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BAC20103 FTW

Solution :

No  Business transactions EFFECTS DEBIT & CREDIT Book Of Prime

a) b) Entry (BOPE)

1  Open business with + Asset Dr Cash Cash receipts

RM10,000 cash and laundry + Asset  Dr Laundry journal
equipment   + Capital Equipments
valued at RM10,000. Cr Capital General journal

2  Borrowed RM15,000 cash + Asset  Dr Cash Cash receipts journal

from Shark Loan Sdn Bhd. + Liability   Cr Shark Loan Sdn Bhd

3  Bought laundry detergents on + Asset Dr Purchase Purchase journal

credit from Dayya Sdn Bhd worth  + Liability  Cr Dayya Sdn Bhd

4  Cash sales of RM200.  + Asset  Dr Cash Cash receipts journal

 + Revenue  Cr Sales

5  Paid cash for miscellaneous   + Expenses  Dr Miscellaneous Cash payment  

expenses RM200. - Asset Expenses journal
 Cr Cash

6  Returned defective   - Liability  Dr Dayya Sdn Bhd Return outwards  

detergents to Dayya Sdn  - Asset  Cr Return Outwards journal
Bhd amounting RM200.

7  Paid rental of + Expenses  Dr Rental Cash payment  

premises amounted to RM300 - Asset  Cr Cash journals
by cash.

8  The owners took goods worth + Drawing √  Dr Drawing√  General journal

RM500 for   - asset√  Cr Purchase√
personal use.

9  Purchased another   +asset√  Dr Dryer Machine√  General journal

dryer’s machine on    + liability√  Cr Accounts Payable√
credit worth RM5,000

BAC20103 FTW


Capital 10,000 Miscellaneous Expenses 200

Shark Loan Sdn. Bhd 15,000 Rental 300

Sales 200 Balance c/d 24700

25200 25200

Balance b/d 24700


Balance c/d 20000 Laundry Equipments 10,000

Cash 10,000

20,000 20,000

Balance b/d 20,000

Shark Loan Sdn. Bhd

BAC20103 FTW

Balance c/d 15,000 Cash 15,000

15,000 15,000

Balance b/d 15,000

Dayya Sdn. Bhd

Return Outwards 200 Purchases 500

Balance c/d 300

500 500

Balance c/d 300


Dayya Sdn. Bhd 500 Drawing 500

BAC20103 FTW


Balance c/d 200 Cash 200

200 200

Balance b/d 200

Miscellaneous Expenses

Cash 200 Balance c/d 200

200 200

Balance b/d 200

Return Outwards

Balance c/d 200 Dayya Sdn Bhd 200

200 200
BAC20103 FTW

Balance b/d 200


Purchase 500 Balance c/d 500

500 500

Balance b/d 500


Cash 300 Balance c/d 300

300 300

Balance b/d 300

Dryer Machine

Account Payable 5,000 Balance c/d 5,000

BAC20103 FTW

5,000 5,000

Balance b/d 5,000

Account Payable

Balance c/d 5,000 Dryer Machine 5,000

5,000 5,000

Balance b/d 5,000

Papa Dobby

Trial Balance as at _____________________________

Cash 24,700 Capital 20,000

Laundry Equipment 10,000 Shark Loan Sdn. Bhd 15,000

Dryer Machine 5,000 Accounts Payable 5,000

Rental Expenses 300 Dayya Sdn Bhd 300

Miscellaneous Expense 200 Sales 200

BAC20103 FTW

500 Return Outwards 200

40,700 40,700

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