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NAME OF THE North Atlantic Treaty International Criminal

ORGANIZATION Organization Court

OBJECTIVES 1) To use military and 1) The International
political means to ensure Criminal Court (ICC),
the freedom and safety of established by the Rome
its member nations. Statute, is the last resort
for prosecuting those
accused of the most
heinous crimes that
concern the international
2) To be a place where 2) To bring about
security-related issues can retribution and discourage
be discussed, debated, crimes against humanity.
and discussed.
ROLES 1) Actor who serves as a 1) Actor who investigates
body that makes decisions and prosecutes individuals
about political and military accused of war crimes,
security. genocide, crimes against
humanity, and crimes of
2) Actor who is adept at 2) The actor ensures a
conflict resolution and proper international justice
crisis management. system in place to prevent
FUNCTIONS 1) To manage its internal 1) To carry out operational
security relationships to tasks like making referrals
pacify its internal and determining whether
population. the incident falls under
their jurisdiction, among
other things.
2) To counter dangers to 2) To make arrests and
any part country through help with criminal trials,
the method for aggregate verdicts, and punishments.
protection of all its part

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