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According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization

(UNWTO), tourism entails the movement of people to countries or places
outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional
purposes. These people are called visitors.

Definition of Tourism-The tourism industry encompasses all activity that

takes place within the visitor economy. This includes activities that are
directly related to the tourist, such as staying in a hotel, ordering a meal or
visiting a tourist attraction.

What is the meaning and importance of tourism?

Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs,
develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural
exchange between foreigners and citizens. The number of jobs created by
tourism in many different areas is significant.

Objectives of tourism are:

 To foster better knowledge of various cultures.

 To improve the local population's quality of life.
 To provide both community and tourist-oriented facilities.
 To instill pride in one's traditional culture and identity.

What are the Different Types of Tourism?

 Domestic tourism.
 International tourism.
 Outbound tourism.
 Business tourism.
 Adventure tourism.
 Wildlife tourism.
History of Travel and Tourism

Travel is as old as mankind on the earth. The man at the beginning of his
existence roamed about the surface of the earth in the search of food,
shelter, securities, and better habitat. However, in course of time, such
movements were transformed into wanderlust.

About five thousand year ago, changes in climate, dwindling food and
shelter conditions hostile invaders made the people leave their homes to
seek refuge elsewhere like the Aryans left their homes in Central Asia due
to climate changes. Perhaps, this leads to the development of commerce,
trade, and industry.

During Hindu and Chinese civilization a movement of religion, education

and culture began. Christian missionaries, Buddhist monks and other
traveled far and wide carrying religious messages and returned with
fantastic images and opinions about alien people.

For centuries movement of people continued to grow due to the efficiency

of transport and the assistance and safety which the people could travel.
By the end of the 15th century, Italy had become the intellectual and
cultural center of Europe. It represented the classical heritage both for the
intelligentsia and the aristocracy.

During the 16th Century, travel comes to be considered as an essential

part of the education of every young Englishman. Travel thus became a
mean of self – development, and education in its broadest sense. The
educational travel was known as ‘Grand Tour‘.
The industrial revolution brought about significant changes in the pattern
and structure of British society. Thus, the economy of Britain was greatly
responsible for the beginning of modern tourism. It also created a large and
prosperous middle class and because of great improvement in
transportation systems in latter half of the 18th century and the first quarter
of the 19th century, an increasing number of people began to travel for

Travel was originally inspired by the need for surviving (food, shelter, and
security), the desire to expand trade and quest to conquer. As the
transportation system improved the curiosity for transforming the vast and
virgin world into a close neighborhood created a new industry i.e. Travel
and Tourism.

However, the developments of rails, roads, steamships, automobiles, and

airplanes helped to spread technology across the globe. Earlier travel was
a privilege only for wealthy people but with the industrial revolution, the
scenario altogether changed. Transportation, as well as accommodation,
became affordable to middle and working-class citizens.

Essentially, with the development of jet travel, communication, new

technology, tourism, and travel became the world’s largest and fastest-
growing industry.

Travel and tourism, recently have emerged as a dominant economic force

on the global scene accounting for more than 12% of total world trade and
growing at the rate of 8 percent annuals.
Components of tourism Industry:-
What are the 6 components of the tourism industry?

1. Tourist boards,
2. Travel services,
3. Accommodation services,
4. Conferences and events,
5. Attractions and
6. Tourism services.

Types & forms of Tourism

What are the 4 types of tourism?

There are various types of tourism that you must have heard of: Leisure,
business, sports, adventure and more.

4 new types of tourism

 Sustainable tourism.
 Food tourism.
 Experiential tourism.
 Wellness tourism

What is inbound and outbound tourist?

Inbound tourism means visits to a country by visitors who are not residents
of that country. Outbound tourism means visits by residents of a country
outside that country.

Intra-Regional and Inter-Regional Tourism:

Practically, international tourism is known as intra-regional tourism,
because the tourist traffic flows to and from countries within the same
region of the globe, forms an important component of international tourism .

What is domestic tourism?

Domestic tourism comprises the activities of residents of a given country
travelling to and staying in places inside their residential country, but
outside their usual environment for not more than 12 consecutive months
for leisure, business or other purposes.

What is an example of domestic tourism?

At its highest level, domestic tourism involves residents of a country

traveling within that same country. Road trips, weekend getaways, and
vacations are all great examples. One of the biggest advantages of
domestic tourism is that it includes local travel, which means easier and
cheaper commuting.

