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I gained a lot of knowledge about globalization after watching the video. It was stated
there that this is the process of interaction and integration and has an impact on the
environment, culture, political system, and physical well-being of people in societies all
over the world. The world has been impacted by globalization in a variety of ways,
including the availability of cheaper natural resources and labor as well as the
increasing interconnectedness of economies, cultures, and populations. The promotion
and expansion of interactions between various communities and places around the
world is one of the implications of globalization. Globalization is the expansion of trade
from an economic perspective. Additionally, it was stated in the video that globalization
entails market liberalization and integration on a global scale, is unstoppable and
inevitable, has no one in charge, is beneficial to everyone in the long run, promotes the
spread of democracy globally, and necessitates a global war on terrorism. According to
the video, there are three different types of conceptualization, the transnational,
transnationality, and globality. The first metaphor of globalization is solidity, the example
of this metaphor is “ The Great Wall of China”. Second is liquidity, example of liquidity is
a “typewriter”. The last type of metaphor is the flow. Structural barriers to globalization
include social class, race, ethnicity, gender, and region of the world. The origins and
history of globalization can be divided into five categories: hardwired, cycle, recent
changes, events and epoch. The six major waves of globalization are as follows: (1)
Globalization of religion ( 4th to 7th centuries. (2) European colonial conquests (late 15 th
century). (3) Intra- European wars (late 18th to early 19th centuries). (4) Heyday of
European imperialism (mid-19th century to 1918). (5) Post-World War II period. (6) Post-
Cold War period. The development of social relations and unique locations are both
influenced by globalization. Although the world is a place that is continually changing, it
is recognized that it still retains its uniqueness. Globalization is unstoppable; as a
phenomena affecting society, culture, politics, and the law. We can quickly share ideas
and enhance local manufacturing processes thanks to the development of technologies
like mobile phones and the practical advantages of the internet.

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