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Unit 1 (bridging the gap) Revise

1. “do” expressions
 do (sb) a good turn
 do the honours
 do the sights
 do justice to
 do the trick
 do credit to
 do the donkey work
 do wonders/ miracles
 do the best sb can
 do damage
 have a do
 that will/ won’t do
 do 60 miles (an hour)
 do everything in (within) sb’s power
2. “At” expressions
 at a dead end
 at sb/sth’s best
 at large
 at the forefront
 at a loss
 at a standstill
 at odds with
 at ease
 at sb’s wits end
 at loggerheads
 at a loose end
 at a low ebb
3. Body parts
 mouth the words
 thumb a lift
 face up to st
 head for somewhere
 foot the bill
 nose into
 elbow sb’s way through the crowd
 shoulder the blame/responsibility
 hand it to sb
 spine of a book
 leg of a journey
 foot of a mountain
 arm of a chair
 at the head of the table
 in this neck of woods
 in the back of beyond
 have the heart to
 with the heavy heart
 keep/ lose sb’s head
 get into/ out of sb’s head
 take sth to heart
 set sb’s heart on

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