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DOCUMENT NO: October 2022

553 PRN: E006863

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Monmouthshire County Council


Prepared by Mr A Phillips
QA: DR N Phillips
A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22


This report details the findings of an Archaeological Watching Brief, undertaken to

satisfy a Planning Condition: DM/2021/01544 concerning the erection of a single-
storey extension to an existing building.

The planning condition restraint was attached as the site’s location is within an area
known for its archaeological potential.

The watching brief report reveals that nothing of archaeological significance was
impacted upon during the ground disturbance.

Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn manylu ar ganlyniadau Gorchwyl Gwylio Archeolegol a

wnaed er cydymffurfio ag Amod Cynllunio DM/2021/01544 ynghylch codi estyniad
unllawr i adeilad oedd eisoes yn bod.

Gosodwyd yr amod cynllunio gan fod lleoliad y safle o fewn ardal â photensial

Datgela’r adroddiad gorchwyl gwylio nad effeithiwyd ar unrhyw beth o bwysigrwydd

archeolegol yn ystod y gwaith torri tir.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains the copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; the Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover photograph: Site Image DSCN1839, Total excavated area, vertical image from 5m aerial camera.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22


Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Contents............................................................................................................................................... 3 
Figures ................................................................................................................................................. 4 
Plates ................................................................................................................................................... 4 
Appendices .......................................................................................................................................... 4 
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5 
Location of the Site ............................................................................................................................. 5 
Topography & Geology ...................................................................................................................... 5 
Brief archaeological and historical background .................................................................................. 5 
Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 7 
Scope of the work ................................................................................................................................ 7 
Procedures ........................................................................................................................................... 7 
Results ................................................................................................................................................. 8 
Finds .................................................................................................................................................... 8 
Interpretation ....................................................................................................................................... 8 
Archive ................................................................................................................................................ 9 
Acknowledgements: ............................................................................................................................ 9 
Bibliography and References: ........................................................................................................... 10 
Copyright........................................................................................................................................... 10 

A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22


01 Site Location map

02 Historic asset map
03 Map progressions
04 Trench plan


01. Initial site showing recent surface covering<100> and (101) against main house {104} to left
02. Initial site 5m Pole cam, showing set-out for main trenches and more of the landscaped area
03. Section at NE corner {107 over (102) over (103). {109} visible to left with cut [116] into (103)
with fill (102)
04. NE corner of foundations. Cable {110} and Pipe {109}. A new pipe was installed. Water pipes
{111} right
05. Working Shot - 3D scan recording. Pit 2 to left
06. Pi1 1, Fill (112) without potsherds. Waterpipe {111} to right
07. Detail of 4" ceramic land drain{113} in (115) in [114] cut into (103). Waterpipes {111} bottom,
Pit 1
08. Detail of (112) potsherds in dark brown sandy deposit. 4" ceramic land drain {113} [114] (115)
below. 0.5m scale
09. Detail (112) lens of ceramic potsherds over (103) sandy clay
10. (112) over 4" ceramic land drain{113} [114] (115)
11. Detail of 4" ceramic land drain{113} in (115) in [114] cut into (103). Waterpipes {111} bottom,
Pit 1
12. Pit 3 section 1.6m depth


01 Context and Harris matrix

02 Photograph list

A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22


This archaeological watching brief report has been prepared by Mr A Phillips & Dr N Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, in response
to a planning condition imposed by Monmouthshire County Council; (hereafter MCC), for a proposed extension
development to 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny; (hereafter The Site) DM/2021/01544. The planning condition attached
to the work stated:

4) No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has
secured an agreement for a written scheme of historic environment mitigation which has been
submitted by the applicant and approved by the local planning authority. Thereafter, the
programme of work will be fully carried out in accordance with the requirements and standards of
the written scheme.

Reason: To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during the
works, in order to mitigate the impact of the works on the archaeological resource.
MCC: DM/2021/01544.

The archaeological restraint had been advised by Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust; (hereafter GGAT), who
identified that The Site was within ‘an area of high archaeological potential, (GGAT), drawing attention not only to the
proximity of the assumed Roman Road but also proximity to the find spots for two AD 60 Roman Urns. Further Roman
finds were also discovered in the area, (GGAT) and Roman burial practices could suggest the possibility of isolated
human remains within the area.

