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Lesson 1: Principles of

Graphics & Design

Glimpse of History
Before the almost real images that we have today because of the
different graphic software available whether offline or online, we had
one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of computing- the
super paint- the grandfather of all graphics software.

It was in the year 1972 when the program was lead by Richard Shoup at
Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). Shoup had two years to
conceptualize the hardware makeup of the super paint that resulted in a
5 feet tall machine. The people who helped him improve the program also
became the people behind the famous pixar animation studios.
Across disciplines, the following principles are followed to a

standardized image creation and manipulation using any

graphic software it will help you create layouts and design web

pages compliant with the protocols.

it describes the placement of elements of

equal weight on the page. the three types of

balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and

Symmetrical Balance
refers to balance that is achieved by arranging

elements on either side of the center of a composition

in an equally weighted manner

Asymmetrical Balance
occurs when you have different visual images on

either side of a design, and yet the image still seems


Radial Balance
is symmetry in several directions
it describes the flow of
elements on the page.

it is the sense of oneness of

the elements that creates

balance and harmony.

it describes the consistent and

balance repetition of a design or


it describes the organization and

relationship of elements included in

this design.
it is the combination of opposing

characteristic of an element like color

,size ,thickness, etc. It allows emphasis of

key elements.

it is the negative space or large

margins that allows your design
to breed within the elements
Thank you for

Quiz Time!!!
In 1/2 sheet

of paper
1) Who is the grandfather of all the graphics software?
2) What is the 3 types of Balance?
3)It describe the organization and relationship of elements included
in the design.
4) It is the negative space or large margins
5)It describe the flows of elements on the page.
6) It is the sense of oneness of the elements.
7) It describes the consistent amd balanced repetition of the design
8) It is the combination of opposing characteristics of elements.
9) It will help you create layouts and design web pages
compliant with the protocols.
10) The year when the program was birthed by the grandfather of
all graphics software.

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