Architectural Diagrams - Architecture Student Guide-Min

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ARCHITECTURAL “ Be aa Teste 3 rites mug Get my E-bool y E-books from @illustrarch @ < tne uriverstY eqns al ‘ sa ok este 3 ot sean ie a ery good andit a ere you Bb ae ae i egiagrams and NOM ree io Scns @ ava anarc sure neste a — a om ASS naaew sade oe you ema @ oh re cealy eM ey Mr Tifa 1198 ised re009 she EdOOK YOU ‘ade that | 30% tre Erol at ve tics your fee ebook. Ever Moummadesne sia interactive Ht aettione ike me, 1G 8 ou rasualy least" easily 2 reel. sare ths oY ar ae. Hope om, Qe hs — * 7 anaes . ate so voved ta ean 9 eae ee jou se ase a you asters * ee Tenet 2 eu tent pti Thank ks 7 your positive feedbacks! ore to come 7 Stay tuned! Miele) a diagram? ETaTe Rag tela create it? PYTerel ceria Dyed and choosing Tae] for your project acral oa examples Ilmrerey bg All About Diagrams! Part Ol - Why and what is * DIA GRAM? , What? Diagram is the process of abstracting and simplifying an idea so Why? that it can be easily understood. It is a record of physical and spatial features that define the unique and distinctive features of a building, site or program. An architect's language is generally drawings, so basically instead of using a lot of text why don’t you show your ideas with simple drawings like diagrams? and because the architec- ture reviewer of your work would like to see the process of your work not just the result! like a child’s scheme or sketch! it is all —— A diagram is about clarity and reduction of a thought. giving a range of different lenses to provide insight into a particular project nner Physical Models if _ 7 “ES Digital Sketches ae << } NS . Diagrams facilitate the quick discovery of alternative solutions to a problem in early stages of development. aaa | Diagrams doesn’t only analyze the physical, but also reveal the Diagrams also make it easier to understand how some seemingly unrelated works can actually be put together thematically as an inventory of relevant conditions. context, background and a lot more. Diagrams creation is a method of showing the design process itself. and Visual language is the medium between thought and reality as sketches and diagrams represent and reflect what the designer wants them to reflect. that is special LrelmelCi Con In other arts generally there is no focus on showing the design process itself such as painting or sculpture, but for us, it is an essential skill! Making a plan, model, and render for every freaking idea that you think of! That is scary man! So diagrams can be your option to test tens of ideas quickly and efficiently. One of the reasons we do diagrams for is that arch. drawings can be hard for to understand, so we use diagrams to explain the most important parts of the HESHEEBEY using EimBI drawings that everyone can get And by removing all the other details that can make the concept harder to see, the public Part 02 - DIAGRAM * Types Types Bubble Diagram Conceptual Diagram Program Diagram Context Diagram Structure Diagram Axonometric Diagram Scale Diagram Activity Diagram Emotional Diagram Topology Diagram Circulation Diagram Parametric Diagram Plan Diagram Mass Diagram Geometric Diagram Illustrations Sketches Collages cNeert #\ AM House” Bubble Diagram Bubble diagrams are freehand diagrammatic drawings made by architects to be used for space planning and organization at the begii ning of the design process. The various elements of the program are listed and then arranged as per required proximity. It is an arrangement of what comes where in a design. Just like conceptual diagrams these bubble diagrams are also modified later on to develop best suited arrangement of spaces. Upper nage Coed: hips /opansaurcehouteduco files. wordpress com/2014/09/_dash_conceptlmaihous pa Examples ‘Kos edffae Converse} cose. — Avecuarer! LOE OOK Plo RELATE