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DOCUMENT NO 562 September 2022

PRN : E006864

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Mulberry House, Abergavenny


Monmouthshire County Council

Planning Application No: DC/2014/01015
Listed Building consent: No: DC/2014/01016


QA: Dr N Phillips
A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22


APAC Ltd was contacted by the client in order to undertake a program of

archaeological works consisting of a Level III Building Recording Survey;
conditions required by both planning and listed building consent.

APAC Ltd produced a written scheme of investigation for the works; WSI:
BS/MHA/22, and following the agent’s instruction, the building recording survey
was undertaken.

The interpretation of the results demonstrates that the upper storeys of the
building were modern, 20th-century additions; however, a ground-floor structure
was evident at the turn of the 18th/19th centuries.

Contractiwyd APAC Cyf. gan y cleient i gwblhau rhaglen o weithiau

archeolegol yn cynnwys Arolwg Cofnodi Adeilad Lefel III, sef amodau a
osodwyd o dan ganiatâd cynllunio ac adeilad rhestredig.

Cynhyrchodd APAC Cyf. Gynllun Gwaith Ysgrifenedig ar gyfer y gweithiau -

CGY: BS/MHA/22, ac y unol â chyfarwyddyd yr asiant, cwblhawyd yr arolwg
cofnodi adeilad.

Dengys dadansoddiad o’r canlyniadau fod lloriau uwch yr adeilad yn

ychwanegiadau modern sy’n dyddio i’r 20fed ganrif. Serch hynny, roedd
strwythur y llawr cyntaf yn amlwg yn bresennol ar droad yr 18fed a’r 19eg

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains the copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; the Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph IMG_2035, External view of building from the street to the west and its position to neighbouring building: Mulberry House.
The building presents in an L-shaped formation. A small ground-floor building can also be found in the southwestern corner of the building’s
main courtyard. The rest of the building’s site is surrounded by a 3m wall. Around the front of the property is a metre-high stone-built, (partially)
crenulated wall. Behind this wall is a large drop where a stream runs alongside the property

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22


Summary. ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Site location ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 6
Aims and Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 10
Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 10
Data Presentation........................................................................................................................... 11
Archive .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Copyright ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Bibliography and References: ....................................................................................................... 16


01. Site Location Map.

02. Historic Asset Map
03. Coxe map of Abergavenny, 1801
04. Bradney’s town map of Abergavenny pre-1907
05. Early 20th-century photographic postcard of Mulberry House
06. Tithe map
07. 19th c Abergavenny Map Bradney
08. Map progressions
09. Existing floor plans
010. Phasing plans
011. Mill Culvert?

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

Survey Photo cards 1-59

01 External view of the building from the street to the west and its position to the neighbouring building.
The building presents in an L-shaped formation. A small ground-floor building can also be found in the
southwestern corner of the building’s main courtyard. The rest of the building's site is surrounded by a 2
to 2.5m wall. Around the front of the property is a metre-high stone-built, (partially) crenulated wall.
Behind this wall is a large drop where a stream runs alongside the property. A bridge of sorts has been
built to gain access to the building.
02 Small single-storey building in the southwestern corner of the site. The building is built of random
coursed stone and brick, however, according to the plans provided, not currently within the proposed
works. Also inaccessible at the time of the conducted survey.
03 External street view to the southwest of the building and its position to the neighbouring building. The
building presents in an L-shaped formation. A small ground-floor building can also be found in the
southwestern corner of the building’s main courtyard.
04 A stone-built wall around the western entrance to the building hides a large stone trench with a stream
running alongside the western edge of the site. A Stone built bridge of sorts has been installed over the
trench to access the site. The bridge has an arch cut through it for the water to pass through underneath.
Details of the picture are unfortunately not clear due to the high density of vegetation.
05 Brick-topped chimney stack shared by site property and neighbouring northern property.
06 The building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. The western elevation of the southern
section of the building. The first floor features decorative stained glassed windows. The second floor
features a timber-framed sash window.
07 The building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. The western elevation of the southern
section of the building. First-floor windows are decorative stained glass hopper windows. Second-floor
windows are a timber framed sash window and a timber framed casement window that appears to have
been modified from an earlier sash window. The ground floor features a boarded-up entrance into room
08 The building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. The southern elevation of the northern
section of the building. The first floor features a large sash window and a thin single sash window. The
second floor also features a small single-sash window. it also features a single casement window, (The
only one within the building).
09 The building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western gable of the northern section of
the property. The structure is completely rendered. The gable features a centralized single timber framed
sash window on the second floor. There is an external ground floor set of metal steps that used to access
the grounds of the building to the north, and an entrance (now blocked off) into the north of the gable
(not shown).
10 External street view to the south of the building. The image shows the extent that the southern portion
of room 0.6 extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second floors.
11 External street view from the south of the building. The image shows the extent that the southern
portion of room 0.6 extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second floors.
12 The extent of projection from semi-circular room 0.6, first floor. (Room between ground and second
floor) Projection currently needs extra support at the street level.
13 Garden area. Eastern elevation of the property. 3-storeyed building with slate roof and rendered walls.
The top, (second) floor features 4 modified sashes to casement windows. The middle (first) floor
features the only current access to the first floor and two stained glassed timber framed windows with
hopper openings and trefoil-topped arches. The bottom (ground) floor features an entrance into the
southern section of the building and a ground floor brick-built lean-to extension. The northern extent of
the build into the neighbouring building features a shared Chimney stack.
14 External door into room 0.6 first floor. The door is somewhat makeshift, though does feature a central
section of a stained-glass window like the windows found on the first floor. The door also features the
remains of a lock mechanism.
15 Eastern elevation. Later addition single-storey lean-to extension.
16 Room 1.7. External storage. Built of whitewashed brick, with a tiled floor. The back of the room is
fitted with purpose-built timber storage
17 The building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. The southern elevation of the northern
section of the building. First-floor entrance into an outside storage room, 1.7. The entrance is fitted with
a timber plank and batten door, with strap hinges, metal latch and a timber frame.
18 Detail room 1.8. Remains of previous aperture and profile of arch.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

19 Room 1.8. Entrance into room 1.9 through a wide aperture topped with a segmental arch. Timber
framed Sash window in the southern wall is now blocked up. The southern entrance/exit into the
western courtyard is built in brick.
20 Room 1.8 is underneath a section of the stairwell in room 0.7 on the first floor. Lathe and plaster build.
21 Room 1.9. the western wall features a large timber casement window, (now blocked off), and a central
aperture between rooms 1.8 and 1.9. The aperture features a segmental arch top, which from inside
room 1.9 can be seen to be built in brick.
22 Room 1.9. The northern wall features a centrally projected fireplace, now plastered over. To the left and
right of the central projection are two recesses. Each of the recesses features sectioned semi-circular
alcoves, for purposes not yet known. The exposed structure above the fireplace shows a build of thin
bricks in a pitched and faced formation.
23 Room 1.9. The northern wall features a centrally projected fireplace, now plastered over. To the left and
right of the central projection are two recesses. Each of the recesses features a sectioned semi-circular
alcove for purposes not yet known.
24 Detail, north-eastern alcove, and heating pipes.
25 Room 1.9, Detail – what potentially appears to be to different phases of a brick-built chimney stack
26 Room 1.9 exits to extension room 1.13, through a large (wide) timber-framed aperture. Internally the
doorway is topped with a timber lintel, externally it has a door frame.
27 Room 1.9 exits to extension room 1.13, through a large (wide) timber-framed aperture. Internally the
doorway is topped with a timber lintel, externally it has a door frame. The space within the depth of the
aperture is topped with a brick segmental arch like the one in the entrance/exit to room 1.8
28 Room 1.9. Detail – Wall and roof structure western wall. Removed plaster would suggest the earlier
phase of the construction be stone-built walls. The brick segmental door arch has been positioned to the
side of the stone construction. Ceiling – timber roof strut ends in a modern RSJ support beam along the
western section of the wall. RSJ spans the width of the room, (west to east) centrally placed.
29 Room 1.9, the eastern extent of RSJ.
30 Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into
one space. Eastern wall, small casement window.
31 Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into
one space. Western wall, two awnings topped fixed windows with frosted glass. Wall scarring in plaster
shows the position of earlier partition walls.
32 Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor. The northern wall, and curved structure lean to the roof
33 Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor. The southern wall exits to the eastern garden plot. Exit
fitted with large ledge and braced timber batten door, with strap hinges. ( Possibly repurposed from
elsewhere in the property).
34 Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern wall has had the plaster removed exposing the random
coursed stone construction of the building underneath. The eastern entrance would appear to have been
once much wider. The timber lintel that runs across the top of the aperture appears to extend further into
the wall, (something that is also mirrored visibly in the plasterwork at the western entrance)
35 Room 1.12. Southern wall. plaster has been removed from sections of the wall exposing the random
coursed stone construction of the building underneath. There are also at least two courses of cement
bracers within the wall, possibly to carry the weight of the projected worship room (0.6) above.
36 Room 1.12. The ceiling under the projected worship room (0.6) is fitted with multiple RSJs and support
37 Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern wall has had the plaster removed exposing the random
coursed stone construction of the building underneath. The eastern entrance would appear to have been
once much wider. The timber lintel that runs across the top of the aperture appears to extend further into
the wall. There also appears to be a stone-constructed pillar within the wall, that sits underneath the end
of the entrance’s timber lintel.
38 Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern wall has had the plaster removed exposing the random
coursed stone construction of the building underneath. The eastern entrance would appear to have been
once much wider. The timber lintel that runs across the top of the aperture appears to extend further into
the wall. There also appears to be a stone-constructed pillar within the wall, that sits underneath the end
of the entrance’s timber lintel.
39 Room 1.12. Western entrance. Although the plaster remains on the western wall, the well-defined lines
would suggest an earlier doorway mirroring that is exposed in the eastern wall.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

40 The Southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second
floors. (See external photos) The wall also features two stained glass windows with decorative trefoil
41 Room 0.6. Detail – Double fixed stain glass window with upper hopper opening. Window topped with
decorative trefoil arch and fitted within a wall with a descending internal splayed sill.
42 Room 0.6. Detail – Double fixed stain glass window with upper hopper opening. Window topped with
decorative trefoil arch and fitted within a wall with a descending internal splayed sill.
43 The Southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second
floors. (See external photos) The wall also features two stained glass windows with decorative trefoil
arches. Detail – southwestern window.
44 Room 0.6 Detail – southern edge of the room floor is raised. The rest of the floor is Herringbone
parquet flooring
45 Room 0.6. north wall projects into the room, a continuation of the fireplace below in room 1.9. The
doorway central to a north wall opens into a neighbouring property, (currently blocked off) doorway in
the western wall leads to the western extent of the building.
46 Room 0.7 hallway into toilet areas and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) entrance situated
at the bottom of a timber stairwell.
47 Room 0.7 hallway into toilet areas and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) opening into a
neighbouring property, (north) blocked in.
48 Room 0.8. Toilets. The room has a high ceiling and single sash timber framed window in the south wall.
49 Room 0.9, small toilet. Single sash window in the southern wall.
50 Room 0.6. high vaulted ceiling and modern fixtures and fittings.
51 Room 1.17. Access room to the second floor from first, room 0.6. The room features a single window to
the east. The window appears to be a modified timber sash window. that has been turned into a
casement, a continuing feature on the second floor. Northern wall projects into the room due to the
continuation of the fireplace from the ground and first floors.
52 Central timber framed sash window in hallway room 1.16
53 Room 1.18. eastern elevation. timber framed repurposed sash window. Modified to become a double
casement window. lower glass panes feature patterned glass effect decals.
54 Room 1.19. eastern elevation. timber framed repurposed sash window. Modified to become a double
casement window. lower glass panes feature pattern glass effect decals.
55 Room 1.20, southern gable, and eastern elevation. Central modified timber framed sash window, the
curvature of the ceiling above the eastern elevation of the building.
56 Room 1.20. Detail – modified timber framed sash window, now a casement.
57 Room 1.15. Small room with single sash window with frosted glass.
58 Room 1.14. Western gable. Central sash window, South elevation timber framed single casement
window. The floor is slightly unsafe.
59 Entrance into room 1.20. Topped with transom window.


