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DOCUMENT NO 511 November 2020

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Lloyds Bank, Monmouth


Monmouthshire County Council

Planning Application No: DM/2020/00027

2nd December 2020
QA: Dr N phillips
3rd December 2020
A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20


This document results from of a programme of archaeological work, undertaken

to record the character of structural evidence at a commercial property prior to
development works required, to provide for improved public access.

APAC Ltd produced a project design for the work, which was approved, and the
survey was undertaken following its methodology.

This report contains the photographic and documentary record of the survey
with a brief description and interpretation of the findings.

Mae’r ddogfen hon yn ganlyniad rhaglen o waith archeolegol a wnaed i gofnodi

cymeriad y dystiolaeth strwythurol mewn eiddo masnachol o flaen gwaith
datblygu i ddarparu gwell hygyrchedd ar gyfer y cyhoedd.

Cynhyrchodd APAC Cyf. ddyluniad prosiect ar gyfer y gwaith, a gymeradwywyd,

a chwblhawyd yr arolwg yn unol â’i fethodoleg.

Cynnwys yr adroddiad hwn gofnod ffotograffig a dogfennol o’r arolwg gyda

disgrifiad cryno a dehongliad o’r canlyniadau.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: IMG-0964 - Front, western elevation façade to building

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents........................................................................................................................................... 2
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Site location ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 7
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 7
Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 7
Data Presentation............................................................................................................................. 8
Interpretation ................................................................................................................................. 10
Archive .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................... 11
Copyright ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Bibliography and References: ................................................................................................... 12


01 Location map
02 Front elevation
03 Floor plans, (a-e)
04 Attic, plans and views, (a-d)

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20

Survey Photo cards 1 - 63

01. Front, western elevation façade to building. Second floor features 3 timber sash windows with 3x3 glass
panels. The first-floor features 3 timber sash windows with 4x3 glass panels. The middle window also
features a decorative pediment top. The lower level of the building also features two string courses of
decoration with the lowest topping the ground level windows and door with domed arches. The ground
floor features two sash windows with modern fitted frosted glass. The main entrance features a decorative
timber framed doorway topped with decorative timber fanlight. The build is constructed in brick with the
ground level featuring a course string of black painted concrete render. The building is built with a raised
and projected footing against the incline of the street, (Monnow St) to the west.
02. South eastern corner of the building. Building built with a raised and projected platform/footing against the
incline of the street. Projected part of the platform has been cement rendered; however, the lowest extent of
the building is exposed, showing the brick construct of the building. Detail width of projection of platform
from buildings western front façade.
03. Front, western elevation façade to building. Second floor features 3 timber sash windows with 3x3 glass
panels. The first-floor features 3 timber sash windows with 4x3 glass panels. The middle window also
features a decorative pediment top. The building roof line is finished with a typical balustrade hiding the
roof pitch and a dormer window.
04. Detail, Front façade. Western elevation, Decorative timber door frame with crosshead corniced door top
and decorative panel. Doorway topped with timber fanlight under a brick segmental arch, under moulded
course string segmental arch, (part of the continued string course across top of ground floor).
05. Detail. Building roof decorated with a plain balustrade at the roof line featuring a coursed string decoration
that spans the front façade.
06. External rear of building from eastern garden area. Main building in background: a two-storey building to
the north and an extended ground floor to the south. Southern extension acts as entrance into the bank’s
ground floor level.
07. Nelson Garden taken from the closed/locked back gate of bank rear garden.
08. External rear of building from eastern garden area. Main building in background with a two-storey building
to the north and an extended ground floor to the south. Southern, ashlar framed extension acts as entrance
into the bank’s ground floor level.
09. External, rear of bank. Projected northern section of building features a southern semi-circular timber
framed fanlight over a small offset square casement window, in its southern wall. The fan-light sits under a
brick arch itself under a shallow porch projection. This original access has been blocked off in favour of the
new ashlar framed doors shown in Plate 08.
10. Stairwell from Basement, Area 1 to ground floor, Area 3. Modern carpeted stairwell.
11. Basement, Area 1. Rooms constructed with concrete floors, re-enforced ceilings, and concrete block walls.
Rooms also feature brick pillars and re-enforced beams. Rooms filled with metal shelving holding
cardboard boxes. All modern in construction
12. Basement, Area 1, south western rooms. Rooms constructed of brick but continues west; (after low level
brick partition) in random coursed stone with limestone plaster. Only part of Area one that is not
constructed with re-enforced concrete.
13. Basement, Area 1, south western rooms. Rooms constructed of brick but continues west; (after low level
brick partition) in random coursed stone with limestone plaster. Only part of Area one that is not
constructed with re-enforced concrete. Detail: southern wall plastered brick into, stone and mortar
14. Ground floor, Area 2, main lobby of bank. Entirety of bank lobby is fitted with modern fixtures, fittings,
and partition walls to create office space. Half of the room has had the ceilings lowered, however, the
sections not lowered feature highly decorative cornice work that borders the ceilings.
15. Detail – cornice boundary of earlier ceiling against lowered modern ceiling, Area 3, bank admin. Three
layered cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over, a moulded cornice relief border. Sections of cornice
beginning to break. Artex ceiling is a later modification.
16. Detail – cornice boundary of bank lobby, Area 2. Three layered cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over
a moulded relief border, possibly acanthus leaf and flower design. Artex ceiling is a later modification.
Continuation of cornice from room behind ATM, back into main lobby.
17. Ground floor, front of building. Open room above ATM. Ceiling bordered with same cornice design as rest
of (exposed) ceiling on the ground floor.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20

