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Submitted to the English Education Study Program of Al-Washliyah
University of Labuhanbatu in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd)

Register Number: 1824051011




Submitted to the English Education Study Program of Al-Washliyah

University of Labuhanbatu in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd)

Register Number: 1824051011

Advisor I Advisor II


NIDN. 01.250290.01


NIM : 1924051011
Faculty : Teacher Training and Education
Study Program : English Education

Approved By:

Advisor I Advisor II


NIDN. 01.250290.01

Head of the Study Program



NIM : 1924051011

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

Disetujui Oleh :

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II


NIDN. 01.250290.01

Kepala Program Studi


NIDN. 01.231092.01


some experts. Speaking is a productive language skill (Siahaan, 2008:95).

That is, speaking is a person's skill to produce sounds that have meaning and can

be understood by others, so as to create good communication. Furthermore,

speaking is the use of language to communicate with others (Fulcher. 2003: 23).

That is, this activity involves two or more people in which the participants as

listeners and speakers must react to whatever they hear and make their

contributions at a high speed, so that each participant has an intention or a set of

intentions that he wants. So, English teachers should activate students' speaking

skills by providing communicative language activities and interesting media in the

classroom and then giving them the opportunity to practice their speaking skills as

much as possible. In order for students not to get bored when learning English, the

teacher must use interesting and trendy methods so that the child asks more often

because if they often ask about the media made by the teacher, it means that the

student really wants to learn English, and if possible the teacher makes props that

attract students' attention so that the student is eager to learn.

According to (Bailey, 2000:25), speaking is an interaction process in which

the speaker intends to construct meaning through the production of receiving, and

processing information. From these theories, it can be concluded that speaking

skills are related to communication. Speaking is the skill of using the right
language to express one's ideas, opinions, or feelings to give or get information

and knowledge from other people who communicate, and the communication that

we do very often is dialogue such as dialogue with neighbors and conversations

with neighbors, conversations with traders, conversations on the telephone, family

conversations, conversations that mothers and children and many more of our

communications in everyday life, and when speaking we must better choose the

words so that others can understand what we say,

Definition of Ability according Greenberk and Baron (2013: 93) provide an

understanding of ability as the mental and physical capacity to realize various

tasks. People differ in relation to a number of abilities, but can be grouped in two

categories, namely Intellectual abilites and Physicalablities. Only emphasized by

them that in Intellectual abilities include making various cognitive tasks. and by

having the ability we can be more confident in doing everything, such as for

example we want to speak in public but we do not have the ability to speak

because we are shy to speak in public, therefore we must have the ability so that

we dare to speak in front of many people. According Robbin (2004: 45) states that

ability is an individual's capacity to perform various functions in a job.

Furthermore, it is said that all the abilities of an individual are essentially

composed of two sets of factors, namely intellectual abilities and physical

abilities, because if we have physical abilities, of course we can be relied on, and

are also more useful for others.

Definition of speaking ability The ability to speak is possessed by all humans.

However, the skill of speaking in front of a crowd is not necessarily possessed by

everyone. The speaker must develop techniques for preparation, for structuring

the talk, for transmitting energy and enthusiasm, and for capturing and responding

to the listener's interest.The basis of an effective talk is competent preparation.In

this day and age everyone is required to be skilled in speaking (Bill Scott, 1987:

5). When we have the ability to speak, we can certainly express words, and

convey what is in our minds. Moris in Novia (2002:54) states that speaking is a

natural means of communication between members of society to express thoughts

and as a form of social behavior. Meanwhile, Wilkin in Maulida (2001:14) states

that the purpose of teaching English today is to speak. By using this speaking

ability we can express our opinions or feelings towards someone verbally,

whether that person is near us or someone is far from us.

English speaking ability is very important for students to master. Because if

students have good English speaking skills, then students will find it easy to

interact with English teachers in class. In addition, nowadays the ability to speak

English is needed in the world of tourism. When we visit a tourist attraction we

will need a tour guide who can help us to get knowledge about the tourist

attraction we visit so that we can describe it or explain it to others as well. I as a

researcher found a problem in class X, they are not able to describe a tourist

attraction that they have visited, because they have not been able and not

confident to communicate using English, and they feel shy and nervous to speak

to teachers and other students, it seems that they have never practiced speaking

English in class or outside school.

Definition of tourism The definition of Tourism Object according to Ridwan

(2012: 5) is everything that has uniqueness, beauty, and value in the form of

diversity of natural wealth, culture, and man-made products that are the target or

destination of tourist visits. In addition, the definition of another tourist attraction

is a place visited with various beauties obtained, a place to carry out tourism

activities, a place to have fun with a long enough time to get satisfaction, good

service, and beautiful memories at tourist attractions. And a place to unwind after

a day's work, visiting tourist attractions is also good in reducing the risk of heart

disease, relieving anxiety, reducing stress and increasing productivity.

According to Suwantoro in his book entitled Basics of Tourism (1997: 19)

the definition of tourist attraction is also called a tourist attraction which is a

potential and driving force for the presence of tourists to a tourist destination. And

tourist attractions have tourist attraction with their cultural diversity in the area

and can be made into tourist attractions that can be visited by tourists. Forms of

tourism known to the general public, among others According to the Number of

People Traveling:

a. Individual Tourism (individual tourism), which is when a person or group of

people in conducting their own tourist trips and choosing tourist destinations

along with the program and its implementation is carried out alone.

b. Collective tourism, namely a tourism business that sells its packages to anyone

who is interested, with the obligation to pay a predetermined amount of money.

travel business that sells its packages to anyone who is interested, with the

obligation to pay a predetermined amount of money. And with us going to

tourist attractions we get the knowledge that is in the tourist attractions. I, as a

researcher, use the PJBL method to improve students' speaking ability in

explaining a tourist attraction in English.

