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I n f e c t i o n

c o n t r o l
Rouda Mohammed 12g1
three things that are needed
for an infection to spread

A Source A person Transmission

This is where germs are found
with a way for the germs to The way germs are moved
and can include surfaces in
enter their body. to a person.
the home or public places
and on the skin.
a n t i b i o t i c s

Antibiotics are a medication designed to kill

bacteria and prevent infections from

is a potent, broad-spectrum antibiotics that

act through inhibition of protein synthesis.
antibiotic resistance
If over time antibiotics are
overused, they are no longer as
effective in killing bacteria. This is
called antibiotic resistance. This
can increase the chance of infection
spreading from person to person.
e a l t h c a r e i n f e c t
a n h i o n sh
e c a
e r p p
w h e n

Hospitals Dentists
a l t h c a r e i n f e c t i o
h e types n
surgical infections an infection in one or meningitis
in the area a person both lungs. an infection of the
has been operated on. brain and spinal cord
e i n f e c t i o n c o n t r
c t i s o l i
r a n ho
o p s
s t p i t
a y a ls
Hand washing Screening

Procedures for the

decontamination of people
and the environment
rules to prevent the spread infections
and diseases in school

1- hand washing break between classes.

2- student must not share personal equipment's with friends &
classmates such as pens.
3- reminding students of sneezing etiquette and personal hygiene
4- students must wear masks.
5- the school must sell healthy food and snacks that are full of
nutritions so students have better immune.

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