18. Ground floor, Area 2, southern wall behind cashier area. Wall features two decorative recesses. The
recesses feature a moulded Stilted arch set on decorative moulded pillars. The pillars are decorated with
Guilloche and frieze’s and the arches are decorated with rib and bead.
19. Ground floor, Area 2, southern wall behind cashier area. Wall features two decorative recesses. The
recesses feature a moulded Stilted arch set on decorative moulded pillars. The pillars are decorated with
Guilloche and frieze’s and the arches are decorated with rib and bead.
20. Ground floor, Area 3. Northern wall features two semi-circular windows at higher level.
21. Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden
area, that in turn leads to Nelson Garden, (not accessible). The wall to the left under the rectangular relief
plasterwork is the original rear outer wall of this part of the building.
22. Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden
area, through large central doors.
23. Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden
area, through large central doors. The door frame top is decorated with relief work of Dentil, waterleaf,
bead, and fret design.
24. First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms, featuring modern decoration, fixtures, and fittings.
25. First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern most room features two timber framed sash windows. Due to
its placement, the northern party wall would appear to have been a later addition. This is suggested due to
its placement between the symmetrically placed windows, in the southern and northern rooms.
26. First-floor, Area 5. North western room. Western wall features timber framed sash window within a box
panelled recess, with a decorative moulded architrave frame. Window is the third in a sequence along the
western elevation between the two rooms
27. First-floor, Area 5. North western room. The southern wall is possibly a later addition party wall, due to its
placement against the western elevations symmetrically placed sash windows. This is further evidenced by
the missing section of door frame in one of the entrances/exits between the southern and northern rooms.
28. First-floor, Area 5. North western room, northern wall features projected central wall, presumably an
earlier chimney stack
29. First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern most room. Detail: central chimney stack with decorative
fireplace, mantle, and stone hearth. Fireplace would appear to be a more modern addition.
30. First-floor, Area 5. South western room. Cornice work borders all rooms on the first floor; however, it is
not heavily decorative like the cornice work found on ground floor. Possibly the decoration has been, at
some point, removed during modernisation.
31. First-floor, corridor between Area 5 and 6. Modern timber door and frame topped with decorative fanlight.
Doorway is set within an arch that features a possibly earlier moulded architrave on either side.
32. First floor, Area 6. Modern spiral staircase from first to ground floor. Room features modern fixtures and
fittings. Single timber framed sash window set within decorative box panel recess in southern wall.
33. First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current bank staff room. Western wall fitted with modern fixtures and
fittings. Room bordered with simple cornice, also found everywhere else on the first floor
34. First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current bank staff room. Southern wall features a projected southern
wall, presumably a centrally placed chimney stack.
35. First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current bank staff room. Eastern wall features two timber framed sash
windows set within box panelled recesses. Recesses feature faux panelled shutters complete with handles.
36. First floor landing, corridor between rooms in Area 6. Northern wall features two decorative timber framed
semi-circular arch windows, with reenforced metal bars set to match the decorative set of the window’s
37. First floor, Area 6. Toilet block to the east. Modern fixtures and fittings. Modern casement window to the
38. Stairwell between first and second floor. Stairwell features two half turn landings. Though possibly
modelled on earlier staircase it is now modernised and features linoleum and metal runners.
39. Stairwell between first and second floor. Southern wall is projected inwards with a steep incline to just
below the half landing of the stairwell. Unknown reason, possibly part-built over neighbouring property.
40. Stairwell between first and second floor. Southern wall features a large centrally placed timber framed sash
window. Stairwell also features a surround of timber skirting.
41. Second floor, Area 7. Southern room, large open space, with a projected section of wall to the south. The
projection runs in line with the fireplace in the floor below so is assuredly the continuation of the chimney
42. Second floor, Area 7, Northern room. Room features blocked off chimney stack in northern wall,
(continuation from floor below).
43. Second floor, Area 7. Southern room. Western wall features two timber framed sash window. Two of the
three that run along the front façade.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20

44. Second floor, Area 7, Northern room. Room features blocked off chimney stack in northern wall,
(continuation from floor below). The room also features a timber framed sash window set within a recess
with box panelling, (not found on windows in southern room).
45. Second floor, Area 7. Small room offset from the corridor to the north. Room features a single timber
framed sash window set with a slightly splayed recess.
46. Second floor landing, corridor between area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3 decorative timber framed
arch windows, refitted with modern latches. (1 of 3)
47. Second floor landing, corridor between area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3 decorative timber framed
arch windows, refitted with modern latches. (3 of 3)
48. Second floor, Area 8. Services room. Large open space. Sash window to south wall.
49. Second floor, Area 8. Blocked in fireplace to chimney stack in southern wall.
50. Second floor, Area 8, southern room. Blocked in fireplace in southern wall. Two timber framed sash
windows set within box panelled surrounded recesses.
51. Second floor, Area 8. Small room to east of the floor. Southern wall features a timber framed sash window.
52. Second floor, access to attic.
53. Second floor, access to attic.
54. Attic, Area 9. Shared truss, king post and raked braces. Between the two hipped roofs, South
55. Attic, Area 9. Shared truss, king post and raked braces. Between the two hipped roofs, North
56. Attic, Area 9. West of buildings roof structure features two hipped roof structures. Hipped roof’s structured
with a boxed frame of timbers. “M Truss” The truss is set beneath a king post with bracers with two
separate apexes on a shared collar. Each apex is set with it on rafters, purlins, and ridge purlin
57. Attic, Area 9. Dormer window in western elevation façade.
58. Attic, Area 10. South eastern side of attic ends in a Gambrel style roof. The last truss frame features two
raking stuts place under the collar, in conjunction with the king posts.
59. Attic, Area 10. North west from Area 10 to South east Area 11. Roof structure consists of a timber truss
frame, with queen posted collar and raking struts, a timber collar and central king post. The structure also
features timbers principals, purlins and rafters and a central apex ridge purlin.
60. Detail, Area 10. Morticed tenon joint between principal beam and purlins, fixed with wooden pegs.
61. Detail, Area 10. Roof apex. Morticed tenon joint between principal beam and king post, fixed with metal
fitting and bolts.
62. Attic, Area 10. Timber principals with fish plate repair, and timber rafters.
63. General, gambrel roof, timber framed dormer window in south eastern elevation.


I. Complete photograph list with contact sheet

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20


This Building Survey report has been prepared by Adam Phillips, A.P.A.C. Ltd, for works - Re: Proposed new
internal platform lift, steps and associated works including the removal of the external entrance steps and
modifications to the main entrance door; Pl.App.No.: DM/2020/00027.

