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II. Overview/ Introduction of the Module

This learning material will help the learners thoroughly understand the concept of a healthy
community and environment. This learning material is designed for the learners to reflect on how
healthy their community and environment are, what they have done that adversely affect their health and
what they should do to sustain community and environmental health.

In this learning material the learners will be introduced to social issues and problems regarding the
threats of community and environmental destruction and think of ways on how to manage and prevent
them. More importantly, the learners will be engaged to practice and apply ways of attaining a healthy
community and environment. They can take part in maintaining and promoting healthful and community
and environment as well. With this they will be able to realize the importance of protecting and
preserving the environment and the community and take responsibility in maintaining a healthy
environment for a healthy planet.

In this learning material the learners are encourage to research and utilize other references to
enhance learning.

III. Instruction to the User

This module is self-instructional. To do well in this module, remember and do the following:
1.Read carefully and understand all the instructions and content of this learning material.
2.Accomplish all given task on time.
3.In answering the activities remember to read directions and question carefully.
4. Answer every question.
5. Review your work.
6. Don’t share or copy each other’s output.
7. For further questions or clarifications, you can contact the teacher in charge.
8. For queries and questions:
Kindly Contact my number: 09454074239
IV. Competencies and Objectives:

Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning

The learner... The learner... defines community and environmental
demonstrates Consistently demonstrates explains how a healthy environment
understanding of the healthful practices to positively impact the health of people
principles in protecting protect the environment for and communities
the environment for community wellness discusses the nature of environmental
community wellness issues
analyzes the effects of environmental
issues on people’s health
suggests ways to prevent and manage
environmental health issues

participates in implementing an
environmental project such as building
and maintaining a school garden or
conducting a war on waste campaign
( depends on feasibility )

pg. 1

Activity 1. What comes to your mind when you hear the words community and environment?
A. Describe COMMUNITY and ENVIRONMENT by illustrating it (you can use cut outs or draw
an image).
NOTE: Kindly detached this paper when you pass your output.

pg. 2

pg. 3
B. Base on your illustration in letter A, how will you define community and environment?
NOTE: Place your answers on the separated sheet at the end of the module.



A. Concept of Community and Environmental Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Health is a state of complete physical, mental,
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, and the ability to lead a socially
and economically productive life.
Community Health - is defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the
health of all the members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts. It
includes actions and conditions which promote, protect and preserve health.

Environmental Health - consists of prevention or control of disease, injury, and disability associated
with interactions between people and their environment. According to the World Health Organization,
“Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person
and all the related factors impacting behaviors. It encompasses the assessment and control of those
environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and
creating health supportive environments. This definition excludes behavior not related to environment,
as well as behavior related to the social and cultural environment, and genetics.”

Characteristics of a Healthy Community (According to World Health Organization -2002)

1. A clean and safe physical environment

2. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
3. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone
4. An understanding of local and environmental issues
5. A community whose members have access to varied experiences, means of interaction,
and communication
6. Accessible and appropriate health services and facilities
7. The promotion and celebration of historical and cultural heritage
8. A diverse and innovative economy
9. A sustainable use of available resources for all

 Our government believes that a strong nation needs healthy citizenry. In order to achieve this, the
Department of Health launched an approach in promoting health through the partnership of the
Community, Barangay, Government organizations, Non-government organizations. This approach is
called Primary Health Care.
Primary Health Care Programs in the Community

Health Center Services

Maternal Health Care Reproductive Health Care
Child Health Care Medical Morbidity Clinic
Nutrition Program National Voluntary Blood Services
Population and Family Planning Program Epidemiology and Surveillance Program
Control of Communicable Diseases Disaster Management Preparedness Program
Environmental Sanitation Program Mental Hygiene
Control on Non-communicable Diseases Pharmacy Services
Dental Health Program
pg. 4
Did you know that the following services must be made available for free in your community because
they are subsidized by the government to ensure that your health is being protected? Yes, they are
available and must be given free.

Activity 2. Give the functions of the different Health Center Services listed below.
NOTE: Place your answers on the separated sheet at the end of the module.

Health Center Services Functions

Child Health Care
Nutrition Program
Population and Family Planning Program
Control of Communicable Diseases
Environmental Sanitation Program
Control on Non-communicable Diseases
Dental Health Program
Reproductive Health Care
Medical Morbidity Clinic
National Voluntary Blood Services
Epidemiology and Surveillance Program
Disaster Management Preparedness Program
Mental Hygiene
Pharmacy Services
Maternal Health Care

B. Nature and Health Effects of Environmental Issues

Environmental issues threaten our quality of life. Worldwide issues concern population growth,
poverty and hunger, the greenhouse effect and global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, and
destruction of rainforests.

pg. 5
The Philippines experiences deforestation, soil erosion, loss of agricultural lands, air and water
pollution, improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes, loss of coral reefs, mismanagement and abuse of
coastal resources, and over-fishing. These problems, worsened by the high population growth, contribute
to the degradation of the environment.
Natural disaster, like typhoons, floods, landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions that
frequently occur in the country also contribute to environmental degradation.
LEARNING COMPETENCY: Discusses the nature of environmental issues.
Analyze the effects of environmental issues on people’s health.