Oo SELLING NEED QO Herts fee Image Coed Ips /nacyhalns weebly com/ tail hal Examples OFM + Zavoro Stnees 7 CA Th pave orice s WD rvee ances Bh womens. Imoge Credit hip: //becidavis510 blogspot com/ 2010/03/spatia-odjacencies inl Imoge Credit biips//emmollox files wordpress com/2010/ 12/sean? jpg Examples Imoge Credit hnips//worldlandscopearciectcom/neo-brssels/# XII2p3kzZPY WATER TAXI ‘VIDEO CNTR 00 FT ~~ RESTAURANT ‘3.000 FT ‘COURTYARD. RECEPTION ‘5,200 MARKET 2,000 FT ® DS spaTAL CONNECTION TO (GREENHOUSES Imoge Credit nips //archinectcom/mig363/projecl/aquoponicereseorch-centet 2 ‘SPATIAL, CONNECTION TO ‘GREENHOUSES ORIENTED TO MECCA “144° SE Zed ide Conceptual Diagram The Conceptual diagrams show the process or the sequence of finding the concept through specific steps. and It helps people to understand what lead to the final idea. And through few basic shapes and their ar- rangement, the main idea is put forward. These conceptual diagrams can be seen as the start- ing step which is later manipulated, adjusted and modified till the actual design emerges out of it. A conceptual diagram is often presented as a process that takes more than two steps. These diagrams often use a setting that remains constant throughout the process. Itis only necessary to change one or two variables to show the concept more clearly. Upper nage Cred hps://tepinerestcom/pin/ 2894970823 57994/ Examples Imoge Credit bitps://worw aD pti ene et. 1 ee deforma. ey) Jos caries marcan la dicen. as pers alrededor. Imoge Crit nips: // wor /protatypa-hovse-n-opanjover-marsal-phx-ora-perez-portoRad_medomegclery Examples loge Credit nips // wer &) aaa Le ad. Phase2 (11) Conse he bung into vided pars o beret fom mave sur ‘rea: S007? ©, s Phase3 Ceote 0 gop between volumes to make 0 better use a thes, Ioge Crit nips // wen 2 Phaset Moin access tm the west ‘ec: 31251 oS ms, Phased CComider on crea ber the ‘cin entonce fo: beer connection ‘wa the urban fob Pyar nei Program Diagram A program diagram of the project defines the different functions and areas - rooms, spac- es,..etc- that will be contained in a project. These diagrams refer to the layout of a project in terms of program and usage and may be used to visualize how the program relates to the building form They can be drawn in different way, such as a basic scheme as we will see in the next exam- ple, or over a plan, section, 3d drawing, model or sketch! Upper nage Coed: hips /lacmingecologies2019.Hes wordpress. com/2019/02/frstrevew-boards_page_ipa Examples __n Ioge Crit nips //wor fick com photos/ibergen/ATI8348816 PROGRAM LAYOUT Examples oe ‘Archive Area LEVEL +6 Deposit Area. ‘Administration Area LEVEL +5 Vertical Access ‘Adults Area - Search LEVEL +4 Vertical Access ‘Adults Area - Audiovisual LEVEL +3 | Access — nanan LEVEL +2 Sater Se — er? Cate LEVEL +1 ae ee a mum —_LEVEL 0 eer rape hips //wor /ilfanco-de-xira-municipa-ibrary-miguelarruda-arquitecto-associndos Examples THEATER: SPACE programmatic sectional diagram loge Credit |nips//werw designboom com arhiecire/formo-busan-opera-house/ Program Zoning CORE ATELIER CHAIRMAN AREA OFFICE CAFETERIA LOBBY GALLERY AUDITORIUM (208 seats, 4507") PARKING LOT (52 cars, 450°") Image Crd nips: // /khvatc-heodquorier-_system-lbfad_mectomegollry Examples MASTERS’ STUDIOS LECTURE ROOMS. Towers ECTURE ROOMS rowers . STAFF ROOMS STAFF ROOMS rowers REMERON CCAFETERIA/KITCHEN rowers . JORKSHOPS AND LABS. BRARY . ‘AvorToRium : EXHIBITION AREA Towers 7 Ioge Crit nips // wer crcl com/911657 /insute-t-school-ofplonning-and-crhiechire-jjaycwoda-mo-ofPod_meclomgallary ie RS ae Context Diagram These are diagrams to show or analyse the context and background of a project such as site analysis diagrams. these diagrams become crucial in design process as they help in shaping the design, its placement and spatial arrangement. Another aspect of the context diagrams