The proposed works/modifications are to a grade II listed building; CADW, Ref: 2289 - Lloyds TSB, a bank in
Monmouth. The site also sits within the Monmouth conservation area, and as such, a pre planning application for a
Desk Based Assessment was required before any other works could commence, DM/2018/01134.

APAC Ltd, conducted the relevant Desk Based Assessment; DK/LBM/19, which concluded that ‘There is a
potential for some archaeological resources to be disturbed but their current survival is not known therefore any
impact is difficult to predict’.

As a result of the pre-planning application, Monmouthshire County Council, (MCC), recommended Historic
environment mitigation, in the form of conditions to the approved works.

Condition 3

No works to which this consent relates shall commence until an appropriate programme of
historic building recording and analysis has been secured and implemented in accordance
with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted to and approved in writing
by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: As the building is of architectural and cultural significance the specified records
are required to mitigate impact.

Condition 4

No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title, has
secured agreement for a written scheme of historic environment mitigation which has been
submitted by the applicant and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the
programme of work shall be fully carried out in accordance with the requirements and
standards of the written scheme.

REASON: To identify and record any features of archaeological interest discovered during
the works, in order to mitigate the impact of the works on the archaeological resource.


APAC Ltd was contracted by the client, to undertake the programme of archaeological recording work and in
accordance with the suggested model drew up a Written Scheme of Investigation, WSI:BSWB/LBM/20. Which
was compiled using information collected in the previous Desk Based Assessment, DK/LBM/19.

The written scheme of investigation was approved by the “MCC” as ‘fit for purpose’ allowing the survey work
to proceed.

This report is based on the Building Recording survey only. A further report to show the results of the watching
brief will follow when the works have been completed.

Site location

The location of the site is central to the town of Monmouth on the main street and just south west of the town hall at
Agincourt Square; National Grid Coordinate is 350701, 212778, fig 01.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20

Brief archaeological and historical background

The archaeological record for the Monmouth area is well represented from prehistory to present; indeed, a 5km
diameter search centred on the town would yield archaeological resources from the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman,
Early Medieval, Medieval, Norman, Post medieval and even Modern WWII.

The site, as mentioned above is the Grade II listed building of; No 18, Lloyds TSB Bank, CADW, Ref: 2289. The
building itself is thought to have been built by P M Hardwick, in the late 18th century, and is listed for its “special
architectural interest as an important late C18 house with historic connections in the Monmouth town centre”. Ibid.

For a more in-depth history, including cartographic interpretation and Historic Environment record, please refer to
the previous pre-planning, Desk Based Assessment, DK/LBM/19, APAC LTD.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the Level II survey is to preserve, by photographic and written record, the structure of the building, prior
to conversion, and in doing so provide a facility for understanding the building’s historic development.

The record produced can then be used as a permanent archive, detailing the building as it once was.


The building recording survey followed the methodology defined in 5.2, Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide
to Good Recording Practice (English Heritage 2016). The methodology employed was also guided by the Standard
and Guidance for the Archaeological Investigation and Recording of Standing Buildings or Structures (CIFA

Measurements were taken of the structure, internally, using a tripod mounted, FARO M70 3D Scanner.

Photographs were taken using a tripod mounted, digital camera: Cannon EOS 6D Mark II. These were backed up
with hi- resolution smart phone cameras.

Images were recorded in both high-resolution Jpeg & RAW formats.

The photographic record of the site includes general views of the exterior, the overall appearance of principle
structure and circulation areas, external and internal, and detail relevant to the property’s design and development.

All photographs include a scale rod where possible or practical.

Photographs illustrative of the survey are produced as annotated ‘Plates (PL)’ in the report.

All photographs from the survey are included as a list with contact sheets in appendix I.

This report comprises a “brief” written element as defined in 4.5.1 Understanding Historic Buildings; A Guide to
Good Recording Practice (English Heritage 2016).

In order to provide a brief background to the property the following sources of information were used:

Various online sources.

Grey literature
Local knowledge.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20

Data Presentation

The survey was undertaken on Wednesday 18th November, in favourable conditions.

The survey consists of photographic evidence of the buildings current external and internal structure where possible.

Plans for the basement; Fig 03a, ground Fig 03b, and first floor, Fig 03c were provided by the “LLOYDS
BANKING GROUP” and then adapted for use in this report.

Measurements were taken of the second floor and attic, internally, using a tripod mounted, FARO M70 3D Scanner.
The scanned data was then processed in Scene 2019, converted to CAD format point cloud data in Autocad Recap,
and then interrogated in Pointscence Heritage in order to produce plans correct to ± 5mm.

The plans were then adapted for use in this report. Second floor, Fig 03d, and attic, Fig 03e. The Faro scan data was
also used to provide figures detailing a cross section, orthogonal, top down, and isometric view of the attic. Fig 04a-

These floor plans were then annotated further, with sections of each floor plan being given a designated numbered
Area, to help in navigation of this report.


Externally the building is built between to adjacent properties to the north and south, and as such neither north nor
south elevations are visible.

The front western elevation of the bank is built along the east side of the main high street (Monnow Street), through
Monmouth. The road is built on an incline towards the north of Monmouth town. The building’s western elevation
acts as the main entrance to the bank and as a façade facing the street, PL01. The building front is made of brick
with a lower level string course of cement, painted black. The lower level also features a projected shelf, topped
with iron railings and modern concrete steps into the bank. The whole projected section would appear to be a later
instalment, what with it being constructed with modern materials and clearly not tied to the fabric of the building,
PL02. The front façade of the building also features eight sash windows, symmetrically placed, in usual Georgian
style. The top (second) floor of windows consist of three timber framed sash windows with 9x9 glass panes. The
windows also feature decorative timber frames. The central (first) floor features three timber framed sash windows
with 3x4 glass pains, PL03. These windows also feature decorative frames and are topped with decorative
crossheads, with the central window featuring a pediment. The three windows also sit on top a decorative string
course. The ground floor features two single sash windows that are set within a modern frame with frosted glass.
These two windows appear to be modern, probably changed at some point for bank security, PL01. The main
entrance to the building features a modern timber door set within a large decorative timber door frame, PL04. The
door frame features decorative architrave and is topped with a decorated Crosshead. The door frame also features a
decorative fanlight situated above the doors Crosshead. The ground floor level features a decorative string course
that spans the front, with the course being domed over the front entrance and windows frames, PL01. The top of the
building features a projected cornice with dentil decoration. The projection hides the roof structure and a small
central dormer window from ground level, PL05. (see attic, below).