I. Complete photograph list with contact sheet

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22


This building survey report has been prepared by Adam Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in response to a planning application
for the conversion of a grade II listed building, ‘Mulberry House’, Abergavenny. Due to the building’s Grade II
listing: Cadw ref: 2469, Listed Building Consent (LBC) was applied for, which led to the condition below:

Conversion of Mulberry House to provide 19 apartments (16 within the 1950’s annexe and
three within Mulberry House), conversion of a chapel to a 3-bed home and erection of six
houses and one flat on land to the rear of Mulberry Court including, 34 car park spaces
and associated landscaping works.

MCC: DC/2014/01015 & DC/2014/01016.

The original proposed works were modified when the building complex of ‘Mulberry house’ was divided up into
separate plots and sold separately to different buyers. The proposed planning and listed building consents, however,
remained with the structure, as a whole, as did the conditions.

Condition 3:

No site work shall be undertaken until the implementation of an appropriate programme of

building recording and analysis has been agreed upon with the local planning authority, to
be carried out by a specialist acceptable to the local planning authority and following a
written brief specification.
MCC: DC/2014/01015 & DC/2014/01016.

To satisfy the condition, the client’s agent contacted A.P.AC. Ltd to undertake the work: a Level III building
recording: MON2191/JB.

This building survey report relates only to the southern annexe of ‘Mulberry House’; a three-story addition which
includes a chapel on the first floor. Though the survey itself focuses only on the southern portion of the property, the
background information and relevant history will document the building as a whole as the information is relevant to
the building’s development.

A Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) was produced by A.P.AC. Ltd in response to the conditions related to the
proposed works put forward to Monmouthshire County Council (MCC).

Site location

Mulberry House is situated on the corner of Old Hereford Rd and Park Crescent; to the north of Abergavenny town
centre, fig 01. The postcode is NP7 SYT and the NGR: 329728, 214692.

Brief archaeological and historical background


As a general approach to the historical and archaeological background of Abergavenny, chance finds have produced
evidence of man’s presence since prehistoric times; however, much more is known of the Roman and Medieval
periods, particularly from slum-clearances in the 1950s and 60s and developments in the 1970s. A few of these later
undertakings required archaeological excavations; those in the vicinity of the town, such as Cross Street and Castle
Street produced a great deal of evidence relating to Roman Abergavenny (Gobannium).

The Roman presence was established in 55AD and lasted some 400 years acquiring an accompaniment of civilian,
and extramural settlement around the Roman nucleus. No evidence of post-Roman settlement has yet been found
but a renewed interest in the location; possibly due to surviving infrastructures, returned with the Normans in around
A.D. 1081 (Phillips 2006). Over the next two centuries the town expanded beyond the remains of the Roman
enclosed nucleus, to the new town wall, built in 1241, Cal Pat. Henry III.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

After some decline in the 14th and 15th centuries, the town prospered and expanded beyond the medieval town walls
and has continued to grow ever since. Late 18th-century interest brought specialist industries to the town which were
well served by the evolving canal and later, rail infrastructures.

Heritage asset search

As mentioned above, Mulberry house is Grade II listed, CADW Ref No: 2469. The listing is not for “Mulberry
House”, but rather its earlier name of “Ty'r Morwydd” (St Michael's Convent). The listing states the building to be:

“Late C18. Extended to the north in 1956 (dated). The house was probably reroofed at this
time and given the dormers and new chimneys. The house became a Convent of Breton
nuns in 1906 and they ran a girls' school for many years…”

The building is listed for its:

special interest as a well-preserved late C18 house, which, despite later alterations and
extensions, has retained its character and which has group value with the other listed
buildings in Pen-y-pound – ibid.

Unfortunately, this listing doesn’t offer any information on the section of the building on which this report is based;
however, it is always worth considering the local setting of a site when considering its history.

Firstly, of note in the listings, is the CADW listing for the entrance gates to the property, CADW ref No: 86899,
listed as ‘part value’ with the rest of the property as thought to be late 18th or early 19th-century.

To gather historical background information, a 500m and 100m radial search was conducted, centred on the given
NGR: 329728, 214692 (National Grid Reference); as shown in fig 02.

Within the 500m search, the site’s proximity to the Abergavenny conservation area can be seen. The search
parameter also includes the Historic Park & Gardens of Bailey Park – PGW (GT0 60(MON); Grade II listed and
dating back to 1884, when it was installed by the prominent ironmaster Crawshay Bailey.

Also, within the 500m search are 22 listed designations; all reproduced in the table below. The records marked with
a * are listings directly connected, or within a 100m vicinity of the site.

Name Number Grade Period

Gate pier, Gates and Fence 86806 II 19th?
of The Willows
The Cloisters 86888 II 19th?
Toll Gate House 2468 II Early 19th
Entrance Gates of No. 11. 86899 II Late 18th/early 19th
Ty'r Morwydd (St 2469 II Late 18th
Michael's Convent) *
Gate and Railings of The 86804 II Late 19th
Drama Centre *
Church of Our Lady and 2467 II* 17th
St Michael
The Drama Centre (former 16470 II 19th
King Henry VIII Grammar
8 Pen-y-pound 2466 II Early 19th
6 Pen-y-pound 2465 II Early 19th
4 Pen-y-pound 2464 II Early 18th

Gates and Railings of No. 86807 II Early 18th


Entrance Gates, Boundary 20756 II 20th

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

Wall and Railings at

Whitefield Chapel
Whitefield Chapel 20749 II 20th
7 Pen-y Pound 26239 II Early 19th
Abergavenny Baptist 2851 II 1877
War Memorial 15662 II 29th October 1921
46 Frogmore Street 86826 II 20th
Telephone Callbox near 2799 II
the junction with Regent
10 Merthyr Road 2430 II 19th
6 Merthyr Road 86857 II 19th
8 Merthyr Road 86821 II 19th
4 Merthyr Road 86823 II 19th
2 Merthyr Road 2429 II 19th

Mulberry House

Documentary evidence for Mulberry House: formerly Pen Y Pound, provides a date of at least the mid-18th century
for its presence:

The house known as Pen y pound belonged in the 18th century to Thomas Williams, Gent.
By his will, dated 1st October 1784, he leaves to his son John several messuages in Pen y
pound and the dwelling house with the reservoir for water, for which, and the passage of it
through his yard, he was paid 11s per annum. . These he had purchased of John Arnold,
plumber and the trustees of the duke of Beaufort’.

‘At this period Pen-y-pound house was occupied by Sir James Harington, Seventh Baronet
of Ridlington, who had retired here through the stress of finances.

(Bradney, J.A., 1906. repr 1991 p 181)

Confirmation of buildings at the site is further supplied by the 1800 Town Map of Abergavenny in Coxe which is
reproduced in fig 03, (Coxe, 1801 repr 1995 p166). The inset, the top left has been orientated to the normal
convention to make it more accessible. Of note is the main building, with add-ons west and east and a separate
building along the road; all within an enclosure, at the southwest corner of the formal gardens.

Indigo Planning Limited, (IPL); the architects contracted to undertake a Heritage Appraisal for the original, entire
property of Mulberry House, planning proposal, MCC: DC/2014/01015 & DC/2014/01016, concluded:

that the building is from at least the late 18th century possibly earlier, quoting:

that during the last part of the 18th century the house was occupied by Sir James
Harington, 7th Baronet Ridlington, and his family continued in occupation until the death
of his widow in June 1812’.
Primary source not clear (IPL. 2014, P3 2.8)

As part of the current pre-planning works the agent SUBLIME SPACES, (SS), wrote a second Heritage Appraisal
for Mulberry House. ‘9091-SS-60000 Heritage appraisal’, which provided the following information:

‘The site of the original Mulberry House in Pen-y-Pound sits on approximately 1.37 acres
of land and is a substantial building comprising a late eighteenth-century house with a
conjoined annexe to the south, and a later, sizeable 1950s extension to the north. Mulberry
House is a Grade II listed building (see listing notes below).

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

After passing out of private occupation, in the early 1900s, the building became a convent
run by the Order of St Michael and was subsequently used for schooling. In 1976 it was
then acquired by the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) and used as a field study
centre for inner city children for over 30 years. This is the guise in which the building is
likely to be familiar to many long-standing Abergavenny residents. At this time the Chapel
block (or at least the first-floor chapel area) served as an on-site library, with a collection
of 2,500 volumes. The large outbuilding in the Chapel block courtyard, meanwhile, was
thought to have served as a laboratory

‘These were the Ty'r Morwydd Environmental Studies Centre (both a registered charity and
a company), Mulberry House (a conference centre) and Mulberry House Hostel (a Youth
Hostel Association franchise)’.ibid
(SS. no date)

Bradney also noted in 1906:

It has lately been purchased by the Catholics, and a colony of French nuns has been
established here
(op. cit.).

After passing through multiple occupants in the late 1990s and early 2000s the buildings were split amongst three
companies and a charity. These companies were however short-lived and went into liquidation leaving the properties
as they now stand, unoccupied and ready for redevelopment.
(SS op. cit.).
The chapel annexe

A photograph included in Bradney: therefore pre-1906, shows the former Pen y Pound, the current Mulberry House,
albeit in a pre-rendered state, fig 04. In the right of the photograph behind the tree is a range of buildings: one of a
single-storey, gable-end-on, in the foreground, and one to the rear, of one and a half storeys, aligned to the main
building. It is just possible to see in the bottom left that this probable yard area was accessed through two tall gates.

A later photograph of; Pen-y-pound house, fig 05, focuses centrally on the main building, which has been given a
rendered finish, hiding some of the architectural detail. Also, the road appears to have bee surfaced and there is a
repair to the second step. The photograph was sourced by the agent from Cofflien and permission to reproduce
herein was received from the National Library of Wales, (SS pers com).

