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The following report will discuss various composites of Eyewitness testimony with its strengths
and weaknesses and evaluating the effectiveness of eyewitness. Furthermore it will discuss
different furthermore it will demonstrate strengths, weaknesses and effectiveness of Line up
procedure under the Police investigation. After that the study has discussed the Top down and
Bottom up procedure with strengths and weaknesses and explained effectiveness of both of the
process. The report will evaluate Jury Decision making that is essential for continue appropriate
investigation process. Under the process of Jury decision making various court procedures will
also be mentioned in the following report. Finally the report will evaluate personal reflection
using Gibbs reflective model for discussing various insights regarding the overall study

Police investigation

Police investigation is the process that includes gathering tasks from various sources based on
analysis of information for development of validation and reliability of the theory to emphasis
various reasonable perspectives based on the belief of individuals to arrest individual or charge
any suspected individuals.

Eyewitness testimony

When determining who committed a crime, the fabrication of face recognition by eyewitnesses
employing composite-production techniques might be crucial for the investigations (Loftus,
2019). Despite advancements in technology, research shows that composite manufacturing
processes deliver subpar representations of desired features, even well-known faces.
Additionally, creating a composite seems to impair later recognition abilities (Bjørndal et al.
2021). Even with the aid of warping composite from numerous witnesses, the resemblance is still
only partially accurate (Gustafsson et al., 2021). A discrepancy with how appearances are stored
in recollection (holistic manner) as well as how compound systems try to extract the
recollections (at the feature level) may be the cause of the issue. The potential of facial feature
recall techniques involving assessments of entire faces is larger (Udayangani, 2019).

The identification of the perpetrator is a common goal of police prosecutions (Levine, 2020). By
looking at a lineup that includes the defendant, eyewitnesses can aid in determining to identify
the presence of a strong suspicion. Whenever there is no suspect, detectives frequently depend on
eyewitnesses to assist create a resemblance of the victim's face. This sketch artist was the very
first method used to convince eyewitnesses to recall a face. Furthermore, modern American local
authorities use automated processes and are more than two times more likely to use
computerized equivalents as non-computerized counterparts (Eloir et al. 2020).
Consequently, a composite seems to have the ability to direct detectives looking into a murder
away from the true offender and towards a victim. Additionally, the composite may sway the
eyewitnesses to mistakenly select a face that matches the combination rather than the genuine
face (Eysenck, 2020). Studies contrasting the talents of sketch painters versus automation
machines are uncommon, possibly because they would require a sizable sampling of sketching
artists selected at random from an undefined community in order to draw any firm results.

Figure 1: Progressive sequence of the building the composite face using the Biometrics
(Source :Fox, 2022)

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This illustration depicts a possible FACES programme composite building sequence. Every
panel displays one or maybe more capabilities that were added one at a time. Any characteristic
can be used as a starting point, and any characteristic could be added after. In the upper left
panel, there is only hair; in the middle upper panel, eyes are added; inside the upper right panel,
facial structure and eyebrows are added in two stages; inside the lower left committee, a nose is
added; inside the lower middle committee, upper lip and jaw shape are added in two steps; and
within the bottom right panel, brow, visual acuity, giggle throat, and upper lip lines are added
(Głomb, 2022). Any characteristic, such as the eyes, could be changed by the eyewitness inside
the past by choosing a new one, which further substitutes the previous one.

Strengths of Eyewitness

● Eyewitness testimony has influenced the jury decision

● Witness accounts might provide insight into the chronology of the things that took place
during the commission of the crime.
● Courts may consider eyewitness testimony for testimony.
● In general, eyewitness accounts are trustworthy.

Weakness of Eyewitness

● Testimony from eyewitnesses is not always reliable.

● All that is relied upon in eyewitness testimony is human memory.
● Parts of eyewitness evidence may be composed either by eyewitness out of anxiety or
● Witness accounts may result in a wrongful conviction.

How effective it is

Due to the fact that every measurement frequently depends upon circumstances, it might be
challenging to compare these metrics across research. For instance, matching activities are
susceptible to the amount of similarity between the options provided and the quantity of the
replacement collection (Gustafsson et al. 2022). The particular composites may indicate a 60%
reliability and consistency for four possible appearances if the expressions are highly dissimilar

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from each other or a 30% matching percentage if the alternative expressions were far more
comparable to each other (Gustafsson et al. 2019).
Eyewitness testimony has become so important to the court system over the years that it has been
included. This means that inaccurate statements of a crime could have an impact on both the
victim's and the "suspect's" life. Furthermore, there is an option for the opposing counsel to
cross-examine a witness, which is an essential step inside the legal procedure (Gustafsson et al.
2021). This also checks the jury's advice when it refers to considering the testimony of
eyewitnesses and tangible evidence.