The eastern elevation exits from the ground floor into what presumably was once the buildings garden, PL06. These
gardens in turn access the entrance to 19th century. Nelson Gardens, PL07. The elevation features much the same as
the western façade, albeit with simplified decoration. The building features a string course at its uppermost level,
though not decorative. The upper, (second) and central (first) floors feature timber framed sash windows,
symmetrically placed as with the front façade. However, these windows do not feature the same degree of
decoration, with only a stone sill and brick domed lintel with central keystones. The central (first floor) windows are
also fitted with metal bars, PL06. The northern side of the elevation features a two-storey brick extension that
extends to the east, PL08. This addition is fitted with a mix of sash and modern windows, fire doors and external
metal staircase. The southern wall of this extension also features a section of wall that holds a small square window,
off-centred, underneath a decorative timber framed fan light. The fan light is set within a semi-circular arch of brick
on top of two projected brick pillars. The whole window section does not appear to tie well together which would
suggest the possibility of an earlier access into the bank, PL09. The southern side of the eastern elevation also
features a small, flat topped single storey extension that enters into a small room; (Area 4). before entering the banks
ground floor to the north. The entrance is fitted with two large windows that sit either side a central glass doorway,
which in itself is topped with a transom window. The entirety of the windows and doors are set with in an ashlar

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20

frame, a decoration not in keeping with the rest of the building. The entrance also features external stone steps.,


Internally the bank consists of five floors, including the basement and attic.

The cellar: Area 1, is accessed via the ground floor, Area 3, via a modern staircase, PL10. The cellar consists of two
access corridors, two strong rooms and an area to the south that holds a boiler and equipment. The two strong rooms
are built with re-enforced concrete block walls, concrete floors, and re-enforced concrete ceilings, PL11. The rooms
also feature re-enforced pillars and beams. The boiler room to the southwest differs from that of the rest of the floor
in that the room is partially built in brick and partially, PL12, (the further west), built of random coursed stone with
limestone mortar, PL13. This is the only occurrence of the banks structure differing from brick to stone and due to
its depth below the ground level, and being an external wall, it is arguably the remnants of an earlier building phase.

The Ground floor acts of the main lobby and working area of the bank, PL14. The entrance is found in the western
elevation, this leads to a small cashpoint/ATM area, before entering the main lobby of the bank, Area 2. The main
lobby is fitted with modern fixtures and fittings, with modern partition walls also put in place to create private
conference rooms/offices. To the south is the main cashiers access points/screens and a small room situated behind
the external cashpoint, (see above). Though the majority of the bank is heavily modernised, some earlier decoration
is clearly visible. Some of the north of Area 2 has had it ceilings dropped, however where the earlier ceiling is
exposed a clear course of corniced decoration lines the boundary of the ceiling. PL15. The cornice is decorated with
three layers of Waterleaf, over Dentil, over a possible variation of Acanthus leaf. The course of the border extends
from the main lobby, PL14, to behind the cashier points, PL15, before entering into the small room behind the
ATM, then returning back into the Main lobby, PL16. Incidentally, the cashpoint/ATM area, external to the main
lobby also features the same decorated cornice work that spans the small square ceiling above it, PL17. There are
also two decorative stilted arch framed recesses found in the southern wall. One is set behind the cashiers, PL18,
with the other in the small room behind the ATM/Cashpoint, PL19. Both arches feature the same decoration, pillars
with Guilloche, flower, and bead. Pillar tops featuring acanthus leaf frieze’s and arches decorated with rib and bead
decoration. Area 3 acts as the main office area; PL20, bank vault, (not photographed for security purposes) and toilet
block. This area is all modernised with the exception of two semi-circular fanlight/windows placed in the northern
elevation. Area 3 also leads to Area 4 to the south east; Area 4 consists of a small porch like area that opens into the
gardens in the east, PL21. The area features decorative Dentil cornices which do not appear to follow the same
course. The main door entrance/exit is framed internally with a decorative timber architrave, with a
doorhead/crosshead set with Waterleaf, Dentil, Bead and Fret decoration, PL22 & PL23.

The first floor can be reached either via a modern staircase to the north of Area 2, or a modern spiral staircase to the
south of Area 3, Ground floor. The first floor consists of modernised bank offices, PL24 and staff facilities. Area 5
consists of two main rooms and multiple corridors between areas. The southernmost room features two of the front
façade sash windows set within timber box panelled surrounds, PL25, with the third window situated with the
northern room, PL26. The position of the wall that separates the two rooms against the positions of the windows
would suggest the party wall to be a later addition to what was probably once an open planned room, PL25. This can
be further evidenced by the missing section of door in the partition wall, PL27. Both rooms also feature a centrally
placed chimney stack projection, with the northern room’s fireplace being blocked off; PL28, and the southern
rooms chimney featuring a decorative fireplace, mantle, and hearth, though possibly a later addition, PL29. Both
rooms also feature decoration in the form of corniced borders, PL30, though not heavily decorated like those found
on the first floor. The corridor between the two areas, feature many modern timber fire doors set within modern
timber frames, however one of the main doors is set within arch recess, which retains a small amount of decorative
rib architrave, PL31. The corridor between the two areas also feature a modern staircase north to the ground floor, a
stairwell up to the second floor, and a room to the south that holds the modern spiral staircase to the ground floor.
The spiral staircase room is again heavily modernised however still retains one timber framed sash window to the
south, PL32. Area 6 comprises of a main corridor, staff room, access to toilet block and toilet block. The staff room
features many fixtures, fitting and appliances expected in a modern kitchen/staffroom, PL33. The southern wall
holds a central chimney, with blocked up fireplace, PL34. The eastern elevation features two timber framed sash
windows set with box framed recesses, PL35. The recesses are fitted with faux shutters, possibly once real. The
corridor between the rooms features two semi-circular arched windows within the northern wall, which are fitted
with iron bars set the same way as the windows frames, PL36. The south of the corridor leads to the south eastern
two-storey extension. The corridor and toilet block appear to be heavily modernised, more likely a later addition,
PL37. As mentioned above the corridor between areas also leads to a large stairwell between first and second floors.
The large stairwell features two half turn landings, PL38. Though possibly modelled on an earlier staircase, the
stairs currently feature modern linoleum steps with metal runners. The lower level of the staircase, along the

