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Modern Physics

October 2022

The hydrogen atom model in modern theory is not a classical model of

electrons moving around the nucleus, but electrons are distributed in
various positions in space with a certain probability. The probability
density of the electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom from
the nucleus center r is ρ(r) = Ae− a , where A and a are constants.
It is known that the size of the element charge is e0 , the mass of the
electron is m, the vacuum permittivity is ε0 .
1. Normalization condition by probability density: V ρ(r)dV =
1 (integration area is full space), use a to represent A.
2. The electric field generated by the electrons can be approxi-
mated as the electric field generated by the body with distributed
charges of the charge density −e0 ρ(r). Knowing that the afore-
mentioned parameter a is actually the Bohr radius, ignoring the
size of the atomic nucleus, try to find the electric field distribu-
tion E(r) generated by the hydrogen atom (the answer needs to
be strictly written in the form of the relevant analytical form of
3. If forced to return to the jujube cake model, the nucleus is re-
garded as a uniformly charged area with a radius of R and a

charge density of ρe . However, according to the classical Bohr
theory, it is considered that the electron does circular motion of
a specific orbit, and the so derive the expression of the electron
motion radius and its energy (the two cases of r < R and r > R
need to be discussed separately). The reduced Planck constant
h̄ = 2π is known.

Reference integral formula:

Z Z 
αx n αx
e x dx = e dx + C,

where α, n, C are constants.

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