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School Vicente Grade Level Senior High School

LESSON Malapitan SHS

Teacher Ferdinand Pagaran Learning Area ICT
Teaching Date Feb. 20-24, 2023 Quarter 3rd
Teaching Time 3-4 PM No. of Days 5

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
A. Define Digital Citizenship.

B. Know the different elements of Digital Citizenship.

C. Appreciate the benefits of Digital Citizenship.

A. Content Standards Understanding the nature of being Digital Citizen
- how digital world affect our daily life
- how digital has developed
- how it has changed the way society is organized today, and
- how we must avoid mistake in digital world
B. Performance Understanding the ICT environment, including its numerous tools
Standards and applications, safe ICT use, and ICT's ethical and legal
C. Most Pre-test Defining the Evaluating Post-Test: Activity/
Essential 9 elements and put into Take
Introduction to of Digital practice the Home
es (MELC) Digital World: Citizenship tips and Activity
(If available, write the
indicated MELC) - history knowing also
- what is digital the
citizenship importance
- examples of of digital
digital citizenship


Digital citizenship has evolved from the early
years in the 1990s. The term started appearing then as
more technology came into classrooms. In the early
days, digital citizenship was focused on access to
technology and the hard skills, digital literacy, to use
that technology.

Another focus of digital citizenship in the early

stages was on the word “citizen.” There were
conversations by academics and policymakers who
decided that to be a full participating citizen in your
community you needed access to the Internet and
technology. In the 2007 book Digital Citizenship: The
Internet, Society, and Participation the term was
described as “the ability to participate in society online.”

What is Digital Citizenship

refers to the capacity to interact positively, critically, and
competently in the digital world, utilizing good communication
and production abilities to engage in forms of social involvement
that respect human rights and dignity through the responsible use
of technology. A person who has the knowledge and abilities to
effectively utilize digital technology to connect with others,
engage in society, and produce and consume digital material is
referred to as a digital citizen.

Digital citizenship is a term used to define the appropriate

and responsible use of technology among users. Three principles
were developed by Mark Ribble to teach digital users how to
responsibly use technology to become a digital citizen: respect,
educate, and protect. Each principle contains three of the nine
elements of digital citizenship.
1. Respect: the elements of etiquette, access, and law
are used to respect other digital users.
2. Educate: the elements of literacy, communication,
and commerce are used to learn about the appropriate use of the
digital world.
3. Protect: the elements of rights and
responsibilities, security, and health and wellness are used to
remain safe in the digital and non-digital world

A few examples of digital citizenship include:

➢ Learning to type, use a mouse, and other computer skills

➢ Avoiding harassment or hateful speech while conversing
with others online
➢ Encouraging yourself and others not to illegally download
content or otherwise disrespect digital property.

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

- Digital access
- Digital etiquette
- Digital commerce
- Digital rights and responsibilities
- Digital literacy
- Digital law
- Digital communication
- Digital health and wellness
- Digital security and Privacy

Digital Access
The capacity to communicate with others or obtain information
via technology is referred to as digital access.

Digital Etiquette
Digital etiquette is just what it sounds like: treating other Internet
users with respect and avoiding inappropriate behavior.

Digital Commerce
Digital commerce refers to buying and selling electronics

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Digital rights and responsibilities refer to the privileges that all
students have while using the Internet, like freedom of speech. It also
includes a student's responsibility to ensure that these rights are available
to all users by treating them equally and protecting their privacy.

Digital Literacy
The definition of digital literacy is the ability to learn
how to use technology and access information online.

Digital Law
Digital law encompasses the rules or guidelines set within
an organization for using the Internet.

Digital Communication
The options that students have for communicating online
are greater than ever. Text, email, social media, and online
games are all ways that children might digitally interact with

Digital Health and Wellness

This element of digital citizenship involves teaching
students how to protect their psychological and physical well-
being while using the Internet.

Why Digital Citizenship is important in Education?