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20

southern wall is built with a steep incline to just below the stair’s half landing, PL39, there appears no particular
reasoning for this, possibly the stairwell is part built over the neighbouring property. The stairwell also features a
large central timber framed sash window in the southern wall above the stair’s half landing., PL40.

The second floor, Areas 7 and 8, feature large expansive rooms, set much in the same orientation as the floor below,
however devoid of almost any decoration. The western rooms in Area 7 feature two centrally placed chimney stacks
with blocked in fireplaces, both continuations from the floors below, PL41 & PL42. The western wall of both the
rooms feature symmetrically placed timber framed sash windows, PL43 & PL44, however only the window in the
northern room features a box framed recess, PL44, suggesting the other two windows in the south room had box
panelling which had been removed. Area 7 also featured a small room with a single window, PL45. The corridor
between Area’s 7 and 8 feature three semi-circular arched timber framed windows, sunk within semi-circular
arches, PL46 & PL47. The rooms in Area 8 consist of a oddly shaped maintenance room, with single timber framed
sash window, PL48, a small room to the north, and a large room to the south. The larger southern room features a
centrally placed chimney stack, PL49, continued from floor below, and two timber framed sash windows in the
southern wall, PL50. There is also a small room to the north of this which holds the third sash window along the
southern elevation, PL51.

The Attic is accessed via Area 7, second floor, via a small room to the south, PL52. The small room holds a timber
ladder leading to a hatch in the ceiling which opens into Area 9, PL53.

The attic and roof is set in two different orientations: Fig 04a-d, Area 9 and Area 10. The western section of the
building, Area 9, features two hipped roofs, orientated south west to north east. The two roofs sit on top a single box
framed truss that spans beneath the two called a “M Truss” and a typical Georgian construction. The truss is made
up of a timber beam with a central King post and bracers and shared collar, Fig 04a, PL54 & PL55. The apexes of
the hipped roofs are set individually with rafters, purlins, and central purlins, PL56. Area 9 also feature a central
dormer window, not seen externally, PL57, due to the balustrade at the roof line. Area 10, attic space is a
continuation from Area 9; Fig 04, b, c, and d. however orientated north west to south east, built upon the back of the
easternmost hipped roofs. This roof ends in a Gambrel style to the south east, PL58. The roof trusses in Area 10 are
compiled of a timber tie beam, with King posts, and raked braces, underneath a collar and Queen post, with a central
purlin, PL59. The truss and purlins are fitted with morticed and tenon, wooden pegged joists, PL60. The beams have
also been secured with metal straps and bolts, PL61. The rest of Area 10 features timber rafters and purlins with a
few of the purlins featuring fish plates repairs, PL62. The southern Gambrel end roof also features a central dormer
window not seen externally, PL63, also hidden behind the external balustrade.


The Building consists of a well-represented Georgian structure with, later addition and extensions to the south east.
The external front of the building has had a few modifications over time with the most notable being changes to the
lower level windows, door and the projected shelf. The proposed modifications will take into effect changes to the
entrance, steps, and modern fire door, and due to them being modern in nature shouldn’t have to much affect on the
buildings historical nature, However, advisement should be taken in regards to the main entrances door frame. It
would be suggested that all due care should be taken not to destroy or damage the frame but somehow incorporate it
within the proposed works.

In regard to the installation of the lift shaft and the incorporated ground works. The proposed works are in an area
almost completely covered in re-enforced concrete. Though as mentioned above in the report, some of the
basements concrete/brick structure appears to have been built on earlier stone coursed foundations. The disturbance
therefore has the potential of disturbing archaeological material which may become apparent during the watching

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20


The archive will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage, MoRPHE
V1.2 (2015) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed. The project archives will consist of all original
records, and all documentation that relates to the watching brief; copies of the WSI and any relevant correspondence
will be included.

The original archive for the building recording survey will be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A copy of the data archive will be deposited with RCAHMW within keeping with their published guidelines:

A further copy of the report and associated data will be deposited with GGAT HER in keeping with their published

The archives will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the watching brief with the agreement of
the landowner.

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Wales and the full client report published online through Scribd.


I would like to thank the staff at Lloyds Monmouth for allowing us access to the building and their help and
courtesy throughout the day. Also Steve Stratton for supplying the plans and arranging security procedures.


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority to use any documentation directly relating to the
project as described in this Project Design.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Lloyds Bank, Monmouth BS/LBM/20

Bibliography and References:

APAC.Ltd Written scheme of investigation, WSI:BSWB/LFH/20

DK/LBM/19 – Archaeological Desk Based Assessment – Lloyds Bank,

CADW ref: 2289 - No 18, Lloyds TSB Bank

CADW/GGAT Historic Landscape Character Area HLCA 011 Monmouth.

Chartered Institute of
Archaeologists. Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2008.

Standard and Guidance for the archaeological investigation and recording of

standing buildings or structures ( Updated) 2019.

English Heritage Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment. Version

1.2, 2015

Historic England Understanding Historic Buildings A guide to good Recording Practice. 2016

MCC Pl.App.No.: DM/2018/01885. RE: Removal of steps for platform lift & new
steps, Lloyds Bank, 18 Monnow Street, Monmouth.