Of interest in the picture is the gable end single-storey building bottom right and the dormer window, also to the
right. When enhanced, the straight line on each side of the dormer window is that of the roof of the one-and-a-half-
storey building noted above. The slate tiles are also visible with some photo processing.

Further to the above documentary and historical asset searches, additional cartographic information was gathered to
try to establish the origin of the annexe.

The earliest map that identifies buildings in addition to the main house can be seen in the 1845 Tithe Map, fig 06.
The central building in pink included in the bottom left of enclosure 387 is that of Mulberry House (Pen y Pound).
The tithe map links to apportionment No, 387, which states that in 1845 the property was called ‘tithe of mill’ and
the land was marked as a house, gardens, and yards. The land was both owned and occupied at this point by Vennor,
Henry Esq. The map also shows the Cybi stream, (still in place) that runs along the west of the properties. Given
that the tithe maps are usually somewhat devoid of detail it is surprising to see that the cartographer has added the
little purpose-built walkways/bridges, over the stream that accesses not only Mulberry house, but the southern
annexe as well. These are both still in place today. Also of interest is the property wall to the rear which is consistent
with today but also the land to the south extends across fields as there was no Park Crescent, Road.

The next map included was in the 1991 reprint of Bradney, fig 07, which, unfortunately, carries no date or reference.
The assumption, at the time of writing, is that it was included in the original 1907 publication, but this has not been
verified. It was included here to illustrate the clear division of Mulberry House to the southern annexe which has
out-shuts or extensions to the rear but two buildings to the front with a central yard and access from the west,
presumably across the stream.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

The first informative and datable Ordnance Survey Map was published in 1881 fig 08a. The whole complex is
represented in a very detailed if somewhat formal geometric way. The annexe here is demarcated with a party wall
between it and the main house. It is even possible to make out the gable chimney breast of the main house. Along
the eastern elevation are various out-shuts most of which still exist. Along the west, elevation is an enclosed yard
and two detached buildings as noted in the photographs above: figs 04 & 05. The Cibi stream is still shown along
the west along with the access bridge to the yard. Towards the south, the current garden wall has been erected to the
east and there may be the beginnings of a trackway east/west.

By the 1902 map, fig 08b, the appearance of the building has changed somewhat; now represented by a blocked
depiction, although probably a result of scale and style rather than actual changes as the separation is back in the
later 1916 map, fig 08c. The error depicts the building and internal courtyard shaded, making it look like the
building’s western elevation extended fully to the roadside. This map also marks a clear instance of the road to the
south of the property being in existence.

In the 1920 map, fig 08c the annexe building footprint is much as it stands today, although, the party wall has been
removed indicating that it is now part of the main house. In the western yard, two detached outbuildings are still
shown as is the bridge access over the stream. The east/west trackway appears to have been formalised and,
interestingly, the southwest corner of the annexe juts out into the road which may indicate the present overhang.

The 1948 map; fig 08d, again suffers from the trade-off of detail with a change of scale, however, little has changed.
The loss of the yard to the west of the annexe has to be an error in drawing as it is not consistent with the mapping
before or more importantly after.

Current mapping, fig 08f. represents the current configuration of the site. The annexe building footprint has
remained unchanged, however, the detached building with a gable end to the road, first noted in 1881 fig 08a has
gone. The small building in the southwest corner is still in the same position, though it seems at a slightly larger
scale. The only other change to the annexe building is the return of the out-shut to the east after not being included
in fig 08e and the disappearance of the rear garden wall between the properties, although, in reality, it remains in

To the north of Mulberry House, a large building complex was added in 1956, and multiple buildings have sprung
up around the property.

Aims and Objectives

The level III survey aims to preserve by recording the structure of the buildings, before renovation and
refurbishment and in so doing provide a facility for understanding the building’s historic development.

The record produced can then be used to guide the determination of the planning condition as to the final design of


The building recording survey followed the methodology defined in 5.2, Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide
to Good Recording Practice (English Heritage 2006). The methodology employed was also guided by the Standard
and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures (CIFA

Measurements were taken of the property, externally and internally, using a tripod-mounted, FARO M70 3D
Scanner. Photographs were taken using a tripod-mounted, digital camera: Cannon EOS 6D Mark II, these were
backed up with hi-resolution smartphone cameras where access was difficult. Images were recorded in both high-
resolution Jpeg & RAW formats. The photographic record of the site includes general views of the exterior, the
overall appearance of the principal structure and circulation areas, and external and internal detail relevant to the
property’s design and development. All photographs include a scale rod where possible or practical. Photographs
illustrative of the survey are produced as annotated ‘photo cards’ in the report. All photographs from the survey are
included as a list with contact sheets in Appendix I.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

This report comprises a written element as defined in 4.5 Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to Good
Recording Practice (English Heritage 2006).

To provide a brief background to the property the following sources of information were used:

Various online sources.
Local knowledge.

Data Presentation

Existing plans produced by “Sublime Spaces” (SS) were adapted for use in this report to guide the user through the
building survey report and phasing sections. These plans were also used to create fig 09 floor plans, to show an
overview of all the floor plans as they were at the time of the survey. The adapted plans have kept the room number
system found on the original plans, so each room corresponds to a number on the plans.

The survey took place on 23 September 2022, in favourable, though bright conditions.

External view

The current structure is presented as a three-storey building, orientated in an “L” shaped configuration, with a small
single-storey lean-to extension on the eastern elevation. The building is situated along the southern gable of the
central Mulberry House and is considered to be a southern annexe of the main building, PL01.

The annexed building also features an external outbuilding situated in the southwestern corner of the site boundary,
built of random coursed stone, with a slate roof. The north-eastern corner of the building has been built chamfered,
possibly for an earlier need to move traffic of sorts past the building, in the confined space. The eastern gable
features brick-lined access and a brick-lined upper aperture under the apex of the roof, currently blocked in, PL02.
The northern elevation features two brick-lined window apertures with timber lintels. The eastern window also
features a stone sill. The western gable, outside of the courtyard features a single centrally placed window with an
awning window. The western gable and southern elevation have been rendered and act as part of the perimeter
boundary wall, PL03.

The site features a stone courtyard at the west elevation and a garden area to the east. The site (where not joined to
another building) is bounded with a 2.5 to 3m perimeter wall, with an access gate to the west only, PL01.

Just outside of the annexed building, running alongside, (to the west) is a deep stone-lined trench with a stream
running through it, PL04. The trench, which is approximately 2m deep, is lined with a further meter-high stone wall
with crenulated tops. Purpose-built bridges, with arches to allow the ‘Cybi’ stream to run under, have been built to
allow access to both the main Mulberry House building and the southern annexe on which this survey is based.

The annexe building is covered with a roughcast render and topped with a shallow slate roof. The northern gable,
where the southern annexe joins the main house building features a chimney stack that is not shared by both builds.
The stack is partially rendered but topped with brick stacks, PL03/PL05.

The western elevation of the southern section of the building, PL06/PL07 has one large blocked-in window, two
smaller blocked-in windows, and large boarded-up access on the ground floor. The first floor is the external section
of the chapel, room 0.6. The chapel room features two stained glassed windows fitted with hopper windows and
timber frames with decorative trefoil arches. The second-floor features one timber framed sash window, and one
modified timber sash window that has been turned upside down and converted into a double casement.

The northern section of the annexe extends to the west, PL08. The southern elevation features two entrances to the
ground floor and a boarded-up window. Of the access portals, one is into a small external storage room, 1.7 and the
other a main entrance into the building through room 1.8. The ground floor appears to be built in a slight recess
fitted with rendered pillar supports. The first floor features a timber framed sash window with a stone lintel and a
thin single sash timber framed window with a stone sill and frosted glass. The second floor features a single timber
framed casement window and a small single sash timber framed window with frosted glass.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

The western gable of the northern section of the annexe features a metal stairwell into the neighbouring Mulberry
House (blocked off). It also features a timber-framed awning window on the top (second) floor, PL09.

The southern gable of the annexe is something of an odd build, PL10/PL11. The wall, which is mostly rendered and
fairly nondescript on the ground and second floors, features a semi-circular projection on the 1st-floor room; 0.6, of
the chapel. This projection sticks out from the building overhanging the street below. There currently appear to be
some structural issues with it, as its currently supported externally and internally (from within room 1.12). (see
below), PL12.

The eastern elevation; PL13, is accessed by passing through the annexe building and entering the eastern garden
area. The ground floor features an opening into room 1.12 and a small lean too extension 1.13. As noted above: the
first-floor chapel; room 0.6, features two stained glass windows, with hoppers and timber frames with decorative
trefoil arches. The floor also features a timber-framed doorway that is accessed via a metal stair from the ground
floor. This access is currently the only way into the first floor and is something of a temporary solution. The door
itself features a central stained-glass window, sympathetic to the other windows on this floor. Also, the door lock
mechanism is now removed, PL14.

There is some question as to whether this doorway belongs where it is. Internally its position is at odds with the
symmetry of the internal windows, (see below) and a mark in the render above that appears to be more recent. It is
possible that there was once another window here.

As mentioned above, the eastern elevation also features a ground-level single-storey lean-to extension, PL15. The
building is brick built with a slate roof. The eastern elevation features a modified timber framed window, blocked
in, and a timber door into a small storage area room 1.14, that was not accessible.

Internal ground floor

Room 1.7 is a small storage room located in the western gable of the northern section of the building; PL16. The
room is brick built and whitewashed with a tiled floor. At the back of the room is a purpose-built timber frame
storage unit. The entrance/exit to the room is fitted with a timber plank and batten door, with strap hinges, metal
latch and a timber frame, PL17.

Room 1.8 acts as the main entrance into the current annexe building. The room is entered through a large boarded
accessway from the western courtyard. There is a blocked-in aperture in the northern wall, that appears to have once
held a door with a segmental arch, PL18. The southern wall has an entranceway and a boarded-up sash window,
PL19. The room is tiled almost from floor to ceiling with painted plaster making up the final stretch. The ceiling of
the room features a machine-cut timber roof with remaining tack nails. The north-western corner has a section of the
stairwell of the first floor poking through, showing its lathe and plaster construct, PL20. In the eastern wall is a
large, wide aperture that enters room 1.9. The aperture is topped with a cut segmental arch, from within room 1.9 the
archway has been exposed to bare brick. The brick arch appears to be situated between the stone walls on either side
of it, PL19/PL21

Room 1.9 is a large room with a fireplace projected into it from the northern wall neighbouring Mulberry House,
PL22. The fireplace, though now plastered over, features a large hearthstone. The presence of the hearthstone would
suggest the fireplace was at some point open to the room. Either side of the projected fireplace features a shallow
semi-circular recess cut into the plaster for purposes unknown, PL23/PL24. Above the fireplace, sections of the
plaster have been removed exposing the brick structure below, PL25. The eastern wall features a large, wide, and
deep opening aperture into the lean-to extension room 1.13; PL26. This aperture is also topped with an exposed
brick segmental arch; PL27. The western wall features both the entrance from room 1.8 (above) and a large timber-
framed double casement window with one awning-topped window, PL21. This window also appears to be fitted
within a segmental arch but due to the lowered plaster work, remains inaccessible. The southern wall holds a simple
doorway into room 1.10/1.11. The ceiling structure of the room has been given structural support with a central RSJ
beam spanning the room from east to west, PL28/PL29.

