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Do you take full responsibility, as a managerial leader, to respond to cultural

diversity to be a source of synergy in enhancing organizational efficiency?
If I am a managerial leader, I will take a full responsibility in my team.  Being
a leader is the most hard thing to do because you need to do your best to make
all your colleagues feel comfortable despite of the differences and all the
circumstances in order to reach the maximum level of success. When working in
a team, one of the most common challenges is handling language barriers
between employees. If each team member speaks a different language, you’ll
want to find a common language you can all use so every member can
communicate with ease. It is also crucial to understand diverse communication
styles between cultures and speak to your colleagues according to these rules.  
Most of us can smoothly and eloquently express our thoughts when speaking our
native language, but, this isn’t always the case when speaking in foreign
languages. The best way to show your colleagues that you respect and
appreciate them is by being open to the traditions and values of all cultures. This
means avoiding promoting or embracing only one culture in the workplace.
Additionally, you can make an effort to learn more about a particular culture and
its characteristics. As a leader of a team, you have to be cautious about
evaluating someone’s work. Each culture, and even each country, has a unique
way of giving feedback, especially when it’s constructive and can be easily
viewed as negative.

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