Definition of PJBL,Hosnan (2014: 319) states that project-based learning is a

learning model that uses projects/activities as media. This learning model uses

problems as the first step in collecting and integrating new knowledge based on

their experience in real activities. Using this pjbl technique can help students to

know flexible knowledge. Project-based learning is a learning approach where

students are free to plan learning activities to carry out projects, and produce work

products that can be presented to others. Reporting from the book Mendesain

Model Pembelajaran Inovatif, what is meant by project-based learning is

innovative learning that is learner-centered and sets the teacher as a motivator and

facilitator. Where learners are given the opportunity to work autonomously to

construct their learning. This model becomes a learning that involves many

projects in the learning process. Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of

Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, project-based learning is a

learning model that is centered on students and provides meaningful learning

experiences for students. Learners' learning experiences and concepts are built

based on the products produced in the project-based learning process. And

applying this

PJBL can make students responsible for their tasks and can work together in

Fathurrohman (2016: 119) argues that project-based learning is a learning

model based on projects or activities in order to achieve attitude, knowledge and

skills competencies. This learning is in addition to students understanding

something but can also produce meaningful and useful products, pjbl can build

students to apply concepts and projects to produce and explore so that students

can solve problems independently.

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the description of the background above, the problems in this

study can be identified as follows problems in this study can be identified that:

(1) Students still have low motivation, especially in speaking activities; (2)

students do not understand many aspects of English speaking; and (3) students do

not understand many aspects of English speaking.

(2) Students do not understand many aspects of English speaking;

(3) X grade students of SMA N 1 Silangkitang still need more improvement in

learning especially in speaking ability and students need interesting strategies in

learning English so that they are interested in learning English.

1.2 Problem Formulation

How to describe tourist objects to improve the speaking ability of

class X students of SMA N 1 Silangkitang in the 2022/2023 school year by

using Project-Based Learning Techniques?

1.3 Research Objective

To determine students' speaking ability in describing tourist attractions

describing local tourist attractions in class X students of SMA N 1 Silangkitang in

the 2022/2023 school year by using project-based learning techniques.

1.4 Research Benefits

Basically, there are two types of research significance, namely as follows:

theoretical significance and practical significance.

1. Theoretical Significance

This research is expected to contribute to the improvement of speaking

teaching in high school, especially to improve class X students of SMA N 1

Silangkitang in describing local tourist attractions.

2. Practical Significance

the findings of this research are highly expected to be able to contribute

valuable for both teachers and students. For teachers, the findings of this study are

expected to provide good techniques for teaching speaking in order to teach

students to be able to communicate well. Meanwhile, for the students, the findings

of this study can encourage them to study harder and practice to improve their

speaking ability as one of the important skills in English.


2.1. Speaking

According to Nuraeni (2002: 25) speaking is a process for conveying

information from the speaker to the listener with the aim of changing the

knowledge, attitudes, and skills of the listener as a result of the information he

receives, speaking is one of the abilities to communicate with others through

language media. Speaking is a form of speech act in the form of sounds produced

by speech organs accompanied by gestures and facial expressions. Various

definitions have been put forward to give meaning to speaking. According to its

function, speaking is a medium used by humans to communicate. And the point is

that speaking has a role as conveying messages to others The implications of

speaking in the context of communication are basically the nature of speaking

which includes:

a. Speaking is a creative and behavioral expression;

b. Speaking and listening are concurrent communications;

c. In the context of communication with the interlocutor, speaking is a reciprocal


d. Speaking is an individual form of communication;

e. Speaking is the emanation of personality and intellectual character;

f. Speaking is a skill acquired through learning efforts;

g. Speaking as a medium to expand knowledge.

Speaking is an activity of creative expression involving various limbs. In

speaking, the limbs spontaneously take part in expressing and emphasizing the

meaning of speech. Hand movements, body movements, and facial expressions

simultaneously build a unity of expression following the speech that comes out of

the speaker. and in the form of speaking must have a distinctive structure in the

form of a paired automatic series. speaking according to Nurgiyantoro (2010: 397)

said that speaking is an activity of giving and receiving language, as well as

conveying ideas and messages to The interlocutor and at the same time the

speaker will get the ideas and messages conveyed by the interlocutor.

Facial expressions and gestures have different functions and expressions.

The eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows, and so on build their own meaning. Bulging eyes

can be interpreted as angry, sad eyes can be interpreted as sad. Lips, face, and

nose can give the meaning that someone is quite serious, sad, or happy. In

speaking activities humans also function other organs in the body to express the

meaning of speech. And of course using expressions when we speak other people

will understand the feelings we are experiencing.

Speaking as a communication activity involves a process of speaking

back and forth between the speaker and the interlocutor. This means that speaking

occurs in exchange for speaking. When the speaker speaks, the listener acts as a

listener, and vice versa when the listener takes over the speaking activity, the
previous speaker turns into a listener. The point is that when we want to

understand people who are talking we have to listen to them.

This reciprocal form forms a conversational activity that gives and receives

speech responses. The speaker provides information and the interlocutor receives

information. This event systematically takes place in a conversation that forms a

desire to equalize the perception of alternating speech. This is what is called a

communication process. And when speaking we must know the speech of our

interlocutors, the speaker speaks non-formally or formally.

Reciprocal speaking activities certainly lead to the same speaking theme,

the difference is the speech material of each different speaker. Speakers and

interlocutors have their own thoughts to convey information, as well as

interlocutors will react to the information received. The conversation will end

when both have the same understanding.

Different understandings can create different perceptions. This difference

creates miscommunication, between the speaker and the interlocutor. Both of

them believe in the perception that they consider to be correct. This form of

conversation is evident when it occurs in a speaking event called arguing. When

the speaker has argued to his interlocutor it can trigger the courage to express

opinions and respond to other people's opinions.

Speaking can also be referred to as speech acts in communication. Seeing

from this communication process, speaking becomes a means to convey messages

and capture messages. The activity of capturing or receiving speaking messages is

done alternately (reciprocally) and can take place continuously. The message

conveyed in this speech act is accompanied by behavior with various expressions.

Attitude and expression in speaking go hand in hand. Reciprocal activities

in communication encourage varied expressions and attitudes. These attitudes and

expressions happen very quickly and spontaneously. Facial expressions, bulging

eyes, clenched fists, bowed bodies, and so on are done by the speaker without ever

thinking about it. The same thing also happens to how the speaker gets ideas,

ideas, vocabulary chosen in giving his speech, all take place without realizing it.