States and Capitals of India

Many people don't know about the total number of States / Union
Territories in India and their capitals. In this article, we are giving you the
latest update on the States and Capitals of India. There are a total of 28
states and 8 union territories in India at present. Each state of India has an
administrative, legislative and judicial capital some state all three functions
are conducted in one capital. Every state is ruled by a Chief Minister. Here
we have covered the list of the Indian States, Union Territories, and their

Indian States and Capitals

India has a total of 28 states and 8 union territories. The 28 Indian States
and their capitals are as follows.

The Indian States and their Capitals

State Name Capital

Andhra Pradesh Amaravati

Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar

Assam Dispur

Bihar Patna

Chhattisgarh Raipur

Goa Panaji

Gujarat Gandhinagar

Haryana Chandigarh

Himachal Pradesh Shimla

Jharkhand Ranchi

Karnataka Bengaluru

Kerala Thiruvananthapuram

Madhya Pradesh Bhopal

Maharashtra Mumbai

Manipur Imphal
Meghalaya Shillong

Mizoram Aizawl

Nagaland Kohima

Odisha Bhubaneswar

Punjab Chandigarh

Rajasthan Jaipur

Sikkim Gangtok

Tamil Nadu Chennai

Telangana Hyderabad

Tripura Agartala

Uttar Pradesh Lucknow

Uttarakhand Dehradun (Winter)

Gairsain (Summer)

West Bengal Kolkata


What is international tourism and example?

International tourism is tourism that crosses national borders. Globalization

has made tourism a popular global leisure activity.

Who is the international tourist?

A person who travels to a country other than that in which he resides for a
period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose of visit is for
business and/or leisure and is not remunerated from within the country
visited, and who stays at least one night in in the country visited.

Why is international tourism important?

International tourism is hugely important. There are a number of key
reasons for this that I will outline below.
Value to the economy
International tourism can help economies to bring in money in a number of
different ways.

Foreign exchange earnings

The importance of international tourism is demonstrated through foreign
exchange earnings. Tourism expenditures generate income to the host
economy. The money that the country makes from tourism can then be
reinvested in the economy.
How a destination manages their finances differs around the world;
Some destinations may spend this money on growing their tourism industry
further, some may spend this money on public services such as education
or healthcare and some destinations suffer extreme corruption so nobody
really knows where the money ends up!
Some currencies are worth more than others and so some countries will
target tourists from particular areas.
Currencies that are strong are generally the most desirable currencies. This
typically includes the British Pound, American, Australian and Singapore
Dollar and the Euro. 

Tourism is one of the top five export categories for as many as 83% of
countries and is a main source of foreign exchange earnings for at least
38% of countries contribution to government revenues.

The importance of international tourism is also demonstrated through the

money that is raised and contributed to government revenues. Tourism can
help to raise money that it then invested elsewhere by the Government.
There are two main ways that this money is accumulated. 

Direct contributions are generated by taxes on incomes from tourism

employment and tourism businesses and things such as departure taxes. 
According to the World Tourism Organization, the direct contribution of
Travel & Tourism to GDP in 2018 was $2,750.7billion (3.2% of GDP). This
is forecast to rise by 3.6% to $2,849.2billion in 2019.

Indirect contributions come from goods and services supplied to tourists

which are not directly related to the tourism industry. 
There is also the income that is generated through induced contributions.
This accounts for money spent by the people who are employed in the
tourism industry.

This might include costs for housing, food, clothing and leisure Activities
amongst others. This will all contribute to an increase in economic activity
in the area where tourism is being developed. 

Employment generation
The importance of international tourism can be demonstrated through
employment generation. The rapid expansion of international tourism has
led to significant employment creation. From hotel managers to theme park
operatives to cleaners, tourism creates many employment opportunities.
Tourism supports some 7% of the world’s workers. There are two types of
employment in the tourism industry: direct and indirect. 
Direct employment includes jobs that are immediately associated with the
tourism industry. This might include hotel staff, restaurant staff or taxi
drivers, to name a few. Indirect employment includes jobs which are not
technically based in the tourism industry, but are related to the tourism

It is because of these indirect relationships, that it is very difficult to

accurately measure the precise economic value of tourism, and some
suggest that the actual economic benefits of tourism may be as high as
double that of the recorded figures Contribution to local economies
The importance of international tourism can be further seen through the
contributions to local economies.

The entire money rose, whether through formal or informal means, has the
potential to contribute to the local economy.