Room 1.10/1.11 may once have been two rooms; however, they now feature as one. Wall scarring shows where the
partition walls once were situated. The western wall features two boarded-up timber-framed awning windows with
frosted glass, PL30. The eastern one features one, PL31 The room ceiling is also fitted with an RSJ for structural

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

Room 1.13; PL32, is the small single-storey extension on the east of the annexe building. It features a single timber
framed window that’s been modified, and small timber framed hatch in the roof, also an exit into the eastern side of
the property via a large ‘ledge and braced’ timber batten door, with strap hinges, (possibly repurposed from
elsewhere in the property), PL33.

Room 1.12 is a self-contained room that can only be accessed via the western courtyard or the eastern garden.
Sections of the room’s plaster have been removed along its southern wall exposing the random coursed stone
construct of the walls, PL34. The stone walls appear to have been structurally shored up over time with the presence
of coursed cemented brick bracers. This room sits directly below the chapel; room 0.6, with the southern wall
directly underneath the projected semi-circular chapel wall. As discussed above, this projection has been fitted with
some support posts both externally and internally; PL35 and is probably the reason for the repaired coursing in the
southern wall as well. The ceiling is also fitted with multiple RSJs; PL36. A section of the plaster has also been
removed from the eastern wall; PL37, this has exposed not only the stone wall below but the timber lintel topping
the doorway as well. The wall scar and lintel placement would suggest the doorway aperture was once double the
width, with a portion of it being filled in at a later date, PL38. The doorway on the opposite side, though not as
exposed, also suggests the same setup, with the line in the plaster suggesting a wider earlier entrance/exit, PL39.

Internal first floor

As mentioned above, access to the first floor is via a metal stairwell into chapel room 0.6. The chapel itself extends
the full length of the building and consists of much of the first floor. As also mentioned above, the south of the room
features a semi-circular projected wall that extends over the external pavement, PL40. The chapel features four
large stained-glass windows with hopper windows and decorative trefoil arches, PL40/PL41/PL42. The extended
projection also features two thinner stained glassed windows with trefoil-topped arches, PL40/PL43. The floor in
this section of the room has been raised, to provide a staging area, PL40. The room features high vaulted ceilings
with modern fixtures and fittings, and a parquet floor with a herringbone pattern, PL44. The north of the wall
features the projected chimney stack from the room, PL45.

Room 0.7 is a landing that leads from 0.6 into rooms 0.8 and 0.9. The landing also ends in the west with a timber set
of stairs and a door that used to lead externally to the north, now blocked off. The entrance is fitted with a decorative
timber plank and a batten door with a pseudo-four-pointed arch. Some of the battens have also been decorated with
chamfered cut stops and the door is also topped with a large fan light, PL46. There is also a further aperture to the
north much has been blocked in, PL47.

Room 0.8 is a single room with a timber sash window and high vaulted ceilings, PL48. Room 0.9 is a smaller toilet
room with a single sash window with frosted glass, PL49.

The only access to the second floor at this time was a ladder through a small tight hole in the roof of room 0.6 into
room 1.17, PL50.

Second floor

Room 1.17 is a small room with a modified timber frame sash window. The window has been turned over and fitted
with a double casement. The room also features the projection of the chimney stack found on both floors below,

Room 1.13 is a small landing connecting the rooms.

Room 1.16 is a continuation of 1.13 and continues the connection of rooms. The western wall features a sash
window, PL52.

Rooms 1.18; PL53, 1.19, PL54 are something of identical rooms, both featuring a single modified sash/casement
window and doorways with a painted-over transom window.

Room 1.20 is a large room at the southern extent of the building. The room features modified sash/casement
windows in the east, PL55 and west walls, PL56.

Room 1.15 is a small toilet area with a thin single-sash window with frosted glass, PL57.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

Room 1.14 is the end room in the western extent of the building. It features a single casement window in the
southern wall and a modified closed/sash window topped with an awning opening to the west, PL58. The timber
floorboards within the room were somewhat unsafe with holes in the room below.

The ceiling structure of the second floor wasn’t open to interpretation, having been lowered with plaster. The
ceilings do however all curve/drop at their edges following the course of the roof, PL59.

Interpretation and phasing

The research undertaken for this building recording survey, both documentary and cartographic, has established that
the main house at least has been present since the late 18th century, fig 10. Furthermore, the curtilage of the property
and the yard to the south had an association with ‘water rights, for the passage of water running through their
curtilages. This can be inferred from the continuous cartographic representation of the stream along the western side
of the property with two bridging structures giving access to both the house and yard.

It is probably worth noting the Tithe apportionment for plot 387 ‘tithe of mill’ and the translation of Pen y pound
(Head Pond). To these considerations could be added the dormer in fig 05, possibly an upper hoist aperture for
storage of goods in an upper half storey. One further point of interest can be seen in fig 11, which is an image taken
from the 3D scan. It shows the southern wall of the southwest detached building with the low crenellated wall for
the Ciby stream to the left. However, 1.5m along the southern elevation is a segmental arch of weathered stonework
at the current pavement height. Unfortunately, the building was locked at the time of the survey so there is no
explanation for a 1.5m covered culvert here, parallel to the stream. The agent later supplied internal photographs,
but the inside had been modernised and had a lot of fixed furnishings.

It is suggested, therefore, that the ground floor is very early 19th century but with a potential for it to have been
added to the main house at the end of the 18th century. The evidence for the addition is centred on the chimney stack
which would appear to have originally been a gable-end construction, however, it was not possible to check within
Mulberry House. A section through the building from the 3D scan does however show that the blocked-up fireplace
structure in room 1.9 PL22 has been brought forward from the stack. Above the blocked-in fireplace, some of the
plaster has been removed exposing the handmade, thin bricked structure to its top, PL25. Also found in room 1.9
are two entrances that are wide set, and deep, owing to the thickness of the wall. These are topped, as is the main
window to the room, with brick-built segmental arches, built within the (exposed) stone structure of the wall,

More physical evidence of an early build can be seen in the building fabric of uncoursed stone, which is mainly in
evidence in rooms 1.2, PL34, PL35, PL37, PL38. It was not possible to establish the construction of the other
rooms as they are mostly plastered and painted.

The first and second floors are both 20th-century additions and not part of the building’s original footprint, this
information is clearly seen by using both the pictures, fig 04 and fig 05, that shows the building as a single to one-
and-a-half storey structure.


The archives will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, MoRPHE
V1.2 (2015) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed.

The original archive will be retained by APAC.Ltd.

Copies of the archive, following current guidelines, will be deposited with GGAT HER:


A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the watching brief and with the agreement
of the landowner.

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Wales.


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby permits for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the project as
described in this Project Design.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

Bibliography and References:


Bradney, JA Kn 1906 A History of Monmouthshire from the coming of the Normans into Wales Down
to the Present Time. Volume 1 Part 2a The Hundred of Abergavenny (Part 1).
1991 facsimile, Academy Books, London

Cal Pat. 1241 Calendar of Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office. Henry III. 1232

1247. HMSO. 1908.
Coxe, W., Arch,1801 An Historical Tour in Monmouthshire. 1995 facsimile, Merton Priory Press Ltd
Books, Cardiff:

Chartered Institute of
Archaeologists. Standards and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and
research of archaeological materials. 2014.

Standards and Guidance for the archaeological investigation and

recording of standing buildings and structures, 2014, upd 2020.

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

Understanding Historic Buildings, A guide to good Recording Practice. 2016

MCC Decision: Conversion of Mulberry House to provide 19 apartments (16 within the
1950s annexe and three within Mulberry House), conversion of the chapel to a 3-
bed home and erection of six houses and one flat on land to the rear of Mulberry
Court including 34 parking spaces and associated landscaping works: Mulberry
House, Pen y Pound Abergavenny.

GGAT 2015 MON2191/JB Re: Conversion Of Mulberry House To Provide 19

Apartments (16 Within The 1950s Annex And Three Within Mulberry House),
Conversion Of The Chapel To A 3 Bed Home And Erection of Six Houses And
One Flat On Land To The Rear of Mulberry Court Including 34 Parking Spaces
and Associated Landscaping Works: Mulberry House, Pen y Pound
Abergavenny. Pl.App.No:2014/01015.

HSE. Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974.

HSE. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. 2015

Indigo Planning Limited Pg 3, 2.8 – Mulberry House, Abergavenny. Heritage appraisal.

Phillips, N., 2006. Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050-1250. BAR 420.
Archaeopress. Oxford.
Spaces ND
2022 Heritage appraisal
Design and Access Statement
Existing plans:
Ground floor – DRW No: 9091-SS-11000
First floor - DRW No: 9091-SS-11001
Second floor - DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

The Society of Museum

Archaeologists Towards An Accessible Archive (1995)

A.P.A.C. Ltd Mulberry House, Abergavenny BS/MHA/22

The Welsh
Trusts. Records (HERs) Guidance for the Submission of Data to the Welsh Historic Environment 2018

Online Sources consulted:

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.
Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 05041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons).

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Mulberry House, Abergavenny

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22


Fig 01: Location

Mulberry House, Abergavenny


NGR ST 329728 214692

Conservation Area
Listed buildings.
Historic parks & gardens

Fig 02: Heritage asset map A.P.A.C. Ltd. BS/MHA/22

Mulberry House, Abergavenny

Fig 03 - COXE; 1801 - An Historical Tour in Monmouthshire A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry House, Abergavenny

Fig 04 Pen-y-pound House, pre-1907. A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry House, Abergavenny

Fig 05: Postcard of Mulberry House, believed taken prior to 1934 - A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22
Adapted from ‘SUBLIME SPACES’ Heritage appraisal
Mulberry House, Abergavenny

Fig 06: Tithe map - 1845

Fig 07: Bradneys Map of Abergavenny, pre - 1907

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry House, Abergavenny

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 08a: 1st Edition 1881 OS. Abergavenny VI 15 9 Fig 08b: Monmouthshire VI.SE - Surveyed 1899
1:500 Published 1902 6 inch:Mile


Fig 08c: Monmouthshire VL15 - Revised 1916 Fig 08d: Brecknockshire XLII - Revised 1938
Published 1920 . 25 inch:Mile Published 1948 . 6 inch:Mile


Fig 08e: Brecknockshire XLII - Revised 1944

Published 1953. 6 inch:Mile Fig 08f: Modern Mapping
A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22
Mulberry House, Abergavenny


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



Existing ground floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11000





Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001






Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

Fig 08:Adapted floor plans for use in navigating report. A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22
Sublime Spaces.
Mulberry House, Abergavenny


1.14 18th century

1.8 1.13
1.9 18th/ early19th century

19th century, removed
after 1953
20th century

20th century, built

upon 19th century
foundation from previous

Existing ground floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11000





Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001






Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

Fig 10:Phasing floor plans, (Adapted) A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry House, Abergavenny

Fig 11: Image from 3D scan. fls.scan_010 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

View North
Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0235

External view of building from the street to the
west and its position to the neighbouring
building. Building presents in an L shaped
formation. A small ground floor building can also
be found in the southwestern corner of the
1.8 1.13
building’s main courtyard. The rest of the
buildings site is surrounded by a 2 to 2.5m wall.