The advice from GGAT is in keeping with the policies of Planning Policy for Wales 10 & Technical advice note TAN

As part of the archaeological condition, APAC Ltd, prepared a written scheme of investigation, (WSI), detailing the
mitigation process for the proposed watching brief.

The WSI, (WSI: WB/PA/22) was written, submitted, and approved by MCC; in July 2012, DM/2022/00665. The work
was arranged to commence on September 2022.

The recording of the site took place on the 19th & 20th of September 2022.

Location of the Site

The Site is located on the northern side of Abergavenny, just off Hereford Road B45211, fig 01.

On leaving the town centre along Hereford Road, travel north past the traffic lights at the garage and take the first left
onto Park Avenue. Number 44 is the corner house on the left. NGR: 330338 214754.

Topography & Geology

The site is located on a lower southeast slope of the Black Mountains. Its drift geology comprises the edge of a
fluvioglacial sheet deposit of Devensian sands and gravel with that of Devensian Till, (BGS 232).

Brief archaeological and historical background


As a general approach to the historical and archaeological background of Abergavenny, chance finds have produced
evidence of man’s presence since prehistoric times; however, much more is known of the Roman and Medieval periods,
particularly from slum-clearances in the 1950s and 60s and developments in the 1970s. A few of these later undertakings
required archaeological excavations; those in the vicinity of the town, such as Cross Street and Castle Street produced a
great deal of evidence relating to Roman Abergavenny (Gobannium).

The Roman presence was established in 55AD and lasted some 400 years acquiring an accompaniment of civilian, and
extra mural settlement around the Roman nucleus. No evidence of post Roman settlement has yet been found but a

A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22

renewed interest in the location; possibly due to surviving infrastructures, returned with the Normans in around A.D.
1081 (Phillips 2006). Over the next two centuries, the town expanded beyond the remains of the Roman enclosed nucleus,
to the new town wall, built in 1241, Cal Pat, Henry III.

After some decline in the 14th and 15th centuries, the town prospered and expanded beyond the medieval town walls and
has continued to grow ever since. Late 18th-century interest brought specialist industries to the town which were well
served by the evolving canal and later rail infrastructures.

As mentioned above, the site is in close proximity to the assumed route of the Roman Road from Gobannium to
Kentchester; Route 630, (Maragry. 1967 p 343). Specific to this site were chance finds: in the gardens of numbers 9 &
11 Park Crescent, of a group of objects discovered just below the modern ground surface, (Prichard pers com) cited in.
APAC.Ltd: WB/APC/11.
The groups comprised: Two large broken jars containing cremated bone and soil and two associated small bronze
brooches. The group is believed to be one of the earliest Roman cremation burials in Wales, dating to about AD. 60.
Currently in Abergavenny Museum, (ibid).


As part of the gathered historical background information, a 500m and 100m radial search was conducted, centred on
the given NGR: 330338 214754 (National Grid Reference); as shown in fig 02.

Within the 500m search, the site’s proximity to the Abergavenny conservation area can be seen to the east/southeast
perimeter. The search parameter also includes the Historic Park & Gardens of Bailey Park – PGW (GT0 60(MON); grade
II listed and dated back to 1884 when it was installed by the prominent ironmaster Crawshay Bailey.

Within the more focused 100m search around the given NGR, nothing of archaeological import is registered.


Cartographic data for the area was also researched, with results of map progression being used to create a figure: fig 03a-
03e, which depicts changes to land use over time.

On the 1845 tithe map of the area; fig 03a, the land appears devoid of much in the way of human interaction; however,
it does show a single building placed (approximately) near the current site. The apportionment for the plot of land at this
point is attributed to, no: 377, cottage and nursery, occupied by Saunders James, and owned by Roberts the Rev, Richard
Arthur, and Sargent Williams Esq trustees of the late John Walter Roberts Esq.

