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Calorimetric Determination of Neutral Sugars by

a Resorcinol Sulfuric Acid Micromethod

Laboratoire de Biochimie Cellulaire et Mol&ulaire des Glycoconjugks, Centre de Biophysique Mokdaire,
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1, Rue Haute, 45071-Orleans Cedex 02, France
Received May 11, 1988

A microscale calorimetric assay for neutral sugars, in which neutral sugars react with resor-
cinol in the presence of 75% sulfuric acid solution is described. This assay, based on the use
of microtiter plates with 96 U-shaped wells is simple and easy to handle; it allows accurate
determinations with small samples (20 ~1) containing 1 to 100 nmol of neutral sugars and is
quite convenient for detection of glycoconjugates in chromatographic column effluents. 0 1988
Academic Press, Inc.
KEY WORDS: sugar; glycoconjugates; glycoproteins: resorcinol.

The neutral sugar content of glycoconju- Louis, MO) and pristane was from Janssen
gates is usually determined by specific color Chimica (Beerse, Belgium). Absorbance
reaction using sulfuric acid and phenol ( 1), spectra were recorded with an Uvikon double
anthrone (2), or orcinol(3). These procedures beam spectrophotometer (Kontron, Plym-
require relatively large amounts of sugar (0.1 outh, MA); samples were contained in either
to 1 pmol) and give accurate results in a nar- a 5 X 5-mm or a 10 X 2-mm Hellma cuvette
row concentration range (5- to lo-fold). The (Hellma, Baden-Wurtt, FRG). For the mi-
present paper describes procedures by which croassay, 96-well polystyrene crystal plates
1 to 100 nmol of sugar gives reliable values. (Greiner, Labortechnik, Nurtingen, FRG)
The method uses a solution of hydrated sul- were used and the optical density was read
furic acid (H2S04, H20) and resorcinol ( 1,3- with a microtiter plate reader (Artek, Farm-
dihydroxybenzene). The determination of ingdale, NY) using an interference filter ei-
glycoconjugate neutral sugar content which ther at 430 + 10 nm or at 480 f 10 nm (Ea-
can be conducted by using small tubes or mi- ling, South-Natick, MA). Sugars were dried
crotiter plates is suitable for monitoring col- under vaccum at 50°C for 72 h. Sugars were
umn effluents and is quite easy to use. The dissolved in 0.0 1 M acetic acid. Resorcinol so-
presence of protein does not alter the results. lution was kept at 4°C in the dark for up to 1
month. A 75% sulfuric acid solution was pre-
METHODS pared by mixing 100 ml of concentrated sul-
furic acid (d = 1.834) and 24 ml of distilled
Resorcinol, purchased from Merck (Darm- water and kept at room temperature in the
stad, FRG) was crystallized from a n-butanol dark for up to 3 weeks.
solution by adding chloroform and hexane. Regular assay. To a sample containing 5 to
Other phenolic compounds were from Ald- 100 nmol of neutral sugars in a volume of 200
rich (Milwaukee, WI), sulfuric acid (analyti- ~1 in a 0.6 X 7-cm assay tube are added 200
cal grade, 95%; d = 1.834)) was purchased ~1 of 6 mg/ml resorcinol and 1 ml of 75% sul-
from Prolabo (Paris). Neutral sugars and bo- furic acid. The tubes are shaken by vortex
vine serum albumin were from Sigma (Saint and heated at 90°C in a temperature-regu-

525 0003-2697188 $3.00

Copyright 0 1988 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

300 350 400 450 500 550 600 75% H2S04 1,~‘)

FIG. 3. Influence of the volume of 75% sulfuric acid

FIG. 1. Absorbance spectra of ( 1) a mixture of an aque- added in the microplate wells on the optical density de-
ous solution (200 11) of mannose (13.5 &ml), of an termined at 430 nm after heating at PVC for 30 min: to
aqueous solution (200 ~1) of resorcinol(6 mg/ml), and of 20 pl of an aqueous solution of mannose (50 &ml) was
75% sulfuric acid (1 ml) after heating at PO’C for 30 min added 20 ~1 of 6 mg/ml resorcinol solution and the indi-
and of (2) a blank in which the mannose solution was cated volume of 75% sulfuric acid (microplate assay).
replaced by pure distilled water (regular assay).

of 20 ~1 in a U-shaped well of a 96-well micro-

lated water bath for 30 min and subsequently
titer plate are added 20 ~1 of 6 mg/ml resor-
placed in a cold-water bath for 30 min in the
cinol, 100 ~1 of 75% sulfuric acid, and 50 ~1
dark. The optical density of the solution was
of pristane. The solutions are homogenized
determined at 430 or 480 nm. Alternatively,
by shaking the plates with a vortex apparatus.
the same assay can be conducted by using
The plates are heated at 90°C in an oven for
half the volumes indicated above with similar
30 min and subsequently kept at room tem-
perature for 30 min, in the dark. The optical
Microplate assay. To a sample containing
density of each well is automatically recorded
1 to 100 nmol of neutral sugars in a volume
by using a microtiter plate reader equipped


