Persuasive Speech Outline - BAPS

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Why Do We Need To Stop Glorifying Workaholism

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: After hearing the persuasive presentation, audience will understand the importance of
work-life balance and spend more time with people we care about and doing things that we love.


I. Attention Getter: "Are you working to live, or living to work? For workaholics, the answer may
be the latter, as their obsession with work consumes every aspect of their lives."
 Workaholism is a term used to describe an addiction to work, characterized by an obsessive and
compulsive need to work excessively, often at the expense of one's personal life, health, and well-
 When was the last time you got a good night sleep, a sleep without any worries, workload pressure,
or any sort of pressure?
 While it may seem admirable to be a hard worker, workaholism can have detrimental effects on
one's physical and mental health, as well as their relationships with others.
II. Credibility: Our society tend to romanticize workaholic behavior, viewing it as a marker of success
and productivity. This trend is evident in popular culture, as seen in movies and television shows
that depict workaholic characters as highly accomplished and esteemed individuals.
III. Motivation: However, while hard work and dedication are essential for achieving success,
consistently prioritizing work over other aspects of life can result in adverse effects. It is crucial to
acknowledge that success can be attained without sacrificing one's well-being and personal life.
IV. Thesis Statement: Today I am going to talk about what are some of the potential and existing
negative effects of glorifying the trend of workaholism among people. We are also going to
present some statistical data and research work to convince you why it is the high time that we
should stop encouraging such behavior.

Transition: The first thing you need to understand is, how it is impacting our mental health



A. A lack of balance between work and personal life can have a detrimental impact on mental
health, causing a range of negative effects such as:
1. Increased stress: When individuals are unable to balance work and personal life, they may
experience excessive stress that can lead to physical and mental health problems. Chronic stress is
linked to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

2. Burnout: People who work long hours without sufficient breaks are more likely to experience
burnout. Burnout can result in feelings of exhaustion, irritability, and reduced motivation, which can
negatively impact overall mental health.

3. Sleep disorders: A lack of work-life balance can lead to sleep disturbances, which may result in
insomnia. Insomnia can lead to mood swings, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, negatively
affecting overall mental health.

B. According to a study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), long
work hours are associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.

C. A survey by the American Psychological Association found that employees who feel they have
little control over their work schedules report higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression
than those who feel they have more control.

Transition: How is it impacting our physical health.


A. Workaholism can be stressful to our physical health in following ways:

1. Risk of Chronic Diseases: The risk of chronic diseases may increase due to chronic stress resulting
from a lack of work-life balance, as per a study conducted by the American Psychological
Association. This risk includes diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension.
2. Physical exhaustion: A lack of work-life balance can lead to physical exhaustion, resulting in muscle
tension, headaches, and other physical discomforts. According to a survey by the World Health
Organization, long working hours can lead to physical exhaustion, resulting in muscle tension,
headaches, and other physical discomforts.
3. Unhealthy lifestyle habits: A lack of work-life balance can lead to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as
eating fast food, skipping meals, and not getting enough physical activity, which can increase the risk
of obesity, heart disease, and other health problems. A study published in the International Journal
of Obesity found that employees who worked more than 48 hours per week had a higher risk of

Transition: How is it impacting our daily lives.


- "Workaholics aren't heroes. They don't save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home
because they figured out a faster way to get things done." - Jason Fried

A. It can harm relationships: Workaholics may neglect their relationships with family, friends, and
close friends, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
1. The expectation that employees should work long hours and be constantly available can
psychologically damage people who have families & friends to give their precious time to.
2. Working for long hours at workplace gives the impression that they are very dedicated which is
wrong because people who complete their tasks on time don’t get any attention or appreciation
they deserve.

B. It can reduce productivity: Studies have shown that working excessively long hours can actually
reduce productivity and creativity. People need time to rest, recharge, and pursue hobbies and
interests in order to perform their best at work.

- A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that working long hours can lead to a
decline in productivity, as workers become less efficient and more prone to errors.

1. It can prevent people from pursuing meaningful activities: If you are a workaholic, you are missing
2. When work becomes the primary focus of someone's life, they may neglect these important aspects
of life which can be meaningful sources of fulfillment and purpose, and neglecting them can lead to
feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction.
- "Life is not all about work, and if you’re a workaholic, it’s time to think seriously about making some
changes." - Richard Branson


I. General Summary:

It is very important to have a work life balance, the lack of balance between work and personal life can
have a detrimental impact on mental and physical health, as well as daily life and routine. The negative
effects of workaholism can lead to increased stress, burnout, sleep disorders, chronic diseases, physical
exhaustion, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. Additionally, workaholics may neglect their relationships,
reduce productivity, and miss out on pursuing meaningful activities.

II. Review of Main Points:

 Impact on Mental Health: Increased stress, burnout, sleep disorders, and an increased risk of
depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.
 Impact on Physical Health: Risk of chronic diseases, physical exhaustion, and unhealthy lifestyle
 Impact on Daily Life & Routine: Harm to relationships, reduced productivity, and missing out on
pursuing meaningful activities

III. Audience Challenge:

Therefore, I challenge each and every one of you to take a step back and evaluate your work-life
balance. Are you neglecting important aspects of your life? Are you feeling overwhelmed or stressed? If
so, it's time to take action and make a change. Remember, life is not all about work, and by prioritizing
your well-being, you can lead a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.


 Hiba Elahi
 Humayun Sohail
 Wajiha
 Mohammad Ali Shah

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