By the 1902 map; fig 03b, things have changed. Bailey Park: (see above), was laid out in 1884, west of the site, and has
changed the map considerably. In addition to this, change of land use more buildings have joined the original one found
on the earlier map; but this time placed within the current site perimeter. The total number of buildings placed on the site
by this period is four with boundaries also mapped out. The lands directly to the north, west and south have also
undergone vast changes with many new buildings and road layouts being added.

Directly to the southwest of the current site, the map has also been given a marked symbol noting the area where
excavated Roman finds were discovered. The attributed text reads “Coins & Roman Remains Found A.D. 1848.

By the 1948 map; fig 03c, three of the four buildings on site have been joined together, whilst buildings to the south,
along the left side of Hereford Road, have also been erected.

Little has changed by 1953, fig 03d.

By modern mapping, fig 03e, the entire area has been vastly modified, with countless new houses, roads and amenities
having been constructed. The earlier buildings, that could be seen on the site’s location, along with many of the
surrounding buildings have now been seemingly removed, with the current structures not matching the layouts of any of
the previous buildings.


Evidence gleaned from cartographic information in relation to this site would suggest that prior to the installation of the
Victorian (Bailey Park) in 1884, the area was mostly undisturbed.

The site’s exact location, however, has seemingly housed a building from at least the mid-19th century, with further
buildings added in the late 19th century. However due to the large scale of housing built in the area in the late 20th century,
A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22

it is highly likely that anything of archaeological importance has been disturbed, though there is always a chance of some
archaeological survival.
Aims and Objectives

The watching brief aims to establish the presence/absence of archaeological structures or other significant features within
the works area. Should any archaeological resources be revealed their presence will be recorded and a decision made as
to any mitigation measures.

The archaeological watching brief will be carried out to the standards laid down in the Chartered Institute of Field
Archaeologists, Guideline for Watching Briefs 2014.

An archaeological watching brief:

The definition of an archaeological watching brief is a formal programme of observation and

investigation conducted during any operation carried out for non-archaeological reasons. This will
be within a specified area or site on land, inter-tidal zone or underwater, where there is a possibility
that archaeological deposits may be disturbed or destroyed. The programme will result in the
preparation of a report and ordered archive.

This definition and Standard do not cover chance observations, which should lead to an appropriate
archaeological project being designed and implemented, nor do they apply to monitor the
preservation of remains in situ. A watching brief will preserve by the record, within the resources
available, any archaeological deposits uncovered during groundwork.

The watching brief will ensure that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being
discovered and requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief; then steps would be
implemented to ensure that their treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended
by the CIFA.

Resulting of the watching brief, a report on the results will be produced, which will include a detailed
summary of the methodology, site history, deposits/features/ structures/artefacts uncovered and
interpretation of the results.
(CIFA. 2014).

Scope of the work

The archaeology of the application site, both in the whole, as well as its wider local or regional context, was considered,
although the watching brief was confined to those areas which had been directly affected by the development or some
aspect of it. The work was recorded during excavation and spoil remained on site briefly, to be examined, both visually
and with a metal detector.


The archaeological recording was consistent with that set out in WSI: WB/PA/22 and was undertaken during the work.

To make the text descriptions more accessible:

All structures are denoted with brackets { }, deposits with curved brackets ( ) surfaces with angled brackets < > and a
cut with square brackets [ ]. The complete index is given in Appendix I. Fig 04. shows the completed site taken from the
3D laser scan and shows features marked. Photographs referred to in the text are denoted PL; a complete list is given
in Appendix II, including a contact sheet of all photographs taken during the work. There were no finds, no
environmental samples and no drawings made.

Before any ground disturbance was undertaken, the site was photographed PL01, thereby, providing a record of the
mixed nature of the existing surface. This mixed surface was arbitrarily given a context <100>, however; it was made up
of gravels and flints (101) on “Terram” demarcated with battens into separate regions. Some areas of the surface were
relatively recent; (within the month, pers com client) but some had been in position for slightly longer.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22

Once photographed the “Terram” and gravels (101) were peeled back to expose the subsoil (102) and the trench layout
marked, PL02.