 The following are the environment issues affecting the community:

1. Improper Waste Disposal.

This issue seriously threatens nature by contaminating soil, air, and water that brings risk to animal
and marine life. Proper waste disposal is a must in the country particularly in urban areas. Observing
proper segregation, recycling and composting, and avoiding burning garbage will help reduce the effects
of improper waste disposal to the environment.

2. Pollution.

Pollution is an adverse effect in the environment brought about by pollutants - a harmful substance,
compound, or energy. Environmental contamination causes toxic effects endangering human health,
living resources, and ecosystems. Types of pollution include air, water, noise, and land.

pg. 6
3.Illegal Mining.

Toxic wastes from illegal mining or mining activities are poisonous to land and water. Illegal mining
activities lead to deforestation and loss of biodiversity in land and aquatic life. The disaster in
Marinduque’s mining spill in 1996 that contaminated the river water has been continuously affecting the
people severely for almost two decades. The government should be strict in implementing the laws of
the land regarding mining.

3. Cyanide Fishing.

Cyanide fishing uses cyanogen compound, most commonly known as sodium cyanide, in coral reefs to
stun and catch fishes. This illegal practice in the country is first documented in the 1960’s. This kind of
non-selective and destructive fishing method destroys corals and kills unintended organisms. Poor law
enforcement and high level of corruption allow this practice to continue.

pg. 7
4. Pesticide Drift

This is the movement of chemical pesticides from the intended place to another, caused by wind and
other factors. This causes accidental exposure to human, animals, or plants to pesticides. Regulations not
strictly implemented and often inadequate farmer’s knowledge of safety procedures may result to
pesticide drift that adversely affects human health and the environment. Lists of approved pesticides
should be reviewed and improvement in pesticide policies implementation should be done to avoid
health risks.

5. Deforestation.

Clearing forests on a massive scale results to the degradation of the quality of land. Deforestation is
the result of widespread illegal logging, agricultural expansion, and land conversion for residential and
commercial purposes. This can lead to soil degradation, decreased natural resources, reduce clean air
and water supply, landslide, near extinction of rare animal and plant species, and climate change.

pg. 8
6. Oil Spill.

Oil Spill is a form of pollution where oil or liquid petrol is released to the environment, soil, or body
of water. Leaked oils from fuel cargo vessel accidents and fuel pipelines in the country have affected
marine life, human health, and livelihood. The effects on the ecosystem are believed to be long-term to
possibly irreversible damages. Safety, precautionary nets, and proper regular maintenance of facility can
avoid these devastating catastrophe.

8. Coral Reef Degradation.

Coral reefs are home to various marine life forms. These reefs can only live in a very clear water.
However, human activities, directly and indirectly, contribute to the degradation of coral reefs.

Indirect damaging of coral reefs, pollution by nutrients that leads to algal growth, over fishing, and
the global warming which sickens and kills corals. Physically killing the corals is the direct way of
damaging them. This includes dynamite fishing, cyanide use, and uninformed divers catching marine
life, ripping the corals in the process.

A tenth of earth’s coral reef have been completely destroyed. Coral reef destruction in the
Philippines, which is over 70% and with only 5% in good condition, is the worst in the world. Populace
living near the reefs should be educated and well informed of the occurrence of such dreadful
conditions. The government should be on alert and should strictly implement marine laws to help save
and rebuild our coral reefs.

pg. 9
9. Climate Change.

Changes in the global climate cause a variety of risks to health, ranging from altering patterns of
infectious diseases to deaths in extreme temperatures. Climate change is brought about by human
activities., particularly fossil fuel burning. The greenhouse gases emissions from these activities,
particularly carbon dioxide, trap heat in the lower atmosphere.

Extreme weather conditions brought about by climate change have been annually affecting the
country including heavy rains, floods, extreme heat, very strong typhoons and storm surges. Biking and
walking instead of vehicle use, using public train transport, and using environment-friendly electrical
devices are examples of efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.
Learning competency: Suggests ways to prevent and manage environmental health issues.
Participate in implementing an environmental projects such as building and maintaining a school garden
or conducting a war on waste campaign.
C. Prevention and Management of Environmental Health Issues
Ways to prevent and manage environmental issues.

1. Solid Waste Management

Solid waste includes biodegradable, recyclables, non-recyclable and non-compostable, and special
waste like household hazardous waste. Solid waste management is a method to minimize solid waste
effect on human health by effective collection, transportation, and disposal of wastes.

2. Zero Waste Management

Zero waste management is an efficient way in making the most of recycling, reducing waste, and
ensuring products are reused, repaired, or recycled back into the environment and market.

3. Community Recycling

Community recycling is a program supported by citizens interested in a clean environment to

contribute improvement in the community. It encourages and motivates people to participate in recycling
and making it a habit.