Pl.App.No.: DM/2020/00027. RE: Removal of steps for platform lift & new
steps, Lloyds Bank, 18 Monnow Street, Monmouth.

Adopted Local Development plan 2014

Lloyds Banking Group Plans:

Existing Elevation - 50649800-AREX-E1-0201
Existing Basement – 50639800-AREX-B1
Existing Ground Floor – 50649800-AREX-00-0001
Existing First Floor – 50649800-AREX-01
Online sources:

Health & Safety Executive. 2015. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations

Standing Conference of Archaeology Unit Managers. 2002. SCAUM Health and Safety


A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Estate, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR. Tel:
07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19 Director:
Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20


Fig 01: Location

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Adapted from:

Fig 02: Front facade elevation A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Adapted from:

Fig 03a: Adapted basement plan.


2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans


Adapted from:


Fig 03b: Adapted ground floor plan. A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM//20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Adapted from:

Fig 03c: Adapted first floor plan.



Fig 03d: Adapted second floor plans. A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM//20

Collected through Faro scan data
Lloyds bank, Monmouth



Fig 03e. Attic floor plan

A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Fig 04a. Cross section of roof space and attic.

Fig 04b. Ortho view, of attic. A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM//20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Fig 04c: Top down view of roof structure and attic space.

Fig 04d: Isomatic 3d rendering of attic space and roof. A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM//20
Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0964

Front, western elevation façade to building.
N Second floor features 3 timber sash windows
with 3x3 glass panels. The first-floor features
3 timber sash windows with 4x3 glass panels.
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
The middle window also features a decorative
pediment top. The lower level of the building
also features two string courses of decoration
with the lowest topping the ground level
windows and door with domed arches. The
Adapted from:
ground floor features two sash windows with
modern fitted frosted glass. The main entrance
features a decorative timber framed doorway
topped with decorative timber fanlight. The
build is constructed in brick with the ground
level featuring a course string of black painted
concrete render. The building is built with a
raised and projected footing against the incline
of the street, (Monnow St) to the west.

PLATE 01 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0971

South eastern corner of the building.
N Building built with a raised and projected
platform/footing against the incline of
the street. Projected part of the platform
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
has been cement rendered; however the
lowest extent of the building is exposed,
showing the brick construct of the building.
Detail width of projection of platform from
buildings western front façade
Adapted from:


PLATE 02 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0966

Front, western elevation façade to building.
N Second floor features 3 timber sash windows
with 3x3 glass panels. The first-floor features
3 timber sash windows with 4x3 glass panels.
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
The middle window also features a decorative
pediment top. The building roof line is
finished with a typical balustrade hiding the
roof pitch and a dormer window.

Adapted from:


PLATE 03 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0965

N Detail, Front façade. Western elevation,
Decorative timber door frame with
Legend crosshead door top and decorative
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
panel. Doorway topped with timber
fanlight under a brick segmental arch,
under moulded course string segmental
arch, (part of the continued string
course across top of ground floor).
Adapted from:


PLATE 04 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0967

Detail. Building roof decorated with a plain
N balustrade at the roof line featuring a
coursed string decoration that spans the
front façade.
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans


Adapted from:


PLATE 05 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0948

N External rear of building from eastern
garden area. Main building in background
Legend with a two-storey building to the north
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
and an extended ground floor to the
south. Southern extension acts as entrance
into the banks ground floor level.

Adapted from:


PLATE 06 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0949

N Nelson Garden taken from the
closed/locked back gate of bank rear
Legend garden.
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans


Adapted from:


PLATE 07 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0946

N External rear of building from eastern
garden area. Main building in background
Legend with a two-storey building to the north
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
and an extended ground floor to the south.
Southern, ashlar framed extension acts as
entrance into the bank’s ground floor level.

Adapted from:


PLATE 08 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0945

N External, rear of bank. Projected northern
section of building features a southern
Legend semi-circular timber framed fanlight over
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
a small offset square casement window,
in its southern wall. The fan-light sits
under a brick arch itself under a shallow
porch projection. This original access has
been blocked off in favour of the new ashlar
Adapted from:
framed doors shown in Plate 08.

PLATE 09 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0962

Stairwell from Basement, Area 1 to
ground floor, Area 3. Modern carpeted

Adapted from:

PLATE 10 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0954

Basement, Area 1. Rooms constructed
with concrete floors, re-enforced ceilings,
and concrete block walls. Rooms also feature
brick pillars and re-enforced beams. Rooms
filled with metal shelving holding cardboard
boxes. All modern in construction.

Adapted from:

PLATE 11 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0957

Basement, Area 1, south western rooms.
Rooms constructed of brick but continues
west, (after low level brick partition) in
random coursed stone with limestone plaster.
Only part of Area one that is not constructed
with re-enforced concrete.

Adapted from:

PLATE 12 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0960

Basement, Area 1, south western rooms.
Rooms constructed of brick but continues
west, (after low level brick partition) in
random coursed stone with limestone
plaster. Only part of Area one that is not
constructed with re-enforced concrete.
Detail: southern wall plastered brick into,
stone and mortar construct.
Adapted from:

PLATE 13 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0922

N Ground floor, Area 2, main lobby of bank.
Entirety of bank lobby is fitted with modern
Legend fixtures, fittings, and partition walls to create
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
office space. Half of the room has had the
ceilings lowered, however, the sections not
lowered feature highly decorative cornice
work that borders the ceilings
Adapted from:


PLATE 14 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0925

Detail – cornice boundary of earlier
N ceiling against lowered modern ceiling,
Area 3, bank admin. Three layered cornice,
Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over, a
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
moulded cornice relief border. Sections
of cornice beginning to break. Artex
ceiling is a later modification.

Adapted from:


PLATE 15 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0933

Detail – cornice boundary of bank lobby,
N Area 2. Three layered cornice, Waterleaf
over Dentil cornice over a moulded relief
border, possibly acanthus leaf and flower
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
design. Artex ceiling is a later modification.
Continuation of cornice from room behind
ATM, back into main lobby.

