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QUARTER 2 – Hybrid Module 6:

Use the Mole Concept to Express Mass
of a Substance
Week 7
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

This hybrid module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the
Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal,
social, and economic constraints in schooling.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do
the tasks included in the hybrid module.

For the learner:

This hybrid module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be helped to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

The following are some reminders in using this hybrid module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the hybrid
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.

2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try before moving on to the other activities included in the
hybrid module.

3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.

4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and in checking your answers.

5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.

6. Return this hybrid module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let’s Learn

In actual life situations, pieces of matter are quantified by finding the mass or
by counting. Market vendors for instance, would rather sell mongo seeds by getting
the mass and eggs by counting. The option of quantifying goods is determined by
convenience. It is more appropriate to count the number off eggs rather than get their
mass. To measure these quantities, mass units such as kilogram or gram, or
counting units such as dozen or case are being used.

After going through this hybrid module, you are expected to:
Use the mole concept to express mass of substances; (S9MT-IIi-19)

1. differentiate molecular unit from formula unit and compute for the
molecular mass.

2. define mole and calculate for the number of moles of given compounds.

3. compute for the number of particles given the mass or no. of moles.

4. convert number of moles, mass, and number of particles from one

unknown to another.

Let’s Try

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. How many particles are equal to 1 mole?
A. 6.02 x1022 particles
B. 6.02 x1023particles
C. 6.02 x1024 particles
D. 6.02 x1025 particles
2. The following are representative particles of matter. Which among them
represents a covalent compound ?
A. Atom
B. Ion
C. Molecule
D. Particle unit
3. Which of the following units is used in expressing the amount of substance in
terms of the number of particles?
A. Celsius
B. Liter
C. Gram
D. Mole

4. Marikit measured the mass of 10 pieces of each of the following materials:
marble, pebbles, and ball pen cap. What will be her findings based on the data she

Materials (10 pieces) Mass (g)

Marble 50
Pebble 35
ballpeen cap 20

A. Different materials have different masses

B. Materials of different kinds differ in amount, color and texture
C. The same number of materials has different colors and appearance
D. The same number of materials of different kinds has different masses.
5. The knowledge about the mole can be useful to the environmentalist
A. mole concept can be used in environmental monitoring
B. mole gives a feedback on the kinds of pollutant present in the atmosphere
C. mole gives information on the most dangerous pollutant in the
D. mole concept can be used in quantifying the amount of pollutant
particles released in the atmosphere.
6. How many moles of Mg are in 1.25 x 1023 atoms?
A. 2.08 moles of Mg
B. 20.8 moles of Mg
C. 208 moles of Mg
D. 208.8 moles of Mg
7. How many molecules are there in 2.1 mol. CO2 ?
A. 1.26 x1024 molecules
B. 2.53 x1024molecules
C. 3.49 x10−24molecules
D. 3.79 x1024molecules
8. What is the molar mass of methane CH4 ?
A. 16.05 g/mol
B. 18.02 g/mol
C. 20.03 g/mol
D. 23.06 g/mol
9. Atomic masses of any two elements contain the same number of _____.
A. anions
B. atoms
C. ions
D. gram
10. The molar mass of carbon is 12g/mol. How many moles are there in 3g of
A. 0.25 mol
B. 0.40 mol
C. 4.00 mol
D. 36.00mol
11. What mass of glucose would you need (in g) to have 0.8 mol, given that the
molar mass of glucose is 180g mol?
A. 0.0044g
B. 1.44g
C. 144g
D. 225g

12. What is the formula mass of AuCl3 ?
A. 96 g
B. 130g
C. 232.5g
D. 303.6 g
13. The molecular mass of oxygen gas is __________.
A. 16.0 g
B. 23.0 g
C. 32.0 g
D. 61.0 g
14. How many moles of helium atoms are there in 2.4 x1024 helium atoms?
A. 1.4 x 1023moles of helium
B. 1.4 x 1024moles of helium
C. 4.0 x1023moles of helium
D. 10.4 x1023moles of helium
15. All of the following is about formula mass is true except ______________.
A. it is the sum of the atomic masses (in amu) in the molecule.
B. it is the product of the atomic masses (in amu) in the molecule.
C. one mole of a substance is equal to its formula mass expressed in grams
D. formula mass or molecular mass is defined as the mass in grams of a
mole of a substance

Alternatively, please answer these questions above online!