Benefits of Recycling

A. Recycling saves energy. Recycling materials to produce products uses less energy compared from
using raw materials.

pg. 10
B. Recycling conserves natural resources. Reusing resources conserves finite resources.

C. Recycling protects the environment. Recycling reduces waste disposal, consequently keeps land
clean, and minimizes possible air and water pollution.

D. Recycling has economic benefits. Salvaging materials and turning them into something profitable
creates livelihood. The financial value goes back to the economy instead of ending up in a disposal

Waste to Reduce Solid Waste

A. Be smart consumer by choosing products you buy. Buy durable products and avoid disposal

B. Buy in bulk to minimize packaging. Buy products with refillable, reusable, or recyclable packages
and containers. Use your own bags when shopping. These efforts can help save money.

C. Use biodegradable wastes as fertilizers. About half of household wastes are composed of organic
materials that can be composted and turned into fertilizers.

D. Sell recyclable materials like paper, scrap metals, aluminum cans, glass bottles, and defective
appliances to earn extra money.

Community Action Program

Community Action Program is a community-based enhancement program that aims to provide services,
assistance, and other activities. These programs provide needs as well as improve needed skills and
abilities of the people in the community. Most common community programs are designed towards
elimination of poverty and causes of poverty.

Community Health Action Program is an environment-related project. You create your own
program to answer environmental issues in your school and community. The program includes
identifying problems, information and materials for your project, resource persons, and organizations.
Participation and support from the community is essential as well as from the program’s group members
to ensure a successful implementation of the project.

Activity 3. What’s the Effect?

A. List 10 hobbies or activities you enjoy doing.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

B. Based on your answers in letter A, answer the following questions:

1. What effects, if any, do your hobbies/activities have on the environment?

2. Are the effects positive or negative? Why?

pg. 11
Activity 4. My Community

1. Describe the community where you live.

2. What are the environmental problems or concerns in your community? List three or more.

3. Based on your answers in #2, how will these environmental problems affect you?

4. How do authorities address the environmental problems and concerns in your community?

5. What suggestion/s can you give to help your community?

Activity 5. Conduct a research on the list of efforts/laws/events below. Make a brief description and
goals of each item (minimum of five sentences per item )

1. Clean Air Act -

pg. 12
2. Kyoto protocol -


3. Sagip Pasig -


4. “Tapat Mo, Linis Mo”-


5. Reforestation in mountains and mangrove areas-

6. Tour of the fireflies -


Make a poster about biggest problem affecting our environment. Your poster should include pictures,
graphs, and illustrations. The guide questions below should be answered on your posters.

1. Why do you believe this is the biggest environmental problem?

2. How is this problem affecting the environment?
3. How does this problem affect you and your community?
4. What can your family do to help reduce dis problem?
 You may use any recyclable materials.

Rubrics for poster making.

Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning
Criteria 5 points 4 points Proficiency 2 points 1 point
3 points
Clear Very clear and Clear and Not so clear Slightly Communicates
expression of effective effective communication communicates information as
ideas communication communication of main idea, important isolated pieces
of main idea, of main idea, theme, or point information in a random
theme, or theme, or of view but not a clear fashion
viewpoint to viewpoint to theme or
audience audience overall
Presentation of Point of view Point of view Clear point of Point of view Limited
a point of view supported supported view apparent but evidence of a

pg. 13
using rich or using rich or unclear at point of view
persuasive persuasive times
detail detail
Effective of Text and Text and Text and Text and/or Little evidence
research symbols symbols show symbols show symbols show of research in
strongly show evidence of clear evidence some evidence product
evidence of considerable of research of research
considerable research
Effective use The message The message Color and/ or Color and/ or Color and/ or
of color, or purpose is or purpose is symbols and symbols and symbols and
symbols, and obvious to the quite obvious graphics graphics not graphics are
graphics audience to the audience support theme clearly unclear
through the use through the use of poster supportive
of color and of color and theme
symbols symbols
Effective use Text or caption Text or caption Text supports Text is clearly Text minimally
of text and/or delivers the delivers the the purpose of displayed but displayed and
captions message with message with the poster does not purpose
impact slight impact support theme unclear
or message
Overall impact The The Effort and Visuals and Limited effort
and activity combination of combination of thoughtful texts are clear in presentation
visuals and text visuals and text preparation though their is shown;
make for an make for an clearly shown connection visuals and
eye-catching eye-catching with elements may not be texts do not
design with design with of innovation obvious to the match each
very powerful powerful in the caption audience; other in
impact impact or in the visual design may quality; limited
components show a hint of innovation and
the unusual or appeal to the
innovative eye

A. FILL IN THE BLANKS: complete the following statement by providing the missing word or phrase.

1. It is a sociological group, involving an individual and the family, in a large place

sharing an environment.
2. All external conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding a person is referred to as the
3. The status of health of a defined group of people that includes actions and conditions, which promote,
protect, and preserve health, is called .
4. Consist of prevention or control of disease, injury, or disability associated with
interactions between people and their environment.
5. The method to reduce solid waste effect on human health by effective collection, transportation, and
disposal called .

B. Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided before the number.

