Green House Effect RES Assignment-1

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Green House Effect :

The Greenhouse Effect is the process by which certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere trap heat
from the sun, causing the planet's temperature to rise. This warming of Earth’s temperature is
known as the "greenhouse effect".

The phenomena of Green House Effect could be easily understood using the example of a car,

For e.g. When we park our car in direct sunlight and when we come back after some time we
observe that the car is hotter from the inside, this is due to the fact that the sunlight enters the our
and is not allowed to leave which causes the rise In temperature.

Same is the case with earth, the Sunlight enters the Earth’s atmosphere and after reflection is it not
allowed to leave due to the presence of certain gases.

Cause :
Green House effect is mainly caused due to presence of the following gases :

 Carbon Dioxide
 Methane
 Nitrous Oxide
 Fluorinated Gases

Above mentioned gases are mainly caused due to :

Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Industries , Deforestation , Transportation – Cars , Buses and other Vehicles

Methane (CH4): Agriculture , Landfills , Coal Mining

Nitrous Oxide (N2O): Fertilizer Production like ammonia , By product of microbial processes

How can we Reduce :

Use Clean Energy: Use cleaner form of energy like Solar , Wind , Hydropower since they are
comparatively cleaner than the energy produces by burning Fossil Fuels

Afforestation: Plant more Trees and Stop cutting trees since plants take CO2 and emits Oxygen.
Public Transport: Use public transport whenever possible and prefer cycles or walking for short
distance travels.

Improve Agricultural and Livestock Practices : Reducing the use of Nitrogen Fertilizers ,
Improving Manure Management can help in reduction of Nitrous Oxide.

Carbon Capture and Storage : Development in Technology which makes capturing and storing of
CO2 more efficient. C02 is emitted by factories and industries and plays a major role in increasing
Global Warming.

Reducing the greenhouse effect requires a global effort and the cooperation of
governments, businesses, and individuals.

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