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主催:公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会

2015 年 1 月 25 日(日)実施


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Grade Pre-1
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2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among
1 the four choices. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and mark your answer.

(1) A: Vivian, what’s been the key to your successful marriage?

B: There are several, but trust is ( ). Without it, any relationship will
1 intentional 2 fundamental 3 speculative 4 courageous

(2) Don’t be too ( ) at this stage. It’s still too early to tell whether you’ll
get the promotion.
1 relevant 2 optimistic 3 justified 4 permissive

(3) According to a leading magazine, a former presidential adviser had received a

$7 million ( ) for helping a company get large construction contracts.
1 fraud 2 bait 3 scam 4 bribe

(4) Tony accused his sister of being ( ) after she refused to give him a
dollar to buy a drink from the vending machine.
1 stingy 2 hectic 3 adorable 4 premature

(5) Charlene was sent home from school to change after she turned up wearing a
tank top, which was a clear ( ) of the dress code.
1 violation 2 succession 3 acquisition 4 recession

(6) During the earthquake, the bridge ( ) so violently that many drivers
lost control of their cars.
1 hailed 2 swayed 3 restrained 4 soaked

(7) The mayor presented the woman with a Good Citizen Award as a ( )
to her efforts to help the homeless in her area.
1 testament 2 foundation 3 bureau 4 deficiency

(8) The company president knew that using the latest information technology would
be costly, but he believed it was ( ) to the company’s new strategy.
1 indebted 2 integral 3 mediocre 4 primitive

(9) The letter that Stacey and her husband received from the bank was ( ),
so they were unsure of exactly what it meant.
1 vibrant 2 ambiguous 3 spiteful 4 righteous

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !3! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

( 10 ) I’m really glad Walter is my new mentor. He’s a ( ) example of a

successful salesperson. He has a great attitude and really knows how to get results.
1 prime 2 clumsy 3 tranquil 4 pathetic

( 11 ) The country’s court system is known to be ( ). It is said that a suspect

can buy favorable treatment at trial by offering officials just a few hundred dollars.
1 exempt 2 exclusive 3 corrupt 4 moderate

( 12 ) A: Do you have a busy schedule for your business trip to Paris?

B: I have meetings for the first three days, but I hope to spend the ( )
of the week visiting my aunt.
1 posture 2 sanctuary 3 proponent 4 remainder

( 13 ) Giovanni was given a very strict punishment for breaking the school’s no-
smoking rules. “Such ( ) is unacceptable,” said the principal.
1 disobedience 2 eloquence 3 surveillance 4 sacrifice

( 14 ) The predicted ( ) in this year’s budget means the government will be

forced to find alternative ways to finance its spending programs.
1 component 2 pileup 3 detergent 4 shortfall

( 15 ) As the deadline for the report approached, Steve had to ( ) the help of
his co-workers to get it done in time.
1 encode 2 disguise 3 enlist 4 depict

( 16 ) The sausages and hamburgers ( ) on the hot barbecue, creating a rich

smell that made everyone hungry.
1 dodged 2 snatched 3 choked 4 sizzled

( 17 ) The city’s waterfront tourist district is known to be a ( ) for thieves, so

police warn visitors to be careful with their belongings.
1 texture 2 stack 3 pension 4 haven

( 18 ) Public confidence in the healthcare system has ( ) since newspapers

reported serious medical errors at many hospitals.
1 assigned 2 invaded 3 eroded 4 haunted
2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !4! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
( 19 ) The company is offering generous ( ), such as a furnished apartment
and bonuses, to encourage executives to accept long-term overseas positions.
1 rallies 2 vaults 3 incentives 4 inscriptions

( 20 ) Harold is strongly opposed to war. He believes governments should never

( ) to violence to solve international disagreements.
1 detain 2 resort 3 console 4 enclose

( 21 ) Donna feels there is not enough greenery in urban areas, so she has started a
charity ( ) to educating people about the importance of planting trees.
1 tender 2 abandoned 3 majestic 4 dedicated

( 22 ) The government did not have to wait long for the scandal to ( ). After
only a couple of months, the public seemed to have forgotten all about it.
1 shake up 2 flood back 3 blow over 4 hire out

