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Catubig, Maria Judith, A.

Group 34
BSA -1

Social problems vis-a-vis My Attitudes and Behavior

Argument leads to a stabbing incident in Alegria town
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1. How do you feel about the news story or photo?

a. Crime-related activities rarely happen in my hometown. We usually do not
come across major incidents like this where we fear for our lives. Upon hearing
and reading this story, I feel sad about the life that is wasted away because of
a mere argument. I do not know the true reason behind their
misunderstanding but the suspect was clearly not in his right mind to resolve
it through violence.
2. Have you done anything to help improve the situation? What could you do more to
help in the situation if given the chance?
a. I don’t personally know the people involved. However, a relative of the victim
was a former classmate of mine. Our class donated financial support to the
victim’s family to help alleviate their grief. There was nothing more I can do
that can substantially improve their situation. However, as a student leader, I
can help people avoid incidents like these by establishing school programs that
are focused on how to build a good relationship with others, like School
Retreats, talks, and seminars, and other related relationship-building school

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