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Digital Audio for Media – UOW Malaysia KDU University College – School of Computing and Creative Media

CW#7: Mastering (5%)

DUE: 20/11/2022

Objective: To master final mixes to broadcast loudness specifications.


1. Using your existing Teleport project, add a music track, mix it and create a master
channel and insert the following plugin..

Pro Limiter (Insert -> Plug-in -> Dynamics -> Pro Limiter)

2. If you have a Loudness Meter plugin, you can opt to use that and in the preset tab,
select EBU R128 LUFS. This is the international broadcast loudness specification.

Our target is to hit -23 LUFS.

3. Go ahead and play the whole mix from the start. It is important to start from the
beginning of the session!
Digital Audio for Media – UOW Malaysia KDU University College – School of Computing and Creative Media

Once you’ve got your LUFS. If you are at -23 LUFS, then you’re golden. If you are
hitting -23 or more (meaning -22/-14), then you’ll have to turn your mix down
according to how much difference in LUFS you have. If it’s lower, then you’ll have to
turn up your mix.

4. To perform a gain increase/decrease to hit your LUFS target. Open up your hard
limiter. Play around with the input boost level. Usually you can do quick maths to hit
your target fast. For example, if you’re hitting -20 LUFS, you have a -3 difference and
you’ll have to turn it down by -3db. If you’re hitting -30 LUFS, you’re quieter by 7 db
and have to add 7 db of input gain to your hard limiter.

5. Once you’ve hit your target. Export your final mix accordingly and end your filename
with FirstName_FinalMix_23LUFS.
Example: Ivan_FinalMix_23LUFS

6. Submit using this form.-

Rubric 5%

2 points : File exported @ 48kHz/24bit wav file.

2 points : Handed in on time.
1 point : Target LUFS of -23 achieved (1 LUFS leeway)

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