Adapted from:


PLATE 16 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0934

N Ground floor, front of building. Open room
above ATM. Ceiling bordered with same
Legend cornice design as rest of (exposed) ceiling
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
on the ground floor.


Adapted from:


PLATE 17 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0926

N Ground floor, Area 2, southern wall behind
cashier area. Wall features two decorative
Legend recesses. The recesses feature a moulded
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
Stilted arch set on decorative moulded
pillars. The pillars are decorated with
Guilloche and frieze’s and the arches are
decorated with rib and bead.
Adapted from:


PLATE 18 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0929

N Ground floor, Area 2, southern wall behind
cashier area. Wall features two decorative
Legend recesses. The recesses feature a moulded
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
Stilted arch set on decorative moulded
pillars. The pillars are decorated with
Guilloche and frieze’s and the arches are
decorated with rib and bead.
Adapted from:


PLATE 19 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0936

Ground floor, Area 3. Northern wall
N features two semi-circular windows at
higher level.

2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans


Adapted from:


PLATE 20 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0939

N Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to
south east of building. Building opens out
Legend into a large garden area, that in turn leads
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
to Nelson Garden, (not accessible).
The wall to the left under the rectangular
relief plasterwork is the original rear outer
wall of this part of the building.
Adapted from:


PLATE 21 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0942

Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to
N south east of building. Building opens
out into a large garden area, through large
central doors.
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans


Adapted from:


PLATE 22 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0943

Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room
N to south east of building. Building opens
out into a large garden area, through large
central doors. The door frame top is
2 - - - - - south eastern access to
bank added to plans
decorated with relief work of Dentil,
waterleaf, bead, and fret design.

Adapted from:


PLATE 23 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0815

First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms, featuring

modern decoration, fixtures, and fittings.

Adapted from:

PLATE 24 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0820

First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern

most room features two timber framed sash

windows. Due to its placement, the northern
party wall would appear to have been a later
addition. This is suggested due to its
placement between the symmetrically
placed windows, in the southern and
6 northern rooms.

Adapted from:

PLATE 25 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0824

First-floor, Area 5. North western room.
Western wall features timber framed sash
window within a box panelled recess, with
a decorative moulded architrave frame.
Window is the third in a sequence along
the western elevation between the two

Adapted from:

PLATE 26 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0825

First-floor, Area 5. North western room.
The southern wall is possibly a later
addition party wall, due to its placement
against the western elevations symmetrically
placed sash windows. This is further
evidenced by the missing section of door
frame in one of the entrances/exits between
the southern and northern rooms.
Adapted from:

PLATE 27 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0823

First-floor, Area 5. North western room,

northern wall features projected central

wall, presumably an earlier chimney stack.

Adapted from:

PLATE 28 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0819

First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern

most room. Detail: central chimney stack

with decorative fireplace, mantle, and stone
hearth. Fireplace would appear to be a
more modern addition.

Adapted from:

PLATE 29 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0830

First-floor, Area 5. South western room.

Cornice work borders all rooms on the

first floor; however it is not heavily
decorative like the cornice work found
on ground floor. Possibly the decoration
has been, at some point, removed
during modernisation.

Adapted from:

PLATE 30 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0834

First-floor, corridor between Area 5 and 6.
Modern timber door and frame topped
with decorative fanlight. Doorway is set
within an arch that features a possibly
earlier moulded architrave on either side

Adapted from:

PLATE 31 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0879

First floor, Area 6. Modern spiral staircase
from first to ground floor. Room features
modern fixtures and fittings. Single timber
framed sash window set within decorative
box panel recess in southern wall

Adapted from:

PLATE 32 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0887

First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current

bank staff room. Western wall fitted with

modern fixtures and fittings. Room bordered
with simple cornice, also found everywhere
else on the first floor.

Adapted from:

PLATE 33 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0886

First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current
bank staff room. Southern wall features a
projected southern wall, presumably a
centrally placed chimney stack

Adapted from:

PLATE 34 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0888

First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current

bank staff room. Eastern wall features two

timber framed sash windows set within
box panelled recesses. Recesses feature faux
panelled shutters complete with handles.

Adapted from:

PLATE 35 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

N Photo ID: IMG_0883

First floor landing, corridor between rooms
in Area 6. Northern wall features two
decorative timber framed semi-circular
arch windows, with reenforced metal
bars set to match the decorative set of
the window’s cames.

Adapted from:

PLATE 36 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0895

First floor, Area 6. Toilet block to the east.

Modern fixtures and fittings. Modern

casement window to the west.

Adapted from:

PLATE 37 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0846

Stairwell between first and second floor.
Stairwell features two half turn landings.
Though possibly modelled on earlier
staircase it is now modernised and features
7 linoleum and metal runners


PLATE 38 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0839

Stairwell between first and second
floor. Southern wall is projected inwards
with a steep incline to just below the
half landing of the stairwell. Unknown
7 reason, possibly part-built over
neighbouring property


PLATE 39 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0842

Stairwell between first and second floor.
Southern wall features a large centrally
placed timber framed sash window.
Stairwell also features a surround of
7 timber skirting.


PLATE 40 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0851

Second floor, Area 7. Southern room,
large open space, with a projected
section of wall to the south. The
projection runs in line with the fireplace
in the floor below so is assuredly the
7 continuation of the chimney stack.


PLATE 41 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0859

Second floor, Area 7, Northern room.
Room features blocked off chimney
stack in northern wall, (continuation
from floor below).



PLATE 42 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0854

Second floor, Area 7. Southern room.
Western wall features two timber framed
sash window. Two of the three that run
along the front façade.



PLATE 43 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0858

Second floor, Area 7, Northern room.
Room features blocked off chimney
stack in northern wall, (continuation
from floor below). The room also
features a timber framed sash window
7 set within a recess with box panelling,
(not found on windows in southern


PLATE 44 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0860

Second floor, Area 7. Small room offset
from the corridor to the north. Room
features a single timber framed sash
window set with a slightly splayed recess.