1 Pollution A. Long-and short-term measures that save lives and reduce
2 Illegal Mining B. Clearing forests on a massive scale.
3 Cyanide Fishing C. Change in the global climate brought about by human activities
4 Pesticide drift D. Study, control, and exploitation of matter at very tiny scale

pg. 14
5 Deforestation E. Can be avoided by proper segregation, recycling, and
6 Oil spill F. Environmental contamination that causes harmful effects to
7 Improper waste disposal G. Using cyanogen compound to stun and catch fishes
8 Climate change H. Toxic wastes from this activity poison land and water
9 Disaster preparedness I. Oil or liquid petrol is released to the environment, soil and water
10 Nanotechnology J. Movement of chemicals from one place to another exposes
humans, animals, and plants

C. Essay: Answer briefly and concisely the questions below.

1. Why is a healthy environment important?

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your community with regards to caring for the

3. If you are going to rate Earth’s environmental health, with five stars as the highest, what rating will
you give our planet Earth? Do you think there is still a chance for Earth’s environmental health to
become better? Explain your answer.

VIII. REFLECTION: Reflect on the Bible Verse below. Write your insight on what you understand
about the bible verse. Write your answer on the space provided.

“The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your
servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying
the destroyers of the earth.” - Rev.11:18


Lacia G., Solis, R., Fabella, G., Callo, F., dela Cruz, A. (2015) The 21st Century MAPEH in Action
Philippines: Rex Store
Gonzales, C., Lacia G., Poquiz,ML., Bulanandi, S., Callo, F. (2008) MAPEH in Action III. Philippines:
pg. 15
Rex Store.

Physical Education and Health - Grade 9 Learners Material First Edition (2014) Retrieved July 15,2020
from 9 lm draft 3.24.2014.pdf


Health Center Services Functions

Child Health Care Immunizations, Control of diarrhea diseases
Nutrition Program Operation timbang, Food Supplementation
Population and Family Planning Program Free Family Planning
Control of Communicable Diseases Tuberculosis control program
Environmental Sanitation Program Inspection of food establishments
Control on Non-communicable Diseases Blood Pressure screening
Dental Health Program Tooth Extraction
Reproductive Health Care Counseling on family planning and RH
Medical Morbidity Clinic Provision of free medicines
National Voluntary Blood Services Blood-letting activities at barangay level
Epidemiology and Surveillance Program Controlling outbreaks like dengue
Disaster Management Preparedness Program Medical services/assistance during disaster
Mental Hygiene Adolescent counseling centers
Pharmacy Services Distribution of medicines to all health centers
Maternal Health Care Pre-natal, Natal, Post-natal

A. 1. Community 2. Environment 3. Community Health 4. Environmental Health 5. Solid Waste
B. 1. F 2. H 3. G 4. J 5. B 6. I 7. E 8. C 9. A 10. D



pg. 16

Overview/ Introduction of the Module

This learning material will help the learners gain knowledge on the drug scenario in our country, the
factors that influence use and abuse of drugs, and the different kinds of drugs that are being abused.
They will learn the damaging effects of these drugs to the physical, emotional, psychological, and social
health of an individual. The learners will be taught how to recognize signs of drug abuse in a person.
The learner will learn how to avoid succumbing to drug abuse and they will be able to demonstrate
knowledge in resistance skills.


This module is self-instructional. To do well in this module, remember and do the following
Read carefully and understand all the instructions and content of this learning material.
1. Accomplish all given task on time.
2. In answering the activities remember to read directions and question carefully.
3. Answer every question.
4. Review your work.
5. Don’t share or copy each other’s output.
6. For further questions or clarifications, you can contact the teacher in charge.

Competencies and Objectives:

Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning

The learner... The learner... Describes the drug scenario in the
demonstrates shares responsibility with Analyzes situations for the use and non-
understanding of the community members use of psychoactive substance
dangers of substance use through participation in Identifies the types of drugs or
and abuse on the collective action to prevent substances of abuse
individual, family and and control substance use Correct myths and misconceptions about
community and abuse substance use and abuse
Recognizes warning signs of substance
use and abuse

A. Drug Scenario in the Philippines
The use of drugs has become a major help in the field of medicine. Most illnesses an disorders can be
cured by drugs. However, even good things have their drawbacks. Everything has limits, and if abused,
has its consequences. This applies to drug use. Drugs can become substance of abuse.

Drug use and abuse is a growing problem worldwide. In the Philippines, it has increased dramatically
and most drug users are alarming young people.

B. DRUGS: What is a drug?

A drug is any chemical substance that alters either the mind or the body. Such substance can turn
harmful and fatal when not properly taken. There are two types of drugs.

1. Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs - are drugs which do not need prescription in buying.

2. Prescription drugs - are restricted drugs that can only be purchased legally when prescribed by
physicians. These drugs are controlled as they are usually abused. They are dangerous when not properly
used. Most of these substances are psychoactive drugs affecting the central nervous system. They
pg. 17
change moods, feelings, personality, With the high potential of abuse, the law has strict regulations on
controlled substances from possession, manufacturing, sale and distribution. Abuse of controlled drugs
like stimulants, depressants, narcotics and hallucinogens, especially without prescription, is called illegal
drug use and behavior.