However, different things can happen to people who have been trained to speak,

will be able to regulate their speech acts through more temporal control. What will

be spoken is thought out in advance. This is what distinguishes someone who has

a high intellectuality in speaking. When getting a response from our interlocutors,

then how to respond must be good even though sometimes the interlocutors reject

the speaker's argument.

Through communication activities, humans can develop knowledge and

imagination. Various information that develops and is received and developed

through this thinking process, humans can optimize the quality of life. In other

words, speaking becomes a means of expressing ideas, notions, and imaginations

to others. This is where the transfer and productive process of knowledge takes

place. That is, personally speaking activities like this embody individual activities

in communication. Communication is the most important part of our daily lives.

Speaking can also be interpreted as a reflection of personality and

behavior. This means that one's speaking is always followed by what is inside the

speaker, and this is shown in behavior. an illustration of speech, "Ah, you always

deceive, nothing you say is true!". This speech implies that the radiance of

honesty that has been expected in the act of speaking is considered to be

incompatible with the behavior shown. Personality and behavior can be seen from

speech acts in speaking. a reliable speaker will understand whether the

interlocutor is honest or a liar.

Speaking skills can be learned. Learning speaking skills is an effort to be

able to speak well. Starting from the pronunciation of vowels, increasing to the

form of meaningful speech is carried out by practicing. Likewise, humans can

communicate with others in a more complex form that can be developed through

training efforts.

2.1.1. Aspects of Speaking

Tarigan (2015: 16) argues that speaking is the ability to utter articulated

sounds or words that express, state, or convey thoughts, ideas and feelings.

Speaking is a means of acquiring knowledge. Related to language skills, many

people consider that a person's English language ability or skill is shown by that

person's speaking ability. This view is reasonable considering that the most

important function of language is as a means of communication, so

communicating by using language means speaking or writing. In language

teaching, especially English, speaking is one of the basic skills that must be taught
from the beginning. In the real world, speaking skills can be seen in formal and

informal forums such as seminars, workshops, speeches, panel discussions,

plenary meetings, dramas, campaigns, and so on. On an international scale,

English is of course the main medium for conducting these forums.

To achieve skills in speaking, it is necessary to know the aspects of speaking

itself. There are three general aspects of speaking:

1. Knowledge aspect, the aspect that assesses the ability of a student or

learner about the material submitted, knowing how far the student can

understand it. In speaking activities the knowledge aspects that must be

achieved for students or learners are:

a. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an aspect of assessment for a teacher, the extent or how

much vocabulary a student has in speaking. vocabulary in English is really

important to launch the lesson in the speaking activity itself.

b. Fluency

Proficiency in speaking is also one of the assessment aspects of

speaking. What needs to be assessed for fluency is whether the learner is

very fluent, not fluent, not fluent and not fluent.

c. Accuracy

Accuracy in speaking even needs to be considered because it is part of the

assessment aspect, how to include word selection. Be careful in speaking

well and carefully.

d. Intonation

In speaking, there is such a thing as intonation which provides its own

beauty in speech. Controlling intonation in speaking needs to be done. So

that it can be heard properly.

2. Attitude Aspect

The attitude aspect is assessing a learner's attitude towards learning

speaking. The attitudinal aspects in speaking learning that need to be

found are honesty, respect, care, courage, confidence, good

communication, social care and curiosity.

3. Behavioral Aspects

Behavior and traits are not much different. A teacher must observe

the development of the learner's behavior especially in speaking lessons.

What is assessed in this aspect is Cooperation , Have made the right

communication. speaking there are factors that need to be considered,

namely: (1) the speaker, and (2) the listener. Both factors will ensure the

success or failure of the speaking activity. Below the two factors will be

discussed one by one.

a. Speaker The speaker is one of the factors that make speaking

activities happen. And, there are some things that must be considered by the

speaker to carry out his activities, namely: Subject matter The content or

message that is the subject matter should observe the following.

(a). The subject matter is useful for listeners, both a variety of information and


(b). The subject matter should be a little bit already known and material to extend

the conversation that is already known it is easier to obtain.

(c). The subject matter is interesting to be discussed both by the speaker and to the

listener. An interesting subject matter is usually the following subject matter:

namely a matter of common interest, is a way out of a problem being faced, is a

matter that is being discussed in the community or a problem that rarely occurs,

contains conflict or disagreement.

(d). The subject matter should be consistent with the listener's capacity to

understand, not exceeding the listener's intellectual capacity or vice versa, easier.

2.1.2 Difficulties in Speaking

According to Ladouse (in Nunan, 1991: 23) speaking is an activity to

explain someone in a particular situation or an activity to report something.

Speaking class remains a big problem for students because this productive skill

requires students to produce language directly Speaking is most difficult for

students to understand. This happens because of some common problems faced by

EFL learners, namely:

The environment is not favorable for them to use English in their daily lives.

They prefer to use their mother tongue to communicate, instead of using English.

and also they feel shy and lazy to learn English. Many of the students cannot
speak clearly, when they talk to foreigners because they do not know how to

pronounce what they want to say and how to say it. in addition, they experience

miss communication.

In order to reduce the mistakes and get good communication with native

speakers or not, learners must know and understand the use of facial expressions

and elements in speaking. In learning to speak, students encounter various kinds

of difficulties. These difficulties are based on students' previous experiences.

There are a number of problems in speaking activities, namely:

a. Inhibition

According to Mulyadi (2010:6) that difficulty is a certain condition

characterized by obstacles in activities to achieve goals, it requires more effort to

overcome it. Learners are often inhibited from speaking in a foreign language,

they are worried about making mistakes, afraid of being criticized or losing face,

or simply embarrassed by the attention their speech attracts.

b. Nothing to say

Learners sometimes protest that they can't think of anything to say. This leads

to them just staying in their seats. They don't say anything.

c. Low or uneven participation

Only one learner can speak at a time if he or she wants to be heard, and in

large groups, this means that everyone has very little speaking time. This problem
is compounded by the tendency of some learners to dominate, while others speak

very little or not at all.

4. Use of mother Tongue.

Most learners tend to use their mother tongue because it is easier, and more

natural for them to communicate.Based on the above, it is clear that students

encounter a wide range of difficulties in learning to speak. This makes it a

challenge for English teachers, to come up with the best strategies to improve

students' speaking skills.