Line up

Standard police protocol calls for placing suspects in a line ahead of a yet another mirror so that
witnesses can decide who the criminal is. However, DNA evidence has frequently shown this
method's limitations: Numerous prisoners whose convictions depended on eyewitness testimony
eventually had their innocence established through DNA testing.
The outcomes demonstrated that the instructions provided by the researchers had an impact on
how accurately the witnesses identified themselves. There were only little variations between
both the different pairs of guidelines: The first set meant that the eyewitness would have to select
amongst the defendants inside the lineup, whereas the second set indicated that the eyewitness
was not required to make a decision. The true "criminal" was then just half as often included
within the lineup by the researchers (Harkins, 2020).


● The criminal suspect is typically placed among a group of people who are unrelated to
the incident as a member of a police sequence. Identification of the suspect must be done
by the eyewitness.
● Police lineups are frequently conducted by showing the eyewitness a set of images.
Normally, photo lineups have six or more images (Lee, 2022).
● It's possible for there to be a concurrent or progressive procedure either with the kind of
lineup. Inside a synchronized lineup, everyone is positioned in line at the exact same
moment, whether it is online or even in pictures. An eyewitness’switness’s individuals or
images that are displayed one at a time inside a consecutive lineup (Loftus, 2019).

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● Using an eyewitness to recognize a suspect inside the middle of a live sequence is one
approach to conduct a police lineup. The defendant and a minimum of four additional
persons must often line against a barrier for this procedure.


Law enforcement personnel may unintentionally or purposely provide the eyewitness signs to
recognize the culprit, which is a major concern with groups. It's possible that non-suspects in a
lineup won't match the witness's statement in certain cases. Eyewitnesses may face pressures to
identify an individual in a lineup, which is yet another possible problem (Petherick and Brooks,
2020). Instead than using the perpetrator's memories, they might draw comparisons in a range to
one another.
● Suspected criminals have many protections under laws both federal and state because of
the significance of a sting operation.
● Suspects have the option of hiring an attorney if they are in a physical lineup. The right to
legal representation does not start at the trial for a suspected murderer. Rather, the right
manifests itself at every pivotal point, among in lines (Ribeiro et al. 2021). A picture
array does not, unfortunately, constitute a violation of a woman's right to advice.
● The freedom from such a recognition process that is overly provocative is also another
privilege which suspected terrorists enjoy while being lined into a police lineups.
● Criminal suspects also have the right to be shielded from a significant chance of being
mistakenly identified during investigative queues (Petherick and Brooks, 2020).
● While every filler differs significantly from the witness's description of them, whether it
is in terms of appearance or ethnicity, there is a high possibility that they will be
mistakenly identified.

How effective it is

The researchers discovered that letting witnesses choose one perpetrator on their own reduced
the number of incorrect identification documents, but crucially, this instruction would not impair
witnesses' capacity for making precise authentication. Since the beginning of the legal system,
this court has placed a heavy emphasis on eyewitness identification. This indicates that
inaccurate descriptions of such a crime may have an impact on not only the "accused's" life as

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well as the lives of the victim. However, the opportunity to bridge witnesses, as it is an essential
step inside the legal process, exists for the defense counsel (Petherick and Brooks, 2020). This
also checks the jury's choices when it refers to considering the testimony of eyewitnesses and
tangible evidence.
There are various advantages and disadvantages of eyewitness testimony that has impact on Act
and legislations of police investigation process. Such as eyewitness testimony influences the
overall process of jury decision on the basis of reflective analysis of different insights of
individuals. Witness account may provide better insights for enhancing chronology for various
things has occurred during the commission for monitoring and supervising any crime.
Eyewitness is a trustworthy process that may consider by the court. Furthermore, eyewitness
testimony also includes several weaknesses that may impact on efficiency of eyewitness
It is based on human memory so there is a great difficulty regarding inconsistency of
information. Eyewitness may generate wrong outcomes that may influence decision making
compatibility of individuals. Consequently lineup is an important legislation for police
legislation that may help to boost up the quality and insights of the criminal investigation
procedure. It is essential that line up investigation requires minimum four person that is consider
as a great barrier of the legislation. Furthermore it is essential that evaluating the significance of
various protection legislations under state and federal laws that may help to get better regarding
various provision of the Act. Eyewitness testimony has several issues regarding ethnicity among
individuals that has huge impact to identify effective legislation without any mistake.