Use the link on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop or
You will see the score after completing the test.
Write your score on the given circle.


1 What’s in a Mole?

In the laboratory, the chemists measure out a chemical substance and react
it with another substance to form the desired amount of new product. In this case,
chemists want to know the number of atoms, ions, or molecules because these are
the ones that react with each other. But these things are too small and too many to
count individually so chemists use a unit called MOLE to count them by weighing.

Let’s Recall

In the previous module you learned that the subscript in a formula of a

compound represents the number of atoms of the representative elements in the
Knowing the type of bond formed by some compounds will help us to
differentiate formula mass from molecular mass.
Formula mass is used for compounds that are made up of ions and have
primarily ionic bonding and molecular mass is used for compounds that are
composed of molecules and have primarily covalent bonding.

Activity 1

Directions: Identify whether the bond formed by the following compound is an

ionic or covalent. Answer the guide questions below.

________________1. NaCl (Table salt)

________________2. O2 (Oxygen gas)
________________3. CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate)
________________4. C12 H22 O11 (Table sugar)
________________5. Na Br (Sodium bromide)

Guide Question:
1.What is ionic bond?
2.What is covalent bond?
3.How did you classify the above compounds?

Let’s Explore

Activity 2
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to get the correct counting units for the following


1. ______________ 2. ________________ 3. __________________

Let’s Elaborate

Formula mass or molecular mass is defined as the mass in grams of a mole

of a substance. It is the sum of the atomic masses (in amu) in the molecule. One
mole of a substance is equal to its formula mass expressed in grams.


Calculate the formula mass of Glucose (C6 H12 O6)

In the formula (C6 H12 O6)there are 6 atoms of Carbon, 12 atoms of Hydrogen,
and 6 atoms of Oxygen. The atomic mass of each element is taken from the periodic
table and rounded off to the nearest tenths. The formula mass is calculated as

No. of atoms Atomic Mass Total Mass

In the formula for each element
12.0 amu
6 mol C X = 72.0 amu
Mol C

1.0 amu
12 mol H X = 12.0 amu
Mol H

16.0 amu
6 mol O X = 96.0 amu
Mol O

Formula mass of 1 𝐂𝟔 𝐇𝟏𝟐 𝐎𝟔 = 180 .0 amu

Step in solving for the formula mass of a compound

1.Look for the atomic mass from the periodic table of elements
2.Multiply it by the number of atoms of the element
3.Divide it by one mole
4.Add the total mass of each element

Mole is used to deal with very large numbers. In the SI system, the mole is the
amount of substance that contains as many entities as there are in exactly 12g
carbon -12. The number of atoms in 12g carbon-12 is experimentally determined to
be 6.02 x1023. This is called Avogadro’s number.

A pair is equal 2 two entities, a dozen is equal to 12 entities and a ream is equal
to 500 entities. But have you ever questioned yourself the number of particles
present in a gold bar or the particles present in water?
Elements and compounds are made up of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms are
too small and too many to count individually so chemists use a unit called mole to
count them by weighing. If you put together 6.02 x1023 basketballs, it will be as big
as the Earth or if you have 6.02 x1023 rice grains, it would cover the land masses of
the Earth to a depth of 75 meters. Can you guess how many particles are equal to
one mole?
Now that you have an idea on how big Avogadro’s number is, let us try to visualize
the number of particles in a given sample.

Using dimensional analysis approach, you will be able to convert the number of
moles to its equivalent amount in the number of particles.

1. How many molecules are there in 4.0 moles of CO2 ?

6.02 x 1023 molecules CO2

4.0 moles CO2 X = 2.41 x 𝟏𝟎 𝟐𝟒 molecules 𝐂𝐎𝟐
1 mole CO2

2. How many moles of Mg are in 1.25 x 1023 atoms?

1 mole Mg
1.25 x 1023 atoms X = 2 .08 moles Mg
6.02 x 1023 atoms

You have observed in the above example that although you have the same
number of items, different objects will have different masses. In the same way, one
mole of different substances always contains 6.02 x1023 particles but each of these
substances has a different mass.

Please watch and learn this topic online!

Click the given link below on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop

Consult a periodic table of elements. Look for the atomic mass of hydrogen,
oxygen, carbon etc. You will observe that each element has its own mass different
from the others in the same way that different compounds have different masses.
Atomic mass of the element is the same numerical value with its molar mass. Molar
mass is the mass in grams of one mole of a compound.

