CATUBIG-Social Injustices Vis-À-Vis USC Vision Mission

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Catubig, Maria Judith A.

BSA – 1
Group 34

Social Injustices vis-à-vis USC Vision Mission

Social Problems in the My Negative Attitude/Tendency Based on your answers in the
Philippines that Contributes to the second column, what do you
Perpetuation of the Social intend to do to improve your
Problem (or if you can hardly way of “vanishing the darkness
identify a negative tendency, of sin and the night of unbelief”
mention a positive attitude or
tendency that Contributes to
the Eradication of the Social
1. Body-shaming Negative - I often openly share Feeling insecure about oneself
my bodily insecurities with does not vanish overnight. I will
others, making them more try to accept what I have and be
insecure. Also, I tell jokes about thankful for it. Spreading
someone’s insecurities without confidence starts with one’s
thinking about the self. I will work on building up
consequences. Instead of my esteem and help others
spreading confidence, I build theirs too.
unknowingly promoted body
2. Lack of education Positive – Whenever I have Teaching is one of my passions.
time, I give grammar lessons to In fact, I do catechism every
our housekeeper, Ate Nona, Flores de Mayo. When I become
who only finished high school more capable, I plan to teach as
level, to make her more my side job in the future.
educated about the English
3. Poverty Positive – Every chance that I When I become financially
have, I always give out alms and capable, I plan to donate a large
small in-kinds to homeless amount of help to charities and
people on the streets. Also, one organizations to combat
of my charity routines is to give poverty in my town. But for
out my old but rarely used now, all I can do is make small
clothes to my neighbors sacrifices to make others’ lives
quarterly. better.

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