I Tudors 3

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Henry VII

Henry became the first Tudor king of England.

He created a new family emule, the Tudor rose, by combining the
red roses of Lancaster with the white rose of York. During his
reign, England enjois a long period of peace and prosperity. He
married his son Arthur with Catherine of Aragon, and two of his
daughters equally well to the Kings of France and Scotland. When
he died in 1509, he left England economically stable and at peace
with France and Scotland.
Henry VIII
Henry VIII succeeded his father at the age of 18. He was good-
looking and skilled at sports, music and poetry, was interested in
theology and wrote an attack on Luther which won the title of
‘Defender of the faith’, from the pope.
Henry asked the pope to declare his first marriege invalid, as
Catherine had given him a daughter, Mary, and not a boy.
The pope refused, so the king broke with Rome and divorced
Catherine and, in 1533 married a pregnant Anna Boleyn.
Edward VI
Edward VI was only 9 years old when his father died. He was
studying history and Protestant theology.
Radical Protestantism during Edward VI’s reign leads to a Catholic
reaction under Mary I, from her intolerance towards Protestants.
Mary I
Mary I, Henry VIII’s daughter by his first wife, declared herself
queen and wanted to restore Catholicism in England. In 1554 she
married Philip II of Spain against France. Was called ‘Bloody
Mary’ because around 280 protestants were burned at the stake
for refusing to convert to catholicism.
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I’s reign is often considered England’s golden age. It was
an age of stability, religius toleration and victory at sea. Elizabeth
came to the throne at the age of 25. Her personality was strong,
and intelligent. She wanted power all to herself, and was called
‘Virgin Queen’, the queen was married with her people.

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