Offender profiling



Police will occasionally seek the assistance of such a forensic psychologist when they have
limited evidence to work with. This forensic psychologist would create an offenders profile
based on past information and evidence acquired at the site. Additionally, it offers projections

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about the next victim the attacker will likely assault, as well as potential interviewing techniques
to get details about offenses perpetrated and admissions of guilt.


The top-down technique to offender profiling is frequently referred to as the American technique
as it was implemented either by FBI. It starts by thoroughly examining the murder scene and
making inferences about the criminal from the evidence discovered there. In order to develop a
portrait of typical crime characteristics, the profiler often examines at other situations (Petherick
and Brooks, 2020). A portrait of the present perpetrator is created "as from top down" employing
every bit of this data. This technique is often applied to more serious crimes like murder or rape.


● Behaviour towards the victim: Victim targeted has controlled conversation

● Detail of crime scene: weapon absent, attempts for cleaning up, body moving from the
crime scene
● Characteristics of the criminal: high intelligence, skilled occupation, sexually
competent, socially competent


● Weapon present
● Unplanned the crime
● Victim selecting at random
● Avoids the conversation
● Sexually activity after the death
● Average intelligence
● Socially immature
● Lives alone
● Poor working history

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Based on the study discussed above, they created typologies using information gleaned from
interviews, information gathered from crime scenes, and analysis of the actual incident.
Typologies are subgroups of offenders that display a variety of attitudes and behavioural
behaviours. This criminal group maintains order and only murders after a significant event
(Petherick and Brooks, 2020). Given that their actions are purposeful and well-planned, it is
almost guaranteed that they will arrive at the location armed and constrained. They most likely
have jobs and range in intelligence from average to exceptional.



● The approach has no prior preconceptions about the perpetrator and relies primarily on
digital information.
● The outcome of such litigation may frequently be determined by the minute details that
are frequently ignored.


The bottom-up approach is based on facts, and the description is developed based on the link
between particular elements of the crime and the offender. The first stage has been independent
studies of particular crimes and detective shows. This method's core tenet appears to be
interpersonal coherence, which holds that a criminal's actions during a crime—such as how they
interact only with the complainant—reflect their conduct and communication in daily life. One
other component of Canter's thesis that is crucial is spatial constancy (Gustafsson et al. 2019).
This presupposes that criminals operate in familiar settings.


● Focus on the cognitive social approach

● Enabling police forces for identifying the person
● Maintain computer database being powerful and accurate

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● Generalisability
● Validity


This method makes the assumption that criminal conduct will represent the qualities of the
perpetrator and will also be consistent over time including across incidents, yet offenders evolve
during the course of their young offenders (Gustafsson et al. 2019). They might alter their
method of operation (the method they do things) if they gain additional scientific awareness, for
instance, to escape being discovered.
Top down and bottom up theory is based on opposite perspective of different act and legislation.
The Top down approach of police investigation legislation put strong emphasis on the behavior
of individual victims on their personal opinion and decision making ability. Furthermore it
acquires high intelligence, skilled occupation and socially competent implications for getting
better expectancy for better effective performance in future. Consequently it also has several
issues such as presence of weapon, unplanned crime, random selection of victims and social
immaturity among individuals. Various issues may strongly impact on police investigation
legislation for better criminal investigation procedure.
The bottom up approach is also a popular legislation of police investigation process that focuses
on cognitive social approach. The approach mainly aims on enabling police forces for identify
the person involved criminal offense activities. Furthermore, the method used to maintain
computer databases to collect and store powerful and authentic information regarding various
criminal activities. The approach also have several disadvantages that it is much generalize to
collect information regarding criminal which may impact on their past or future background.
Lack of validity of information is another deficiency of this approach that may influence the
process of overall investigation.

