Kisi2 Uts People in Organization

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1) soal Behaviour Assessment, alasan kenapa kalian punya weakness itu.

Cara menanggulangi
weakness itu dari strength kamu.

STRENGHS : Emphaty, Service Orientation, Conscientiousness, Locus of Control, Interpersonal

WEAKNESS : Communication, Managing Conflict, Verbal

2) FIRO-B, menjelaskan FIRO-B anggota sindikat, atau salah satu orang.

Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior

INCLUSION : Shows that there is need of each of us to include and others and to be included by
others , to be a member of team and being around with others

CONTROL : Shows that there is a need in each of us to control and to be controlled by others ( lead,
influence, direct)

AFFECTION : Shows that all of us need affection, caring closeness with others


• Marco seems prefer working alone and prefer not to involved others in his activity ,
however he needs and wants to be more involved by others ( Exp 4 versus 6)

• Marco tend to be more dominant and control others , eventhough he does not want to be
controlled by others ( Control Ex 9 ) versus ( Wanted Control 4)

• Marco tend to be “stay and keep distance with others” but at the same time he wants other
people show warm and intimeta with him ( Affection Exp 2, Affection Wanted 9 )

3) Kamu Type A atau Type B, jelaskan kenapa

Tipe A: keterlibatan secara agresif dalam perjuangan terus menerus untuk mencapai lebih
banyak dalam waktu yang lebih sedikit.

4) Case Study (tahun lalu Rudi&Kana, seharusnya tahun ini antara Road to Hell atau The Team
that Wasn't) <- analisis menggunakan teori macem2\

3. MARS (individual Motivation, Abilities, Role Perception and Situational Factors)

• Individual Behavior and Result are influenced by his or her motivation and his or her ability

• In doing his or her effort to behave , he or she will be influenced by his or role role
perceptions as well as by situational factors

• All MARS model of individual are influence by VALUE , PERSONALITY ,PERCEPTIONS,


• It means if company or organization need to do something wit behavior and result, it can
be learned by MARS and all related

4. Rokeach value

Membedakan dua value:

1. Terminal values: desirable end states. Example: prosperity, economic success, freedom,
health, well-being, world peace, and meaning in life.
2. Instrumental values: means of achieving terminal values. Example: autonomy and self-
reliance, personal discipline, kindness, and goal-orientation.

5. Seligman Model (Perma)

PERMA Model (Seligman and Kahle)

Theoretical model of happiness. Helps understand elements that promote happiness.
P – Positive Emotion, feeling good. Ability to remain optimistic and view one’s past, present, and
future from a constructive perspective.

E – Engagement, finding flow. Activities that meet our need for engagement, whether it’s
playing an instrument, playing a sport, dancing. Stretches our intelligence, skills, and emotional

R – Relationships, authentic connections. We thrive on connections that promote love, intimacy,

and a strong emotional and physical interaction with other humans.

M – Meaning, purposeful existence. Understanding the impact of your work and why you chose
to “show up at the office” may help you enjoy the tasks and become more satisfied with what
you do.

A – Accomplishments, a sense of achievements/accomplishments. Having goals and ambition in

life can help us to achieve things that can give us a sense of accomplishment. Make realistic
goals that can be met and just putting in the effort to achieving those goals
7. Big Five Personality

Big Five Personality Traits / Five-Factor Model (FFM) / OCEAN Model

Lima dimensi yang umum digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan human personality.

 Openness to experience. (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)

Orang yang open lebih ke “intellectually curious, seek self fulfilment through euphoric
Orang yang close lebih ke “self fulfillment through perseverance, data-driven, close-minded)
 Conscientiousness. (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless) tendensi menunjukkan self-
High cons berarti lebih stubborn dan focused
Low cons lebih fleksibel dan spontan, tapi suka sloppy
 Extraversion. (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved) Dikarakterisasi oleh luasny aktivitas.
Extraversion lbh antusias dan action-oriented, energi dari berinteraksi, high energy.
Introversion lbh kalem, less involved in social world (independen), need more time alone, need
less stimulation.
 Agreeableness. (friendly/compassionate vs. challenging/detached)
Agreeable ppl value hubungan dengan orang, helpful, optimis ttg hubungan sama manusia.
Disagreeable ppl lbh ke self-interest dibanding getting along with others, less likely to extend
themselves to others.
 Neuroticism. (sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident), tendensi mengalami negative emotions.
Nilai tinggi lbh reaktif, vulnerable to stress, experience more negative events.
Nilai rendah lbh stabil, bebas dari perasaan negatif berkelanjutan (blm berarti bnyk positive

6. MBTI (Myers-Birggs Type Indicator)

8. Belbin Model
9. What make your group success or fail

a. Make sure the right people are in the right job.

b. Give every group member a clear understanding of where their job responsibilities begin and
c. Make sure that every person in the group knows the overall objectives of the organization.
d. Lead them to see how their work will help achieve the goals of the group.
e. Convince those you lead that running in different directions means wasted time.
f. Give help and attention to low achievers. Help those who seem to be busy but who don’t
accomplish much.
g. Try tactfully to correct bad work habits and negative attitudes so teamwork success can take
h. Help team members get to the heart of what is to be accomplished.

10. Managing conflict

11. Power & Using Influence Strategies

12. Leadership

13. Culture

14. Political Strategies

The Road to Hell Introduction

John Baker was a chief engineer of the Caribbean Bauxite Company of Barracania, who was
being promoted to Keso Mining Corporation near Winnipeg, a Canadian enterprise.

His final task is the assessment interview with the successor, Matthew Rennalls, the able young

Baker is an English expatriate, who preferred working overseas, because he felt that he had an
innate knack – better than most other expatriates- of knowing just how to get along with the
regional staff.

It was pointed out to Baker that not only was Rennalls one of the brightest Barracanian
prospects on the staff as at London University he had taken first-class honours in the BSc
engineering degree but he was also the son of the minister of finance and economic planning, he
also had no small political pull.

What went wrong?

Baker in the beginning of his interview with Rennalls, encouraged him by listing his good points,
which were his technica labilities.

He then told him that he had noticed that Rennalls was more friendly and get on better with his
fellow Barracanians than he was with Europeans.

“It will be necessary for you to get on well with expatriates, because until the company has
trained sufficient people of your caliber, Europeans are bound to occupy senior positions here in

A few more comments were given by Baker to Renanalls stating the superiority of the

As a result, Rennalls gave his resignation in the company the next morning.

Character sketch of Rennalls

His four years at London University made him sensitive to any sign of condescension on the
part of expatriates.

He was ambitious, he did not lie in politics, because, he wanted to put his engineering talent to
the best use possible.

Why this problem happened?

Different culture between European and Barracanian. There was some racialism, even though
Baker knew Rennalls background.

Rennalls is sensitive to political, racial, and equality issues.

Baker emphasized a lot on European employees being more experienced.

Rennalls thought that Baker tried to insult him.


Baker was not intentionally behaving as a racist, but an old saying stays true: The road to hell is
paved with good intentions.

Through this case we can analyze the importance of understanding the people around you.
John Baker’s intentions towards Matthew Rennalls were not based on a bad premonition. His
lack of understanding the behavioral characteristics of his coworker was his major downfall.

One business ethic that must hold sacred is the ethic of not offending our coworkers. John
Baker forgot this ethic and that is why he was not successful in admonishing his coworker.


Baker must invite Rennalls back to the company and apologize to him.  

Find someone to replace Rennall’s position.

Baker needs training about his perception of others and cultural diversity.

The Barracanians and other expatriates need training to learn the cultural differences in the

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