( 23 ) A: Cindy, sorry to ask, but Mike’s got the flu and can’t attend this weekend’s
conference in Stockport. Could you ( ) for him?
B: I should be able to go, but I’ll need to check with my husband first.
1 fill in 2 grow out 3 see in 4 miss out

( 24 ) A: I’m not very good with computers, so you’ll have to ( ) me while I

try to download this new software.
B: No problem. Take your time.
1 skim over 2 read into 3 bear with 4 set about

( 25 ) Mr. Grieg started Tekno Holdings Inc. with his friends from college, but he
gradually ( ) all of the other owners. Now, he controls the whole
1 carried over 2 played up 3 won back 4 bought out

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !5! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Read each passage and choose the best word or phrase from
2 among the four choices for each blank. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer.

The Bristol Brabazon

During World War II, the United States supplied most of Britain’s transport
aircraft. While this arrangement allowed Britain to focus on producing bombers, it
also ( 26 ). It was clear that the experience in the design and manufacture of
transport aircraft gained by the United States would put it at an advantage once
the war was over. In 1943, the British government, realizing it was falling behind
in the civilian aircraft industry, called for the development of a deluxe commercial
aircraft that could travel between London and New York.
Six years later, the Bristol Brabazon, as the test model of the plane was
called, made its debut. It was larger than any commercial aircraft that had come
before it and featured a number of luxuries, including a spacious interior and
onboard entertainment. In fact, these features proved to be one reason for the
plane’s ( 27 ). It seemed air travelers in the postwar years valued
affordability and speed over comfort, which put smaller, faster aircraft in high
demand and led airlines to reject the design.
The Brabazon’s development, however, ( 28 ). Nearly half the project’s
funding had been used to develop facilities necessary for operating the test model.
Engineers were able to use the large storage building and extra-long runway built
for the Brabazon to accommodate more-successful aircraft designs. Moreover, the
technology that had been used in the Brabazon could be applied to any aircraft. In
these ways, the Brabazon helped pave the way for the future of Britain’s transport
aircraft industry.

( 26 ) 1 created a serious weakness 2 led to mistaken beliefs

3 became popular abroad 4 helped the military in other ways

( 27 ) 1 poor safety record 2 influence on many industries

3 commercial failure 4 popularity with the wealthy

( 28 ) 1 took too much time 2 had lasting effects

3 was attacked by critics 4 continued in later years

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !6! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Predator Effects
The impact predators have on populations of their prey is usually blamed on
direct killing. Recent research, however, suggests this is only part of the picture.
Liana Zanette, a biologist at the University of Western Ontario in Canada,
conducted an experiment to see if the population growth rate of prey animals is
affected by the ( 29 ). Zanette’s team monitored a population of wild
sparrows over a four-month breeding period. Speakers broadcasting recordings of
sounds made by either predators or non-predators were put in different sections of
the birds’ habitat. The birds were protected from actual predators by fencing and
The results showed a 40 percent reduction in the number of offspring
produced by females in sections where predator recordings had been played.
Zanette believes this was the result of changes to the birds’ behaviors. These
females laid fewer eggs, and when the eggs hatched, the females made fewer and
shorter trips from the nest to search for food. ( 30 ), they built their nests in
denser vegetation, making them harder for predators to find but also more difficult
for the sparrows themselves to reach.
These findings ( 31 ) in Yellowstone National Park in the United
States. Following the reintroduction of wolves into the park, the elk population,
which had grown so large it was destroying forest growth, fell by 50 percent. This
decline was too big to have resulted from hunting by wolves. Zanette suspects that
the elk, like the sparrows, responded to the threat of predators by limiting their
movements, consuming less food, and raising fewer young.

( 29 ) 1 health of ecosystems 2 sense of danger they feel

3 presence of similar animals 4 number of humans near them

( 30 ) 1 Nevertheless 2 Additionally
3 For instance 4 On the other hand

( 31 ) 1 may explain a phenomenon 2 were used to protect wolves

3 could not be repeated 4 helped scientists locate sparrows

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !7! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Read each passage and choose the best answer from among the
3 four choices for each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and mark your answer.