Jury decision making

In accordance with their legal requirements, jurors are given the difficult task of monitoring and
evaluating voluminous volumes of evidence in order to render a suitable judgment. The

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complexity of the evidence may be outside of the jurors' "public knowledge," and higher
education could help jurors as they sequence such details. Despite the fact that jurors do a fair
job of sifting through the substantiation and also the law, they may struggle to understand it due
to its complexity. This is particularly valid when it comes to eyewitness testimony. Even though
eyewitness evidence has the potential to be unreliable, it has enormous power. Eyewitnesses may
come across as very certain that they have identified the culprit, but they could be utterly wrong.
In fact, flawed eyewitness identifications have already been connected to over 75% of erroneous
judgments which DNA evidence has led to being reversed.
The research also indicated a major impact of the comparison between participants who were
given instruction and those who did not, showing that individuals who received instruction
direction were much less inclined than those who did not to consider the accused guilty.

Figure: Verdicts by training direction and evidence condition

(Source: Sivasubramaniam et al., 2020)
The study also showed a two-way association between the intensity of the information and the
comparability in between no orientation and training orientation, which narrowly avoided two-
tailed relevance. To gauge how the directions affected juror understanding regarding fake
recollection, investigations first looked at discrepancies inside the concurrence only with
memory storage assertions that were presented to them. Logistic regression analyses were
conducted to see the degree in which each orientation enhanced confidence with the assertion
when contrasted against the no direction scenario in each of the memory storage statements. The

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direction parameter was fake encoded and inserted as a no orientation method comparative and
no path route comparative inside the research forecasting remark concurrence.
Court procedure
 Indictment

 Defendant’s plea

 Prosecution opening statement

 Defence’s opening statement

 Evidence from witnesses

 Prosecution closing statment

 Defence’s closing statement

 Judge’s instructions to the jury on procedures and verdicts.

 Jury retire to reach a verdict

Diagnostic terms that are either well-known or obscure to jurors might be used by expert
witnesses testifying in sexually violent predators’ preventive detention cases.Mock jurors who
were driven to learn through experience were more impacted by the clinical testimony when
given a psychopathic diagnosis.While driven into a rational mood fake jurors were more affected
by actuarial testimony.The degree to which a piece of evidence discovered at a crime scene can
be related to the suspect is a common question for forensic analysts.

Gibbs reflective cycle

This framework has discussed Police investigation which is a crucial component of the legal
system and of society at large. It will encourage us to realize both the good and bad sides of
every given situation and to take lessons from it.
The concerned party will provide a thorough account of the incident throughout the first stage,
but will not offer any judgements or personal observations. I have to evaluate the management of
criminal investigations has come under harsh criticism from the international media for such a

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period of time. Defective police investigations which have already resulted in injustices are
among the topics which have been brought up need to be critically analyzed.
The people who are in charge of carrying out the investigating job are police detectives. We need
to conduct investigations and build a case to solve crimes. While the essay focuses on a
particular research, I also aim to include some concerns and views that this raises for me
generally regarding my job as a detective.
In addition, I began to consider upcoming inspections I would be performing and what I needed
to do to improve my proficiency. This specific reflecting model has been chosen since it enables
me to question my preconceptions, investigate novel models and techniques, work toward self-
improvement besides acknowledging my flaws and strengths and taking steps to correct them,
and connect theoretical concepts by engaging in activity that is followed by reflection or
application of knowledge.
I often doubted my capacity to conduct a thorough investigation into this crime. Even though it
was obvious that I wasn't qualified to conduct this kind of research, I was highly confident in my
abilities. An essential component of education is confidence, and possessing the self-assurance to
engage on difficulties seems to be the catalyst for a lot of understanding.
My responsibility was to make sure that all relevant information was acquired, but I didn't think I
did a very good job of doing so. I didn't have a well-defined approach or plan for the inquiry. I
was really concerned about how the court case would turn out.
Action Plan
I was really concerned about how the court case would turn out. Justice was necessary for the
victim. He had experienced great suffering as a consequence from what occurred to him,
therefore I felt obligated to see to it that this perpetrator was held accountable for the crime.


The above report is based on evaluating critically assessment on how psychological theories and
research have contributed to the effectiveness of the legal process. The report has discussed

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various knowledge and understanding regarding various legislations based on investigation
procedure. It has evaluated composites under the legislations of Eyewitness Testimony, Top
down, bottom up process under legislations of offender profiling. Furthermore, Jury decision
making including court procedure that may help to evaluate better insights regarding different
legislations related with court procedure.

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Reference list

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