Molar mass of some common compounds.
Compound Chemical Mass(g) Molar Mass
Formula (g/mol)
Water H2 O 18.02 18.02g/mol
Table Sugar C12 H22 O11 342.34 342.34g/mol

Sample Calculation

H2 O C12 H22 O11

1 x 16.00 g/mol = 16.00 g/mol 11 x 16.00g/mol =176.00 g/mol

2 x 1.01 g/mol = 2.02 g/mol 22 x 1.01g/mol = 22.22 g/mol

18 .02 g/mol 12 x 12.01g/mol = 144.12 g/mol

342.34 g/mol

Steps on how to compute the Molar Mass of a Compound

1. Look for the atomic mass of each element

2. Multiply its atomic mass to the subscript of each element
3. Add the product of each element
4. The sum is the molar mass of the component

Please watch and learn this topic online!

Click the given link below on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop
Activity 4:

You have learned the connections and relationships among the mass, number
of moles and the molar mass of some substances, you can easily figure out its
amount in terms of its mass, the number of moles, and the number of particles.
The diagram demonstrates the relationship among the mass, number of particles,
number of moles of the different substances.

Number of
Molar mass Mole X Avogadro’s Number

/ molar mass X Avogadro’s Number Number of

Mass particles
/Avogadro’s Number X molar mass

The previous diagram illustrates that:

Number of moles = Mass ÷ Molar mass

Mass = Number of moles × molar mass
Number of particles = Number of moles × Avogadro’s number

Let’s Dig In

Activity 3

Directions: Study and analyze the pictures. Answer the guide questions below.

Masses of the materials

5 bottle caps (8.5 g) 1bottle cap (1.7 g) 10 bottle caps (17 g)

5 bottle crowns (5.0 g) 1 bottle crown (1.0 g) 10 bottle crowns (10.0 g)

Guide Questions

Answer the following questions based on the pictures above.

1. Do the two different materials have the same masses? Explain your answer.
2. What can you infer from the result?

Activity 4

Directions: Read and understand the statements in the box. Underline the word or phrase
that makes the statement incorrect.

One mole of different kinds Atomic mass of the Molar mass is the mass
of substances has the element is different in grams of one mole
same number of particles
numerical value with its of a substance
but different masses
molar mass

Activity 5

Directions: Solve the problems below. Write your answer in a separate sheet, show
your complete solution.

A. Calculate for the number of moles of given compounds

1. How many molecules are in 23.0 moles of oxygen?
2. How many moles are in 3.4 x1023 molecules of H2 SO4 ?
B. Calculate the molar mass of the following chemicals.
1. KOH (Potassium hydroxide, Lye)
2. Fe Cl3 (Iron Chloride)

Let’s Remember

Directions: Convert number of moles, mass, and number of particles from one
unknown to another.

Complete the table with the needed information.

Substance Molar Mass (g) Number of Number of

Mass(g/mol) moles particles
Carbon Dioxide( CO2) 110.03 2.5
a.____________ b.__________

Gold (Au) 1
c. ___________ d._______ e.___________

Glucose ( C6 H12 O6 ) 360.36 2.205 x1024

f.___________ g. _______
Calcium fluoride (CaF2 3 1.806 x1024
h. ___________ i. _________

Let’s Apply

Test your understanding about mole concept by answering the following

problems. Show your complete solution in a one whole sheet of paper.

1.One of the things that we should do to fight the virus is to have some exercises,
during the exercise, lactic acid ( C3 H6 O3 ) forms in the muscle causing muscle
cramp .If 5.0g of lactic acid ( C3 H6 O3 ) concentrate in your leg muscle, how many
moles of lactic acid ( C3 H6 O3 ) are causing you pain?

2. During the Pandemic you loved to cook sunny side up egg. To your curiosity you
want to know how many moles are there in 3.01 x 1023 molecules of table salt
(NaCl) you put on the egg you cooked.