Excavation began in the northeast corner with the partial removal of concrete path {107} which overlay a 450mm deposit,
(102) of compacted red sandy clay with a high percentage of building rubble; mostly brick and slate, but also angular
stone, and occasional late 20th century ceramics, glass and plastics. Below (102) was a sterile layer of orang/brown clay
going beyond the required depth of the trench at 800mm, PL03.

PL03 also shows that the sequence had been disturbed for the inclusion of a salt-glazed 6” foul pipe {109}, fig 04. The
pipe is cut [II6] into (103) for some 400mm but the fill is the same as (102). Pipe {109} continues across the site, parallel
with the house at 600mm to the west, as can be seen in PL04. The southern foundation trench can also be seen in PL04
and the pipe just visible is a shielded electric cable {110}. This runs parallel with {109}, a similar depth but no cut was

Also visible in PL04: centre right or west, are three black plastic, water pipes. Again, they are at a similar depth and
again they have no discernible cut, PL05 & PL06. However, in the northern trench, PL05, the pipes are within (103),
whilst in the southern trench, the pipes are in deposit (112), PL06 and PL07.

The westernmost trench held an interesting deposit, possibly relatable to the site’s former association with an agricultural
nursery, see figs 03b, 03c & 03d. In between stratigraphic layers (102) and (103) was a lens of many hundreds of broken
ceramic flowerpots of different sizes, PL08 & PL09. The entire, linear lens spread across the site north-south, PL10,
with the sherds carried in a black/dark grey matrix of soft Humic soil.

The last disturbance to the stratigraphy was under this same linear area: PL08 & PL10, an early to mid-20th century, 4”
ceramic land drain {113}which had been cut [114] into (103) and backfilled with small, rounded river pebble is a dark
soft soil (115). Of course, the latter colour may be due to groundwater contamination from the ceramic drain. The cut
and fill can be clearly seen in PL11 at the bottom of pit 1 and is just visible in pit 2, PL05.

Both western trenches connecting to the soakaway; pit 3, were quite shallow and confined within the deposit (102) with
no variance. The soakaway itself had a deep covering of deposit of (101), and a relatively narrow instance of (102) before
(103) was reached. This continued for around 1.60m where there was possible hardening to bedding stratigraphy, but the
trench was too unstable to warrant investigation within health and safety parameters, PL12. Deposit (103 was natural
geology in any case


The site yielded no finds of significance and therefore nothing was collected.

The pottery sherds in (112) were modern machine made the few sherds of ceramic and glass in (102) also modern
domestic ware.

The land drainpipe was quite symmetrical in profile again machined made rather than hand made so probably post-WWII
but before the development in the mid-20th century, as identified from the map progressions.


The entire site is sat on a band of geologically deposited alluvial sandy clay, over which; at least within the area of
investigation had been spread a 400mm deposit of landfill.

Therefore, no archaeological deposits were impacted upon, during this watching brief.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22


The archive will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, MoRPHE V1.2
(2015) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed. The project archives will consist of all original records, and all
documentation that relates to the watching brief; copies of the WSI and any relevant correspondence will be included.

The original archive for the watching brief will be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A digital copy of the archive will be deposited with RCAHMW in keeping with their published guidelines:

A further digital copy of the relevant information and report will be deposited with GGAT HER in keeping with their
published guidelines:

The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the watching brief with the agreement of the

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Wales and the full client report published online through Scribd.


I would like to thank the client for access to the site and refreshments and the groundworkers for their assistance.

A.P.A.C. Ltd 44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny WB/PA/22

Bibliography and References:

APAC. Ltd. 2011 Written Scheme of Investigation. Watching Brief. 13, Park Crescent, Abergavenny.

Written Scheme of Investigation. Watching Brief. 11, Park Court, Abergavenny.

Cal Pat. 1241 Calendar of Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office. Henry III. 1232 –
1247. HMSO. 1908.

CIfA Standard and Guidance for the Archaeological Watching Brief 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Collection, Documentation, Conservation and Research
of Archaeological materials 2014

English Heritage 1991 Management of Archaeological Projects

GGAT. 2020 MON2450RD. Re: Domestic Garage. 11 Park Court, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire
PL.App.No: 2020/010702.