If sustainable tourism is demonstrated, money will be directed to areas that

will benefit the local community most. There may be pro-poor tourism
initiatives (tourism which is intended to help the poor) or volunteer tourism
projects. The government may reinvest money towards public services and
money earned by tourism employees will be spent in the local community.
This is known as the multiplier effect.

Overall economy boost

International tourism boosts the economy exponentially.

This is partly because of the aforementioned jobs that tourism creates, but
also because of the temporary addition to the consumer population that
occurs when someone travels to a new place.
Just think: when you travel, you’re spending money. You’re paying to stay
in a hotel or hostel in a certain area – then you’re eating in local
restaurants, using local public transport, buying souvenirs and ice cream
and new flip flops. As a tourist, you are contributing to the global economy
every time you book and take a trip.
For some towns, cities and even whole countries, the importance of
international tourism is greater than for others. In some cases, it is the main
source of income.

Value to society
The importance of international tourism is not only recognized through
economic factors, but there are also many positive social impacts of
tourism that play an important part. Below I will outline some of the social
gains from tourism.

Commercialization of Culture and Art

International tourism can see rise to much commercial business, which can
be a positive social impact of tourism. This helps to enhance the
community spirit as people tend to have more disposable income as a

These businesses may also promote the local cultures and arts. Museums,
shows and galleries are fantastic way to showcase the local customs and
traditions of a destination. This can help to promote/ preserve local



What is tourism management?

Tourism management is a multidisciplinary field that includes all activities

related to the tourism and hospitality industries. It prepares candidates with
the experience and training required to hold managerial positions in food,
accommodation and tourism industry.

What is the importance of tourism management?

The travel and tourism industry ensures the ongoing promotion and
preservation of cultural heritage, and supports the economic survival of
otherwise under-resourced communities.

What does a tourism management student do?

It encompasses technical, practical, and professional learning and

application of skills with respect to specific areas such as travel agency
management, tour arranging and planning, travel industry operations and
procedures, tourism marketing and promotion strategies, travel counseling,
travel industry law.

What Jobs Can You Get with a Tourism Management course?

 Front desk clerk/receptionist.

 Events manager.
 Hotel or resort manager.
 Housekeeper.
 Tour operator.
 Tourism marketing manager.
 Travel agency manager.
 Tourist Information Centre manager.

What Does A Tourism Management Job Involve?

The duties associated with a tourism management job vary greatly from
one business to another. In general, the main responsibilities are focuses

 Monitoring accounts and managing budgets

 Overseeing the day-to-day functions of businesses
 Managing staff
 Interviewing and training new staff
 Promoting tourism
 Ensuring customer satisfaction
 Maximizing business revenue
 Taking part in financial planning
 Dealing with customer complaints or queries
 Marketing the business for the purpose of attracting tourists
 Keeping up-to-date with the emerging industry trends through
attending seminars or doing online research
 Seeking ways to improve the company’s tourism-related activities

Tourism Industry: An Overview of All Sectors

The importance of tourism for every country in the world arises from the
various benefits it offers to the host country. After all, tourism contributes to
the country’s economic growth and development by bringing valuable
benefits to the locals as well as to businesses. It also helps create an
attractive image of the country’s identity and value. There is certainly no
denying that the tourism industry goes far beyond the attractive
destinations and the economic growth factor. 

Tourism Trends: Opportunities for the Tourism Industry

As tourism continues to evolve at a rapid pace, modern business travellers

are relying more on technology to stay connected on their trips. In order for
the business to remain relevant in this ever-changing sector, it is important
to stay on top of the latest trends. From online booking portals to social
media sites that engage with guests, the travel and tourism industry can
use endless resources to their benefit to keep up with these trends. In the
article ‘Tourism Trends: Opportunities for The Tourism Industry’, you will
get important insight into the latest tourism trends that can help your

Tourism Marketing

A powerful marketing strategy is crucial in any industry, and the tourism

industry is no different. With new tourism-related businesses being
launched everywhere; more companies are now becoming involved in the
tourism industry than ever before. Tourism is one of the fastest-growing
industries that help boost economies. As more destinations are attracting
travellers, it’s no wonder that the industry has become so competitive. This
is precisely the reason why it’s important to ensure that your tourism
marketing strategy is in tip-top condition. In the article, ‘Tourism Marketing’
learns about the upcoming marketing trends that define the tourism

What are the different types of tourism marketing?

And when it comes to tourism, travelling is one of the most popular
activities. The Age of Information has allowed digital marketing to provide
various kinds of travel information to everyone.
Different Methods of Marketing in the Tourism Industry
 Digital Marketing.
 Social Media Marketing.
 Email Marketing.

