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CableSuspended Robots
” in the 6
semester under Prof. Ravi Banavar and Prof. ShashikanthSuryanarayanan. As a part of this
project, I did a literature survey and review of thedevelopments in this new fi eld of
Roboti cs. This led to me taking up my BTech Project on “
Modeling and Dynamics of Cable Suspended Robots
” under the same guides. The project attempts to analyze a new configuration of cable suspended
robots. The proposedconfiguration is a combination of four linear actuators and four cables to suspend a
work  platform. Control algorithm for cable suspended robots poses a major challenge as cablescan only
pull and not push. This exigent project has given me a good appreciation of themathematics involved in
Robotic manipulation and developing of Dynamics and Controlalgorithms for robots.Further, my work
at Fanuc India Pvt. Ltd. during my summer internship in May-June 2005 gave me a practical
knowledge and insight into the field of Applicative Robotics. Incontrast to my projects in IIT, my
projects in this fi rm were based on applicati ons of  robots. This introduced me to the topic
of Force Control which is of essence in Roboti c Grinding and Finishing operations. I developed a
Robotic Sheet Grinding
process usingcoated abrasives and a 6DOF robot. This process was developed to automate a process ina
leading Indian 2-wheeler manufacturing company, and required an understanding of thegrinding
process, and robot movements. I also did a Simulation project for 
Robotic SpotWelding of Automobile Bodies

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