1.10 1.11
Around the front of the property is a metre high
1.12 stone built, (partially) crenulated wall. Behind
this wall is a large drop where a stream runs
alongside the property. A bridge of sorts has been
built to gain access to the building.

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0064

Small single storey building in the southwestern
corner of the site. The building is built of random
coursed stone and brick, however, according to
the plans provided, not currently within the
proposed works. Also inaccessible at time of
1.8 1.13
conducted survey.

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0234

External street view to the southwest of the
building and its position to neighbouring
building. Building presents in an L shaped
formation. Small ground floor building can also
be found in the southwestern corner of the
1.8 1.13
building’s main courtyard.

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0237

Stone built wall around the western entrance to

the building hides a large stone trench with a
1.14 stream running alongside the western edge of the
1.9 1.13 site. A Stone built bridge of sorts has been installed

1.10 1.11
over the trench to access the site. The bridge has an
arch cut through it for the water to pass through
underneath. Details of picture unfortunately not

clear due to high density of vegetation.


A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0215

Brick topped chimney stack shared by site
property and neighbouring northern property.


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0058

Building structure is orientated in an L shape

formation. Western elevation of southern section
1.14 of building. First and second floors. First floor
1.9 1.13 features decorative stain glassed window.

1.10 1.11
Second floor features timber framed sash window.



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0061

Building structure is orientated in an L shape

formation. Western elevation of southern section
1.14 of building. First floor windows are decorative
1.9 1.13 stain glass hopper windows. Second floor windows

1.10 1.11
are a timber framed sash window and a timber
framed casement window that appears to have
been modified from an earlier sash window.

Ground floor features a boarded up entrance into

room 1.12.

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0052

Building structure is orientated in an L shape

formation. Southern elevation of northern
1.14 section of building. First floor features a large
1.9 1.13 sash window and a thin single sash window. The

1.10 1.11
second floor also feature a small single sash
window. it also features a single casement window.


A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0070

Building structure is orientated in an L shape

formation. Western gable of northern section of
1.14 property. The structure is completely rendered.
1.9 1.13 The gable feature a centralized single timber

1.10 1.11
framed awning window on the second floor. T
here is an external ground floor set of metal steps
that used to access the grounds of the building

to the north, and an entrance (now blocked off )

into the north of the gable (not shown).

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0228

External street view from the south of the

building. Image shows the extent that the
1.14 southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a
1.9 1.13 semi-circular projection beyond the ground and

1.10 1.11
second floors.



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0230

External street view from the south of the

building. Image shows the extent that the
1.14 southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a
1.9 1.13 semi-circular projection beyond the ground and

1.10 1.11
second floors.



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0231

Extent of projection from semi-circular room 0.6,
first floor. (Room between ground and second
floor) Projection currently needs extra supports
at street level.

1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0212

Garden area. Eastern elevation of property. 3
storey building with slate roof and rendered
walls. Top, (second) floor features 4 modified s
ash to casement window. The middle (first) floor
features the only current access to the first floor
1.8 1.13
and two stain glassed timber framed windows
with hopper openings and trefoil topped arches.

1.10 1.11
Bottom (ground) floor features an entrance into
1.12 the southern section of the building and a
ground floor brick built lean-to extension.
Northern extent of build into neighbouring
building features an shared Chimney stack.

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0224

External door into room 0.6 first floor. Door is

somewhat makeshift, though does feature a
1.14 central section of stained glass window like the
1.9 1.13 windows found on the first floor. The door also

1.10 1.11
features the remains of a decorative lock


A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0214

Eastern elevation. Later addition single storey
lean to extension.


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0073

Room 1.7. External storage. Built of whitewashed

brick, with a tiled floor. The back of the room is
1.14 fitted with purpose built timber storge
1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0072

Building structure is orientated in an L shape

formation. Southern elevation of northern
1.14 section of building. First floor entrance into
1.9 1.13 outside storage room, 1.7. Entrance fitted with a

1.10 1.11
timber plank and batten door, with strap hinges,
metal latch and a timber frame.


A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0080

Detail room 1.8. Remains of previous aperture
and profile of arch.


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0084

Room 1.8. Entrance into room 1.9 through wide
aperture topped with a segmental arch. Timber
framed Sash window in southern wall now
blocked up. Southern entrance/exit into western
courtyard is built in brick.
1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0086

Room 1.8 underneath a section of the stairwell
in room 0.7 on the first floor. Lathe and plaster


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0087

Room 1.9. western wall features a large timber
casement window, (now blocked off ), and a
central aperture between rooms 1.8 and 1.9.
Aperture features a segmental arch top, which
from inside room 1.9 can be seen to be built in
1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0090

Room 1.9. The northern wall features a centrally
projected fireplace, now plastered over. To the
left and right of the central projection are two
recesses. Each of the recesses features sectioned
semi-circular alcoves, for purposes not yet known.
1.8 1.13
Exposed structure above fireplace shows a build
of thin bricks in a pitched and faced formation.

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0089

Room 1.9. The northern wall features a centrally

projected fireplace, now plastered over. To the
1.14 left and right of the central projection are two
1.9 1.13 recesses. Each of the recesses feature a sectioned

1.10 1.11
semi circular alcove for purposes not yet known.



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0093

Detail, north-eastern alcove, and heating pipes.


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0105

Room 1.9, Detail – what potentially appears to
be to different phases of a brick built chimney


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0094

Room 1.9 exit to extension room 1.13, through
large (wide) timber framed aperture. Internally
the doorway is topped with a timber lintel,
externally it has a door frame.

1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0096

Room 1.9 exit to extension room 1.13, through
large (wide) timber framed aperture. Internally
the doorway is topped with a timber lintel,
externally it has a door frame. The space within
the depth of the aperture is topped with a brick
1.8 1.13
segmental arch like the one in the entrance/exit
to room 1.8

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0102

Room 1.9. Detail – Wall and roof structure
western wall. Removed plaster would suggest
the earlier phase of construct to be stone built
walls. The brick segmental door arch has been
positioned to the side of the stone construct.
1.8 1.13
Ceiling – timber roof strut ends in a modern RSJ
support beam along the western section of wall.

1.10 1.11
RSJ spans the width of the room, (west to east)
1.12 centrally placed.


A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0103

Room 1.9, eastern extent of RSJ.


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0106

Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all
internal partition walls have been removed
turning it into one space. Eastern wall, small
casement window.

1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0111

Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all
internal partition walls have been removed
turning it into one space. Western wall, two
awning topped fixed windows with frosted glass.
Wall scarring in plaster shows position of earlier
1.8 1.13
partition walls.

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0118

Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor.

Northern wall, and curved structure of lean to
1.14 roof over extension.
1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0121

Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor.

Southern wall, exit to eastern garden plot. Exit
1.14 fitted with large ledge and braced timber batten
1.9 1.13 door, with strap hinges. ( possibly repurposed

1.10 1.11
from elsewhere in the property.



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0123

Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern
wall has had plaster removed exposing the
random coursed stone construct of the building
underneath. The eastern entrance would appear
to have been once much wider. The timber lintel
1.8 1.13
that runs across the top of the aperture appears
to extend further into the wall, (something that

1.10 1.11
is also mirrored visibly in the plaster work at the
1.12 western entrance)


A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0129

Room 1.12. Southern wall. plaster has been
removed from sections of the wall exposing the
random coursed stone construct of the building
underneath. There are also at least two courses
of cement bracers within the wall, possibly to
1.8 1.13
carry the weight of the projected worship room
(0.6) above.

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0135

Room 1.12. Ceiling under projected worship
room (0.6) fitted with multiple RSJ’s and support


1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0124

Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern
wall has had plaster removed exposing the
random coursed stone construct of the building
underneath. The eastern entrance would appear
to have been once much wider. The timber lintel
1.8 1.13
that runs across the top of the aperture appears
to extend further into the wall. There also appears

1.10 1.11
to be a stone constructed pillar within the wall,
1.12 that sits underneath the end of the entrance’s
timber lintel.


A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0126

Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern

wall has had plaster removed exposing the
1.14 random coursed stone construct of the building
1.9 1.13 underneath. The eastern entrance would appear

1.10 1.11
to have been once much wider. The timber lintel
that runs across the top of the aperture appears
to extend further into the wall. There also appears

to be a stone constructed pillar within the wall,

that sits underneath the end of the entrance’s
10m timber lintel.

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0132

Room 1.12. western entrance. Although the
plaster remain on the western wall, the
well-defined lines would suggest an earlier
doorway mirroring that exposed in the eastern
1.8 1.13

1.10 1.11



A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0157

Room 0.6 Detail – southern edge of room floor is
raised. Rest of the floor is Herringbone parquet





Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0153

Room 0.6. Detail – Double fixed stain glass

window with upper hopper opening. Window
topped with decorative trefoil arch and fitted
within wall with a descending internal splayed




Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0154

Room 0.6. Detail – Double fixed stain glass

window with upper hopper opening. Window
topped with decorative trefoil arch and fitted
within wall with a descending internal splayed




Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0143

The Southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a

semi-circular projection beyond the ground and
second floors. (See external photos) The wall
also features two stain glass windows with


decorative trefoil arches. Detail – south-western


Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0155

Room 0.6 Detail – southern edge of room floor
is raised. The rest of the floor is Herringbone
parquet flooring.





Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0158

Room 0.6. north wall projects into room,

continuation of fireplace below in room 1.9.
Doorway central to north wall opens into
neighbouring property, (currently blocked off )


doorway in western wall leads to western extent
of building.


Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0162

Room 0.7 hallway into toilet areas and stairwell

down to northern entrance, (disused) entrance
situated at the bottom of a timber stairwell.




Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0161

Room 0.7 hallway into toilet areas and stairwell

down to northern entrance, (disused) opening
into neighbouring property, (north) blocked in.




Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0168

Room 0.8. Toilets. Room has a high ceiling and

single sash timber framed window in the south




Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0173

Room 0.8. Toilets. Room has a high ceiling and

single sash timber framed window in the south




Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0159

Room 0.6. high vaulted ceiling and modern
fixtures and fittings.





