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Question 1. Consider following regression output and answer questions based on it.

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 82

F( 6, 75) = 68.52
Model 251.2112 6 41.8685333 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 45.8297557 75 .61106341 R-squared = 0.8457
Adj R-squared = 0.8334
Total 297.040955 81 3.66717229 Root MSE = .78171

logHC19 Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]

logRE -.4097141 .0805309 -5.09 0.000 -.5701398 -.2492883

logGC 7.884002 .8048537 9.80 0.000 6.280651 9.487353
Democracy .7286182 .1033253 7.05 0.000 .5227837 .9344528
CPI -.0042173 .0094681 -0.45 0.657 -.0230788 .0146441
Political_risk -.4234574 .1910594 -2.22 0.030 -.8040672 -.0428475
logGDP .01238 .0162977 0.76 0.450 -.0200868 .0448467
_cons -26.73515 3.274291 -8.17 0.000 -33.25788 -20.21243

Headcount Ratio at 1.9$ - HC19 CPI – Consumer Price Index

Remittance Inflow – RE
Gini Coefficient – GC

a) Write estimated equation of Headcount ratio variable and interpret each coefficient.

b) Check significance of each independent variable by using 15% significance level. Formulate Null and
Alternative Hypothesis for each.

c) Construct confidence interval for dependent variable by using given information on regression.
Assume that logRE=1.42, logGC=2.31 , Democracy = 1, CPI=12 , Political risk=0.2 and logGDP=2.3.
Interpret interval.

d) Interpret value of R square. Does this model have higher predictive power?

e) Test joint significance of all independent variables. Formulate respective Hypothesis.

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