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Case # Criminal Appeal No.


Case title. Mst. Naseem Akh Tae Vs. Mst Saira Parveen etc.

Police Station: Sahala

FIR # 171/17 Reported: 24/6/2017.

Date of Incident: 29/8/2016

Complainant: Mst. Naseem Akhear

Accused: Mst Saira, Raraq Hussain, Mst Raqeebun Nisa, Mst Samra

Offence: 309 134 PPC


That the complainant Mist Naseem Akhtar in her application has alleged that Mst. Kausar Nareem
(deceased) was her real daughter & the accused person affer snatching gold from her have murdered
her daughter through burning

Lower Court Judgement

The lower Count while exercising its vested powers u/s 265 K Cr.P.C discharged the accused persons
from the case on following grounds;

 The trial count is satisfied on the material placed before them, that the charge was ground less.
 More over, when kausar Naseem was taken to hospital, before the constable shahid Mehmood
the father of complainant gave written statement that his daughter was having milk on the
stove & she caught fire.
 16 persons during investigation stated that the deceased herself committed suicide under the
pressure from her parents & no one has set her on fire.

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