Cruise Liners in Venice

Every day, cruise ships weighing as much as 140,000 tons sail into Venice to give
passengers a view of Italy’s famous “floating city.” Although the city’s economy relies
heavily on the ships’ presence, pressure is building to ban them from entering the harbor.
Critics say that since the ships are so much bigger than the old structures lining the
canals, a single navigation error could lead to the destruction of several irreplaceable
buildings. Supporters of the cruise business argue that each ship is guided into the harbor
by two smaller boats and two additional pilots, all working to make sure the ships
approach the city safely.
Even so, critics believe the ships are already damaging the city. Local protest groups
have pointed out that the biggest cruise ship to enter Venice emits as much pollution in
an hour as 15,000 cars. Moreover, the ships’ emissions contain sulfur, which reacts with
rainwater to form an acid that may be damaging the city’s ancient brick buildings.
Nevertheless, cruise operators insist that the contents of their emissions are within
European regulations and that they have plans to switch to fuels containing less sulfur in
the future.
The debate is far from over. In 2013, a law was passed limiting the number of large
cruise ships allowed to enter the city each day, and banning those over 96,000 tons. The
local government also proposed redirecting the ships to a new port that would be located
away from the city. Before the law went into effect, however, it was suspended by a
regional court on the basis that there was insufficient evidence of the dangers posed by
cruise ships. For now, the ships keep coming into Venice, even as many of the city’s
inhabitants continue to protest.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !8! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

( 32 ) What is one complaint about the cruise ships that visit Venice?
1 They take up a lot of space in the city’s harbor while contributing little to
the local economy.
2 The expansion of the city’s canals to accommodate them is proving to be
too expensive.
3 They are too large to reliably enter the city without the risk of a serious
4 Their large size prevents tourists on land from enjoying much of the city’s

( 33 ) What is one point made in support of the cruise business?

1 The ships’ growing popularity means they are being forced to follow
increasingly strict standards for emissions.
2 The acid rain that damages brick buildings is not caused by sulfur
3 The pollution caused by cars is a bigger problem than environmental
damage from cruise ship emissions.
4 The ships’ emissions meet the official requirements that have been

( 34 ) The law that was passed in 2013

1 was prevented from going into effect because there were doubts as to
whether it was necessary.
2 lasted only a short time before pressure from the tourist industry led to it
being reversed.
3 will go into effect when a new port for the cruise ships is built and new
passage routes are agreed on.
4 will likely lead other port cities to take similar measures to regulate the
cruise business.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !9! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Brown Fat
People spend billions of dollars every year on products that promise to reduce body
fat. Ironically, new research findings indicate that brown fat, a type of body fat that
converts stored energy into heat, could actually help people become thinner.
Mammals’ bodies store fat in two different forms. The more visible kind, white fat,
mainly functions as a way to store energy. When humans consume more calories than
they burn, their white fat tends to increase and they gain weight. Brown fat, on the other
hand, burns calories in order to warm the body. Some animals rely on their brown fat
stores for protection from the winter cold. In humans, brown fat is present in particularly
large amounts in newborn babies, who use it to keep their body temperature stable. Until
recently, biologists believed that as humans mature and their ability to self-regulate their
body temperature improves, brown fat cells decline in number and eventually disappear.
Dr. Sven Enerbäck of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, however, suspected
humans may keep some brown fat into adulthood. He employed imaging technology that
can locate cancer in the human body by scanning for “hot spots” areas where cells are
burning extra blood sugar to produce heat. Hot spots are often a sign of tumors, which
consume energy for rapid growth. Enerbäck concentrated his search on his subjects’
necks, an area where hot spots often give false-positive cancer test results. He believed
these hot spots might be the result of brown fat cell activity. This turned out to be
correct. Enerbäck also showed that low temperatures could activate these stores of brown
fat, causing them to generate heat and burn calories. After exposing his subjects to mild
cold, he found that their brown fat cells were far more active than before.
Building on Enerbäck’s discovery, Joslin Diabetes Center researcher Dr. Yu-Hua
Tseng used a protein called BMP7 to convert white fat cells taken from mice into brown
fat. Furthermore, injecting these converted brown fat cells back into the mice made the
animals more resistant to obesity. “The hope is that this research will lead to better ways
to treat obesity, especially for people who are overweight because of their genes,” Tseng
says. “Right now, there are not many good options for these people.” For people who
have become obese due to overeating and lack of exercise, however, she says that a
change in lifestyle, rather than cellular intervention, is the proper course of treatment.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 10 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
( 35 ) What is one difference between white fat and brown fat?
1 White fat is present in mammals of all ages, while brown fat is only found
in infant mammals.
2 In human babies, white fat serves mainly to regulate body temperature,
while brown fat has multiple functions.
3 Brown fat provides mammals with protection from the cold by burning
energy, while white fat stores energy.
4 Weight-loss and dieting research tends to focus on brown fat, while white
fat is often ignored.