is the envrionmental ones, they show how the build- ing will function environmentally. they are used to show the airflow, sun movement and shadows. Upper nage Cred: hps,//\ pining com/orginals/Sa/d0/d5 /Sad0dSd08567eef88dIB8ddb020502e (pg Examples loge Crit My own work: Inoge Crit nips / pining com originals /42/4c/09/624ca995182034Kbol7do27650203C5 jpg — Macro ANALYSIS: Examples BLOCK PLAN Bounary STREET CURRENT LANDUSE RAILROAD ae ow erry scHoon PARKING \ Ay aTEIEEE NoDe REGIONAL ACCESS visrror pusuic ‘CURRENT ZONING ACCOMMODATION TRANSPORTATION — micro ANALYSIS = i ct tt + | +} | BS 1 = 1 = Kt Pt aa jes | Ce : mi pe pe | SB oe a oe i : a rok OPENSPACE nage Cred ips:// /slnjang/ project/sustoinable-urban-comtido-blockpattern-and-underusiizad-spac -upperking street clstict.chatleson-sc Examples Image Credit hips // Mojave Rivers Ranger Station - Section Looking West Sustainability Features oS nage Cred hps:// /mojave-iversanger-station-marcy-wong-donn-logan-archtsctstad_madiumgallery Structure Diagram These are the structural elements of a project illustrated in relation to the overall form of the building. They deal with the structural aspect of the design. They are generally shown as an axonometric diagram of the structural elements of a building. These diagrams may also explain structural con- cepts such as compression and tension and so. on. These diagrams are generally made towards the end of the design process or the final stages. Upper nage Coed pe logan con/arele/lees winapi ancce olaboaionsutsntle bldg and dies uch RETRACTABLE FABRIC ROOF (RECYCLABLE) Examples RCO g TRUSS (RE-USABLE) Cece} Lie i | ete a DOUBLE FLEECE Poe (RECYCLABLE) CUS Ne BLACKOUT SHADE CONC BOARD PANEL (REUSABLE) CaO CUA CULL Cea USABLE) Lan Tn esa (REUSABLE) lly com/ 440635 /wilow seatersim-rchtect-brod-steinmetz-soge-designtad_medunegalary Axonometric Diagram Not only when you want to represent an idea about the external part of a building concept, but also with the explosive section technique Axonometric diagrams can explain architectural or spatial concepts as seen from a perspective in parallel projection Upper nage Cred pe merci con/Y681 long ond nano compationchomanedrchcetod madmegallry Examples Cad woumatalocuses/en/news/itae-teo-and-coffee-dik-space-design-dayab bnips//ornw boudvsion co Image Cred sejdwox3 Examples Icage Crd hips://wrow designboom com/architecture/vector-orchilect-svachengi-neighborhood-ibrary-yanti-hulong-china- 11-07-2018 / nage Cred Ips://buslern/news/4324 /acloserlook-a-she-tashion-temple-2nd prize-bangkok im fashion- winner Scale Diagram Scale diagrams as clear from their name are related to the scale of a design concept. They are usually associated with a building form belonging to the human scale, or showing the size of a project using a measurement or they compare the scale of a building form to a com- monly known reference. Upper nage Cond et Examples Image Cred nips'//iepinvorestcom/pin/487514728413826434/ tage Cec hnps:// st Konser Acikhava “Festival BitPazar —ehirifteiligi_Piknik Alani Spor Alan Bulugma —_Heykel/Sergi BoyamaDuvan _Tiyatro ‘mekanlart Bahco GesmePlaza_Gegicitaginabilen Performans havuzler Alan Activity Diagram Activity diagrams are used to show what is happening in specific areas of the project. Upper nage Cred My own work Examples CHILDREN'S ACTIVITY NEEDS 0-2 vears or 3-5 vearsovo 6-7 vears ou 8-12 vearsouo Q ewrewercusor — D rovormerace — @ oucomcenromen — @) wrevernsnena iin 4 @ wesnse leh © soe @ revewercve A ie as i til, isi ae 4 fi c=. as tage Cec inps,//wwusick:com/ photos/eager/ 18884838936 /in/photosteam Emotional Diagram It relates to the human senses and emotions, either through sensory or experiential aspects of the design concept which the user would per- ceive by his senses, such as touching, smelling, etc. These diagrams often have an abstract element, as their subjects are mainly concerned with emotions, where sensation is represented by ab- stract drawings, any form of art or collages. Upper nage Cred hnps,//wwwzz-ch/amp/schwoa/bldsrecke/thaxme vals rweltrung-ando- 118375343 e Typological e Diagram Defines the different types, possibilities or rela- tionships between the elements of the design concept flexibly. Upper nage Cred Innps:// GRE ee Srvaee?e eo. Soypats?’ | BOypaeeFe — i i sajduiox3 Circulation Diagram These diagrams are a representation of the flow of the users in the project. The sequence of movement is illustrated with the help of lines and arrows. This helps designers in understanding the different types of space requirement their interrelationship and their hierarchy. These diagrams also help in establishing the nature of the spaces and who would be using them, public spaces and private spaces for ex- amples are marked with different arrows to show the access to different spaces. Upper nage Cred hips// Examples ROOF GARDEN nage Cred |inps:// www cfneller com /p/de-tobniske okt sdui2571. bl 1m /pin/70791025381842232/ ps//repinerest co nage Cred sejdwox3 Examples Parametric Diagram These diagrams are related to the parametric design process and flow, generally coding, grasshopper equations or parametrs shown in steps. 1g Cred peroriomote 19 Examples Image Cred ips//arqutecturadevotseta wordpress com/gasshopper/task_08/ an Diagram Plan diagrams focus on the spatial properities of a project. It can analyse the whole plan ap- proach or a specific part of the plan solution, or places hierarchy and space organisation It can also be concerned with the program architectural form, spatial composition, and order. Upper nage Cred hips /wwr-designboom com /archiecture/big-archtec-europacty -rance/ Examples hh ii ht tage Cec ips:// /cascodia-natraltlent-design-compettion hl Mass Diagram These diagrams show how the mass of the project according to what conditions, con- cepts...etc was formed. Upper nage Cred hps,//epinrescom/pin/27654985197305726/ BNGEE DE | KILIDORS : sajduiox3 Geometric Diagram These diagrams show the geometric formation of a project or a building, the ratios and propor- tions of one plan or section, or any other geom- etry-related properities. Upper nage Cred Ips, /repinerescom/pin/755549274972008945/ Examples Inage Cred ip: //condelastuctres org/exhibir/name hin nage Cred hps://tpineresicom /pin/404409241535220776/ illustrarch Message By vee 4,669 posts 67k followers 282 following ilustrrch « Architecture © Tag tilustrarch for feature @ Daily Arch. Drawings + Illustrations 4 Contact: contact{@ljilustrarch W Download E-Books v linkteee/illustrarch Illustrations Show specific meanings ot parts from your pro- ject through illustrations to communicate a mes- sage, | will do a specific Ebook about this topic so keep following my work please. Collages Show specific meanings ot parts from your pro- ject through collage to communicate a mes- sage, | will do a specific Ebook about this topic so keep following my work please. Part 03 - Where to find * Exa mples * 1. Websites ial eer projects Students projects https://www.tudelft.n|/en/architecture-and-the-built-environment/ study /student-projects/ Practice...Practice Practice makes perfect! Take your time! Be sure that you have neat diagrams even if they take time, so be sure not to leave them to the last moments before the deadline! They’re important! Diagrams are really important to convince your teachers or to win an architecture competition as they show the design process of your project. This was the sixth stop in our architecture student guide journey, | was happy to recieve a lot of positive feed- backs about my previous ebooks which you can down- load through @illustrarch page. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any inquiries or feedbacks on

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