5. Characteristics of Successful Speaking

Success is the ultimate goal of teaching and learning. Achieving success is

not easy. It requires appropriate learning materials and learning strategies. in order

to describe successful speaking activities in the classroom, it is explained as


(1) Learners talk a lot. In classroom speaking learning, the time allocation while

learning is used for students to speak as much as possible, this is not interrupted

by teacher talk or pauses.

(2) Thorough participation. In class discussions, all students have the opportunity

to speak. So that it is not only controlled by students who are good at talking.

(3) High motivation. The students are eager to speak. because they are interested

in the topic and have something new to say, and because they want to participate

to achieve the goal of the task.

(4) Acceptable language. The students express themselves in speech that is

relevant, understandable to each other, and capable of an acceptable level of

language accuracy.

To achieve a successful classroom, it is important for teachers to use the best

strategies and models during the lesson. Harmer (1991: 16) reveals that reading

and listening are receptive skills, while speaking and writing are productive skills.

Therefore, the students are expected to master these skills. teachers can apply

three namely:

(1) introducing new language,

(2) practice,

(3) communicative activities. This theory means that teachers should teach

students about the basic knowledge of the language (English) such as the elements

of the language that must be learned by students. Then, the teacher should ask the

students to practice after that, the teacher should ask the students to practice the

language by using the language. In order for students to become familiar with the

new language, they must use the language in everyday life in the form of various

communicative activities.

6. Procedures in Teaching Speaking

The success of foreign language learning activities in the classroom is

usually achieved through the effective construction of the teacher. According to

(Harmer, 1992:109-111) Harmer's model, a teaching unit should consist of the

following stages:

a. Introduction. It consists of a number of activities, namely: Explaining to students

the purpose of the current lesson, Requiring them to explain their background

knowledge on the topic. For example, if the topic of the lesson is buying airplane

tickets to go abroad, students can be asked to guess the content of a conversation

that might take place in a travel agency.

b. Presenting the task. At this stage, what we want the students to do should be

clearly explained. For example, if the teacher wants the students to create a dialog

with their partner on a certain topic, (the teacher) can create the same dialog with

a student as the first step. To check if the task is clearly understood by the

students, they can be asked to repeat the process. This can be done in English,

related to the level of the students. Then, the students should also be provided

with all the necessary role cards, pictures, listening and reading texts, etc. required

about the task.

c. Inspection. The teacher records the activities that take place in the classroom.

class. The teacher intervenes whenever necessary. These interventions are not

necessarily related to error correction, but rather to ensuring students' progress as

per the lesson objectives.

d. Feedback. To make students learn about their performance at the end of the

activity. In this part, feedback on the content of the activity would be more

appropriate than grammatical precision would be more appropriate. Informing

them what they have achieved is better than telling them what they have failed.

Such feedback to contribute to their inner motivation, sense of achievement and

confidence. This will also have a positive effect on the low affective filter which

is considered when it is an important condition in language acquisition.

2.1.3 PJBL (project based learning)

According to Laksono (2018:70) states that the project-based learning model

is a learning model that involves students in problem-solving activities and other

meaningful tasks, provides opportunities for students to work autonomously to

construct their own learning activities, and produce student work products.PJBL

provides contextual and meaningful learning for students. PJBL requires students

to work on projects that give students the opportunity not only to learn and

practice English but also to develop a variety of important skills such as

teamwork, critical thinking and presentation. This function can encourage

students to develop their motivation to learn or their confidence in

communication. As a result, students are able to improve their English and present

their English confidently.

PJBL can find an optimal environment to practice speaking English.

The students are required to collect and discuss problems together with their

friends before they consult with the teacher. Then, they have to present their final

products which can be presentations, performances, publications, etc. in front of

the class, or other media allowed by the teacher. This builds students' continuous

practice to speak English with their surrounding environment so that they can

speak English very fluently.

PJBL increases students' interest, motivation, engagement and enjoyment,

involvement and enjoyment. In the PJBL technique, students sit together, face to

face, and talk freely about the problem. They sit in a circle discussing the problem

that needs to be solved. This condition creates free communication where students

use language freely in the classroom without feeling embarrassed. Project-based

learning in teaching English as a foreign language.

PJBL can provide optimal opportunities to improve students' language

skills. Working in groups also helps students learn about speaking or about how to

speak (fluency), pronunciation vocabulary, grammar, and the content of what to

talk about. Discussing with a group requires students to have the opportunity to

give and various information orally for group members. At this point, intensive

and extensive speaking is unconsciously done by students.

In this research, the resulting project is a dialogue script. Dialogue is one of

the lessons of Indonesian language learning. especially in learning at the high

school level, more precisely in class X, such as dialogue on Generally, in the

material at the high school level, there is material about writing simple dialogs.

Tarigan (1991: 149) states that simple dialog is an exchange of thoughts or

opinions on a particular topic between two or more readers. From the explanation

or understanding above, the author can conclude that simple dialogue is the

exchange of thoughts between two or three individuals on the topic they are
talking about, dialogue occurs in two processes, namely the process of listening

and the process of speaking simultaneously, and usually conversations occur in a

familiar or not familiar atmosphere both at the age of children and adults. where

students will make a dialogue that describes a tourist attraction and then practice it

with their benchmates in front of the class, and after the students practice it, the

researcher pays attention to the students who are dialoguing.

2.1.4 Advantages of Pjbl

The advantages of Project-Based Learning In every learning model must

have their own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a learning model

will of course always have a positive impact on students and educators. The

advantages of project-based learning can be seen from the opinions of several

experts. According to Moursund cited by Wena (2011, p. 147) the advantages of

project-based learning are "(1) Increase motivation; (2) improve problem solving

skills; (3) improve library study skills; (4) improve collaboration; (5) improve

resource management skills." The advantages of project-based learning models

provide their own advantages, especially for students who run them. Quoted from

the experience conducted by Intel Corporation through the Intel Teach Program

(2007) in Sutirman (2013, p.45) shows that the application of project-based

learning brings benefits, especially for students, namely:

1. Increase frequency of attendance, foster independence and a positive attitude

towards learning;
2. Provides academic gains equal to or better than those produced by other

models, with learners involved in projects having greater responsibility for their

own learning;

3. Provides opportunities for learners to develop complex skills, such as higher-

order thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication.

