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Scope and Overview....................................................................................................................................1
Version History........................................................................................................................................1
Document Sign Off...................................................................................................................................2
TEST APPROACH..........................................................................................................................................3
TEST LEVELS:...............................................................................................................................................3
Unit testing:.............................................................................................................................................3
System testing:........................................................................................................................................3
Integration testing:..................................................................................................................................4
TESTING TYPES:...........................................................................................................................................4
Security testing:.......................................................................................................................................4
Performance testing:...............................................................................................................................4
Implementation Approach...................................................................................................................4
Assembly testing:.....................................................................................................................................4
Implementation Approach...................................................................................................................5
Load testing:............................................................................................................................................5
Implementation Approach...................................................................................................................5
Security testing:.......................................................................................................................................5
Performance testing:...............................................................................................................................5
System Analysts...........................................................................................................................................5
Implementation Approach......................................................................................................................6
Test Environment........................................................................................................................................6
Test tools.....................................................................................................................................................8
Release Control...........................................................................................................................................8
Risk analysis................................................................................................................................................8
Review and Approvals................................................................................................................................8

Scope and Overview

Version History
The table details each major change that is made to the test strategy document. Firstly the
Project Manager released a draft and later a final draft.

Version Purpose / Author Date


0.1 Draft Dreamville Project Manager 22/09/22

1.0 Released Dreamville Project manager 25/09/22

Document Sign Off

Once completed it was released and signed off by key project stake holders as it becomes a
contract of quality.

Name Date Version

Mr Motsi 25/09/22 1.0

Mr Mamvura 25/09/22 1.0

Mr Mupandawana 25/09/22 1.0

Ms Mabvura 25/09/22 1.0

Ms Makaza 25/09/22 1.0

Mr Mtendereki 25/09/22 1.0

Mr Ngorima 25/09/22 1.0

Mr Vambe 25/09/22 1.0

Mr Hovovo 25/09/22 1.0

This document details the testing that will be performed by the project team for the ZINARA
Toll management system. It defines the overall testing requirements and provides an integrated
view of the project test activities. Its purpose is to document:
 testing tasks

 test types by task

 system interfaces

 testing environments

 testing tools

This stage specifies the process of testing which includes:
 testing levels - unit testing, system testing and integration testing
 types of testing - Load testing, security testing, performance testing
 roles and responsibilities of each team member

 A Test Level is a group of test activities that are organized and managed together and is
linked to the responsibilities in a project or maintenance.
Unit testing:
 Testing the individual units of the different forms of payment for example, Cash ,
Ecocash, Bank transfer, and the integration between the different unit to expose defects in
the interface and interaction between in the integrated units of the system and failures to
generate valid tokens.
System testing:
 This requires determining if the system can create, view, and display the receipts users
have purchased and display them in response to user requests. The ZINARA Toll
Management System shows the user all of their payments and receipts thus keeping
records of each and every transaction .

Integration testing:
 Testing to see if the different payment methods e.g Ecocash, TopUp Paynow and Swipe
are working in synchrony with the ZINARA Toll Management system i.e despite their
method of payment for the tollgate, the user still gets the correct receipt showing the
relevant information.

Security testing:
 Security testing evaluates whether the system meets its specified security objectives by
attempting to hack in or disable a system with authorization from the ZINARA officials,
using forged payment details to fake a ZINARA payment, bypassing security measures,
browsing through insecure data, or overwhelming the system with requests. Thus security
checks such as the use of passwords and email are used to prevent some of these
securities’ breaches.
Performance testing:
 Performance testing is conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or component’s
response time, and the ability to function in various operating environments. The system
testers at ZINARA conducts a performance testing strategy whereby they test each unit of
the system for response time for example the amount of time it takes to review password
and username before logging into the system
Implementation Approach
 The approach to this will be a manual testing of critical functions agreed on with the
Development team especially payment to avoid fraud by the system as it can access
people’s wallets electronically
Assembly testing:
 Assembly testing is used to conduct a related load of transactions, and receipts
generation. System analyst ensures that for every transaction made, a receipt number is
generated and stored for future reference use.
Implementation Approach
 At the discretion of the Developer ie the testing will be done as the developers of all the
modules of the ZINARA system advise on
Load testing:
 Load testing simulates multi-user or multi-threaded access to the ZINARA application or
module to ensure that components and databases can be used to perform specified
requirements with no catastrophic failures. This involves testing to see how the system
behaves in cases when users access the ZINARA services to pay for advance toll gate
 The ZINARA System Analysts consisting of additional team members will be
Implementation Approach
 The approach will be to have multiple users access the ECONET ECOCASH database
through the use of other computers in the QA lab. The test would be to see if the system
can access people’s wallets and deduct their money from their wallets in case of a
ZINARA transaction without any fault and correctly calculating the charges even though
many users will be using the system. The script will be written by the QA team and
approved by the development staff.

