baltmore’s virus classification system

The Baltimore Classification system was created by an American Biologist based on type of
genome and replication strategy. Viruses are grouped according to their manner of mRNA
synthesis and the characteristics on whether the genome is made of DNA or RNA, the
strandedness of the genome either single or double stranded together with sense of a single
stranded genome which is either positive or negative. (Baltmore 1971).Six classes developed
into 7 groups of classification.
Class 1: Double-Stranded DNA viruses
Viruses with double strand DNA genomes enter the host’s nucleus before they can replicate
except the poxvirus family.They use the host’s DNA polymerases to replicate the viral
genome.They synthesise their mRNA in 3 processes whereby in the 1st step a transcription
preinitiation complex at the transcription site on DNA causing the need of host RNA
polymerase.In the 2nd step, the RNA polymerase synthesis mRNA strands from the negative
strand by using it as a template.The transcription processes stop in the last step when mRNA
reaches a specific site known as the polyadenylation.Different types of genomic replication are
used by these viruses which include bidirectional replication and rolling circle
mechanism.Examples of double stranded DNA viruses include Herspesviridae,Adenoviridae and
Papoviridae.(MN Editors 2022)

Class II: Single-Stranded (+) DNA viruses

Viruses have single strands of DNA as their genome.DNA replication occurs in the nucleus which
involves formation of a negative(-) sense strand and acts as a template for positive(+) strand
RNA and DNA synthesis. DNA is first converted into double-stranded before RNA is transcribed.
e.g., Parvoviruses such as Canine parvovirus. (Tankeshwar 2022)

Class III : Double Stranded RNA Viruses

Viruses with double strands of RNA undergo replication process in the core capsid in the
cytoplasm. Unlike other viruses, they do not use the host’s replication polymerases and
replication is monocistronic which includes, individual segmented genomes that is each gene
codes for one protein. Examples include Reoviridae and Birnaviridae. (Apraku 2015)
Class IV : Single-Stranded(+) sense RNA Viruses

Viruses have single strands of RNA as their genome and possess a positive(+) polarity. In the
process of copying the genomic RNA, replicative intermediates are made from double-stranded
RNA.These intermediates form most full length RNA stands with negative(-) polarity
complimentary to the positive(+) stranded genomic RNA. Replicative intermediates will serve as
templates for the synthesis of RNA with positive (+) polarity and also shorter viral mRNAs.
(Biology for Majors II) Examples of Class IV viruses are
Caliciviridae,Coronoviridae,Flaviviridae,Picornaviridae,Arteriviridae and Togaviridae

Class V: Single Stranded RNA Viruses

Viruses in class V have a negative(-) sense strand RNA genome. Viruses must undergo
transcription by a viral polymerase in order to produce a readable strand of messenger
RNA.The genomes of Class V viruses can either be segmented or non-segmented.(Dr Shaffer
2019).Replication occurs in the cytoplasm for non segmented genome viruses with negative
strands while viruses with segmented genome under replication in the nucleus whereby each
genome segment produes monocistronic messenger RNA.(Apraku 2015) Examples include
Arenaviridae, Orthomyxoviridae,Paramyxoviridae,Bunyaviridaem,Filoviridae.

Class VI: Positive Sense Single Stranded RNA Viruses

Viruses replicate using reverse trancriptase and possess single strands of RNA genomes.
Replication occurs through DNA intermediates[]. Viruses are classied as reverse
transcribing since the viral DNAs are a product of reverse transcription.[Ryu 2017,Burell et
al.,2017] Examples include Retroviruses,RNA tumor viruses such as leukemia viruses.

Class VII:Double Stranded DNA Genomes Replicated by Reverse Transcriptase

Viruses use reverse transcriptase to replicate through single-stranded RNA intermediates. RNA
strands are transcribed from the genome in the cytoplasm using the host’s RNA
polymerase.The double stranded DNA genome is produced from pregonomic RNA strands.
[ViralZone 2020] Examples include Hepadviridae, Hepatatis B


ViralZone Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. August,2020

(Apraku 2015),

presentation (MN Editors, 2020)

(Dr Shaffer, 2019),


(Biology for majors II),


(Ryu 2017,Burell et al.,2017),

.(Tankeshwar 2022),

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