Let’s Evaluate

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Ethyl butanoate ( C3 H7COOC2 H2 ) is the substance responsible for the aroma of
pineapple. What is the molar mass of ethyl butanoate?
A. 116.18 g/ mol
B. 117.12g/mol
C. 118.00 g/mol
D. 120.12 g/mol
2. The label of the dark chocolate indicates that its mass is 150g and it is 70%
Cacao. If you consume the whole chocolate bar, how much cacao did you
A. 45 g cacao
B. 50 g cacao
C. 100g cacao
D. 105 g cacao
3. Why is mole concept important?
A. It gives a convenient way to expresses large numbers
B. It can be applied to any type of particle representative
C. It is useful when converting between grams and atoms or molecules
D. All of the above
4. Methane (CH4 Molar Mass = 16.04 g/mol) is one of the greenhouse gases, if
32.08 g of CH4 is released in the atmosphere, how many molecules of CH4 are
added in the atmosphere?
A. 1.20 x 1023
B. 1.20 x 1024
C. 6.02 x 1023
D. 6.02 x 1024
5. The formula mass of limewater, Ca (OH)2, when Ca = 40.1, O = 16.0 and H = 1.0
is ____________.
A. 57.1
B. 58.1
C. 72.1
D. 74.1
6. The formula that indicates the total number of atoms of the elements in a
compound is the ____.
A. empirical formula
B. molecular formula
C. simplest formula
D. structural formula
7. The molar mass of camphor, C10 H16 O is _____________.
A. 136.0 g/mol
B. 149.0 g/mol
C. 150.0 g/mol
D. 160.0g/mol
8. People usually use hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 Molar mass = 34.02 g/mol) to clean
their wounds. If Maria used 1.0 g of 𝐻2 𝑂2 to clean her wound, how many moles of
H2 O2 did she use?
A. 0.025 mole
B. 0.029 mole

C. 0.030 mole
D. 0.035 mole
9. Calcium Carbonate (Ca CO3 Molar Mass = 100.09 g/mol is an antacid used to
neutralize extra acid in the stomach. Marie is prescribed by the doctor to take
250mg – tablet of Ca CO3 three times a day. How many moles of Ca CO3 will Marie
consume for 3 days?
A. 0.0225 moles
B. 0.0235 moles
C. 0.0242 moles
D. 0.0252 moles
10. A mole is the amount of substance or the mass of a substance that contains __.
A. 6.02 x 1023 particles
B. 6.02 x 1024 particles
C. 6.02 x 1025 particles
D. 6.02 x 1026 particles
11. What is the definition of molar mass?
A. 6.021023 particles per one mole of a substance
B. number of grams per one mole of a substance
C. simplest, whole number ratio of a chemical formula
D. whole number ratio that is a multiple of a chemical formula
12. What is the definition for Avogadro’s number?
A. 6.021023 particles per one mole of a substance
B. number of grams per one mole of a substance
C. simplest, whole number ratio of a chemical formula
D. whole number ratio that is a multiple of a chemical formula
13. What is the molar mass of carbon?
A. 12.011 grams/mol
B. 35.45 grams / mol
C. 40.08 grams/mol
D. 58.93 grams /mol
14. Arrange the steps on how to compute the molar mass of a compound.
I. Add the product of each element
II. Look for the atomic mass of each element
III. The sum is now the molar mass of the compound
IV. Multiply its atomic mass to the subscript of each element

15. The molar mass of Octane C8 H18 is _____________.
A. 112.03g/mol
B. 105.02 g/mol
C. 111.01 g/mol
D. 114.26 g/mol

Alternatively, please answer these questions above online!

Use the link on your cellphone, laptop, or desktop: or
You will see the score after completing the test.
Write your score on the given circle.

Let’s Extend

Directions: Complete the concept map with the appropriate terms using the
following words: ions, Avogadro’s number, mole, atoms, molecules, particles, mass,
compound, g/mole (molar mass,) and elements.


Is made up of


Which may be

2. 3. 4.

Whose amount may be expressed in terms of

Whose mass is expressed in

Equal to



Printed Materials:

Estrella E. Mendoza and Teresita F. Religioso, You and the Natural World
pp. 192-223

Science Learner’s Module 9, First Edition 2014, Published by the Department of

Education, pp. 145- 162

CHEMISTRT textbook in Science and Technology, Copyright 2001 by SD

Publications, Inc. and Amelia P. Mapa and Trinidad B. Fedelino pp. 148-154

Electronic Sources:


Development Team of the Module
Content Evaluators/Reviewers:
DR. REA MILANA-CRUZ – (School Principal IV-WBNHS)

Management Team:
DR. MARGARITO B. MATERUM - Schools Division Superintendent
DR. MARIVIC T. ALMO - Education Program Supervisor- Science
DR. DAISY L. MATAAC - Education Program Supervisor- LRMS/ALS

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

Email Address:

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