 The ZINARA QA test machines and billing software, scripted scenarios for multiple
users accessing the same ecocash database at the same time. Found defects will be logged
as such in the defect tracking tool.
Security testing:
 Security testing evaluates whether the system meets its specified security objectives by
attempting to break in or disable a system by improper acquisition of a vehicle
registration number, using unauthentic Ecocash details to fake a receipt payment,
bypassing security measures, browsing through insecure data, or overwhelming the
system with requests.
Performance testing:
 Performance testing is conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or component’s
response time, and the ability to function in various operating environments.

System Analysts
 The ZINARA Test Team consisting of the leader and additional team members where
Implementation Approach
 The approach to this will be a manual testing of critical functions agreed on with the
Development team especially payment to avoid fraud by the system as it can access
people’s wallets electronically.
 4.0 Table of responsibilities for the test activities

Tester Module Time responsibility

Tadiwa Techzim and 5hrs Complete unit

ecocash testing for Techzim
and ecocash
payment for the

Test Environment
 A test environment is setup for the testing team where they execute test cases. This
environment comprises software, hardware and network configuration. The setup of a test
environment depends on the application under test. A complete setup helps testers carry
out their tasks without any side hurdles. Finally, the setup helps improve the quality of
the final product.
 For successful testing, the process need to be done where there is efficient internet
connection to test for the purchasing of the ZINARA Toll receipts using the ZINARA
mobile application.
 One needs to have a good and well-functioning simcard to test for the payment using
Ecocash as well as a Whatsapp account to be able to pay for the Toll fee using Techzim.
 All the data used for testing the ZINARA system will be backed up in the computers used
by the ZINARA authorities so it can be restored at any time of need provided we need to
retest a certain module.

Customer Record Form Module Test

Normal Data
Field name Data type Field length Test data Expected results
Customer Licence Char 8 314455JD Accepted
Customer N-ID Char 13 63-2243739 E 66 Accepted
Name Text 3 – 20 Ishmael Accepted
Surname Text 3 - 20 Mtendereki Accepted
Gender text 4 or 6 Male Accepted
Phone number number 10 0773632233 Accepted
Address Char 9 -30 35 Edinburgh rd Accepted
F.O.P text 4 - 10 Ecoash Accepted
Extreme Data
Field name Data type Field length Test data Expected results

Customer Licence Char 8 887689GH Accepted

Customer N-ID Char 13 63-2243739 E 66 Accepted
Name Text 3 – 20 Joy Accepted
Surname Text 3 - 20 Mad Accepted
Gender text 4 or 6 Female Accepted
Phone number number 10 0773632233 Accepted
Address Char 9 - 30 3 tar rd hre Accepted

F.O.P text 4- 10 Cash Accepted

Abnormal Data
Field name Data type Field length Test data Expected
Customer Licence Char 8 31 Rejected
Customer N-ID Char 13 63-2243739 Rejected
Name Text 3 – 20 MK Rejected
Surname Text 3 - 20 () Rejected
Gender text 4 or 6 M@LE Rejected
Phone number number 10 ZIM773632233 Rejected
Address Char 9 - 30 3 Rejected
F.O.P text 4- 10 US Rejected

Test tools
Manual testing is be conducted to test the whole system for functionality of all the modules.
 However, automation tools will be used for some test types like load testing where we
have a software simulating a number of users accessing the same database at the same
time to see how the developed system will behave incases when many people are
purchasing their ZINARAr payment receipts.

Release Control
 After capturing all the revision history with all the modules functioning properly, the
system will be released in phases starting with payments using the SEZA official website
and OK services simultaneously then Ecocash and lastly Techzim.

Risk analysis
 During the testing process, the risks likely to be faced by the developers include power-
carts during testing for the setting of the environments for the testing process, network
failure during the testing of the payments services leading to wrong deductions of the
system functionality.
 In case of a system failure, ZINARA will resort to the old billing system where users
used the electrical energy before they paid.

Review and Approvals

 As approved and signed by the ZINARA manager and QA manager then the test strategy
will be executed and the project ready to be published

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