What are the 7 Ps of tourism marketing?

The finding of this study (Regression analysis) indicates that the product,
price, place, promotion, people, process, physical evidence has significant
effect on tourist's satisfaction.

What are the features of tourism marketing?

 Features Of Tourism Market

 Tourism is an intangible product.

 Ownership of tourist product is non-transferable.

 Production and consumption are closely interrelated.

 Tourism is an assembled product.

 Tourism product does not move.

 The demand of tourism product is very unstable.

 Wide coverage.

 A luxurious concept.



What are travel agency and tour operations?

The tour operator is responsible for creating and maintaining tour packages
for customers. Management of tour packages includes preparing activities
that appeal to the specific travelers embarking on the trip.

What is difference between travel agency and tour operator?

Differences: Travel agents usually sell packages, they have bought from
various tour operators. Tour operators look into all the aspects of a
vacation, they plan almost each and everything. While, travel agents sell
packages to their clients on the basis of where do their clients actually want
to go.

What are the different types of tour operations?

There are five main categories of tour operators that you could fall into:
inbound tour operators,

 Outbound tour operators,

 Domestic tour operators,
 Receptive tour operators,
 And ground tour operators

What are the functions of tour operators and travel agents?

In this chapter we will discuss the major functions of travel agencies and
tour operators such as marketing and publicity, booking of tickets, itinerary
preparation, designing of tour packages, processing of travel documents,
travel insurance, travel research, conducting tours etc.

What are the different types of travel agents that tour operators can
work with?

 Independent travel agents.

 Online travel agents.
 Visitor information centers.
 Hotel and concierge services.
 Inbound tour operators.
 Global distribution systems.

What is the main function of travel agency?

Travel agents help their clients make travel plans. In addition to booking
reservations, they assist customers in choosing their destination,
transportation, and lodging and inform travellers of passport and visa
requirements, rates of currency exchange, and import duties.

What are the 6 areas of service in travel management agencies

1) Travel Management. This would be the core function and the one which
agencies engaged in organizing business travel have always performed.

2) Passenger assistance.

3) Consulting.

4) Marketing and internal communication.

5) Technology.

6) Leisure Services.

What services do travel agencies provide?

Travel agents offer advice on destinations and make arrangements for

transportation, hotel accommodations, car rentals, and tours for their
clients. In addition, resorts and specialty travel groups use travel agents to
promote travel packages to their clients.

What is the role of tourist guide?

Tour guides, or tourist guides, are members of the hospitality and travel
industry who show visitors around places of interest. Tour guides may lead
groups or individuals through historical sites, museums, geographic
destinations and on outdoor excursions.

Functions of the Tour Guide

 Reception of national and foreign visitors.

 Accompaniment of tourists.
 Budget management of tour expenses.
 Supervision of the transport unit.
 Preparation of reports or tour reports.
 Provide the receiving public with truthful, objective, and clear

Historic Structure and Monuments of Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu has a very rich history and several monuments from ancient
time along with largest collection of heritage buildings in India. Some of the
most famous historic buildings and national monuments of state also
includes Vivekananda House,Madras War Cemetery, Kamarajar Mani
Mantapa Monument,Freemasons Hall Chennai,Sittanavasal Cave,Kamaraj
Memorial House and Thanjavur Palace.

Brihadeeswarar Temple

The Brihadeshwara Temple is one of the most ancient temples, situated in

the city of Thanjavur and one of the most famous temples in India. The
temple has the tallest temple tower in the world and It is one of the largest
temples in India.

Meenakshi Amman Temple

Meenakshi Amman Temple is a historic Hindu temple dedicated to Parvati

and the most prominent landmark and most visited tourist attraction in the
city of Madurai. Meenakshi temple was on the list of top 30 nominees for
the New Seven Wonders of the World.

Victory War Memorial

Victory War Memorial is situated on the Beach Road, erected in the

memory of Madras Presidency who lost their lives in the wars. The circular
rock and marble structure is one of the seven magnificent memorial
structures of Tamil Nadu.

Varaha Cave Temple

Varaha Cave Temple has the beautiful rock-cuts of Lord Vishnu and his
incarnation, located at Mamallapuram. The temple is most prominent
sculpture in the caves and one of the finest testimonials to the ancient

Thirumalai Nayakkar Mahal


Thirumalai Nayakkar Mahal or Palace is a classic fusion of Dravidian and

Rajput styles, located in the city of Madurai. Tirumalai Nayak Palace is
considered to be one of the wonders of the South India and declared as a
national monument.