Classifications of Drugs

Drugs can be classified into two major aspects:

1. Pharmacological classification - classifies drugs based on how they affect biological system. They
can be classified as stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents.

2. Legal classification - drugs are classified based on the harms they cause to the user or to society
when used illegally.

Factors that influence substance use and abuse

It is important to protect and prevent the youth from getting into drugs. The following table shows
the risk factors to avoid and protective factors to understand in order to help young people avoid drugs.

Risk factors of young people vulnerable to Protective factors against drug abuse
drug use

Lack of self-respect - belief that they are Self-respect - confidence leads to responsible
unworthy of love and respect. They have no decisions and helps neglect negative peer
confidence and succumb to negative peer pressure.
Unable to express emotions in healthy ways - Practice resistance skills - being able to say “no”
cannot cope with stress, anger, and depression. and not give in to pressure of drug use.
They believe drugs make feeling numbs.
Peers using drugs - users tend to continuously Friends not involved in drug misuse and abuse -
pressure others to also use these substances. drug-free friends do not pressure and will not
lead friends to temptation of trying drugs.
Accessibility to drugs - temptation is greater when Able to delay gratification - people with self-
there is availability of drugs, like drugs being sold control recognize how drugs will ruin long term
in the neighborhood, in school, or by friends. goals and cause negative consequences.

Unable to delay gratification - drug use gives a Being resilient - having a control in behavior and
mood of instant gratification or instant pleasure decisions even with an environment exposed to
without regard to its harmful effects. drugs.

Peer rejection - feeling of rejection by peers may Social skill - social skills help the young to make
cause teenagers turn to drug use to fit in or to and keep friends, develop close bonds, and have
overwhelm feeling of loneliness. a sense of belonging.
Drug-dependent biological family member - some Set goals and planning - having goals will likely
individuals inherit genes that increase chances to evaluate consequences of one’s actions. They
develop conditions like alcoholism. can recognize drug use as a hindrance to goals
and affect one’s future.
Problems in family relationships - stressed Healthy family relationships - having close
children family ties and supportive parents and mentors
due to family conflicts may turn into drugs. motivate the young to behave responsibly.

Role models that are drug users - great tendencies Positive role models - a role model who shows
of youth, who admire such role models, to use how to be successful without the necessity of
also drugs. using drugs.

pg. 18
Using drugs early in life - people who use drugs Stress management skills - managing stress
at an early age are more likely to become drug through healthful ways. People with these skills
dependent adults. will recognize that drug use aggravates stress.

Not active in school activities and sports - people Involvement in school activities and sports -
who have more free time are more likely to be being active in school and extra-curricular
bored and have the tendency to use time to spend activities uses time productively.
on drugs.

Disrespect for authority and the law - people with Respect for authority and the law - people who
no respect for authority and law are not concerned follow authority and rules, and respect the law
of breaking rules thus, they are more likely to recognize that drug use is illegal.
engage in illegal activities like drug use.

Stimulants - also referred to as “uppers are psychoactive drugs which stimulate the central nervous

 This causes the user to have elevated mood, alertness, and awareness.
 Medical uses of these drugs include treatment of mild depression, overweight, and chronic sleep
disorder called narcolepsy - an overwhelming daytime drowsiness and sudden attack of sleep.
 When the stimulant wears off, the user will feel fatigue, weakness, sleepiness, deep sadness, and
depression. This stage is called the down period or the crash. Those who often take stimulants avoid
crash by consuming larger amount that leads to drug dependence.

Depressants - also called “downers” are anti-psychotic drugs which depress the central nervous system
creating relaxation, drowsiness, and sleepiness.

 Higher doses of these drugs would cause impaired memory, judgment, and coordination; paranoia
and suicidal tendencies; and coma or death.
 The types of depressants are:
A. Tranquilizers - cause mild effects and are used for anxiety.
B. Barbiturates - more potent depressants used for sleep disorders and seizures.
C. Hypnotics - the strongest of the depressants.

Narcotics - also known as “pain killers,” are drugs which slow down the central nervous system and
often prescribed by physicians as analgesics or drugs that relieve pain.

 These drugs slow down body functions like breathing and heart rate.
 Use of narcotic drugs should only be done with the supervision of a physician.
 Types of narcotics:
A. Opium - made from seedpod of the poppy plants which produces euphoric effects or
unconsciousness lasting for hours.
B. Morphine - a widely-used painkiller derived from opium. Often used after surgery or for cancer
cases. A small dose relieves pain while large dose induces sleep.
C. Heroin - was initially developed from morphine as treatment for tuberculosis and cure for
morphine addiction.

Hallucinogens - also called psychedelic drugs, are drugs which interfere with our senses and cause

 They bring imagined sights, sounds, or feelings and may result to memory loss, personality changes,
non-performance of normal activities, or losing track of time and surrounding. These effects may last
from several hours to days.
 Some types of hallucinogen drugs are LSD or lysergic acid diethylamide, PCP or angel dust,
ketamine, and mescaline.

pg. 19
Inhalants - are chemicals that produce vapor, affecting mood and behavior when inhaled.