E 0.50



5 3

; 0.2


0.(X r
0 075 1.25 2.5 3.75 10 o c 6 12 16 20
Mannose ( pg /ZOO@) Rcsorc~nol (mg /ml,

FIG. 2. Effect of mannose concentration on the optical FIG. 4. Effect of the resorcinol concentration on the
density determined at 430 nm ofa mixture ofan aqueous optical density at 430 nm after heating at POT for 30
solution (200 ~1) of mannose at the indicated concentra- min: to 20 pl of an aqueous solution of mannose (50 ag/
tions, of an aqueous solution of resorcinol (6 mg/ml), ml) was added 20 ~1 resorcinol solution at the indicated
and of 75% sulfuric acid (1 ml) after heating at 90% for concentration and 100 ~175% sulfuric acid (microplate
30 min (regular assay). ==Y).

nitrophenol, salicylic acid, a-hydroxy /?-

naphthyl sulfonic acid, Bhydroxy cY-naph-
thy1 sulfonic acid, various dihydroxybenzoic
acids, and resorcinol. Resorcinol appeared to
be the best phenolic compound with regard
to the reproducibility and the sensitivity of

ii,L/ 0 5 10 15 20 30 45
the assay.

Regular Assay
FIG. 5. Influence of the heating time on the optical
density at 430 nm. A mixture of an aqueous solution (20 Subsequently, a resorcinol sulfuric acid as-
~1) of mannose (50 &ml), of 6 mg/ml resorcinol solu- say was set up as briefly described by Roche et
tion (20 al), and of 75% sulfuric acid (100 ~1) was heated
at 9o’C for the time indicated (microplate assay). al. (4). Under the conditions described under
Methods, the maximum coloration was
found to occur at 430 nm (Fig. 1) and optical
density values for neutral sugar were linear at
with an interferential filter at 430 or 480 nm.
least in the range of 3.75 to 25 pglml(4 to 28
For quantitative purposes, blanks, neutral
nmol) (Fig. 2).
sugar standards, and samples are assayed in


Basis of Resorcinol Surfuric Acid Method
With the aim of adapting the very useful
phenol sulfuric acid method (1) to microscale
assay, preliminary experiments showed that
the results were dependent on the rate of ad-
dition of concentrated sulfuric acid and on
the shape of the test tubes used. Better results
were obtained when sugar samples in 100 ~1
of distilled water or saline were placed in 0.6
x 7-cm tubes followed by addition of 100 ~1
of 50 mg/ml distilled phenol and 500 ~1 of
concentrated sulfuric acid, and the tubes
were then shaked with a vortex and heated at
100°C for 5 min in a boiling water bath. To
circumvent the uncontrolled spontaneous
temperature increase upon addition of con- o.oY, . . . . . . , * .
centrated sulfuric acid to the aqueous solu- 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 12 15
Mannose (,.1g/20~1,
tion, 75% sulfuric acid solution was prepared
and allowed to cool at room temperature be- FIG. 6. Effect of the sugar concentration on the optical
fore use. Unfortunately, when 75% sulfuric density determined at 430 (0) or 480 nm (W). A mixture
acid solution was used, weak color reactions of an aqueous solution (20 ~1) of mannose at the indi-
were obtained with phenol. A series of other cated concentration, of an aqueous resorcinol(6 mg/ml)
solution (20 pl), and of 75% sulkuic acid (100 al) was
phenolic compounds were tested, including heated at 9o’C for 30 min. Inset: optical density of solu-
orcinol, anthrone, cu-naphthol, P-naphthol, tions containing mannose in a low concentration range,
o-nitrophenol, 1,3dihydroxynaphtalene, p- monitored at 430 nm (microplate assay).

A 45 min (Fig. 5). Under optimal conditions,

oso- neutral sugar values were linear in the range
of 1 to 20 nmol upon reading at 430 nm and
in the range of 10 to 100 nmol upon reading
at 480 nm (Fig. 6).