Ripon Building

The Ripon Building is a fine structure in the Indo-Saracen styled

architecture, located near the Chennai Central railway station. It is one of
the first heritages building in the country and most famous monuments of
Tamil Nadu.

Yanaimalai Elephant Hill

Yanaimalai or Elephant Hill is a protected monument and tourist attraction

in Tamil Nadu. The Laden temple has been declared a protected
monument by the Archaeological Survey of India.

Tiruchirapalli Rock Fort

Tiruchirappalli Rockfort is one of the most prominent historical monuments

in Tiruchirappalli,built on an ancient rock. This historic fortification and
complex is also famous for Rockfort Ucchi Pillayar Temple, dedicated to
Lord Ganesh.

Descent of the Ganges

Descent of the Ganges is one of the famous monuments at Mahabalipuram

and part of the Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram. The descent of the
Ganges is portrayed in stone at the Pallava heritage site in the
Kancheepuram district.

Tourist guides play an important role in guiding people in giving a lot of

historical information about these temples, palaces and monuments.

International tourist places one must visit

Most Beautiful Places on Earth

 Great Barrier Reef, Australia.

 Lake Baikal, Russia.
 Namib Desert, Namibia.
 Napali Coast, Hawaii.
 Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia.
 Serengeti National Park, Tanzania.
 Victoria Falls, Zambia & Zimbabwe.
 Zakynthos, Greece.

What are the top 10 amazing places?

 The Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Scotland.

 Grand Canyon National Park, USA.
 Huacachina, Peru.
 Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia.
 Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia.
 Milford Sound, New Zealand.
 Rainbow Mountains, Zhangye Danxia, China.
 Machu Picchu, Peru. Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu

Eiffel Tower

7 wonder of the world




What is tourism planning?

Tourism planning refers to the overall process of deploying the

development goals and the implementation of a comprehensive
tourism system. In some places, tourism plans contain a set of legal
norms, and in others, they are frameworks that may contain legal
elements such as zoning.

What are the different types of tourism planning?

Tourism planning takes place at all levels in the hierarchy of de-

velopmental planning-interna- tional, national, and regional; land use
planning of resorts and other tourism development areas; site
planning of tourist facilities; archi- tectural, landscaping, and engi -
neering design.

What are basic concepts in tourism planning and development?

Tourism planning is the process of

(1) Gathering and evaluating information to identify and prioritize the
current tourism development issues,
(2) Imagining a desired future state of tourism in the destination, and
(3) choosing from a number of alternatives for achieving them.
What are the types of tourism resources?

In addition to the basic types of natural tourism resources

(geomorphologic, climate, hydrographic, bio-geographical, protected
natural heritage), there are also many sub-types. Anthropogenic
(atrophic) tourism resources are human creations, the features of
which attract tourists.

What is tourism promotion?

Tourism promotion means trying to encourage the actual and

potential customers to travel a destination through the spreading of
information. Promotion is one of the most effective marketing mix
elements used in marketing a tourist product.

Why we should promote tourism?

Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of

jobs, develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of
cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens. The number of
jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant.

How do you promote tourism examples?

There is a lot that goes into promoting a destination – and most of it is
behind the scenes.
 Websites. Every local and regional tourism office has a website.
 Guides.
 Press releases.
 Blogs.
 Social Media.
 Large Activations.
 Commercials.
 Update them constantly.

Promoters of tourism

1. Tour operators
2. Travel Agencies
3. Commission caps
4. Travel Corporations
5. Corporate travel Managers
6. Travel and tour wholesalers
7. Certified travel counselor (CTC)
8. National offices of tourism (NOT)
9. Destination Management Companies (DMCs)

Why people Travel?

 To Visit Family. Some family members move to another country.

 To Spend Time With friends. A Gap Year or world trip can be
described as the best time of your life.
 To Find Better Weather!
 To Discover New Cultures.
 To Find Themselves.
 To Find Love.
 Wanderlust.
 You Won the Lottery.
 For Business
 To see grandchildren
 For Job

Social and cultural Impact of Tourism

Social and cultural impacts of tourism are the ways in which tourism is
contributing to changes in value systems, individual behavior, family
relationships, collective life styles, moral conduct, creative e expressions,
traditional ceremonies and community organization.

What is social and cultural impact?