4. Expanding learners' access to learning as a strategy to engage culturally diverse


Another opinion that details the advantages of project-based learning model is

Kemendikbud. Kemendikbud in Yunus Abidin (2013:171) further details the

advantages of this model as follows:

a. Increase learners' motivation to learn, encourage their ability to do important

work, and their need to be rewarded.

b. Improve problem-solving skills

c. Make learners more active and successfully solve complex problems.

d. Enhance collaboration

e. Encourage learners to develop and practice communication skills.

f. Improve learners' skills in managing resources.

g. Provides learners with learning and practical experience in organizing projects,

and making allocations of time and other resources such as equipment to complete

h. Provides learning experiences that engage learners in complex ways and are

designed to evolve with the real world.

i. Engage learners to learn to take information to demonstrate their knowledge and

apply it to the real world.

j. Make the learning atmosphere fun, so that students and educators enjoy the

learning process.

Weaknesses of Project-Based Learning Besides having advantages, the

project-based learning model also has some weaknesses. Those weaknesses are as


a. Requires a lot of time and money;

b. Requires a lot of media and learning resources;

c. Requires educators and students who are both ready to learn and develop;

d. There is a concern that learners will only master one particular topic that they

work on.

In its implementation, the use of project-based learning model has some

disadvantages. Learners are focused on making a project with careful planning

and sometimes require a lot of money in realizing the project. To make a good

finished project, learners and educators need various components that support

according to the project that will be designed. Obstacles will also come for

educators, if educators do not master properly in applying project-based learning

models it will cause confusion on the part of students. Therefore, the use of this

project-based learning model must be in harmony between students and educators

to learn and develop together.

The problems sometimes faced by students are, students do not understand

much about the aspects of speaking English, because these students are not

accustomed to using English as their daily communication then, students usually

often use Javanese in their daily activities rather than using Indonesian, because

Javanese is made as their first language as a consequence, they cannot speak

English properly or often make oral grammar mistakes. and the most common

problems that occur to students in this speaking activity are, they are not able to

speak English fluently, students have low self-confidence or motivate themselves

to learn, and social circumstances are less supportive, then students lack practice

speaking with teachers.

and teachers do not use many activities in English classes because teachers

use very few special programs in using English and always center on what will be

tested in the UN (national exam), and students are really bored in learning English

in a monotonous way.

and how to solve these problems, the researcher found that this PJBL

technique is a solution to overcome the way students speak, using PJBL is very

effective for solving problems, especially class X SMA N 1 Silangkitang observe

and pay attention to how to solve the problem:

1. Students can share experiences and positive interactions in the groups that have

been distributed after they have worked on the project, this project-based learning

technique offers many advantages in the learning process and there are several

advantages that can be obtained from this pjbl first of all they can increase student

motivation, students can maintain their own topics.

2. They can be younger problem solvers, project-based learning encourages

students to engage in complex and ill-defined contexts. Students identify their

topics and problems, then they search for possible solutions. By participating in

independent work they can collaborate to improve their problem-solving skills

and develop their critical thinking skills.

3. PJBL enhances students' media research skills, project-based learning provides

real-world connections with context for students, and students conduct using

various sources of information they get, after that find the resources themselves,

and make their research skills become improved

4. PJBL improves students' collaboration in the sorting stage, after which students

create and organize their own groups and arrange their own groups so that later

they are more comfortable when choosing their own groups, and they share

knowledge collaboratively and build/develop social communication skills and

gain multiple perspectives.

5. PJBL improves resource management skills, and by using project-based

learning, it will definitely succeed in giving learners experience in organization,

and time management by scheduling the necessary resources.

2.2 Relevant research

The title researched on tourism by choirin nisak (2012) "Identification of

beach potential for beach tourism development in Bantul regency", beach tourism

development in Bantul regency. The purpose of his research is to determine the

level of potential of each beach tourism object in Bantul Regency and understand

the direction of its development based on the level of potential of beach tourism

objects in Bantul Regency. By using secondary data analysis method and survey

using census, questionnaire, indepth, interview with key person. The results of

this study indicate that the existing beach tourism objects in Bantul Regency are

included in the class of developing beach tourism potential. Beach tourism objects

that are classified as high / fast development levels include Parangtritis Beach and

Parangkusumo Beach and the development pattern used is a tourist attraction that

has low development potential especially followed by objects that have medium

and high potential.

The link with PJBL is a researcher named choirin nisak (2012), he uses a

survey, if you want to survey there must be an interview using this PJBL must

think critically to make questions when we want to survey tourism, or make

groups so that the results of the interview can be discussed, because PJBL can

make students think critically to solve problems.

Several studies have been conducted using project-based learning

techniques, the first of which is: There have been many researchers who make

research related to speaking skills, describing tourist objects, and PJBL

techniques. One of them is Dewi (2016) who made a research entitled The results

of the study show that the application of the PJBL technique can improve

students' speaking achievement. Student improvement in cycle 1 increased from

67 in the pre-test to 71 in the post-test cycle.

1. an improvement of 4 in the first cycle. The biggest improvement occurred in


2. the students' test result in the second cycle post-test was 79, an increase of 8

from the first cycle post-test which means that the success indicator of 76 for this

study has been exceeded.

In addition, the number of students who were very active in teaching-

learning activities increased gradually from the first cycle to the second cycle.

Furthermore, for the Results indicator of students' responses to the PPA technique,

students had positive responses in their speaking classes. Based on their

responses, this technique can make students more motivated, happy, and confident

to speak English.

The second, Wiandani, R (2013) research entitled "The Effect of Contextual

Learning on Student Learning Interest in Accounting Productive Subjects at

Pasundan 3 Cimahi High School". The results showed that there was an influence

of the contextual learning model on the learning interest of class X students at

Pasundan 3 Cimahi High School by 58.4% and 41.6% was determined by other

1. The research that has been done, and the research that will be done both use a

quantitative approach and use a causal associative method.