 Non-medical inhalants are uncontrolled drugs.

 Most abused inhalants are easily accessible because they are not produced to be inhaled. They are
common household products, construction and industrial supplies, beauty products, and medical
supplies found at home and at the workplace.
 They deliver a very quick high, by sniffing, huffing or bagging from balloons, aerosol cans and other
containers, but usually last only for a few minutes.
 Harmful effects to health of these chemicals are permanent brain damage, leukemia, poisoning,
mental dysfunction, damaged heart and kidney, or even sudden death.

D. Myths and Misconceptions about substance use and abuse

Drug addiction is a voluntary behavior - starting out drug is a voluntary decision but frequent use
leads to a compulsive drug user. Continuous use of drugs changes the brain, at times in dramatic or toxic
ways that result in compulsive and uncontrollable drug use.

Drug addiction is a character imperfection - drug addiction affects the brain and every type of abused
drug has a way of changing the functions of the brain. Any kind of drug being abused affects the brain
and ultimately manipulates a person’s behavior. The drug then motivates drug abuser’s existence, not
user’s character.

You have to want drug treatment for it to be effective - essentially, no one wants a drug treatment.
People seeking drug treatment have two primary reasons: a court order and an urge from loved ones.
Scientific studies show that those who are highly pressured to confront and surmount addiction get
better treatment regardless of the reason they sought the rehabilitation.

Drug addiction treatment has to be a one-time deal - drug addiction typically is a chronic disorder
like many other illnesses. Others are able to quickly end drug user by just being at a rehabilitation
facility once. However, most need lengthier treatment and in several cases, undergo another treatment.

We should discover “something” that can treat all kind of drug abuse - various problems associated
with drug abuse may respond differently to similar treatments. Therefore, every case should have
individual treatment plans that suit the kind of needs of the patient.

Abusers can end drug use if they really want to and no treatment is needed - studies show that long-
term drug use affects the brain making a user crave more for drugs and thus makes quitting harder. There
is extreme difficulty for addicted persons to succeed and sustain lasting abstinence.

Treatments just won’t work - treatments do help drug abusers as studies indicate that there is 40-60
percent decrease in drug use after treatment. There is also significant decrease in criminality during and
after treatment. Treatment minimizes risk of HIV infection. Being treated furthers the chances of being
employed in the future.

Seeking voluntarily treatment happens when users hit lowest point in life - there are many factors
that motivate a person to have treatment before hitting “rock bottom”. Pressure from the family, from
employers, or from school, as well as the personal acceptance that they have a problem, can motivate
individuals to seek treatment.

Users can’t be compelled into treatment - treatment can be voluntary or imposed. People obliged by
law into treatment and those who voluntarily seek treatment can be both successful.

Treatment should have a standard program for everyone - the more effective program for
rehabilitation is an individual treatment plan based on the individual’s problems. These plans should be
holistic and may include combinations of medication and different therapies.

People who continue to abuse drugs after treatment are hopeless - drug addiction is a chronic
pg. 20
disorder and it does not mean failure if there are occasional relapses. Stress from work, family problems,
social cues, or environment can easily trigger relapses. Abusers are very vulnerable into doing drugs
again during the few months after their release from the treatment.

E. Understanding Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is using a harmful drug on purpose. People that abuse drugs need help. They harm
themselves and those who are close to them. Their action bring harm to the society as well.

The reasons of possible substance abuse in Youth

Young individuals have different reasons of misuse or abuse of drugs. They probably do so because
of the following.

1. Curiosity - human nature of desire to experience something new. This usually happens during ages
of strong peer influence when peers are experiencing drugs.
2. Low self-esteem - several individuals have poor opinions of themselves. Through influence of
drugs, individuals try to avoid coming to grips with their feelings of failure. Drugs serve as coping
3. Peer pressure - mostly in stages of adolescence, individuals have a strong need to belong to “the
group”, if peers abuse drugs, there is a strong pressure on group members to do likewise.
4. Adult modeling - young people try to be grown-ups, and they see drug use as a form of adult
behavior to be imitated. Smoking and alcoholic drinking may be an early start of adult modeling.
5. Mood alteration - some individuals use drugs merely to change their emotions. They seek to
experience calmness by means of drugs.
6. Boredom - young people who have no interest in childhood activities but are not yet able to engage
in adult activities but are not yet able to engage in adult activities may feel boredom.
7. Alienation - there are individuals who feel unwanted and unloved. These people view themselves
as social misfits. Drugs then act as instruments to exhaust feelings of alienation.

How do you recognize drug Abuse?

Major changes in behavior Joining a gang

Showing no interest in activities Lying and cheating about drug use

Having friends who Giving up friends

are suspected of who do not use
Warning Signs of Drug
abusing drugs drugs

pg. 21
Poor school performance Change in appearance

Having slurred speech Getting into travel

A. Make a research about the different types of drugs used and abused. Use the table to summarize your
research and answer the questions below.