'Social impacts' is the term which describes the changes in the quality of
life of the local residents of tourism destinations with interactions between
tourists and the local residents lying at its heart. Changes that affect
individuals' surroundings (architecture, arts, customs, rituals etc.)

What is the cultural impact of tourism?

Most of the common positive impacts of tourism on culture include

increasing cross cultural interaction; understanding, maintaining and
keeping local culture, arts, crafts and traditions; empowering host
communities; and strengthening cultural values.

What are the economic and socio cultural impacts of tourism?

The economic effects of tourism include improved tax revenue and

personal income, increased standards of living, and more employment
opportunities. Sociocultural impacts are associated with interactions
between people with differing cultural backgrounds, attitudes and
behaviors, and relationships to material goods.

Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism

What is the difference between tourism and ecotourism?

The key difference between tourism and ecotourism lies in these
involvements with nature; tourism is not much concerned about the well-
being of local people and conservation of nature, but ecotourism tries to
create a minimal impact on the people and on the environment.

How can ecotourism give sustainable development to our country?

Ecotourism helps in environmental protection, wildlife conservation, poverty

alleviation and socio-economic development. It affects environmental,
social and economic components of the community and the whole country.
It has different forms which are named according to the preference of the

Cultural, Heritage and Nature Tourism

What is the meaning of culture heritage and tourism?

Put another way, the National Trust for Historic Preservation defines
cultural heritage tourism as “travel to experience the places, artifacts and
activities that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and
present, including cultural historic and natural resources.”

What is the difference between cultural tourism and heritage tourism?

The major difference between cultural tourism and heritage tourism lies in
its location. In particular, cultural tourism is focused mostly in urban areas
whereas heritage tourism is located predominantly in rural areas. The
current process affecting this field explains the urban character of cultural

What are the types of cultural heritage and tourism?

These include various forms of alternative or sustainable tourism such as
'nature-based tourism', 'ecotourism' and 'cultural tourism'. Sustainable
tourism is becoming so popular that some say that what we presently call
'alternative' will be the 'mainstream' in a decade.



Airline and airport management is the administration of airports and

airlines. It includes the activities of setting the strategy of airports to gather
and provide information on airline commercial and operational priorities. It
covers a broad overview of the airline management.

What does an airline manager do?

An airline manager is responsible for discussing with the Airline personnel

who oversees design certification, installation, test and turn up,
maintenance of equipment and other activities involved in the airline's
Maintenance Department.

Does aviation management have a future?

Indian aviation industry guarantees tremendous development potential and

proffers a bright career. If you realize your potential, you will definitely take
off high in this field!

What jobs are available for aviation management?

 Airline manager.
 Air traffic controller.
 Airfield operator.
 Airport Operations Coordinator.
 Airport Operations Manager.
 Airport Operations Officer.
 Airport Operations Specialist.
 Airport security manager.

Is Airport Management a good career?

Aviation management can be a robust career to get started in, because you
will need significant industry experience and the right skills, qualities and
knowledge. Fortunately, obtaining a relevant degree can significantly boost
your prospects.

Trends in tourism and travel

What are the trends in the travel industry?

There are a variety of tourism trends that are based on more general
changes in consumer behavior, like the need for healthy and organic food
& drinks, sustainability, personalized service the rising demand for
digitalization and the use of technology.

What are the recent trends in tourism?

New Trends in Tourism

 Polar Tourism. Arctic and Antarctic polar regions have always

attracted tourists.
 Space Tourism. It includes orbital and suborbital rocket flights into the
 Luxury Tourism.
 Culinary Tourism.

What are the major trends that drive the growth of tourism and hospitality

Three key technology trends affecting tourism and hospitality today and
into the foreseeable future are mobile technology, smart tourism, and
immersive technology.

These trends are expanding the horizon of the tourism industry in India and
generating newer avenues for revenue creation.

 Short weekend getaways.

 Solo trips.
 Travel blogging.
 Budget travel.
 Offbeat destinations.
 Wellness tourism of India.



What is the scope of travel & tourism management?

They look after all the tourism-related interests of a particular country.

Travel and tourism students have a great scope of being absorbed in the
Tourism department. Apart from higher officials and ministerial positions,
they can also work as tour guides, Public Relations Manager, and Sales
and Marketing staff.

Is tourism and travel management a good career?

Yes, a career in travel and tourism is not only adventurous but also
lucrative. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world with an
increasing turnover and career opportunities that the world becomes more

What is the salary of travel tourism?