( 36 ) Dr. Sven Enerbäck tested his theory by

1 using imaging technology to examine tumors for evidence of brown fat cell
2 focusing on a part of the body that is known to show levels of heat
production often thought to be associated with cancer.
3 examining fat cells in a number of people whose bodies were burning fewer
calories than average.
4 comparing the activity of various cancer cells at low temperatures to see
which ones remained more active.

( 37 ) What does Dr. Yu-Hua Tseng believe about using brown fat to encourage
weight loss?
1 Although injecting mice with brown fat cells makes them thinner, such a
treatment could not be used for people.
2 Since brown fat is only activated by physical exercise, its potential for
helping severely overweight people is limited.
3 Using BMP7 to increase brown fat levels in people has been effective, but
the treatment carries significant risks.
4 While brown fat could be a significant help to certain people, it would not
be an appropriate option for everyone.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 11 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

The War over Antiquities

In recent years, a number of illegally acquired antiquities have been returned to their
countries of origin. This has largely been the result of an international treaty put forth in
1970 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The treaty has limitations, however. For one, although it calls for governments to recover
and return objects illegally imported after the treaty was established, there is no mention
of how to treat objects acquired prior to that. Consequently, the basis for supporting the
return of some of the world’s most valuable antiquities can be unclear. Many of these
objects were acquired centuries ago through war and colonial expansion, and their rightful
ownership is hotly debated.
One well-known example is the Elgin Marbles, a collection of stone sculptures and
architectural features that were once a part of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. In the
early 1800s, when Greece was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, the British ambassador,
Lord Elgin, began making casts and drawings of the ancient artworks. By that time,
centuries of conflict and neglect had left the Parthenon in ruins, with only some of the
marbles still intact. Elgin removed roughly half of the remaining pieces and shipped them
to Britain, where they were eventually sold to the British government. The legality of
Elgin’s actions has long been disputed by the Greeks, who have been calling for the
marbles’ return ever since.
Many favoring the marbles’ return to Greece argue that they must be viewed in their
original cultural setting in order to be fully understood and interpreted. All requests made
to the British government, however, have been rejected. Each year, millions of visitors
from around the world visit the British Museum, where the marbles can be viewed free of
charge. Authorities there believe the ability to study and research the marbles in London
has contributed to a greater international appreciation for Greek cultural heritage.
Moreover, they argue that displaying the marbles alongside works from European cultures
that both influenced and were influenced by Greek sculpture allows for a historical
comparison of European art.
Further complicating the debate for several decades was the question of whether
Greece could properly care for and display the marbles if they were returned. The
Acropolis Museum in Athens had limited space, and air pollution had grown so severe by
the late 1970s that returning them to the Parthenon would have resulted in substantial
damage. To address this, Greece began the construction of a new building for the
Acropolis Museum in 1999. Today, visitors to the museum can view plaster copies of the
Elgin Marbles alongside the pieces of the marbles that have remained in Greece. Such an
arrangement allows the artworks to be viewed as a complete set. However, curators at the
museum hope to be able to replace the plaster copies with the actual marbles soon.
Although authorities at the British Museum say they have no plans to part with them,
recent opinion polls show a majority of Britons are in favor of returning the marbles to

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 12 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
( 38 ) Why are the Elgin Marbles not covered by the UNESCO treaty?
1 Greece’s history as part of the Ottoman Empire makes it difficult to
determine exactly which country they belong to.
2 The British government acquired them from one of its citizens instead of
directly from the marbles’ country of origin.
3 They were transferred to Britain more than 100 years before the treaty was
4 The international community officially recognized Britain as their rightful
owner prior to 1970.

