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Lucille Andrea P.




1. Danielle is a student leader who is assigned by the Director of Student Affairs to encourage the student
body to actively participate in the extra-curricular activities. She prepares a PowerPoint presentation and
meets the students through MS Teams meeting. At the meeting, she presents the benefits of participating
in the extra-curricular activities and invites them to volunteer or join a campus organization. During the
meeting, some students asked for the list of the campus organizations and the steps to join an
organization. Danielle directs them to the university website containing the campus organizations and
details about these organizations.

Answer: In this scenario, Danielle is the sender. The message is her thoughts in presenting the
benefits of participating in the extra-curricular activities and to invite them to volunteer or join a
campus organization. The encoding is when she already said the benefits of participating in the
extra-curricular activities and invited the students to volunteer or join a campus organization. The
channel is MS Teams meeting, where they meet virtually. The receivers are the students. The
decoding is when the students thought about the different campus organizations and the steps on
how to join. The feedback is when they already asked Danielle for the list of the campus
organizations and the steps to join an organization. The context is their devices’ microphone.

2. You are a manager at a local fast food restaurant. A customer recently contacted you via email to tell
you that they found a piece of plastic in a hamburger. They are not happy about it and are threatening to
sue. Through an email, you apologize to the customer and offers a free meal in your restaurant.

Answer: The sender here is the customer. The message is when they want to complain and sue the
restaurant after they found a piece of plastic in their hamburger. The encoding is when they
contacted me, the manager, and told me that they found a piece of plastic in a hamburger and
threatened me to sue the restaurant. The channel is via email. The receiver is me, the manager.
The decoding is when I thought about apologizing and offering them a free meal. The feedback is
when I emailed them to apologize and offered them a free meal. The context is writing through

3. A radio announcer announces the cancellation of classes because of a typhoon. In a few minutes, a
school principal who hears the news through a radio in her car sends a text message to the announcer to
confirm the news.

Answer: The sender is the radio announcer. The message is he/she needs to announce the
cancellation of classes. The encoding is when he/she announced in the radio that classes will be
cancelled because of the typhoon. The channel is radio. The receiver is the principal. The decoding
is when she felt the need to confirm what he/she heard in the radio. The feedback is when she sent
a text message to the announcer to confirm the news. The context is text messaging.
EXERCISE 2. Classify the model of communication being illustrated in the following scenarios.

1. A journalist writes a news article that is published in a newspaper.

Answer: Transmission Model.

2. In a televised press conference, the Secretary of the Department of Health reminds the public to strictly
implement the health protocols because of the increasing number of Delta variant victims.

Answer: Transaction Model.

3. John and his classmate are arguing about an assignment over the telephone.

Answer: Interaction Model.

4. A webinar organizer sends an invitation to a teacher via email. The email asks for an immediate response as
the slots are limited. The next day, the teacher responds and confirms her attendance.

Answer: Transaction Model

5. A disc jockey in the radio studio requests for donations for the fire victims and advises the listeners to send
their donation to an organization.

Answer: Transmission Model

6. A class of 40 are attending a virtual class where the teacher gives a lecture, invites questions from students,
and answers the students’ questions.

Answer: Interaction Model

7. A researcher interviews a group of students about their experiences with online learning. She raises a
question which the students answer.

Answer: Transaction Model

8. A teenager writes a message on the sand in a beach.

Answer: Transmission Model

9. A writer sends her message about the society through a novel.

Answer: Transmission Model

10. A vlog that is pre-recorded and is published the day after the taping and a subscriber reacted the following

Answer: Interaction Model

EXERCISE 3. Tell what kind of barrier exists in the following scenario.

1. Hearing problems

Answer: Physical Barrier

2. Use of clichés

Answer: Verbal Barrier

3. Very hot room temperature

Answer: Physical Barrier

4. Use of colloquial words

Answer: Cultural Barrier

5. Anger of the listener against the speaker

Answer: Psychological Barrier

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