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Screening Questions for BDD:

1. Are You Very Concerned About the Appearance of Some Parts of

Body That You Consider 1especially Unattractive?

2. Do These Concerns Preoccupy You? That Is, You Think About

Them a Lot and Wish You Could Think Them Less?

3. Do You Look at Yourself in The Mirror Carefully and Repeatedly?


4. Have Your Defects Caused You a Lot of Distress or Emotional


5. Do You Spend Most of Your Time Thinking About How You

Interview Questions for BDD:
1) Could You Please Describe the Features of Your Body, Which You Dislike
or Would Like to Improve? And That Makes You Ugly or Unattractive?

2) How Much Noticeable Do You Think Your Features Is to Other People?

3) On An Average Day, How Many Hours Do You Spend Thinking About

Your Features?

4) Do You Constantly Asking Other People How I Look? If Yes, Please


5) How Many Times in A Day Do You Usually Check Your Features?

(Including Looking in A Mirror or Other Reflective Surface, Or Feeling It
with Your Fingers).

6) How Has This Problem with Your Appearance Affected Your Life?

7) Did You Ever Been Try to Hide These Defects by Makeup or Clothing or
Camouflage? Please Specify?

8) How Much Distress Do These Concerns Cause You? Please Specify?

9) What Impact Do You Feel Other Peoples Have on You Look?

10) How Much You Physical Appearance Significantly Interfered with Your
Social Life? Does It Lead You to Avoid Social Situations?

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