( 39 ) What do we learn about the removal of the Elgin Marbles from Greece?
1 Lord Elgin initially tried to stop the marbles from being shipped to Britain
so he could finish his work with them in Greece.
2 The British government argued that maintenance of the marbles would be
much cheaper if they were kept in Britain.
3 Britain and Greece disagree on whether Lord Elgin had a lawful right to
take the marbles to Britain.
4 Britain believed the marbles did not belong in Greece as Ottoman rulers
had brought them there illegally.

( 40 ) What is one thing authorities at the British Museum say about the Elgin
1 Returning the marbles to Athens would result in a loss of interest in
European art among the British public.
2 Although it would be ideal to display the marbles in Athens, they cannot be
safely transported there.
3 It is in the best interest of the British public to keep the marbles in London
because of the tourism the pieces attract to Britain.
4 The way the marbles are displayed in London allows them to be studied in
a historical context.

( 41 ) Construction of a new building for the Acropolis Museum was begun so that
1 visitors could have the chance to view British artworks that the museum
was able to borrow from London.
2 a safe location could be established for housing and displaying the Elgin
Marbles if Greece were able to recover them.
3 pieces of the Elgin Marbles that remained in Greece could be moved to a
facility partly controlled by Britain.
4 a part of the museum that had suffered damage in the 1970s as a result of
air pollution could be replaced.
2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 13 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

● Read the e-mail below.

● Imagine that you are Harumi. Write an appropriate response to Zoe.
● Your response should be around 100 words in length.
● Write your response in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet.
Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

Dear Harumi,

I hope you are well.

I read an interesting article about Japan yesterday. It said that the number of families
in which both parents work is increasing. Do you think this trend will continue?

The article also said that people in Japan often socialize with their co-workers after
work. What do you think about that?

By the way, I’m planning to start taking karate classes. Do you think it’s a good idea
for people to do a martial art such as karate?

I look forward to hearing from you.


2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 14 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 15 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

There are three parts to this listening test.

Part 1 Dialogues: 1 question each Multiple-choice

Part 2 Passages: 2 questions each Multiple-choice
Part 3 Real-Life: 1 question each Multiple-choice

※ Listen carefully to the instructions.

Part 1

No. 1 1 Scientists often make wrong predictions.

2 Pollution levels do not affect the weather.
3 The high temperatures are nothing to worry about.
4 The heat wave is related to global warming.

No. 2 1 Extend the visiting hours.

2 Call the woman tomorrow.
3 Contact Victor’s doctor.
4 Check to see if Victor is awake.

No. 3 1 His English is sometimes difficult to understand.

2 He should have more confidence in his English ability.
3 His English speaking is better than his writing.
4 He should get more English conversation practice.

No. 4 1 See if the situation improves.

2 Come home earlier.
3 Ask for a transfer.
4 Try to find a new job.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 16 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
No. 5 1 Give him another room.
2 Let him check out later.
3 Fix the fan this evening.
4 Bring dinner up to his room.

No. 6 1 He was busy with his studies.

2 He was not aware he needed to.
3 He did not receive the renewal pack.
4 He completed the wrong documents.

No. 7 1 The supplier lost his order.

2 The book he wants is out of print.
3 He did not get a call from the store.
4 He forgot to buy his wife’s present.

No. 8 1 He needs more buyers.

2 He is thinking of moving.
3 His business is doing well.
4 His house is for sale.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 17 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
No. 9 1 Repaint the walls in the bathroom.
2 Look for some cheaper tiles.
3 Save money before they start decorating.
4 Do more work on the kitchen.

No. 10 1 Try to get another flight.

2 Wait in the airport.
3 Make a hotel reservation.
4 Call a taxi.

No. 11 1 The woman should make lasagna more often.