Name of Drug Description Street Names/ How it is Effects

Other Names Administered









pg. 22







Meth cathinone

B. Answer the questions:

1. What are the drugs commonly used and abused by young people in our country today?

2. Why do young people use drugs? List five.

3. What do young people generally think of others who do drugs?

ACTIVITY 2. Acrostic Poem

pg. 23
Make an acrostic poem about breaking the myth and misconception about drugs use the letters of the
words “SAY NO TO DRUGS” as the first letter of the stanza.






Schools, playgrounds, and public facilities often post a signage stating that it is illegal to smoke or
use tobacco products on the property. Imagine that you been asked to create a signage for your school
stating that it is against the rules to used tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, or other drugs on school property.
Choose one topic (tobacco, inhalants, alcohol, or a drug) to be the focus of your sign.

Include the following in your sign:

1. Words, slogan, or statement that the substance should not be used on school property.

2. Pictures or images related to your topic.

3. One and more harmful effects of the substance.

4. Include color to enhance the sign.

5. Optional: other information to convince kids not use the substance.

6. Place your slogan at the back of the rubrics.

Performance Task Rubric

Great Work Good Job Getting There Not Quite

4 3 2 1

Requirements All requirements All requirements One requirement More than one
are met and are met. was not met. requirement
exceeded. was not met.

Information is Information is Most of the Information
accurate and in- accurate. information is includes several
depth with details. accurate but factual errors.
contains some
factual errors.

pg. 24
All work is neat Most work is neat Some work is neat Work is not
and information is and easy to and easy to neat and
easy to understand. understand. difficult to
understand. understand.

There are few There are some There are several Product has
mistakes in mistakes in mistakes in little or no
grammar, grammar, grammar, punctuation and
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or or correct
spelling. spelling. spelling. spelling.
Content is
unclear due to

Work shows Work shows good Work shows basic Work shows
exceptional effort, effort, planning, effort, planning minimal effort,
planning and and pride. and pride. planning, and
pride. pride.

pg. 25
Name: ________________________________ Grade &Section: _____________________________

A. ANALYSIS: Read, analyze and identify the statements whatever they are risk or protective factors.
Write RF if the statement is a risk and write PF if it is a protective factor.

1. Having a positive self-image.

2. Being reared in a dysfunctional family.
3. Being economically disadvantaged.
4. Having right circle of friends.
5. Experiencing depression.
6. Being active in curricular and extra-curricular activities.
7. Having immature character disorder.
8. Feeling a sense of accomplishments.
9. Being able to handle unpleasant feelings.
10. Having the ability to manage stress.

B. CLASSIFICATION: Classify the following drugs according to type. Write S if it is a stimulant, D for
depressant, N for Narcotics, H for hallucinogen, and I for inhalant.

1. Contact cement (rugby) 6. Codeine

2. LSD 7. Cocaine
3. Valium 8. Caffeine
4. Marijuana _ 9. Ketamine
5. Barbiturates 10. Percodan

C. Read the situation below and answer the questions that follow:

A month ago, you found out that your brother had been sneaking and taking your mother’s sleeping
pills. When you caught him and asked why he does it, he said that he needed the pills to get enough time
to sleep and be well-rested. He asked you not to tell your parents and if you will, he will not forgive you
ever. But recently, you have been noticing some altered behavior of your brother.

1. List down your brother’s altered behavior.

2. What are you going to do with what you found out? Will you tell your parents? Explain the reason of
your actions.

3. How are you going to help your brother prevent substance use and abuse?

pg. 26
REFLECTION: Read the Bible verse below, reflect on it by connecting to the topic.

“No temptation has overtaken except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let
you tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so
that you can endure it.” - 1 CORINTHIANS 10:13

pg. 27


Lacia G., Solis, R., Fabella, G., Callo, F., dela Cruz, A. (2015) The 21st Century MAPEH in Action
Philippines: Rex Store

Gonzales, C., Lacia G., Poquiz,ML., Bulanandi, S., Callo, F. (2008) MAPEH in Action III. Philippines:
Rex Store.

Physical Education and Health - Grade 9 Learners Material First Edition (2014) Retrieved July 15,2020
from 9 lm draft 3.24.2014.pdf


Classification Short-term Effects Long-term Effects Examples
- (Other than
Talkativeness, loss of Hyperactivity, methamphetamine and
appetite, headache, increased heart rate, MMDA ) also known as
blurred vision, sleep increased blood uppers.
disorders. pressure, paranoia. - Cocaine: Peruvian lady,
Stimulants white girl, flake, happy dust,
nose candy, coke, C
- Caffeine
- Yaba or crazy dog.

