Article On Criteria For Electing Officials

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Write an article on the criteria that should be considered in the choice of who should be voted (either

personal criteria or the criteria of the public)

Every election, voters choose among the candidates who they think are the ones who passed their set of
standards. These standards differ from every voter. For me, the following are my considerations when
electing a candidate for an elective position: (1) track record, (2) stand on different issues, (3) how they
campaign, (4) plans/ platform, (5) leadership skills, (6) educational background, and (7) others view on
the candidate.

1. Track record

Once elected, the officials, especially the President, will be handling the Government funds to run the
country. Having a good track record and experience in handling these funds and efficient
implementation of Programs, Projects and Activities will give the voters assurance that their votes and
taxes are in good hands.

2. Stand on issues

A proper understanding of state and local issues is a necessity for a candidate. Knowledge of issues
important to all groups such as senior citizens, farmers, small business, churches, etc. is critical.

3. How they campaign / Source of campaign funds

Find out where the candidates get the funds to finance their campaigns. Do they use their own money
or funds from a few wealthy contributors, from many small donors or from political action committees?
(PACs, as they are known, are groups formed to raise and distribute money to candidates.) Many types
of information about campaign contributions must be given to the government and are reported by the
media. How might these contributions affect the candidate’s conduct in office?

4. Plans/platform

o Able to Communicate
o Candidates must be able to speak in public and be able to articulate a message, even in the
face of adversity. No candidate will be able to agree with all the voters, however, he or she
must be willing to listen to all sides of an issue, and be able to communicate with supporters
and opponents.

5. Leadership skills

o Examine the Candidates’ Leadership Abilities

o Deciding if a candidate will be a good leader is difficult. How can you know if someone will
be honest, open and able to act under pressure if elected to office? Here are some ways to
read between the lines:
o Look at the candidates’ background and experience. How well prepared are they for the
o Watch the candidates in action. Do they accept speaking engagements of participate in
debates before diverse groups, even groups that may not be sympathetic?
o Read the campaign material carefully to find any insights into the candidate personalities.
Do they emphasize issues or just image? Are the accurate?
- Track records will also show if the candidate is willing to serve the public. Public service is the core of
elected officials. It entails serving the needs of the people above the needs of self. As a voter, I will
consider a candidate if he/she is a servant leader. A servant leader serves the better good of the
people, not the best interests and personal desires of the candidate.

6. Educational background

7. Others view on the candidate

o Poll results are a favorite news story these days. People are asked who they support and
sometimes why they support a particular candidate. Polls will tell you who is leading at a
certain point in the campaign. Candidates like to know who's leading because it can increase
support and contributions from people who want to be on the winning team.

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