2 The woman should let him help with the cooking.
3 The woman should invite the children over for dinner.
4 The woman should cook smaller amounts.

No. 12 1 It had an environmental message.

2 The pictures were very beautiful.
3 It was not well attended.
4 She was unable to meet the photographer.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 18 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

Part 2

(A) No. 13 1 An increase in protein production.

2 A weakening of the body’s defenses.
3 An increased feeling of well-being.
4 A slowing of the metabolism.

No. 14 1 Exercise can reduce fever levels.

2 Exercising closes the passages in the nose.
3 A cold can permanently damage the lungs.
4 People with minor colds benefit from light exercise.

(B) No. 15 1 He was competing with a rival.

2 He damaged the larger skeleton.
3 He never discovered a real Apatosaurus.
4 He hid the skeletons he found.

No. 16 1 It was preferred by Marsh.

2 It describes the dinosaur’s size.
3 It was the first name given to the species.
4 It has more public appeal.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 19 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
(C) No. 17 1 Airlines can receive government subsidies.
2 Airlines want to avoid being fined.
3 Biofuels are much cheaper than fossil fuels.
4 Biofuels burn more slowly than fossil fuels.

No. 18 1 They require more water than other crops.

2 Using them could result in higher fuel prices.
3 They generate large amounts of waste.
4 Growing them could lead to food shortages.

(D) No. 19 1 Its main food source is made by leaves.

2 Its body can change color.
3 It attacks other spiders.
4 It makes its nest in acacia trees.

No. 20 1 Safely avoid ants.

2 Consume insects.
3 Shelter in acacia trees.
4 Produce a poison.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 20 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
(E) No. 21 1 Put more signs up at the front desk.
2 Clean guest bathrooms more often.
3 Let guests know that others are reusing towels.
4 Charge a replacement fee for new towels.

No. 22 1 It forces them to limit other services.

2 It creates more work for management.
3 It can help them to lower labor costs.
4 It can reduce customer satisfaction.

(F) No. 23 1 It can be taken down quickly.

2 It rises to stay above water.
3 It has already saved many people.
4 It is too expensive for most people to buy.

No. 24 1 It will negatively affect wildlife.

2 It is made using dangerous chemicals.
3 It is not made from recycled material.
4 It cannot be produced in large numbers.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 21 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

Part 3

(G) No. 25 Situation: You called your pharmacy earlier about a prescription
refill. The pharmacist has left you the following voice
Question: What should you do first?
1 Pick up the refill.
2 E-mail the renewal form.
3 Call the pharmacy back.
4 Contact your doctor.

(H) No. 26 Situation: You are on a business trip and want to try a local
restaurant. You need to be back at the hotel in an hour.
The concierge tells you the following.
Question: Where should you go?
1 The Lucky Lobster.
2 The Tree House.
3 Harry’s.
4 A restaurant downtown.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 22 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
(I) No. 27 Situation: Your son is having behavioral problems at school.
You meet with the school counselor, who tells you the
Question: What should you do first?
1 Give the counselor some signed documents.
2 Have your son begin one-on-one sessions.
3 Bring your husband to meet the counselor.
4 Get your daughter to agree to participate.

(J) No. 28 Situation: You are on your way to give a product demonstration
for a client at 2 p.m. You hear the following voice
mail from your assistant at 1:30 p.m.
Question: What should you do first?
1 Contact the client.
2 Stop by the office.
3 Meet with Jessie.
4 Call Diane.

(K) No. 29 Situation: It is your first day of English class at a university

abroad. You scored 92 on the entrance test. The
professor tells you the following.
Question: What should you do to get extra credit?
1 Interview more than five people.
2 Think of some additional questions.
3 Spend more than 15 hours in the lab.
4 Write a longer interview summary.

2014年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 23 ! copyright2015 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
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*解答速報 1月26日 13:00以降


*「語い・熟語」― 大問[1] *
「読解」― 大問[2]

[3] *
「作文」― 大問[4] *
「リスニング」― Part 1∼3


1)試験日 2015年2月22日(日)

■二次試験受験地番号表■ *横浜・東京・大阪は下記,島部・海外は右記参照


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