2. The research that has been done, as well as the research that will be done, there

are similarities in variable Y, namely student interest in learning. The place of

implementation of the research that has been carried out at Pasundan 3 Cimahi

High School, while the place of implementation of the research to be carried out at

SMK Negeri 3 Bandung, Variable X in the research that has been done is a model,

contextual learning, while the research to be carried out uses variable X project-

based learning model.

The third, Widia Nuraili's research entitled "Application of the PJBL

Learning Model (Project Based Learning) to Improve the Attitude of Creativity

and Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students of SDN 3 Tanjungsari Purwakarta

on the Subtheme of Various Energy Sources". Classroom Action Research

conducted by Widian Nuraili, Thesis, Elementary School Educator, Faculty of

Education and Education Sciences, Pasundan University Bandung which was

conducted in class IV SDN 3 Tanjungsari Purwkarta. Shows that there is an

influence of the PJBL (Project Based Learning) model so that it can improve

student learning outcomes, can reach This can be seen in the percentage of

research results on self-confidence which always increases. Research conducted

by researchers in 2014, carried out with three cycles. In cycle I, 77.2% has not

seen an increase, in the implementation of cycle II there has been an increase of

88.6% in the activity of students in learning activities more actively, the attitude

of self-confidence and learning outcomes of students has increased, and in cycle

III, 93%, there was a very good increase, students were more active in exchanging

ideas to fulfill information to complete their tasks. In the first and second studies,

it can be seen that the PJBL (Project Based Learning) model has an effect on

increasing the attitude of creativity and learning outcomes of students in the

learning process, seen from each cycle carried out by researchers, there is a very

good improvement so that students in learning activities are more active,

confident attitudes and student learning outcomes can be seen and increased.

2.3 Framework for thinking

as a researcher I will use pjbl, namely by producing a dialogue that

describes a tourist attraction to improve students' speaking skills, by using this

PJBL, of course the students are not bored in learning because pjbl uses exciting

techniques, and when they describe their tourist attractions who were silent in the

classroom become active by always asking questions, this can make them more

thorough and always compact in solving problems.



The hypothesis in improving students' speaking skills in describing local

tourist attractions, through project-based learning techniques, is that the class

action research method can improve the speaking skills of X grade students of

SMA N1 Silangkitang.

3.1 Place And Time

This research will be carried out in the second semester of the 2022/2023

school year starting 28 February 2023. Determination of this research refers to

the educational academic calendar and does not interfere with the teaching

teaching and learning process.

3.2 Subject and Object of Research

The subject of this research is class X students of SMA N 1 Silangkitang

with a total of 34 students, consisting of 15 males and 19 females. The number of

students is 34, consisting of 15 males and 19 females. if in the classroom they

certainly have high, medium, low, and very low abilities. Meanwhile, in terms of

social, cultural and economic aspects of the community, students are very diverse,

there are those whose economic status is high, medium and less.

The object of this research is to improve students' speaking skills in

describing local tourist attractions through project-based learning techniques,

especially in students' speaking skills through PJBL techniques, by using this

PJBL technique students can improve their speaking skills in class X SMA N 1

3.3 Types and Research Approaches

According to Wijaya Kusuma (2009: 9), the definition of classroom action

research (CAR) is simply action research carried out by teachers in the

classroom.This research will use the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method.

CAR will be appropriate for research in the field of education conducted by

educators because it provides more benefits for teachers and students, especially

in improving certain skills in students.

In addition, the same opinion comes from Costello who defines CAR as a

systematic process of solving educational problems and making improvements.

This indicates that CAR as a research method is not concerned with complex

statistical analysis, but is more concerned with solving problems using strategies

or techniques. Therefore, the problem-solving process and the improvement of

students' abilities are the focus of this method.

According to Arikunto (2012: 3) Classroom Action Research (CAR) is an

observation of learning activities in the form of actions, which are deliberately

raised and occur in a class together. The action is given to the teacher or with

direction from the teacher carried out by students. reflection of practice. Rust

emphasizes CAR in reflection on practice. This means that the effectiveness of the

application of strategies that bring about improvements in student abilities is the

focus of the research. In conducting research using CAR, researchers should pay

more attention to the reflection of activities when they provide action to students.
From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that CAR is a

method that focuses on the effectiveness of the application of strategies in the

form of a spiral process to improve student learning outcomes by using certain

teaching techniques, and is also useful for teachers to improve their

professionalism in teaching and also to pay more attention to the reflection of the

activities carried out when they provide actions to students. Researchers will use

CAR as the method of this research. this research is to improve students' speaking

ability in describing local tourism through Project-Based Learning Techniques in

class X students of SMA N 1 Silangkitang in the 2022/2023 school year. In

conducting CAR activities, always pay attention to the following points:

1. CAR should not interfere with the learning process and teaching duties of the


2. CAR should not be too time-consuming, therefore CAR must be designed and

prepared in detail and carefully, and prepared in detail and carefully,

3. The implementation of the action should be consistent with the design that has

been made,

4. The problem studied must be a problem that really exists and is faced by the


5. The implementation of CAR must always follow the applicable work ethics

(obtaining permission from the principal, making reports, etc.),

6. It must always be the focus that CAR aims to make changes or improve the

quality of learning processes and results, through a series of actions. improvement

in the quality of learning processes and outcomes, through a series of learning

actions. learning. Therefore, the willingness and ability to change is very

important very important.

7. CAR must also be intended to teach teachers to increase their willingness to

change. and critical and systematic thinking skills.

8. CAR also aims to familiarize or teach teachers to write, making notes, and

various other scientific academic activities,

9. CAR should start from simple, real, clear, and sharp problems. As a teacher,

you must pay attention to the stages in class action research, so that teachers are

able to improve the learning process through an in-depth study of what happens in

their class, and strengthen relationships with students.

In this study, researchers used a qualitative research method approach to

answer the first problem formulation, and quantitative descriptive research

methods to answer the second problem. Qualitative research according to

Sugiyono (2013) is research used to research on natural object conditions, where

researchers are as (combined), data analysis is inductive. and qualitative research

results emphasize meaning rather than generalization. The natural object referred

to by Sugiyono (2013) is an object that is as it is, not manipulated by the

researcher so that the conditions when the researcher enters the object, after being

in the object and after leaving and the object is relatively unchanged. This
qualitative method is expected to improve students' speaking skills in describing

local attractions through project-based learning techniques.