The average salary for a travel consultant is about INR 3, 05,000 and can
increase to about INR 5, 80,000 per year. Tourists usually have umpteen
questions about the places they're visiting.

How do I start a career in travel and tourism?

There are a number of short courses you can do that will get you into the
travel and tourism industry. You can do a diploma course specialized in
various fields such as aviation, hotel management, etc. You can also take
up an IATA foundation course, Entrepreneurship course and several

What job can you get from tourism?

1. Front desk clerk/receptionist.

2. Events manager.
3. Hotel or resort manager.
4. Housekeeper.
5. Tour operator.
6. Tourism marketing manager.
7. Travel agency manager.
8. Tourist Information Centre manager.

Front desk clerk/ receptionist

Front desk receptionists usually act as gatekeepers for an office. They

allow access to other employees, answer phones, transfer calls, schedule
appointments, answer questions, give directions and manage the flow of
traffic in the office. It is the front desk receptionist who greets anyone who
enters the building.

What is the job of an event manager?

Event managers plan and organize promotional, business and social

events. They're responsible for running a range of events, ensuring the
target audience is engaged and the message of the event is marketed
properly. Events play a huge part in the success of a brand or an

Resort Manager

What do you need to be a manager of a hotel?

You'll need:
 Customer service skills.
 The ability to use your initiative.
 Patience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations.
 To be thorough and pay attention to detail.
 To be flexible and open to change.
 Persistence and determination.
 The ability to motivate and manage staff.
 Business management skills.

Resort Manager Salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.9 Lakhs to ₹ 17.4

Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 6.5 Lakhs. Salary estimates are
based on 91 salaries received from Resort Managers.

Tour operator

Tour Operator salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.2 Lakhs to ₹ 8.4

Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 3.0 Lakhs. Salary estimates are
based on 70 salaries received from Tour Operators.

What is the important role of a travel agent and tour operator?

Travel agents and tour operators play a major role in boosting tourism
growth across the globe. They are today accepted as crucial component of
travel and tourism industry. They contribute to revenue generation through
travel trade operations by bringing together clients and suppliers.

How can I get a job in Ministry of Tourism in India?

Circular Inviting applications for filling up one post of DDG/RD in the scale
of pay level-12 in the pay Matrix(Rs. 78800-209200/-) as per 7th CPC in
the Ministry of tourism, govt. of India on deputation for a period not
exceeding four years.

How can I become a tourism officer?

Courses to Become Tourism Officers

Diploma in Tourism and Travel Management is a one-year long course for

candidates who have completed their class 12th.
Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management is a 3 year long
undergraduate course.
MBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management is a popular master's course
in the field.

Here are the top 10 careers in Tourism & Hospitality.

 1) Travel Agent. Travel Agents research, plan, and book trips for individuals
and groups.
 2) Hotel Manager.
 3) Spa Manager.
 4) Tour Operator.
 5) Event & Conference Organizer.
 6) Tour Guide.
 7) Executive Chef.
 8) Sommelier.

What are the types of tourism organizations?

There are three main types of travelled tourism organizations, which

are private, public and voluntary

Key hospitality organizations and association now.

 World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) ...

 The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) ...
 American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) ...
 American Culinary Federation. ...
 Multicultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance (MFHA) ...
 British Hospitality Association (BHA)



What are the duties and responsibilities of a travel agency?

Travel agent: job description

 Promoting and marketing the business.

 Dealing with customer queries and complaints.
 Providing advice about visas or passports.
 Recruiting, training and supervising staff.
 Managing budgets.
 Maintaining statistical and financial records.
 Planning.
 Selling holidays and insurance.

The 6 areas of service in travel management agencies

1) Travel Management. This would be the core function and the one which
agencies engaged in organizing business travel have always performed.

2) Passenger assistance.

3) Consulting.

4) Marketing and internal communication.

5) Technology.

6) Leisure Services.

Travel Consultant job description

Determining clients' needs and suggesting suitable travel packages.

Organizing travels from beginning to end, including tickets, accommodation

and transportation.

Supplying travelers with pertinent information and useful travel/holiday


Skills and Qualities Required for Travel Consultant

1. Excellent Communication Skills.

2. Should be Highly Organized in the Work You Do.
3. Having other Technical Skills.
4. Good Decision Making.
5. Ability to Listen.
6. Good Attention to Detail.
7. Good Persuading Skills.
8. Good Administration Skills.

How much does a travel advisor make?