5 To determine whether the resorcinol sulfu-
ric acid assay is or is not modified by the pres-
0" ODOi .
0 10 20 30 40 ence of proteins, various amounts of bovine
Bovhe Serum Albumin ‘vg /20@, serum albumin were added to a solution of
mannose used as a standard. As shown in Fig.
PIG. 7. Influence ofthe presence of bovine serum albu- 7, no change was found in the optical density
min on the optical density at 430 nm. A mixture of an
aqueous solution (20 ~1) of mannose (50 g/ml) contain- whatever the amount of bovine serum albu-
ing the indicated concentrations of bovine serum albu- min added (0 to 2 mg/ml).
min, of an aqueous solution (20 ~1) of resorcinol(6 mg/ The solvent in which sugars or glycoconju-
ml), and of 75% sulfuric acid (100 ~1) was heated at 9o’C gates are dissolved can be either distilled wa-
for 30 min (microplate assay).

Microplate Assay
With the aim to both scale down and speed
up the assay, test tubes were replaced by mi- Solvent” absorbance b
crotiter plates with polystyrene crystal 96 U-
shaped wells. The main difficulty was to ob- Water 100
tain a good mixing of sulfuric acid solution Sodium chloride (150 mM) 100
with sugar and resorcinol solutions. Shaking Phosphate-balanced saline
(PBS; pH 7.4) 100
with a vortex led to reproducible results. 100
Tris, HCl(50 mM, pH 7.4)
However, to avoid any projection of sulfuric Sodium acetate buffer (1 M; pH 5) 101
acid solution, a layer of pristane (2,6,10,14- Borate buffer (0.1 M; pH 8.2) 92
tetramethyl pentadecane, boiling point, Acetic acid ( 100 mM) 100
>25o”C; d = 0.785) was added in each well Acetic acid ( 1 M) 87
HCl(O.1 M) 107
before the shaking step. Optimal conditions 104
HCl(1 M)
which are described under Methods were de- HCOzH (0.1 M) 94
fined on the basis of the following experi- HCOzH (1 M) 53
ments. MAC15 (0.1%)’ 104
Triton X- 100 ( 1% in PBS) 82

Determination of Optimum Reaction a To 20 pl of listed solvent are added 20 ~1 of 6 mg/

Conditions ml resorcinol, 100 ~1 of 75% sulfuric acid, and 50 pl of
pristane. Plates were shaken, placed in an oven at 9o’C
The maximal optical density was obtained for 30 min, and subsequently left for 30 min at 25’C and
when 120 + 30 ~1 of 75% sulfuric acid was optical density was determined with a microtiter plate
added to 40 ~1 of neutral sugar and resorcinol reader eqiupped with a 430-nm interference filter.
b The absorbance obtained with water is taken as 100;
mixture (Fig. 3). The resorcinol concentra- the absorbance with other solvents is related to that of
tion was not very critical as long as it was water.
above 4 mg/ml (Fig. 4). The optimal heating c MAC stands for monosaccharide alkylamine conju-
time at 90°C was found to be between 20 and gate; MAC1 5 is a gluconoylamidoheptane (4).

Sugar’ Relative absorbance b
Man 100
Rib 90 Glycoconjugate Found Expected
Fuc 74
Gal 72 Ovalbumin 2.OkO.l 26
Gal UA 24 Ovomucoid 8.7 + 0.3 8-9’
GalNAc <2 Orosomucoid 14.7 f 0.3 14.5d
Glc 58 ManIs-BSA 4.1 kO.2 4.0e
Glc UA 30 Man2,-BSA 4.4 -t 0.2 4.4’
GlcNAc <I Ma%-BSA 8.0 + 0.3 7.9’
Glucuronolactone 40
NeuSAc 0 ’ Glycoconjugates were dissolved either in phosphate-
balanced saline, pH 7.4, or in distilled water, at a concen-
’ To 20 pl of distilled water, containing 10 nmol of the tration of 1 mg/ml. Neutral sugar content was deter-
listed sugar, are added 20 ~1 of 6 mg/ml resorcinol, 100 mined by using the microplate assay in quadruplicate
~1 of 75% sulfuric acid, and 50 pl of pristane. Plates were and calculated from the values of the optical density at
shaken, placed in an oven at 90°C for 30 min, and subse- 430 nm.
quently left for 30 min at 25°C and optical density deter- b According to Johansen et al. (5); mannose was used
mined with a microtiter plate reader equipped with a as the standard.
430-nm interference filter. ‘According to Monsigny et al. (6); mannose was used
b The absorbance obtained with mannose is taken as as the standard.
100; the absorbance with other sugars is related to that of d According to Jeanloz (7); a 1: 1 mixture of galactose
mannose. and mannose was used as the standard.
e Neoglycoproteins were prepared according to Mon-
signy et al. (8). Mannose was used as the standard. The
ter or a buffer such as phosphate-balanced sa- expected content was calculated on the basis of the num-
line which does not interfere in the microas- ber of mannopyranosylphenylthiocarbamyl residues
say (Table I). bound to one serum albumin molecule determined from
SpeciJicity the yield ofthe coupling reaction. The sugar content (A)
is related to the number (n) of sugar residues bound to
The optical density is dependent on the na- the protein according to .x% = n.M,,/(M, + n .I%&)
ture of the neutral sugars as in the case of the where M, is the molecular mass of the sugar residue, Mp
is the molecular mass of the unsubstituted protein, and
MgpTc is the molecular mass of the glycosylphenylthio-
carbamyl residue.