The second research method is quantitative descriptive research method

Still according to Sugiyono (2013), descriptive research is research conducted to

determine the value of independent variables, either one or more (independent)

variables without making comparisons, or connecting with other variables.

Quantitative research according to Sugiyono (2013) is research by obtaining data

in the form of numbers or graded qualitative data, quantitative research is an

analysis method by calculating data that is proof of the problem. The use of

descriptive quantitative research in this thesis is expected to be able to provide an

overview through the calculation of the data obtained regarding students' speaking

ability in describing local tourist attractions through project-based learning


3.4 Data Collection Techniques

Qualitative data in this study will be taken from several instruments,

namely: observation checklists, field notes, and interviews. The first data will be

taken from the observation checklist and field notes. The collaborator will observe

the teaching and learning process by using observation and field notes at each

meeting. The researcher will collect them in each cycle. The second is the

interview. Interviews will be conducted with used to complement qualitative data.

The researcher will interview all all students. Interviews will be conducted at the

end of the cycle.

Quantitative Data, To make this study successful, the researcher will use

oral tests to collect quantitative data in this study. The material will be discussed

with the collaborator about the level for and its suitability to the research subject.

In this study, the test will be conducted several times, namely: in the pre-research

test, until a certain number of students can reach the research target. In the oral

speaking test, the students will show their English performance to measure their

speaking ability in describing local tourist attractions.

3.5 Data analysis techniques

Qualitative data in this study will be obtained from several sources,

namely: observation checklists, field notes, student interview results, and

documentation. To analyze this data, researchers will use the interactive model

data analysis put forward by (Hendryadi, et. al, 2019: 218) is a naturalistic inquiry

process that seeks a deep understanding of social phenomena in a natural way. and

verify conclusions. Components and verify conclusions. and verify conclusions.

Note the components below:

a. Data reduction: Data reduction occurs continuously throughout the analysis. In

the early stages, it occurs through editing, sorting and summarizing the data. In

the middle stage, it occurs through coding and memoing, and related activities

such as finding themes, clusters and patterns. In the final stage, it happens through

conceptualizing and explaining, as developing abstract concepts is also a way of

reducing data.
b. Data Display: Data display organizes, compresses, and structures information.

In this research, how to display data through graphs, charts, and diagrams to make

the data clearer.

c. Drawing and verifying conclusions: reducing and displaying data aims to assist

in drawing conclusions. While drawing conclusions logically follows the data

reduction and display. Then, possible conclusions can be noted and need to be


Quantitative data will be obtained from the oral speaking test. To assess

the students' oral speaking test, the following description of the assessment

aspects will be used:

a. Correct topic or idea

b. Speaks confidently with little hesitation (fluency)

c. Accurate use of grammar (Accuracy)

d. Use of different types of vocabulary (Vocabulary)

e. Pronunciation

Then, the results of this study will be interpreted by using a score interval

table based on the standard assessment of students in class 101 of SMA N 1

Silangkitang, especially class 101 of SMA N 1 Silangkitang in the 2022/2023

school year and the rubric for oral speaking assessment. After that, to find out the

improvement made by students, the researcher calculated it by reducing the

average score of students in the last cycle with the average score of students in the

pre-assessment test.

3.6 procedure and research design

The first procedure that will be carried out by the researcher is to conduct

a pre-assessment test. In the pre-assessment test, the researcher will give a test to

students in the form of a speaking test, specifically describing local tourist

attractions using an instrument that has been prepared by the researcher. The score

will be the basic score of students' ability to speak describing before they get

several cycles of action from the researcher. before they get several cycles of

action from the researcher by using the Project-Based Learning Technique. Then,

the researcher will provide actions to students for improvement. Then, the

researcher will give several cycles to treat the students to solve their problems and

make a significant improvement. In providing action with PTK consists of

planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. For more details can

be seen in the following figure.


Figure 1:
Ideal Action Research Cycle
Kemmis and Taggart

1. Action

Action is a series of processes of giving treatment to students Problem

solving according to Robert W. Balley (1989: 116) is a complex and high-level

activity of a person's mental process. Problem solving is defined as a combination

of bright ideas to form a new combination of ideas, it is concerned with reasoning

as a basis for combining ideas and leading to problem solving. In addition, a

person who has a lot of experience in a particular field always has a ready

response in a situation to solve a problem. to solve their problems and make some

improvements in their skills. Based on figure 1, the steps can be developed as

follows Procedure:Cycle 1

a. Planning

Planning is the first step taken by the researcher. This is related to good

collaboration between researchers and collaborators. The activities that must be

carried out by researchers in planning are: (1) identify the problem to be changed.

The researcher should have a good discussion with the teacher about the students'

condition by showing the students' documents especially their English lesson

grades, and discussing with the students about their habits in learning activities;

(2) informing: the researcher should inform the lesson plan to the collaborator of

the collaborator so that it can be assessed for reliability; (3) organizing, the

researcher should organize several types of activities that are considered very

important for the research development.

b. Implementing Action 1

The researcher implements techniques to solve students' problems and

make improvements for them. In this study, the researcher used Project-Based

Learning Technique to improve students' speaking ability in understanding

descriptive text. In this study, the researcher taught students The researcher taught

the students descriptive text by applying the detailed teaching procedures of the

Project Based Learning Technique in the lesson systematically to make

improvements for the students.

c. Observation

The researcher was assisted by a collaborator as an observer in this study.

The researcher should do some activities in this step: (1) analyzing: analyzing

evidence and compiling findings; (2) reporting: discussing findings with co-

researchers and or interpretation colleagues, and then writing a report; (3) sharing:

sharing findings with collaborators findings with collaborators, peers, or

d. Reflection

(Arikunto, et al; 2009: 19-20) Reflection activities are very important

activities to be carried out as if controlling teacher actions, teachers can see what

still needs to be improved, improved or maintained. Using activities that need to

be carried out when the teacher as a field practitioner has completed the action,

this is a form of self-evaluation. the teacher conveys all the activities or

experiences that have been carried out to be discussed with the researcher, the

teacher conveys everything that has been felt and conveys the extent of progress

or progress of the actions taken.

