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If you are one of the managers to overcome an organization's conflict of

personalities, what methods do you need to demonstrate in order not to interfere
with goals and individual uniqueness?
Conflict resolution is a daily occurrence at work that can either propel or
disrupt the momentum for a leader, a team or the entire organization. The
workplace can become a toxic environment when leaders allow conflict to fester
rather than confront it head-on.  Managing conflict can be a tricky thing especially
when you are not familiar with the larger ecosystem in which the particular
individual or department creating the conflict operates, and how efforts to resolve
conflict will reverberate throughout that ecosystem. A leadership style with an
employee-focused orientation is one of the major keys to motivating your
team.As you discover that conflict is pervasive throughout organizations and that
some conflict can be good for organizations. People often grow and learn from
conflict, as long as the conflict is not dysfunctional. The challenge for managers
is to select a resolution strategy appropriate to the situation and individuals
involved. A review of past management practice in this regard reveals that
managers often make poor strategy choices. As often as not, managers select
repressive or ineffective conflict resolution strategies.

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