The pay isn't necessarily exorbitant—the median income is $38,700 a year,

as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, but according to
Pindar, it can actually be much higher. “Agents make anywhere from $50K
to $100K on the low end and up to $250K to $500K annually.

What are the 10 sectors of the travel industry?

Included within this sector are services related to road, rail, air and sea

1. Airline Industry.
2. Car Rental.
3. Sea Transport.
4. Coach Services.
5. Railways.
6. Spacecraft.
7. Hotels.
8. Shared Accommodation.

What is the job in hotel industry?

Examples of hotel management career progression:

1. Front Office Supervisor

2. Rooms Division Manager
3. Assistant Director of Operations
4. General Manager.
5. Night Manager
6. Guest Relations Manager



Agent: Good afternoon! Where are you flying to today?

Dan: Los Angeles.

Agent: May I have your passport, please?

Dan: Here you go.

Agent: Are you checking any bags?

Dan: Just this one.

Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale.

Dan: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up my luggage


Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Here are your boarding
passes – your flight leaves from gate 15A and it’ll begin boarding at 3:20.
Your seat number is 26E.

Dan: Thanks.

Conversation Vocabulary and Phrases

Instead of “Where are you flying today? “the agent may ask “What’s your
final destination?” The answer will be the same!

You can say “Here you go “anytime you give something to somebody

To check your bags means to put them on the airplane inside the cargo
compartment. The small bag you take with you on the airplane is called a
carry-on. You need to put your carry-on bags through the X-ray machine at

The scale is the equipment that tells you the weight of your luggage (45
kilograms, for example)

A stopover or layover is when the airplane stops in a different city before

continuing to the final destination

If the agent says that your luggage will go straight through, it means it will
go directly to the final destination (and you don’t need to pick it up during
your stopover)

Boarding passes are the tickets that permit you to enter the airplane

When a plane begins boarding, it means that the passengers start to enter
the plane. Usually boarding time is 30-60 minutes before takeoff (when the
plane leaves)

Conversation 2 – Going Through Security

There are two pieces of equipment in security: you put your bags through
the X-ray machine, and you walk through the metal detector. Some airports
also use a body scanner for a more careful check.

The X-ray machine has a conveyor belt that moves your bags automatically
through the machine. You can put small items like keys or money into
plastic bins.

Agent: Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and use the bins for
small objects.

Dan: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?

Agent: Yes, you do. Take off your hat and your shoes, too.

(He walks through the metal detector)


Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets – keys, cell
phone, and loose change?

Dan: I don’t think so. Let me try taking off my belt.

Agent: Okay, come on through.

(He goes through the metal detector again)

Agent: You’re all set! Have a nice flight.

The phrase “you’re all set” is a common expression that means “you’re
finished and everything is OK.”

Phrasal Verbs: SET OFF and GO OFF

When the alarm sounds, we say “the alarm went off.” To describe what
caused the alarm to sound, we say “set off” – for example, “My keys set off
the alarm” or “My keys set off the metal detector.”

Announcements at the Gate

Airports are divided into terminals (the major sections of the airport) and
each terminal has many gates. The gate is the door you go through to enter
the airplane. Here are a few announcements you might hear while you are
at the gate, waiting for the plane to board.

“There has been a gate change.”

(This means the flight will leave from a different gate)

“United Airlines flight 880 to Miami is now boarding.”

(This means it’s time for passengers to enter the plane)

“Please have your boarding pass and identification ready for boarding.”

“We would like to invite our first- and business-class passengers to board.”

“We are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers
requiring special assistance to begin boarding.”

“We would now like to invite all passengers to board.”

(This means everyone can enter the plane)

“This is the final boarding call for United Airlines flight 880 to Miami.”

(This means it is the FINAL OPPORTUNITY to enter the plane before they
close the doors)

“Passenger John Smith, please proceed to the United Airlines desk at gate

Conversation 3

On the Plane

The people who work inside the airplane serving food and drinks are called
flight attendants. Both men and women who have this job are called flight
attendants. Listen to this conversation that Dan has with the flight attendant
when dinner is served on the flight.

Flight attendant: Chicken or pasta?

Dan: Sorry?

Flight attendant: Would you like chicken or pasta?

Dan: I’ll have the chicken.

Flight attendant: Anything to drink?

Dan: What kind of soda do you have?

Flight attendant: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Orange, and Dr. Pepper.

Dan: A Diet Coke, no ice, please.

Flight attendant: Here you go.

Dan: Thanks.


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