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Name: Ma. Katrina C.

Alvarez Course&Year: BEED 1_B

Output 1

Question: How do the changes of curriculum affect yourself, your family and society as a whole?


The curriculum must be changed from time to time to keep up with current trends and the needs of society.

The changes in curriculum affected me as a student. I find it difficult to keep up with the new subjects
added to the college. For someone like me who dropped out of school for more than four (4) years, it is really hard
to start over with this new curriculum, but I am also thankful and looking forward to the new things that I am going
to learn that will help me to be a good educator in the future.

The changes in curriculum also affected my family because I might need to study for 5 years to catch up
with the change in curriculum, which might be a burden for my family because of financial reasons, as a mother I
find it difficult to manage my finances but my family, especially my parents , work hard to support me on my
studies. This changing curriculum gives them hope and confidence that when I graduate from college I will be
competent enough to find a job and be employed so that I can help them back.

Furthermore, curriculum affects the society because in today’s knowledge, curriculum development plays a
vital role in improving the economy of a country. It also provides answers and solutions to the world’s pressing
conditions and problems, such as environment, politics, socio-economic and other issues on poverty, climate
change and sustainable development. I believe that the country’s economy can improve the people’s way of life
through curriculum development and an effective curriculum provides, teachers, students, school leaders and
community stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for delivering a quality education.

In conclusion, the many benefits of changing curriculum include basic skills such as being able to read,
write, count, communicate, and interact with others. Getting this kind of education not only helps your chances of
landing a respectable job. it also helps you in developing the life skills you will need on your journey towards
growth. Having a good education, finding a good career, adapting in the workplace, and becoming a stable adult

Submitted to:

Lilibeth G.Apostol
Subject Teacher

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