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The Learning Gap of Grade 8 students and Factors Encountered during Face to

Face classes.


The corona virus pandemic has led to changes in the teaching-learning process in
instructions of higher learning and has an impact on how teachers and students
interact. Due to pandemic, they were forced to conduct all their activities with pupils
online. However, there are some factors that could be newed as obstacles in the way
that students learn when they used e-learning platforms, such as decreased students
motivations, delayed feed back and learning gap of the students. Online learning
platforms provide solutions to the new home schooling situation and concomitant
demands for remote teaching. Here, we analyzed data of a curriculum-based (Grades-
8) online learning software for Mathematics, English, Filipino, and Science. In this
study, we analyzed data to investigate the learning gaps and their academic standing
during the online Distance Learning of Grade 8 students in School of our Lady of
Atocha, inc. We will also examine potential effects on changes in performance
depending on how well students performed during the online distance learning and as
of now on face to face classes.

In addressing students learning gaps, we are able to identify on these four core
subjects where they have most difficulty with, where the subjects are left unaddressed.
It requires urgent action to address their learning gaps for them to continue learning in
a smooth way. It will also help us to know their grades from 1st grading to 2nd grading
from S.Y 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 but of course, confidentially. Also, knowing their
grade in the said year, we are able to know their Academic Standing that will also
help them to build their confidence more and will also serve as a motivation to study
well and hard.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to address the learning gap of Grade 8 students and Factors
encountered during face to face clasess.

It aims to answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents on terms of:

1.a. Sex
2.b. Age
3.c. Grade in English, Filipino, Mathematics, and Science
4.d. Academic Standing.
2. What are the different coping strategies that helps on adjusting on your
learning lost.
3. What is the difference on their Academic Standing during Online Distance
Learning and Face to Face.
4. Is there a significant difference on their Academic standing between Online
distance learning and face to face classes.
Significance of the study

This study aimed to provide valuable learning strategies based on the learning
gap that can be helpful on its relevance in the field of education.

The Students. In particular, the Grade 8 students will be equipped with their learning
lost. Also, Students may aspire to neet the lack of learning in order to improve their
academic performance. On the other hand, the sudy would be benefit to these students
by improving their studies through adressing their lack of knowledge.

The Teachers. This will provide teachers particullarly their Grade 8 teachers with
informations on their learning gaps that may also be a lesson for them on an approach
in handing their current students.

The Researchers. This can serve as a guide for further understanding on the topic.
Indeed, this is going to be their enlightenment for their future studies.

Parents. This research may give parents significant ideas about their childrens
academic standing during Online Distance Learning and Face to Face that can be an
effective way to engage the childrens more on learning that can be improve bond as a

The School Administration. This study may give them informations about knowing
the problems of the students that can provide solutions to improve the academic
teachings and practices of the school.

Definition of terms


Academic standing - It is calculated by dividing the number of grade points

earned in courses that assign letter grades by number of units.

Academic Performance – refers to the related written and oral task, project and
their academic process of grades.

Face to Face - Characterized by haring those involved close together and facing
each other.

Learning - A process of adopting valuable lessons acquired by sudying.

Learning Gap - A distance between particular knowledge.

Learning Lost - A specific lack of knowledge ecperienced from the past.

Modular and Online Distance Learning - It is an untraditional way of learning

that uses hard copies and engages learners to participate using technologies.

Pandemic - A universal widespread of a diseas affecting last population.

Students: Someone who Studying at a University or School. Someone who is
very interested in a particular subject.

Research Paradigm


Profile of Students: Analysis of data through:

Age The learning gap and the
Sex Questionnaire factors encountered by
Academic Stand Grade and Rank grade 8 students will be
Grade identified and recovered,
and improve academic
Learning gap during online performance.
Distance Learning and
Factors encountered during
Face to Face classes.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the addresing the learning gap of Grade 8 Students and
factors encountered during face to face classes in School of our Lady of Atocha, Inc,
School year 2022-2023. The respondents are selected in all sections of Grade 8 in
school of our Lady of Atocha, Inc.

In this study, we are able to get the students grade and academic standing in the
subjects English, Mathematics, Flilpino, and Science in 1st grading and 2nd grading
during Online Distance Learning in the School of our Lady of Atocha, Inc year 2021-
2022 and face to face classes as of school year 2022-2023.

Hypothesis of the Study

These is no significant difference on the Academic Standing of students during

online distance learning and face to face classes.

Theorretical or Conceptual Framework

The nature of this research is focused mainly on the learning gap of grade 8
students and factors encountered during face to face classes. One of the role
consequential features of learning gpas is their tendency. If left unaddressed to
compound over time and becomes severe and pronounced, which can increase the
chances that a student will struggle accidentally. Formative assessments help teachers
identify concepts that students are struggling to understand skills they have difficulty
with and acquiring on learning standards they have not yet achieved so that
adjustments can be made to lessons, instrucional techniques, and academic support.

Distance learning is an educational process where students receive instruction

throught online classes, audio on visual technology medium. Lectures and learning
materials are sent over the internet. Students work from home, not in a classroom.
Face to Face learning is a really effective way to learn knowledge and skins because it
often combines different ways of learning including writing, reading, discussion,
presentation, projects, lfroup work, film clips, demonstration and practices.

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