Some of the activities to be carried out by the researcher are: (1)

evaluating: evaluating the first cycle process. The researcher evaluates the actions

that have been given to students, including evaluation of the quality, quantity and

time of each action. In this process, the researcher will conduct a discussion with

the researcher will conduct a discussion with the collaborator about what the

researcher should do as an improvement in the next cycle based on the results of

the results and experiences in the first cycle in order to provide significant

progress in the teaching and learning process during the action; (2) implement:

implement new findings or strategies; (3) look back: look back at the process that

has been done Next Cycle The next cycle will be carried out as well as cycle 1,

and will be carried out based on the results of the previous cycle.
Pre Test (Initial Test)

The initial test or pre test is a test used to measure the position of students

in the class and to determine the level ofreadiness of students in learning the

material to be delivered. The functions of the pre test include:

a) To prepare students for the learning process.

b) To determine the level of student progress in relation to the learning

process carried out. the learning process carried out.

c) To find out the initial abilities that students have regarding the teaching

material that will be the topic in the learning process learning process.

d) To find out where the learning process should process should begin.

Post Test (final test)

Designing Speaking Tests, This test is intended to determine the students'

speaking ability in describing local tourist attractions using the Project-Based

Learning Technique. In this class action research, the speaking test will be given

after the action is given, namely at the third meeting in each cycle. The criteria for

assessing students' speaking ability in describing local attractions using Project-

Based Learning Techniques can be seen in accuracy and fluency.

Scale of Oral Testing:

Accuracy Fluency

Little or no language is produced Little or no communication

Poor vocabulary, errors in basic Ucapan yang sangat ragu-ragu dan

grammar, possibly very strong foreign singkat,terkadang sulit untuk

accent dimengerti

Adequate but not rich vocabulary, Conveys ideas, but hesitantly and

occasional grammar slips, slight foreign briefly


Good range of vocabulary, occasional In short, effective communication Turn

slip in grammar, slight foreign accent

Extensive vocabulary is appropriately Easy and effective communication,

used, almost no grammar using long turns

mistakes, like a native or a slight

foreign accent

Student Score Category table:

Score interval Category

80-100 Excellent

70-79 Good

60-69 Moderate

50-59 Poor

<50 Very Poor

Step level, if Very good Easy for the listener to understand the intent and

general meaning of the speaker. Very few interruptions or clarifications required.

step level. Good, Most of what the speaker says is easy to follow followed. His/her

attention is always clear but some interruptions are needed to help him to get the

message across or seek clarification. On average, the Listener can understand much

of what is being said, but he/she must continue to seek clarification. He cannot

understand and then with considerable effort by someone who is accustomed to

listening to the speaker. Poor, Only a small part (usually short sentences and

phrases) can be understood and then with considerable effort by someone who is

accustomed to the language. small (usually short sentences and phrases) can be

understood and then with considerable effort by someone accustomed to listening

to the speaker almost nothing is understood. listening to the speaker almost nothing

of what is said can be understood.Very poor Even the listener tries hard

interrupting, the speaker is unable to clarify anything he or she seems to have said.

Research Instruments, According to Sugiyono (2018: 102) a research

instrument is a tool used to measure observed natural and social phenomena.

Specifically, all of these phenomena are called research variables. In this study,

researchers will use five instruments to collect data. The instruments are: speaking

test, observation checklist, interview, field notes, and observation. interview, field

notes, and observation. The instruments can be described as follows:

1.Speaking Test

According to Nurgiyantoro (2001:58) speaking test is a way to conduct

assessment in the form of tasks that students must do. The test conducted in this

study is a speaking practice test, which is through the task of telling stories in front

of the class. The speaking test will be designed as the main instrument in this study.

The researcher will choose five popular tourist attractions in Bengkulu, and will

ask the students to describe them to measure their ability. These tourist objects can

be seen in the following explanation: Panas dingin, pandayangan, puleng rejo,

Soekarno House, and Jakat Beach.

2. Observation Checklist

According to Sugiyono (2018: 229) observation is a data collection

technique that has specific characteristics when compared to other techniques.

Observation is also not limited to people, but also other natural objects. The

function of observation in a study is to monitor the condition of classroom and

student conditions and to find out students' difficulties with the material and what is

used during the teaching and learning process. in Therefore, in making

observations, researchers will use it to be more systematic which contains a list of

activities or events that may occur during the study.

In conducting the observation, the researcher will be assisted by the

collaborator (English teacher at the school). The researcher will observe what

happens in the classroom during the lesson from the opening to the closing of the

teaching and learning activities. Then, the researcher also observed what happened

in the classroom and observed the effect of the teaching to improve students'
speaking ability. in describing local tourism objects. Then, it is also important to

observe the effect of teaching it to improve students' ability in speaking ability in

describing local tourism objects. The main aspects of observation in this study can

be explained as follows:

1) Students pay attention to the teacher's explanation.

2) Students' cooperation in the group.

3) Students' activeness in presenting the material.

4) Students' concern for other groups' presentations.

5) Student activeness in asking questions.

6) Student activeness in answering questions in the group.

Then, the researcher will also prepare an observation checklist for the

observation to be carried out by the collaborator. The purpose of this observation is

to control the stability and improvement of the researcher in students' speaking

ability in describing local attractions. The overall observation for both teachers and

students will be carried out at each meeting in cycle I and subsequent cycles.

3. Interview

In this study, researchers will use unstructured interviews to collect data.

The researcher will ask the research subject some questions related to what

happened in the classroom. In other words, in interviewing students, researchers do

not only rely on questions that have been prepared.

questions that have been prepared, but researchers will explore questions

based on what happens in the classroom to get in-depth data needed to interpret in

this study.

4. Field Notes

Field notes are a method of collecting data by recording whatever happens

in the field. In this study, researchers will use field notes to collect data related to:

(1) students' active involvement in the classroom process; (2) students' ability to

follow the new learning technique during the lesson; (3) students' advantages and

disadvantages in learning English by using Project-Based Learning Technique.

5. Documentation

Documentation will be used to support to describe the data in the study.

Documentation can be in the form of all documents collected as data, such as:

student worksheets, field notes, interview transcripts, and photographs during the

process during the research process. In other words, documentation in this research

aims to prove the authenticity of the data.




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