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Compare essentialists views on problems of race (for example, less educational

attainment among black people in the US) with social constructivist position.
Initially, essentialists emphasize that all human actions and characteristics are
given to them from birth along with their genetics. thus, according to essentialists, the
fact that blacks are less educated is due to their nature. for example, they might say that
blacks are born with less skills and less learning than whites. On the other hand according
to social constructs, the beliefs, characters and stereotypes of everything we see are
created by humans. and they can relate the fact that blacks are less educated to the
discrimination they have suffered throughout history and the slavery they have been
subjected to.
2. Many sociologists think that aspects of social identity such as gender, ethnicity and age
are social constructions rather than biologically-based. What is meant by the term ‘social

Social construction term state that all of the above was created through human
interaction. all of these categories were created by historical political economic contexts.
3. Compare the views of liberal feminists on emancipation of women with the position of
radical feminists

According to the liberal feminism women should move out from houshold and
domestic works and should be part of the social activities. Liberal feminism focuses on
equal right, partnership of the genders in all spheres. However, main point of the radical
feminism is that main source of the female subordination is male domination. It state that
all issues based on gender is releated to patriarchy and it should be changed.

4. Why Simone de Beauvoir is using such terms as “The Second Sex” or the “Other” when
referring to women?
According to Simon, women are often seen as the second or other sex. According
to the her women are second sex because men are primary sex. Throughout history
females described imperfect males. The male is the rational being, the female deviates
from the male. That is why males are considered as a primary and females are considered
as secondary sex.
5. Why, according to F. Engels, the emergence of private property lead to emergence of
women as a subordinate class in premodern societies?
after private property, men needed formal heirs to protect and grow their property
and also to carry them on after them. However, it was difficult to determine the
official children because there were monogomous relationships before. Therefore,
with the formation of private property, women subordination was also started in
order to protect their property.

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