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People in the labor force have a natural propensity to manage their own life
and work. If you are one of the decision-makers in the organization, how can you
obtain the follower-ship and raise the confidence of your subordinates to
embrace accountability and produce the organization's desired output?
Accountability in the workplace is something every manager wants to have
because it’s known to have a clear link to higher work performance.   It’s also
known to improve creativity and innovation because the employee is more
invested in the future of the organization. High-performance teams and
organizations empower employees to take ownership, foster accountability, and
have high levels of trust between all levels of the organization. Furthermore,
there’s a strong link between these three values and characteristics of high
performance. Ownership is about taking initiative and doing the right thing for the
business. It’s about taking responsibility for results and not assuming it’s not
someone else’s responsibility. At minimum, taking ownership means that if you
recognize something is material to achieving results, that you take the initiative to
bring it to the attention of the right people. It’s about good, open, proactive
communication to keep team members informed on the status of your
commitments because you respect that the results of your work has a direct
impact on their ability to make their own commitments. Most importantly, make
sure that accountability is more than a stated characteristic of how your team
operates. Accountability needs to have consequences that are both positive and
negative and those consequences need to be consistently applied. Creating
accountable employees delivers numerous business benefits including better
execution, lower employee turnover, and more creativity and innovation. Overall,
shifting to constructive accountability may require a culture change within your
team or organization, but leaders, managers and employees will find the results
well worth the effort.

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