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Identifying Personal

Strengths and Weaknesses

What are strengths?
A strength is a strong attribute or inherent asset. Strengths
can be developed and improved over time, such as learning
new time-management strategies or developing a great
Examples of strengths:

Creativity Sports Teamwork Humor Writing

Kindness Leadership Organization Listening

Why is it important to know your strengths?

Knowing your strengths can be helpful when you are
interviewing for jobs, completing college applications, and
beyond. You can also use your strengths to consider different
career options where your strengths would be useful. For
example, if you have strengths in writing and editing, you may
want to consider careers in advertising, journalism, or

It will help you focus on the things you’re good

at, become successful, and stay motivated!
How to Identify Your Strengths

Think about what you enjoy doing or experiences that

make you feel passionate or proud. 
If you’re usually proud of your grades in your science
courses, then science is very likely one of your strengths.
Think about a time when you were surprised you were
good at a new game, task, or specific assignment. Identify
what skills or talents were necessary to complete the
Ask people you know well, such as parents, teachers, and
friends, what they think your strengths are.
Think about what subjects you excel in. Identify what skills
you enjoy exercising in those courses.
For example, perhaps you like physics because you like
the mathematical component.
Complete a personality test! In Module 3, you’ll complete
the 16 Personalities Test in order to identify your
strengths, weaknesses, and career fields that may best
suit your personality
What are weaknesses?
A weakness is an inadequate or defective quality. Weakness
can also be skills, qualities, and personal characteristics.

Examples of weaknesses:

Poor time Inaffective

management communication

Disorganization Poor math skills

How to Identify Your Weaknesses
Think about activities or courses you don’t like or feel
indifferent towards. Identify what about that activity or
course you don’t like.
For example, maybe you don’t like class projects because
you don’t like working with others.
Think about activities or projects you procrastinate on.
The activity might require you to utilize a weakness you
don’t like exercising. 
Ask people that know you well, like your parents,
teachers, and closest friends, what they think your
weaknesses are.  
Identify skills you constantly believe others perform better
than you. This may be a sign of a weakness.

No one is perfect. Everyone has

weaknesses. However, it is
Remember: important to be aware of those
weaknesses so you know how to
deal with them.

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