- Barbiturates
Poor coordination, Mental disorders, Benzodiazepines: Diazepam
slurred speech, sleepiness, irritability, (valium)
decreased alertness, confusion, blood and Clonazepam (Rivotril,
nausea, depression lever disease. also known as ekispinoy)
Depressants - Methaqualone
(Mandrax, also known as ekis
or kulit)
- street names are downers,
barbs, candy, peanuts, and
Restlessness, small Constipation, - Morphine
pupils, cold, moist, temporary sterility, and - Codeine
and bluish skin color, impotence, - Semi-synthetic
slowed breathing, and convulsions, coma, and narcotics (oploids)
Narcotics or death. death. - Hydromorphone
Opiates - Oxycodone (percodan)
-Buprenorphine (stadol)
- Meperidine (Demerol)
- Nalbuphine (nubain)

pg. 28
- D-lysergic acid diethylamide
Anxiety, vomiting, Delusions, increased (LSD)
panic, impaired panic, sever changes in - Phencyclidine (PCP)
memory behavior, sometimes Peyote and Mascaline
Hallucinogens Irrational thought, violent. - dimethyltryptamine
patterns, (DMT)
hallucinations. - Cohoba
- Ketamine
- Cannabis or marijuana

Confusion, Memory loss, inability - household chemicals like

disorientation, to think, muscle cramp, aerosols, airplane glue,
aggressive behavior, and weakness, cleaning fluids, and paint
Inhalants hallucinations, nausea abdominal pain, thinners.
and vomiting damage to nervous - industrial chemicals like
system, kidneys, liver gasoline and kerosene.


Name of Drug Description Street Names/ How it is Effects

Other Names Administered
Stimulant; Coke, crack, nose Oral, intranasal, Hyperstimulation,
crystalline white candy intravenous, Reduced fatigue,
Cocaine powder and inhalation mental alertness,
Irregular heartbeat,
Heart attack,
respiratory failure
Stimulant; tablet Ecstasy Swallowed Nausea, chills,
form dehydration, high
MDMA blood pressure, heart
failure, kidney
failure, arrythmia.
Crack Stimulant; same
as cocaine
Depressant; Ingested, Anxiety, irritation,
tablet and pills crushed then fever, rapid heart rate,
Diazepam snorted stomach cramps,
Rivotril Depressant; Ingested Nausea, diarrhea,
prescription pill vomiting,
hallucinations, heart
palpitations, memory
loss, panic attacks
Morphine Narcotic; Oral, Depression,
prescribed for intravenous irritability, anxiety,
pain insomnia, memory
loss, tremors,
seizures, vision
problems, high or low
blood pressure
Opium Narcotic; milky Buddha, dreams, Ingested, Slow breathing,
latex fluid that goma, zero smoked, seizures, dizziness,
comes from intravenous weakness,
unripened seed unconsciousness,
pod of opium coma, death

pg. 29
Heroine Narcotic; a fine Big H, nose Injected, Creates a sensation of
white powder drops, hell dust, smoked, sniffed being high, slowed
made from the horse breathing, clouded
resin poppy plant mental functioning,
hypothermia, breaks
down the immune
system, com, death

Codeine Narcotic Cough syrup ingested Euphoria, calm,

mood swings,
dizziness, fainting,
hypotension, seizure,
LSD Hallucinogen; Acid, loony Ingested in tab Sweating or chills,
made from toons, dots, form delusions, visual
lysergic acid that boomers hallucinations, panic
comes from ergot attacks, severe
fungus; sold in depression, psychosis
small tablets,
capsules, or
gelatin squares
PCP Hallucinogen; Angel dust, Ingested, Confusion, sweating,
man-made rocket fuel, wack injected, paranoia. Numbness,
substance smoked, or depression,
manufactured snorted psychosis,
from industrial flashbacks, memory
chemicals; loss
powder, tablets,
Ketamine Hallucinogens; Special K, K, Injected, mixed Increased heart rate
powdered or Super C, jet with drinks, and blood pressure,
liquid anesthetic snorted, added nausea, vomiting,
for animals to cigarettes numbness,
depression, amnesia,
respiratory problems
Mescaline Hallucinogen; Mesc, mescal, ingested Visual hallucinations,
obtained from mescalito anxiety, tachycardia,
spineless cactus dizziness, vomiting,
Methaqualone Depressant; Bandits, disco, oral Dizziness, nausea,
synthetic biscuits, vitamin vomiting, diarrhea,
barbiturate-like Q abdominal cramps,
tablets and fatigue, seizures
capsule form
Amphetamine Stimulant; Speed, uppers, Swallowed, Happiness and
powder, tablets, fast, whiz injected, confidence, reduced
or capsules, or smoked, or appetite, excessive
packaged, in snorted sweating, racing

pg. 30
foils; use to treat heartbeat, passing
ADHD and out, stroke, heart
narcolepsy attack, death

Meth cathinone Stimulants of the Cat, goob, star Oral, intranasal Euphoria,
central nervous stimulation,
system; white or tachycardia,
off-white powder hypertension, anxiety,
insomnia, loss of


1. PF
2. RF
3. RF
4. PF
5. RF
6. PF
7. RF
8. PF
9. PF
10. PF

1. I
2. H
3. D
4. H
5. D
6. N
7. S
8. S
9. H
10. N


pg. 31

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