Margary, I.D., 1967. Roman Roads in Britain, John Barker: London.

MCC DM/2020/01072:

Application for planning permission

Approval of Planning permission
Existing Site Location plan 20/RW/100
Heritage Planning Application Consultation

Olding, F., 2004. Abergavenny The Urban Archaeology. Abergavenny Local History Society.

Online: Magic Maps:

TAN 24:

Phillips, N., 2006. Earthwork Castles of Gwent and Ergyng AD 1050 – 1250. BAR 420. Archaeopress.

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act of 1988 with all rights reserved. A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any
documentation directly relating to the project as described in this Report.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR.
Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 05041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons).

APAC. Ltd has current Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance with Towergate, (924765101 CHC).

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/PA/22


Fig 01: Location

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny


NGR SO 330311 214756

Listed Buildings

Conservation area
Historic Parks & Gardens

Fig 02: Heritage asset map A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 03b: Monmouthshire VI.SE - Surveyed 1899

Published 1902
Fig 03a: Tithe map - 1845


Fig 03c: Brecknockshire - Revised 1938 Fig 03d: Brecknockshire - Revised 1944
Published 1948 Published 1953

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/PA/22

Fig 03e: Modern mapping.

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

NGR: E. 330299.212
N. 214776.103
Z. 64.823


Pit 3

ce Pit 2

Structures: {10 ention
Path {107}
Pit 1 Hou
{104 se
MH {108}
Pipe {109)
Electric cable {110}
3x water pipes {111}
4” land drain {113}

0 5

Fig 04: Site plan of groundworks complete A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: IMG_0032

0 5

Initial site showing: recent surface covering<100> and (101)

against main house {104} to left

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: DSCN1827

0 5

Initial site 5m Pole cam, showing: set-out for main trenches and
more of the landscaped area

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: Img_0038

0 5

Section at NE corner {107 over (102) over (103). {109} visible to left
with cut [116] into (103) with fill (102)

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: Img_0041

0 5

NE corner of foundations. Cable {110} and Pipe {109}. New pipe

installed. Water pipes {111} right

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: S090433

0 5

Working Shot - 3D scan recording. Pit 2 to left

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: DSCN1833

0 5

Pi1 1, Fill (112) without potsherds. Waterpipe {111} to right

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: Img_0045

0 5

Detail of 4" ceramic land drain{113} in (115) in [114] cut into (103).
Waterpipes {111} bottom, Pit 1

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: Img_0037

0 5

Detail of (112) pot sherds in dark brown sandy deposit. 4" ceramic
land drain {113} [114] (115) below. 0.5m scale

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: S115748

0 5

Detail (112) lens of ceramic pot sherds over (103) sandy clay

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: Img_0035

0 5

(112) over 4" ceramic land drain{113} [114] (115)

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: Img_0044

0 5

Detail of 4" ceramic land drain{113} in (115) in [114] cut into (103).
Waterpipes {111} bottom, Pit 1