Existing first floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11001

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0179

Room 1.17. Access room to second floor from
first, room 0.6. Room features a single window
to the east. The window appear to be a modified
timber sash window. that has been turned into a
casement, a continuing feature on the second

floor. Northern wall projects into room due to
continuation of fireplace from ground and first




Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0185

Central timber framed sash window in hallway

room of 1.16





Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0197

Room 1.18. eastern elevation. timber framed

repurposed sash window. Modified to become a
double casement window. lower glass panes

1.18 feature patterned glass effect decals.




Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0194

Room 1.19. eastern elevation. timber framed

repurposed sash window. Modified to become a
double casement window. lower glass panes

1.18 feature pattern glass effect decals.




Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0191

Room 1.20, southern gable and eastern elevation.
Central modified timber framed sash window,
curvature of ceiling above eastern elevation of





Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0187

Room 1.20. Detail – modified timber framed
sash window, now a casement.






Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0204

Room 1.15. Small room with single sash window

with frosted glass





Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0208

Room 1.14. Western gable. Central sash window,
South elevation timber framed single casement
window. Floor slightly unsafe.





Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Mulberry house, Abergavenny

N Photo ID: IMG_0186

Entrance into room 1.20. Topped with transom






Existing second floor plans. DRW No: 9091-SS-11002

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/MHA/22

Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....

Photo ID View Description Phographer Date of Compiled by Date

facing photograph compiled
IMG_0047 E Building structure is in an L shaped formation. Western elevation of main building from within walled courtyard. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Western elevation of main building. Placement of (northern) lower first floor stain glassed hopper window, and
IMG_0048 E (northern) upper second floor sash window. Also shown (southern) upper second floor modified sash/casement ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Western elevation of main building. Placement of (northern) lower first floor stain glassed hopper window, and
IMG_0049 E (northern) upper second floor sash window. Also shown (southern) upper second floor modified sash/casement ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Southern elevation of northern section of building.
IMG_0050 N Ground floor features entrances into rooms 1.7, (external storage) and 1.8. The buildings structure above this ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
section of the ground floor is slightly projected creating a small overhang supported with rendered pillars.
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Southern elevation of northern section of building. First
IMG_0051 N floor features a large sash window and a thin single sash window. The second floor also feature a small single ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
sash window. It also features a single casement window,
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Southern elevation of northern section of building. First
IMG_0052 N floor features a large sash window and a thin single sash window. The second floor also feature a small single ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL08
sash window. it also features a single casement window.
IMG_0053 N Detail, southern elevation of northern section build. First floor timber framed sash window, stone sill ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Detail, southern elevation of northern section build. Second floor timber framed single casement window, stone
IMG_0054 N ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Detail, southern elevation of northern section build. First floor timber framed thin, single sash window with
IMG_0055 N ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
frosted glass and a stone sill
Detail, southern elevation of northern section build. Second floor timber framed, thin single sash window with
IMG_0056 N ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
frosted glass and a stone sill

Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western elevation of southern section of building.
IMG_0057 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Ground floor. Blocked in arch topped window to room 1.9. Two small blocked in windows into room 1.10/1.11

Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western elevation of southern section of building. First
IMG_0058 NE and second floors. First floor features decorative stain glassed window. Second floor features timber framed sash ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL06
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western elevation of southern section of building. First
IMG_0059 NE floor windows are decorative stain glass hopper windows. Each window is topped with a trefoil arch and features ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
a stone sill.
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western elevation of southern section of building.
IMG_0060 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Second floor timber framed sash window with stone sill and a potential timber lintel painted white.
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western elevation of southern section of building. First
floor windows are decorative stain glass hopper windows. Second floor windows are a timber framed sash
IMG_0061 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL07
window and a timber framed casement window that appears to have been modified from an earlier sash window.
Ground floor features a boarded up entrance into room 1.12.

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western elevation of southern section of building. First
floor windows are decorative stain glass hopper windows. Second floor window is a timber framed casement
IMG_0062 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
window that appears to have been modified from an earlier sash window. Wall scaring in rendered wall suggest
an early aperture between the ground and first floor.
The majority of the site (when not neighbouring other properties) is surrounded by an approximately 2.4m to 3m
IMG_0063 S ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
rendered wall.
Small single storey building in the southwestern corner of the site. The building is built of random coursed stone
IMG_0064 SW and brick, however, according to the plans provided, not currently within the proposed works. Also inaccessible ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL02
at time of conducted survey.
Small single storey building in the southwestern corner of the site. The building is built of random coursed stone
IMG_0065 SE and brick, however, according to the plans provided, not currently within the proposed works. Also inaccessible ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
at time of conducted survey.

Small single storey building in the southwestern corner of the site. The building is built of random coursed stone
IMG_0066 SW and brick, however, according to the plans provided, not currently within the proposed works. Also inaccessible ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
at time of conducted survey.

Small single storey building in the southwestern corner of the site. The building is built of random coursed stone
IMG_0067 SW and brick, however, according to the plans provided, not currently within the proposed works. Also inaccessible ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
at time of conducted survey.

The Majority of the site (when not neighbouring other properties) is surrounded by an approximately 2.4m to 3m
IMG_0068 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
rendered wall.

The Majority of the site (when not neighbouring other properties) is surrounded by an approximately 2.4m to 3m
IMG_0069 N ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
rendered wall.

Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western gable of northern section of property. The
structure is completely rendered. The gable feature a centralized single timber framed awning window on the
IMG_0070 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL09
second floor. There is an external ground floor set of metal steps that used to access the grounds of the building to
the north, and an entrance (now blocked off) into the north of the gable (not shown).
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Southern elevation of northern section of building. First
IMG_0071 NW floor entrance into outside storage room, 1.7. entrance fitted with a timber plank and batten door with a timber ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Southern elevation of northern section of building. First
IMG_0072 NW floor entrance into outside storage room, 1.7. Entrance fitted with a timber plank and batten door, with strap ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL17
hinges, metal latch and a timber frame.
Room 1.7. External storage. Built of whitewashed brick, with a tiled floor. The back of the room is fitted with
IMG_0073 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL16
purpose built timber storge
Room 1.7. External storage. Built of whitewashed brick, with a tiled floor. The back of the room is fitted with
IMG_0074 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
purpose built timber storge

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....
Room 1.7. External storage. Built of whitewashed brick, with a tiled floor. The back of the room is fitted with
IMG_0075 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
purpose built timber storge
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Southern elevation of northern section of building. First
IMG_0076 W floor entrance into outside storage room, 1.7. Entrance fitted with a timber plank and batten door, with strap ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
hinges, metal latch and a timber frame.
Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Southern elevation of northern section of building. First
IMG_0077 N ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
floor entrance into room 1.8. No current door. External plaster removal would suggest the room is built in brick.

Room 1.8. Room features tiled wall up ¾ of the wall. There is a blocked up entrance/exit in the northern wall.
IMG_0078 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
The previous aperture appears to be quite wide in build, with a timber frame and a segmental arch lintel/head.

Room 1.8. Room features tiled wall up ¾ of the wall. There is a blocked up entrance/exit in the northern wall.
IMG_0079 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
The previous aperture appears to be quite wide in build, with a timber frame and a segmental arch lintel/head.
IMG_0080 NW Detail room 1.8. Remains of previous aperture and profile of arch. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL18
IMG_0081 W Room 1.8. Room features tiled wall up ¾ of the wall. the rest of the room is painted or plastered. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.8. Entrance into room 1.9 through wide aperture topped with a segmental arch. Timber framed Sash
IMG_0082 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
window in southern wall now blocked up.
IMG_0083 NE Room 1.8. Entrance into room 1.9 through wide aperture topped with a segmental arch. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.8. Entrance into room 1.9 through wide aperture topped with a segmental arch. Timber framed Sash
IMG_0084 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL19
window in southern wall now blocked up. Southern entrance/exit into western courtyard is built in brick.
IMG_0085 V Roof structure above room 1.8. Machine cut timbers and (removed) tacking. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0086 NW Room 1.8 underneath a section of the stairwell in room 0.7 on the first floor. Lathe and plaster build. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL20
Room 1.9. western wall features a large timber casement window, (now blocked off), and a central aperture
IMG_0087 W between rooms 1.8 and 1.9. Aperture features a segmental arch top, which from inside room 1.9 can be seen to be ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL21
built in brick.
IMG_0088 SW Detail, aperture between room 1.8 and 1.9 topped with brick segmental arch. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.9. The northern wall features a centrally projected fireplace, now plastered over. To the left and right of
IMG_0089 NW the central projection are two recesses. Each of the recesses feature a sectioned semi circular alcove for purposes ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL23
not yet known.
Room 1.9. The northern wall features a centrally projected fireplace, now plastered over. To the left and right of
IMG_0090 N the central projection are two recesses. Each of the recesses features sectioned semi-circular alcoves, for purposes ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL22
not yet known. Exposed structure above fireplace shows a build of thin bricks in a pitched and faced formation.
Room 1.9. The northern wall features a centrally projected fireplace, now plastered over. To the left and right of
IMG_0091 NW the central projection are two recesses. Each of the recesses feature a sectioned semi-circular alcove for purposes ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
not yet known.
Room 1.9. The northern wall features a centrally projected fireplace, now plastered over. To the left and right of
IMG_0092 NE the central projection are two recesses. Each of the recesses feature a sectioned semi-circular alcove for purposes ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
not yet known.
IMG_0093 NE Detail, north-eastern alcove, and heating pipes. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL24
Room 1.9 exit to extension room 1.13, through large (wide) timber framed aperture. Internally the doorway is
IMG_0094 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL26
topped with a timber lintel, externally it has a door frame.
Room 1.9 exit to extension room 1.13, through large (wide) timber framed aperture. Internally the doorway is
IMG_0095 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
topped with a timber lintel, externally it has a door frame.