Digital Citizenship Education (DCE) is necessary to assist students

obtain and comprehend digital literacy, as well as to assure online
safety, cybersecurity, digital responsibility, and digital health and well-
being. In a virtual context, teaching digital citizenship ensures that
students are effectively exercising respect and responsibility for
themselves and others. Digital citizenship enables children and
adolescents to engage in the world of digital technology and social
networking sites in a safe, critical, effective, and responsible manner.

Digital Citizenship for Student

For children, digital citizenship entails educating them how to be
responsible stewards of the digital environment. Probably the most
important thing is to educate them how to defend themselves. This
entails demonstrating the distinction between their personal and
professional lives. Teach them how to publish a suitable photo. How to
reply to an upset buddy, and it's probably not by blogging about it on
social media. It's not necessary for everything that occurs to them to be
shared online, so educating children what should and shouldn't be shared
is quite useful.

Digital Citizenship for Teacher

Instructors' digital citizenship begins with the teachers
themselves. They must be taught about digital citizenship, including
what it is, why it is essential, and how to discuss it with kids and parents.
Professional development on digital citizenship is a wonderful place to
start to ensure that all employees are aware about the issue.

6 Way to be A good digital citizen

1. Leave a positive digital footprint.

2. Know the (other) golden rule.
3. Always be nice (and encourage others to be nice, too).
4. Avoid suggestive material.
5. Beware of stranger danger.
6. Don’t steal.

A short video:

Additional Information:
Daily instruction on how to engage effectively with technology
can be implemented by teachers. These lectures might be easy and don't
have to take up a lot of time in class. The first approach is to include
more technology into the classroom so that kids are forced to interact
with it. This would necessitate the use of a learning management system
(LMS). A learning management system (LMS) may be used to provide
an environment where students can practice a variety of digital skills.
Perhaps they might start a blog where they can learn about good web
information as well as writing abilities. They may send each other
emails. They may upload images or make an album. An LMS is a great
tool to have in classrooms to help students learn about technology and
practice digital citizenship. Gamification may be an effective tool for
teaching digital citizenship. Minecraft is a popular video game among
people of all ages, even adults.

While an LMS and gamification are great tools, there are just
basic skills that students need to know.

- How to create and save strong passwords

- How to address cyberbullying
- How to determine if a website is safe to visit
- How to protect from identity theft
- How to use a search engine most effectively
- How to avoid plagiarism


A. References
a. https://www.schoology.com/blog/digital-citizenship-
b. https://www.noodle.com/articles/6-rules-for-raising-good-
c. https://www.pghschools.org/digitalcitizenship
d. https://www.scientificworldinfo.com/2020/03/what-is-
e. https://www.waterford.org/education/digital-citizenship-
f. https://www.coe.int/en/web/digital-citizenship-education
g. https://respons-ability.net/definition-digital-citizenship/
h. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDX0j_rRMJE
i. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_citizen

e. Teacher’s Guide
f. Learner’s Material
g. Textbook Pages
h. Additional
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and

E. Introduction
Motivation: Quick Present a Making a 1-30 test Draw a
Sharing about picture Poster art About different
their experience about being shown the this perspective
in using different digitized importance context between in
social media of knowing a
platform that you are traditional
a digital and digital
citizen way of
technology the impact different topic types of
and society of communicat communic
technology ion ati on
to our daily technology technology
life. we use and explain
why you
F. Development Students’ Show a Explaining Overall Activities
Knowledge about video that different lesson
Science, explains the types of evaluati
Technology, and impact of communicat on
society. technology ion
our society.
G. Engagement Make a Make a Give 5 Knowledg Explanatio
reflection on diagram Example e about n and
what you learn that shows explaining all the deadline of
about science, the impact communica lessons we our activity
technology, and of tion have this
society. technology technology whole
on week
H. Assimilation Answer 1: What Answer 1: Answer 1: Answer 1: Answer 1:
are the Do you How have How have What are
advantages of think technologic technologi your
Technology? modern al advances ca l takeaway
technolog affected our advances s from the
Answer 2: What y reduces life? affected lessons we
are the or communic covered
disadvantages of increases at ion/ this week?
technology? stress? how we
Why? receive
news/ the
I understand that

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