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Activity 4:

Interview 60 students and ask them how much weekly allowance do they have on
600 730 650 720 350 400 600 380 530 620
480 630 510 620 560 420 620 410 540 430
450 640 500 630 360 500 450 520 720 330
500 650 500 610 400 350 460 530 730 520
550 350 450 540 400 570 500 610 350 600
530 450 300 500 430 580 420 650 480 340

With the data gathered, create a frequency distribution table.

Range= Highest Allowance- Lowest Allowance
= 750 – 300
= 450
Let width of the class interval be 50
Number of class intervals= 450 / 50 = 9
Class Interval Tally Frequency
300- 349 III 3
350- 399 IIIIII 6
400- 449 IIIIIIII 8
450- 499 IIIIIII 7
550- 599 IIII 4
600- 649 IIIIIIIIIII 11
650- 699 III 3
700- 749 IIII 4
Create a pie chart to present the tabulated frequencies.

Php 300-349
Php 350-399
Php 400- 449
Php 450- 499
Php 500- 549
Php 550- 599
Php 600- 649
Php 650- 699
Php 700- 749

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