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Avenue, Abergavenny

Photo ID: DSCN1836

0 5

Pit 3 section 1.6m depth

A.P.A.C. Ltd. WB/PA/22

44 Park Road, Abergavenny Appendix II A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Structure} [Cut]

Photo ID View Description Photographer Date of Compiled Date

facing photograph by compiled
Img_0032 SW Initial site showing: recent surface covering<100> and (101) against main house {104} to left N. Phillips 19/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL01
DSCN1827 NE Initial site 5m Pole cam, showing: set-out for main trenches and more of the landscaped area N. Phillips 19/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL02
Img_0033 SW Initial site soil scrape into (102) Manhole {108} at centre left against extension {106} N. Phillips 19/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
Img_0034 W Western foundation, section: (102) over (103) over (112) lens of ceramic pot sherds N. Phillips 19/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
S115748 V Detail (112) lens of ceramic pot sherds over (103) sandy clay N. Phillips 19/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL09
Img_0035 V (112) over 4" ceramic land drain{113} [114] (115) N. Phillips 19/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL10
Img_0036 E Completed foundation trench, foreground shows triple water pipes {111} No cut in the sequence. MH {108} rear N. Phillips 19/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
Img_0037 N Detail of (112) pot sherds in dark brown sandy deposit. 4" ceramic land drain {113} [114] (115) below. 0.5m scale N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL08
Img_0038 N Section at NE corner {107 over (102) over (103). {109} visible to left with cut [116] into (103) with fill (102) N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL03
Img_0039 E Southern section of foundation trench, finished depth 800mm N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
Img_0040 NE Eastern foundation trench showing pipe {109}, MH {108} House {104} on footing {105} right. Path {107} at top N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1828 E Detail of {108} being removed. Contemporary with Extension {106} N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1829 S Southern connection of {109} at {105}. Contemporary with main house N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
S121748 V Polecam at 5m. Excavation of {109} at south N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
Img_0041 SW NE corner of foundations. Cable {110} and Pipe {109}. New pipe installed. Water pipes {111} right N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL04
Img_0042 S NE corner of foundations. Cable {110} and Pipe {109}. Note scatter of electric bricks on spoil N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
Img_0043 V Detail of 4" ceramic land drain{113} in (115) in [114] cut into (103). Waterpipes {111} bottom, Pit 1 N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
Img_0044 V Detail of 4" ceramic land drain{113} in (115) in [114] cut into (103). Waterpipes {111} bottom, Pit 1 N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL11
Img_0045 SW Detail of 4" ceramic land drain{113} in (115) in [114] cut into (103). Waterpipes {111} bottom, Pit 1 N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL07
Img_0046 SW Detail of 4" ceramic land drain{113} in (115) in [114] cut into (103). Waterpipes {111} bottom, Pit 1 N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1830 V Working Shot - , Pit 2 N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1831 V Working Shot - , Pit 2. (103) at 900mm N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1832 V Working Shot - , Pit 2. (103) at 900mm under (112) N. Phillips 20/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1833 E Pi1 1, Fill (112) without potsherds. Waterpipe {111} to right N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL06
DSCN1834 SW Pi1 1, Section (102) over (112) over (103); cut by [114} for {113} and filled/packed with (115) N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
S090433 N Working Shot - 3D scan recording. Pit 2 to left N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL05
DSCN1835 W Pit 3 being excavated. c 400mm of gravel (101) over (103) N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1836 N Pit 3 section 1.6m depth N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022 PL12
DSCN1837 S Post-Ex Shot - completed site - eastern area beside entrance gate N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1838 W Working shot of northern pipe trench being excavated. N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1839 V Polecam at 5m. Excavation of northern pipe trench N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022
DSCN1840 V Polecam at 5m. Excavation of northern pipe trench N. Phillips 21/09/2022 N. Phillips 05/10/2022

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44 Park Rd, Abergavenny Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Contexts Contexts: <Surface> (Deposit) {Structure} [Cut]

Context Description Recorder Date Digitised Date

<100> Surface remains landscape. Arbitrary NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022

(101) Surface remains landscape. Concrete paving with area\s of flint nodules or slate gravels c 270mm NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
(102) Compacted red sandy soil with building rubble, (CBM) c 450mm NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
(103) Red/Brown sandy clay NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{104} Main House, 350mm below <100> NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{105} Concrete footing for {104}. Extends 350mm down beyond dig at 900mm NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{106} Front extension, 400mm below <100> NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{107} Concrete path to front 200mm into (102) NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{108} MH brick. Modern. no cut or fill to depth of required foundation NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{109} Pipe from {108} no cut or fill NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{110} Electric cable. No cut no fill NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{111} Three plastic water pipes, live. No cut or fill. Laid in (102) NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
(112) Deposit of assorted garden pot. Depth 400mm under (102) but Above (103) NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
{113} 4" land drain, ceramic in cut [114} and fill (115) NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
[114] Cut for (115) NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
(115) Fill of rounded river pebbles in black humic soil. Probable deposit from pipe. NP 19/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022
[116] Cut for {109} fill with (101) NP 20/10/2022 NP 05/10/2022

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