Compound” MMb Relative absorbance’ other methods (Table 2). This assay is suit-
able to quantitatively determine pentoses,
Man 180.2 100 hexoses, and 6-deoxy hexoses. Therefore the
Man-PITC 312 100 sugar used as the standard must be selected in
Man-PNOI 301.5 100
Man-MUF 338.4 100 relation to the type of sugar contained in the
glycoconjugate under experiments. Uranic
a Aliquots (20 pl) of sample containing 10 nmol of the acids give a weak coloration less than one-
listed compounds are assayed as described under Meth- third that of the corresponding neutral sugar.
ods. Amino sugars and IV-acetyl neuraminic acid
b Molecular mass.
’ The absorbance obtained with mannose is taken as do not interfere (Table 2).
100; the absorbance with other sugars is related to that of The nature of the aglycone moiety in the
mannose. case of current glycosides usually does not in-

terfere (Table 3). It may therefore be conve- performance liquid chromatography col-
nient to usep-nitrophenyl or 4-methylumbel- umns. Peak detection from chromatography
liferyl glycosides as standards. The concen- fractions can be achieved just by looking at
tration of the arylglxcoside solutions may be the coloration of the wells, within 30 min. Ac-
determined by measuring the absorbance at curate results can be obtained within 1 h. The
300 nm in the case of nitrophenyl glycosides microplate assay appears to be more conve-
(EM = 10,800) or at 320 nm in the case of 4- nient than test tube assays with regard to the
methylumbelliferyl glycosides (Q,, = 12,400). small volume of samples required and to the
The absorbance of these arylglycosides is not limited amount of sulfuric acid solution used;
affected by the nature of the sugar. furthermore, the monitoring of microplates
The microplate assay is also suitable for de- does not require a transfer of solutions in
termination of the neutral sugar content of spectrophotometer cuvettes, and the addition
glycoconjugates (Table 4). Using this assay, of pristane prevents any deleterious effect of
accurate results are obtained by using less casual liquid projections. Finally, the use of
than 100 pg of the glycoconjugates in experi- microtiter plates allows sugar determination
ments done in quadruplicate. of several tens of samples quickly and easily.

This work was supported partly by grants from the In-
Reproducibility was estimated over a 2- stitut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale
month period by replicate assays of samples (INSERM, 8 114 84 20 16) and from the Association
pour le Developpement de la Recherche sur le Cancer
containing 1,2, and 10 pg of mannose kept (ARC). ACR is Directeur de Recherche INSERM.
at 4°C. The mean and standard deviations of
10 measurements in triplicate were 1.Of 0.05 REFERENCES
pg (range, 0.95-1.05 pg; CV = 7%) and 2.0 1. Dubois, M., Gilles, K. A., Hamilton, J. K., Rebers,
+ 0.07 pg (range, 1.92-2.1 pg; CV = 4%) P. A., and Smith, F. (1956) Anal. Chem.28,350-
upon reading at 430 nm, and 10.0 + 0.1 pg 356.
(range, 9.90-10.1 pg; CV = 1%) upon reading 2. Dreywood, R. (1946) Ind. Eng.Chem.Anal.Ed. 18,
at 480 nm. 499-503.
3. Rimington, C. (1940)B&hem. J. 34,93l-940.
4. Roche, A. C., Barzilay, M., Midoux, P., Junqua, S.,
CONCLUDING REMARKS Sharon, N., and Monsigny, M. (1983) J. Cell. Bio-
The microplate assay, described in this pa- 5. Johansen, P. G., Marshall, R. D., and Neuberger, A.
per, has been used for several years in our lab- (1960) Biochem. J. 77,239-247.
oratory and has been found to be suitable to 6. Monsigny, M., Adam-Chosson, A., and Montreuil,
J. (1968) Bull Sot. Chim.Biol.50,857-886.
quantitatively determine the sugar content of 7. Jeanloz, R. W. (1972) in Glycoproteins (Gottschalk,
glycoproteins and neoglycoproteins and to A., Ed.), pp. 565-611, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
monitor the sugar content of effluents of 8. Monsigny, M., Roche, A. C., and Midoux, P. (1984)
chromatography columns as well as of high- Biol.Ceil.51, 187-196.

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