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....
Room 1.9 exit to extension room 1.13, through large (wide) timber framed aperture. Internally the doorway is
IMG_0096 V/E topped with a timber lintel, externally it has a door frame. The space within the depth of the aperture is topped ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL27
with a brick segmental arch like the one in the entrance/exit to room 1.8
IMG_0097 SW Room 1.9, entrance into room 1.10/1.11 to the south. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0098 S Room 1.9, entrance into room 1.10/1.11 to the south. Entrance fitted with timber door frame. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.9. western wall features a large timber casement window, (now blocked off), and a central aperture
IMG_0099 SW between rooms 1.8 and 1.9. Aperture features a segmental arch top, which from inside room 1.9 can be seen to be ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
built in brick.
IMG_0100 SW Room 1.9. Detail - western large timber framed casement window. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022

IMG_0101 SW Room 1.9. Detail - western large timber framed casement window, segmental arch above window, plastered over. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.9. Detail – Wall and roof structure western wall. Removed plaster would suggest the earlier phase of
construct to be stone built walls. The brick segmental door arch has been positioned to the side of the stone
IMG_0102 V ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL28
construct. Ceiling – timber roof strut ends in a modern RSJ support beam along the western section of wall. RSJ
spans the width of the room, (west to east) centrally placed.
IMG_0103 V Room 1.9, eastern extent of RSJ. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL29
IMG_0104 NW Room 1.9, RSJ placement. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0105 W/NW Room 1.9, Detail – what potentially appears to be to different phases of a brick built chimney stack ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL25
Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into one space.
IMG_0106 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL30
Eastern wall, small casement window.
IMG_0107 E (repeat of IMG_106) ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into one space.
IMG_0108 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Eastern wall, small casement window.
Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into one space.
IMG_0109 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Eastern wall, small casement window with frosted glass and vent hole.
IMG_0110 V/NE Room 1.10/1.11 Central RSJ supports the ceiling ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into one space.
IMG_0111 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL31
Western wall, two awning topped fixed windows with frosted glass.
Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into one space.
IMG_0112 W Western wall, two awning topped fixed windows with frosted glass. Wall scarring in plaster shows position of ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
earlier partition walls.
Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into one space.
IMG_0113 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Wall scarring in plaster shows position of earlier partition walls.
Room 1.10/1.11. Marked as two rooms, all internal partition walls have been removed turning it into one space.
IMG_0114 SW Western wall, two awning topped fixed windows with frosted glass. Wall scarring in plaster shows position of ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
earlier partition walls.
IMG_0115 SW Room 1.10/1.11. western wall. Detail - timber framed fixed window with awning topped window. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022

IMG_0116 E Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor. Eastern wall. timber framed aperture, window has been modified. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022

IMG_0117 NE Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor. Eastern wall. timber framed aperture, window has been modified. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022

IMG_0118 N Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor. Northern wall, and curved structure of lean to roof over extension. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL32

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....

IMG_0119 V/N Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor. Northern wall, and curved structure of lean to roof over extension. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor. Small timber framed hatch leads to low attic space in lean to
IMG_0120 V ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Eastern extension, room 1.13. Ground floor. Southern wall, exit to eastern garden plot. Exit fitted with large ledge
IMG_0121 S ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL33
and braced timber batten door, with strap hinges. ( possibly repurposed from elsewhere in the property.
Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern wall has had plaster removed exposing the random coursed stone
construct of the building underneath. The eastern entrance would appear to have been once much wider. The
IMG_0122 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
timber lintel that runs across the top of the aperture appears to extend further into the wall, (something that is also
mirrored visibly in the plaster work at the western entrance)
Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern wall has had plaster removed exposing the random coursed stone
construct of the building underneath. The eastern entrance would appear to have been once much wider. The
IMG_0123 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL34
timber lintel that runs across the top of the aperture appears to extend further into the wall, (something that is also
mirrored visibly in the plaster work at the western entrance)
Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern wall has had plaster removed exposing the random coursed stone
construct of the building underneath. The eastern entrance would appear to have been once much wider. The
IMG_0124 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL37
timber lintel that runs across the top of the aperture appears to extend further into the wall. There also appears to
be a stone constructed pillar within the wall, that sits underneath the end of the entrance’s timber lintel.

Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern wall has had plaster removed exposing the random coursed stone
construct of the building underneath. The eastern entrance would appear to have been once much wider. The
IMG_0125 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
timber lintel that runs across the top of the aperture appears to extend further into the wall. There also appears to
be a stone constructed pillar within the wall, that sits underneath the end of the entrance’s timber lintel.

Room 1.12, Eastern entrance/exit. The eastern wall has had plaster removed exposing the random coursed stone
construct of the building underneath. The eastern entrance would appear to have been once much wider. The
IMG_0126 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL38
timber lintel that runs across the top of the aperture appears to extend further into the wall. There also appears to
be a stone constructed pillar within the wall, that sits underneath the end of the entrance’s timber lintel.
IMG_0127 NE Small hole partially infilled with brick in the stone pillar construct in the western wall of room 1.12. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0128 NE/V Room 1.12 stepped plaster at bottom of eastern wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.12. Southern wall. plaster has been removed from sections of the wall exposing the random coursed
IMG_0129 SW stone construct of the building underneath. There are also at least two courses of cement bracers within the wall, ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL35
possibly to carry the weight of the projected worship room (0.6) above.
Room 1.12. Southern wall. plaster has been removed from sections of the wall exposing the random coursed
IMG_0130 S stone construct of the building underneath. There are also at least two courses of cement bracers within the wall, ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
possibly to carry the weight of the projected worship room (0.6) above.
Room 1.12. western entrance. Although the plaster remain on the western wall, the well-defined lines would
IMG_0131 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
suggest an earlier doorway mirroring that exposed in the eastern wall.
Room 1.12. western entrance. Although the plaster remain on the western wall, the well-defined lines would
IMG_0132 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL39
suggest an earlier doorway mirroring that exposed in the eastern wall.
Room 1.12. Northern wall. Modern breeze block wall built against room 1.11/1.10. Wall is topped with a
IMG_0133 N ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
repurposed timber with tenon joist holes.
Room 1.12. Northern wall. Modern breeze block wall built against room 1.11/1.10. Wall is topped with a
IMG_0134 N ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
repurposed timber with tenon joist holes.

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....

IMG_0135 V Room 1.12. Ceiling under projected worship room (0.6) fitted with multiple RSJ’s and support pillars. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL36
IMG_0136 V Room 1.12. Ceiling under projected worship room (0.6) fitted with multiple RSJ’s and support pillars. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 0.6, entrance via steel steps from eastern garden. Entrance fitted with timber batten door with central
IMG_0137 E diamond stain glass decoration found on all the windows in the chapel. Door also fitted with a decorative lock ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
which appears to have been removed.
Room 0.6, entrance via steel steps from eastern garden. Entrance fitted with timber batten door with central
IMG_0138 NE diamond stain glass decoration found on all the windows in the chapel. Door also fitted with a decorative lock ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
which appears to have been removed.
Room 0.6, entrance via steel steps from eastern garden. Entrance fitted with timber batten door with central
IMG_0139 NE diamond stain glass decoration found on all the windows in the chapel. Door also fitted with a decorative lock ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
which appears to have been removed.
The Southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second floors. (See
IMG_0140 S ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
external photos) The wall also features two stain glass windows with decorative trefoil arches.
The Southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second floors. (See
IMG_0141 SE external photos) The wall also features two stain glass windows with decorative trefoil arches. Detail – south- ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
eastern window.
The Southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second floors. (See
IMG_0142 SW external photos) The wall also features two stain glass windows with decorative trefoil arches. Detail – south- ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
western window.
The Southern portion of room 0.6 extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second floors. (See
IMG_0143 SW external photos) The wall also features two stain glass windows with decorative trefoil arches. Detail – south- ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL43
western window.
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG_0144 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG_0145 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG_0146 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG_0147 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. north wall projects into room, continuation of fireplace below in room 1.9. Doorway central to north
IMG_0148 NW wall opens into neighbouring property, (currently blocked off) doorway in western wall leads to western extent of ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 0.6. north wall projects into room, continuation of fireplace below in room 1.9. Doorway central to north
IMG_0149 NW wall opens into neighbouring property, (currently blocked off) doorway in western wall leads to western extent of ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG_0150 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG_0151 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. Detail – Double fixed stain glass window with upper hopper opening. Window topped with decorative
IMG_0152 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
trefoil arch and fitted within wall with a descending internal splayed sill.
Room 0.6. Detail – Double fixed stain glass window with upper hopper opening. Window topped with decorative
IMG_0153 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL41
trefoil arch and fitted within wall with a descending internal splayed sill.
Room 0.6. Detail – Double fixed stain glass window with upper hopper opening. Window topped with decorative
IMG_0154 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL42
trefoil arch and fitted within wall with a descending internal splayed sill.
IMG_0155 S/SE Room 0.6 Detail – southern edge of room floor is raised. Rest of the floor is Herringbone parquet flooring ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL44
IMG_0156 V Room 0.6 Detail – southern edge of room floor is raised. Rest of the floor is Herringbone parquet flooring ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0157 SE Room 0.6 Detail – southern edge of room floor is raised. Rest of the floor is Herringbone parquet flooring ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL40
Room 0.6. north wall projects into room, continuation of fireplace below in room 1.9. Doorway central to north
IMG_0158 N wall opens into neighbouring property, (currently blocked off) doorway in western wall leads to western extent of ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL45
IMG_0159 NE Room 0.6. high vaulted ceiling and modern fixtures and fittings. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL50
IMG_0160 SW Room 0.7 hallway into toilet areas and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 0.7 hallway into toilet areas and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) opening into neighbouring
IMG_0161 N ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL47
property, (north) blocked in.
Room 0.7 hallway into toilet areas and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) entrance situated at the
IMG_0162 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL46
bottom of a timber stairwell.
Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) entrance situated at the bottom of a timber
IMG_0163 V/SW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
stairwell. Last step of the stairwell appears to be a timber frame of some sort.
Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) entrance situated at the bottom of a timber
IMG_0164 V ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
stairwell. Last step of the stairwell appears to be a timber frame of some sort, possibly a hatch
Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) The entrance is fitted with a decorative
IMG_0165 NW timber plank and batten door with a pseudo four pointed arch. Some of the battens have also been decorated with ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
chamfered cut stops. The door is also topped with a large fan light. Modern locks have been fitted.

Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) The entrance is fitted with a decorative
IMG_0166 NW timber plank and batten door with a pseudo four pointed arch. Some of the battens have also been decorated with ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
chamfered cut stops. The door is also topped with a large fan light. Modern locks have been fitted.

Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) The entrance is fitted with a decorative
IMG_0167 NW timber plank and batten door with a pseudo four pointed arch. Some of the battens have also been decorated with ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
chamfered cut stops. The door is also topped with a large fan light. Modern locks have been fitted.
IMG_0168 SW Room 0.8. Toilets. Room has a high ceiling and single sash timber framed window in the south wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL48
IMG_0169 SE Room 0.8. Toilets. Room has a high ceiling and single sash timber framed window in the south wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0170 NE Entrance into room 0.8. Timber framed doorway with covered up transom window. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....

