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those of other creditors.

The more important cases of grants

all its writers, had the passion of genius for its work.

adapting to the soils of crops that require a minimum amount of

574,414 acres in 1875 and 230,429 acres in 1897, and that

vengeance, and the curse is thus transmitted from generation to


public buildings are all modern. The borough is under a

Boot. By means of this the blood could be drawn into any

years. Reckoning by that standard we might push the

which are very familiar to students of antiquity. This

constitution of a cabinet on European lines, ministers

jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction, was preserved.

is the real as well as the personal representative of the

A.D. 100. He was the seventh and last king of the family of

AGROTERAS THUSIA, an annual festival held at Agrae near

also translations of the Samunder Edda and Herwara-Saga,

(1886); Pamir Boundary Commission (1896). (T. H. H.*)

extending from the Andes to the sea. This view, however,

can be granted to any one applicant in one donation is

given in Coussemaker's edition. His Jeu de Robin et Marion

is what we may call the ``balanced issue.'' The question

pear or fundus bulges upward and to the left, while

1885 69 1512 1900 78 1939

Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad and Asmar, with detachments at

them, would produce the effects they were meant to explain.

(pegmata) through trap-doors. Such chambers have been found

was founded by Philip V. The minister for foreign affairs is

"bummers" were guilty of wanton cruelty and destructiveness,

continent of Europe and to a great extent in Great Britain.

the International Association of the Congo had only been

last remnant of it being suits against merchantmen for

afterwards Gustavus III., he succeeded in overthrowing the

published his Exploration archeologique de l'Algerie, in

His brother, JAMES WADDEL ALEXANDER (1804-1859), born in

of the Nile, the Ruchuru, rises on the north side of the

and principal seaport, with a population (1906), including

had arrived at Gondar, gave rise to the suspicion that he

origin, the introduction of this species of composition is not

any moment, on petition, in favour of any one of the sisters

Charles IV. of Spain . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar. 19, 1808

regarded as injurious to public morality (Aulus Gellius xv. 11).

name. The evidence of Peter Ramus (1515-1572) on this point

named Francois Vertunien, sieur de Lavau, who attended a

bear the strain of a great battle, broke and fled in wild

of Moscow, was born at Nezhine in the government of Chernigov,

critical study by a military officer; L. J. Lossing's Pictorial

in the stormy politics of the country. Northern Abyssinia

the dormitory of the conversi. Detached from these, and

Robertson, The Kafir of the Hindu Kush (1896); Holdich,

optical system be symmetrical, the orqins of the co-ordinate

climate was a terra incognita to naturalists. His ardour

the face of strenuous opposition, is justly ranked among

the king's council in the presence of the duke of Anjou.

emperor. Charles, anxious to secure such a famous fighter,

questions. The emancipation was not merely a humanitarian

pressure. The mixed secondary amines have basic properties,

and prevention of such diseases, and reports on the conditions

massive limestones more or less siliceous and overlain by

all southern English o becomes more rounded while it is being

and station of the French XIX. corps d'armee. It is situated

Ventimigha, while on the east our line will be the route over

other method of very rapid cooling. The chilling stereotypes

for examination for a commission as chief-boatswain,

ADMINISTRATOR, in English law, the person to whom the

Chalcedony (q.v..) According to Theophrastus the agate

cap. 47) first put a stop to unauthorized posting, and the

affairs, &c. The general law administered in all the courts

interior of which he was in search, and he returned to Europe

Inoceramus, &c., indicate that it is partly of Cretaceous

that of some of his associates. The fullest revelation of

Magh. It is known as the Magh-mela, lasts for a whole

to be false representations, he declared Dom Pedro a rebel

word is a monosyllable, and may be employed either as a noun

when, in dedicating his tragedy Berenice to Colbert, he

immortality of soul and future state of rewards and punishments,

Aprica Pass (Edolo to Tirano), carriage road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,875

Such assignments, however, are not the result of legislative

The general experience of the decade of the 'eighties

His Tracts---afterwards collected--did fresh service,

muraria), snow-finch (Montifringilla nivalis) and ptarmigan

as others had tried before him, to draw up in a single code

provinces of Boeotia and Attica. There was another temple

but a fine stretch of sand fringes the shallow inlet of

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