GSTS Module5

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Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is all the  distinctive  sorts  of life you'll  discover  in one area—
the  assortment  of  creatures, plants,  organisms, and  indeed  microorganisms like  microscopic
organisms  that make up our  normal  world. Each of these species and  living beings  work
together in  environments, like an  perplexing  web,  to preserve  adjust  and  back  life.

2. What does biodiversity mean for human health? What are the nutritional impacts of
biodiversity? What Are threats to biodiversity and health?

Biodiversity underpins human and societal needs, counting nourishment and sustenance
security, vitality, improvement of drugs and pharmaceuticals and freshwater, which together
support great wellbeing. It moreover bolsters financial openings, and relaxation exercises that
contribute to by and large prosperity and Dietary affect of biodiversity. Biodiversity plays a vital
part in human nourishment through its impact on world nourishment generation, because it
guarantees the feasible efficiency of soils and gives the hereditary assets for all crops, animals,
and marine species collected for nourishment and Arrive utilize alter, contamination, destitute
water quality, chemical and squander defilement, climate alter and other causes of environment
debasement all contribute to biodiversity misfortune and, can posture significant dangers to
human health.

3. How human activities affect biodiversity?

The most important direct cause of biodiversity loss is land-use change (mainly large-scale food
production), which is estimated to be responsible for 30% of the world’s biodiversity loss. The
second is overfishing (overfishing, overfishing, overfishing) of food, medicine, wood, etc., which
accounts for about 20%.
Answer the following questions briefly:

1. What are Genetically Modified Organisms? (GMO)

Is an creature, plant, or organism whose DNA has been changed utilizing hereditary
designing procedures. For thousands of a long time, people have utilized breeding strategies
to alter life forms. Corn, cattle, and indeed mutts have been specifically bred over eras to
have certain wanted characteristics.

2. What is Gene Therapy?

Includes changing the qualities interior your body’s cells in an exertion to treat or halt
malady. Qualities contain your DNA — the code that controls much of your body’s shape
and work, from making you develop taller to directing your body frameworks. Qualities that
do not work appropriately can cause infection.

3. What are the positive effects of GMO and Gene Therapy? How are they going to help our

More delicious nourishment. Illness- and drought-resistant plants that require less natural assets
(such as water and fertilizer) Less utilize of pesticides. Expanded supply of nourishment with
diminished taken a toll and longer rack life. Gene treatment holds guarantee for treating a wide
run of maladies, such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart infection, diabetes, hemophilia and Helps.
Analysts are still considering how and when to utilize quality treatment. Right now, within the
Joined together States, quality treatment is accessible as it were as portion of a clinical trial.

4. Are there risks related to the use of GMO and Gene Therapy? What are those risks?

The foremost eminent GMO dangers to people are the potential advancement of allergens to
GM related crops and harmfulness from GM crops. In any case, considers moreover appear GM
crops have benefits counting the expanded wholesome esteem in nourishments.

The most important areas of risks which need to be considered in the use of transgenics are:

1. human health
2. biodiversity
3. animal welfare
4. poor communities

A. Make a simple concept map showing the potential and realized impacts of nanotechnology
on society.


water purification
water purification systems

on society. nanomedicine
physical enhancement,

better food production nutrition and large-scale

methods, infrastructure auto-fabrication
Supply Type

B. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Would you subject yourself to gene therapy without its 100% assurance of effectiveness

or future negative effects? Why or why not?

Definitely not. Without 100% assurance of effectiveness or future negative effects, I would be too scared
to subject myself to gene therapy. I think everyone else is also like that. We need to know first what
would be the negative impacts in the future of a certain thing and there should be high percentage of ,
before we even try it for ourselves, except if we want to be guinea pigs.

2. Should gene therapy be limited to medical concerns only or could it be used for aesthetic purposes?

Gene therapy at the moment is outrageously expensive because of the regulatory hoops that it has to
jump through. A single use of a gene therapy drug would require million dollars. Imagine spending that
much money just for aesthetic purposes when there are billion people who are starving. If you have that
much money, then go for it. But, I think limiting it to medical concerns only is the appropriate thing to

3. Among the various forms of gene therapy, which do you think has the fewest ethical concerns? Why?

Gene therapy at the moment is outrageously expensive because of the regulatory hoops that it has to
jump through. A single use of a gene therapy drug would require million dollars. Imagine spending that
much money just for aesthetic purposes when there are billion people who are starving. If you have that
much money, then go for it. But, I think limiting it to medical concerns only is the appropriate thing to

4. Do you think the government should fund researches on human germline gene therapy? Why or

why not?

Unlike the somatic gene therapy, germline gene therapy affects those that are not yet born, who won’t
have the choice whether to have the treatment or not, since it involves modification of reproductive cells
which will be inherited by the offspring. Because of thi, it is not proper to fund researches that raise such
ethical concerns.

C. Complete the following metacognitive phrases.

1. For me, nanotechnology and gene therapy are beneficial to global health because…

It Provides disease treatments, such as cancer and better imaging and diagnostic

2. Even though the nanoworld has provided many great advances, there are also some alarming
concerns About potential health risks because…

Nanoparticles may damage the lungs and it can get into the body through the skin, lungs and digestive
system. This may help create ‘free radicals’ which can cause cell damage and damage to the DNA.

3.After seeing the potential benefits and detriments of nanoworld and gene therapy, I realized that

That the development and usage of it should reach an equilibrium wherein both advantages and risks
are taken into account just like everything else. Numerous more researches should be done to avoid
future detrimental impacts and so that the future generation will not be terribly affected.

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