IMG_0171 NW Room 0.8. Toilets. Room has a high ceiling and single sash timber framed window in the south wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0172 V Room 0.8. modern fixtures and fitting. Hole in ceiling to room above 1.14 ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0173 S Room 0.9, small toilet. Single sash window in southern wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL49
IMG_0174 S Room 0.9, small toilet. Single sash window in southern wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0175 S Room 0.9, small toilet. Single sash window in southern wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0176 NW Room 0.9, entrance. Western extent of timber door frame embedded in the wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0177 NE Room 0.7 entrance into room 0.6. decorative modern timber door. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0178 V Room 0.6. current access from first to second floor via ladder and small hatch. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.17. Access room to second floor from first, room 0.6. Room features a single window to the east. The
IMG_0179 E window appear to be a modified timber sash window. that has been turned into a casement, a continuing feature ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL51
on the second floor. Northern wall projects into room due to continuation of fireplace from ground and first floors.
IMG_0180 NE Room 1.17. Detail – modified sash window, now a casement. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.17. entrance door and painted over transom window. Room enters room 1.13 (second floor) a small room
IMG_0181 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
that continues into hallway 1.16 and rooms 1.15 and 1.16.
Room 1.16. hallway along the southern section of the house. Provides access to room 1.18, 1.19 and 1.120.
IMG_0182 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Ceiling has been lowered and plastered curving around to the wall.
Room 1.16. hallway along the southern section of the house. Provides access to room 1.18, 1.19 and 1.120.
IMG_0183 S ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Ceiling has been lowered and plastered curving around to the wall.
Room 1.17, through room 1.13 (second floor) to rooms 1.15 (left) and room 1.14 (front). Entrance to room 1.14
IMG_0184 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
topped with transom window.
IMG_0185 NW Central timber framed sash window in hallway room of 1.16 ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL52
IMG_0186 S Entrance into room 1.20. Topped with transom window. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL59
IMG_0187 SW Room 1.20. Detail – modified timber framed sash window, now a casement. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL56
IMG_0188 SW/V Curvature of lowered ceiling above western wall of room 1.20 ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0189 V ERROR ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0190 V ERROR ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.20, southern gable and eastern elevation. Central modified timber framed sash window, curvature of
IMG_0191 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL55
ceiling above eastern elevation of building.
IMG_0192 SE Room 1.20 curvature of ceiling along eastern and western elevations. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.20, southern gable and eastern elevation. Central modified timber framed sash window, curvature of
IMG_0193 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
ceiling above eastern elevation of building.
Room 1.19. eastern elevation. timber framed repurposed sash window. Modified to become a double casement
IMG_0194 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL54
window. lower glass panes feature pattern glass effect decals.
Room 1.19. eastern elevation. timber framed repurposed sash window. Modified to become a double casement
IMG_0195 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
window. lower glass panes feature pattern glass effect decals.
IMG_0196 SW Room 1.19. timber framed doorway with transom window. Painted over. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.18. eastern elevation. timber framed repurposed sash window. Modified to become a double casement
IMG_0197 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL53
window. lower glass panes feature patterned glass effect decals.
Room 1.18. eastern elevation. timber framed repurposed sash window. Modified to become a double casement
IMG_0198 E ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
window. lower glass panes feature patterned glass effect decals.

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....
Room 1.18. eastern elevation. timber framed repurposed sash window. Modified to become a double casement
IMG_0199 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
window. lower glass panes feature patterned glass effect decals.
IMG_0200 W Room 1.18. timber framed doorway with transom window. Painted over. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0201 SE Entrance into room 1.20. Topped with transom window. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0202 V Room 1.20 exposed modern lathe and plaster in ceiling. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0203 SE Room 1.15. Small room with single sash window with frosted glass. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0204 SE Room 1.15. Small room with single sash window with frosted glass. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL57
IMG_0205 SE Room 1.15. Panelled door to room appears to have some glass panels. Other may have been painted over. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0206 NE Room 1.14. Westerly positioned rooms. Entrance fisted with timber frame and transom window. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0207 W Room 1.14. Western gable. Central sash window. Floor slightly unsafe. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 1.14. Western gable. Central sash window, South elevation timber framed single casement window. Floor
IMG_0208 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL58
slightly unsafe.
IMG_0209 SW/V Room 1.14. holes in timber floor. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0210 NE Room 1.13 (second floor) blocked in entrance into neighbouring property. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Garden area. Eastern elevation of property. 3 storey building with slate roof and rendered walls. Top, (second)
floor features 4 modified sash to casement window. The middle (first) floor features the only current access to the
IMG_0211 SW first floor and two stain glassed timber framed windows with hopper openings and trefoil topped arches. Bottom ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
(ground) floor features an entrance into the southern section of the building and a ground floor brick built lean-to
extension. Northern extent of build into neighbouring building features an shared Chimney stack.

Garden area. Eastern elevation of property. 3 storey building with slate roof and rendered walls. Top, (second)
floor features 4 modified sash to casement window. The middle (first) floor features the only current access to the
IMG_0212 SW first floor and two stain glassed timber framed windows with hopper openings and trefoil topped arches. Bottom ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL13
(ground) floor features an entrance into the southern section of the building and a ground floor brick built lean-to
extension. Northern extent of build into neighbouring building features an shared Chimney stack.
IMG_0213 SW Eastern elevation of building. Entrances into ground floor (south section only) and first floor. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0214 NW Eastern elevation. Later addition single storey lean to extension. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL15
IMG_0215 NW/V Brick topped chimney stack shared by site property and neighbouring northern property. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL05
IMG_0216 W Eastern elevation. Later addition single storey lean to extension. Brick built with slate roof. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0217 NW Garden access into neighbouring property. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0218 NW Garden access into neighbouring property, from eastern elevation. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0219 W Room in back of single storey extension, currently blocked off with vegetation. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0220 NE Eastern garden area. Surrounded by a 2.5m brick and stone wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0221 E Eastern garden area. Surrounded by a 2.5m brick and stone wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0222 SE Eastern garden area. Surrounded by a 2.5m brick and stone wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Metal stairwell access to room 0.6 first floor, from ground floor eastern garden. Only current access to first floor,
IMG_0223 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
though obviously a more modern addition.
External door into room 0.6 first floor. Door is somewhat makeshift, though does feature a central section of
IMG_0224 SW stained glass window like the windows found on the first floor. The door also features the remains of a decorative ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL14
lock mechanism.

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....

IMG_0225 W Detail, remains of decorative lock on entrance door to room 0.6 ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0226 W External street view to the southeast of the building. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
IMG_0227 NW External street view to the southeast of the building and its position to neighbouring building. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
External street view to the south of the building. Image shows the extent that the southern portion of room 0.6
IMG_0228 W ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL10
extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second floors.
IMG_0229 NW Eastern elevation of neighbouring property. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
External street view from the south of the building. Image shows the extent that the southern portion of room 0.6
IMG_0230 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL11
extends in a semi-circular projection beyond the ground and second floors.
Extent of projection from semi-circular room 0.6, first floor. (Room between ground and second floor) Projection
IMG_0231 V ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL12
currently needs extra supports at street level.
Extent of projection from semi-circular room 0.6, first floor. (Room between ground and second floor) Projection
IMG_0232 V ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
currently needs extra supports at street level.
Extent of projection from semi-circular room 0.6, first floor. (Room between ground and second floor) Projection
IMG_0233 V ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
currently needs extra supports at street level.
External street view to the southwest of the building and its position to neighbouring building. Building presents
IMG_0234 NE in an L shaped formation. Small ground floor building can also be found in the southwestern corner of the ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL03
building’s main courtyard.
External view of building from the street to the west and its position to the neighbouring building. Building
presents in an L shaped formation. A small ground floor building can also be found in the southwestern corner of
IMG_0235 E the building’s main courtyard. The rest of the buildings site is surrounded by a 2 to 2.5m wall. Around the front ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL01
of the property is a metre high stone built, (partially) crenulated wall. Behind this wall is a large drop where a
stream runs alongside the property. A bridge of sorts has been built to gain access to the building.

External view of building from the street view to the west and its position to neighbouring building. Building
presents in an L shaped formation. A small ground floor building can also be found in the southwestern corner of
IMG_0236 SE the building’s main courtyard. The rest of the buildings site is surrounded by a 2 to 2.5m wall. Around the front ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
of the property is a metre high stone built, (partially) crenulated wall. Behind this wall is a large drop where a
stream runs alongside the property. A bridge of sorts has been built to gain access to the building.
Stone built wall around the western entrance to the building hides a large stone trench with a stream running
alongside the western edge of the site. A Stone built bridge of sorts has been installed over the trench to access
IMG_0237 S the site. The bridge has an arch cut through it for the water to pass through underneath. Details of picture ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022 PL04
unfortunately not clear due to high density of vegetation.
Stone built wall around the western entrance to the building hides a large stone trench with a stream running
alongside the western edge of the site. A Stone built bridge of sorts has been installed over the trench to access
IMG_0238 S the site. The bridge has an arch cut through it for the water to pass through underneath. Details of picture ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
unfortunately not clear due to high density of vegetation.
Stone built wall around the western entrance to the building hides a large stone trench with a stream running
alongside the western edge of the site. A Stone built bridge of sorts has been installed over the trench to access
IMG_0239 N/NW the site. The bridge has an arch cut through it for the water to pass through underneath. Details of picture ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
unfortunately not clear due to high density of vegetation.
Stone built wall around the western entrance to the building hides a large stone trench with a stream running
alongside the western edge of the site. A Stone built bridge of sorts has been installed over the trench to access
IMG_0240 N/NW the site. The bridge has an arch cut through it for the water to pass through underneath. Details of picture ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
unfortunately not clear due to high density of vegetation.

A ## i
Site name: Mulberry House, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.562.............Project code..BS/MHA/22.....
Stone built wall around the western entrance to the building hides a large stone trench with a stream running
alongside the western edge of the site. A Stone built bridge of sorts has been installed over the trench to access
IMG_0241 N the site. The bridge has an arch cut through it for the water to pass through underneath. Details of picture ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
unfortunately not clear due to high density of vegetation.

Building structure is orientated in an L shape formation. Western gable of northern section of property. The
structure is completely rendered. The gable feature a centralized single timber framed sash window on the second
IMG­_1 NE floor. There is an external ground floor set of metal steps that used to access the grounds of the building to the ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
north, and an entrance (now blocked off) into the north of the gable (not shown).

Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) The entrance is fitted with a decorative
IMG­_2 N timber plank and batten door with a pseudo four pointed arch. Some of the battens have also been decorated with ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
chamfered cut stops. The door is also topped with a large fan light. Modern locks have been fitted.

Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) The entrance is fitted with a decorative
IMG­_3 NW timber plank and batten door with a pseudo four pointed arch. Some of the battens have also been decorated with ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
chamfered cut stops. The door is also topped with a large fan light. Modern locks have been fitted.

Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) The entrance is fitted with a decorative
IMG­_4 NW timber plank and batten door with a pseudo four pointed arch. Some of the battens have also been decorated with ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
chamfered cut stops. The door is also topped with a large fan light. Modern locks have been fitted.
Room 0.7 hallway and stairwell down to northern entrance, (disused) entrance situated at the bottom of a timber
IMG­_5 V stairwell. Last step of the stairwell appears to be a timber frame of some sort, possibly a hatch ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG­_6 SE windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG­_7 SE windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. The western and eastern walls of the chapel are also fitted with four double stain glass windows, (two
either side) these also feature decorative trefoil arches but also come with upper hopper windows. These
IMG­_8 E windows, it should be mentioned are unusually misplaced, not uniform in their symmetry on each side. This is ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022
due to the placement of the entrance on the east and the rooms to the northwest.
Room 0.6. Detail – Double fixed stain glass window with upper hopper opening. Window topped with decorative
IMG­_9 E trefoil arch and fitted within wall with a descending internal splayed sill. ADAM PHILLIPS 23/09/2022 ADAM PHILLIPS 24/09/2022

A ## i

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