PLATE 45 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0862

Second floor landing, corridor between
area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3
decorative timber framed arch windows,
refitted with modern latches. (1 of 3)


PLATE 46 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0869

Second floor landing, corridor between
area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3
decorative timber framed arch windows,
refitted with modern latches. (3 of 3)


PLATE 47 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0864

Second floor, Area 8. Services room.
Large open space. Sash window to
south wall.



PLATE 48 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0872

Second floor, Area 8. Blocked in
fireplace to chimney stack in southern



PLATE 49 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0871

Second floor, Area 8, southern room.
Blocked in fireplace in southern wall.
Two timber framed sash windows set
within box panelled surrounded


PLATE 50 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0876

Second floor, Area 8. Small room to
east of the floor. Southern wall features
a timber framed sash window.



PLATE 51 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_08798

Second floor, access to attic.



PLATE 52 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_08799

Second floor, access to attic.



PLATE 53 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0902

Attic, Area 9. Shared truss, king post
and raked braces. Between the two
hipped roofs, South



PLATE 54 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0903

Attic, Area 9. Shared truss, king post
and raked braces. Between the two
hipped roofs, North



PLATE 55 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0901

Attic, Area 9. West of buildings roof
structure features two hipped roof
structures. Hipped roof’s structured
with a boxed frame of timbers., in
an “M” truss. The truss is set beneath a
9 king post with bracers with two separate
apexes on a shared collar. Each apex is
set with it on rafters, purlins, and ridge

PLATE 56 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0900

Attic, Area 9. Dormer window in western
elevation façade.



PLATE 57 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0911

Attic, Area 10. South eastern side of attic
ends in a Gambrel style roof. The last
truss frame features two raking stuts
place under the collar, in conjunction
with the king posts.


PLATE 58 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0908

Attic, Area 10. North west from Area 10
to South east Area 11. Roof structure
consists of a timber truss frame, with
queen posted collar and raking struts,
a timber collar and central king post.
9 The structure also features timbers
principals, purlins and rafters and a
central apex ridge purlin.

PLATE 59 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0918

Detail, Area 10. Morticed tenon joint
between principal beam and purlins,
fixed with wooden pegs.



PLATE 60 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0919

Detail, Area 10. Roof apex. Morticed
tenon joint between principal beam
and king post, fixed with metal fitting
and bolts.



PLATE 61 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0907

Attic, Area 10. Timber principals with
fish plate repair, and timber rafters.



PLATE 62 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Lloyds Bank, Monmouth

Photo ID: IMG_0914

General, gambrel roof, timber framed
dormer window in south eastern



PLATE 63 A.P.A.C. Ltd BS/LBM/20

Site name: Lloyds Bank, Monmouth Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.511.............Project code..BS/LBM/20......

Photo ID View Description Phographer Date of Compiled by Date

facing photograph compiled
IMG_0815 SE First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms, featuring modern decoration, fixtures, and fittings. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL24
First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern most room features central chimney stack with decorative fireplace,
IMG_0816 W ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
mantle, and stone hearth. Fireplace would appear to be a more modern addition.
First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern most room features central chimney stack with decorative fireplace,
IMG_0817 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
mantle, and stone hearth. Fireplace would appear to be a more modern addition.
First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern most room. Detail: central chimney stack with decorative fireplace,
IMG_0818 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
mantle, and stone hearth. Fireplace would appear to be a more modern addition.
First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern most room. Detail: central chimney stack with decorative fireplace,
IMG_0819 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL29
mantle, and stone hearth. Fireplace would appear to be a more modern addition.
First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern most room features two timber framed sash windows. Due to its
IMG_0820 NW placement, the northern party wall would appear to have been a later addition. This is suggested due to its ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL25
placement between the symmetrically placed windows, in the southern and northern rooms.
First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southernmost room. Detail of central timber framed sash window with
IMG_0821 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
timber panelled box frame and moulded architrave.
First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms, featuring modern decoration, fixtures, and fittings. Multiple modern timber
IMG_0822 N ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
entrances/exits, sympathetic to an earlier design.
First-floor, Area 5. North western room, northern wall features projected central wall, presumably an earlier
IMG_0823 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL28
chimney stack.
First-floor, Area 5. North western room. Western wall features timber framed sash window within a box panelled
IMG_0824 NW recess, with a decorative moulded architrave frame. Window is the third in a sequence along the western ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL26
elevation between the two rooms.
First-floor, Area 5. North western room. The southern wall is possibly a later addition party wall, due to its
IMG_0825 SW placement against the western elevations symmetrically placed sash windows. This is further evidenced by the ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL27
missing section of door frame in one of the entrances/exits between the southern and northern rooms.

IMG_0826 SE First-floor, Area 5. North western room. Entrance/exit, between Area’s 5 and 6 corridors. Modern security doors. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
First-floor, Area 5. North western room. Entrance/exit, between Area’s 5 and 6 corridors and northern and
IMG_0827 S/SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
southern rooms of Area 5. Modern security doors.
First-floor, Area 5. North western room. Cornice work borders all rooms on the first floor; however it is not
IMG_0828 N heavily decorative like the cornice work found on ground floor. Possibly the decoration has been, at some point, ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
removed during modernisation.
First-floor, Area 5. Western rooms. Southern most room. Detail: central chimney stack with decorative fireplace,
IMG_0829 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
mantle, and stone hearth. Fireplace would appear to be a more modern addition.
First-floor, Area 5. South western room. Cornice work borders all rooms on the first floor; however it is not
IMG_0830 SW/V heavily decorative like the cornice work found on ground floor. Possibly the decoration has been, at some point, ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL30
removed during modernisation.
First-floor, Area 5. North western room. Entrance/exit, between Area’s 5 and 6 corridors and northern and
IMG_0831 W ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
southern rooms of Area 5. Modern security doors.
First-floor, Area 5. Corridor between Areas 5 and 6. Cornice work borders all rooms on the first floor; however it
IMG_0832 SE is not heavily decorative like the cornice work found on ground floor. Possibly the decoration has been, at some ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
point, removed during modernisation.
First-floor, corridor between Area 5 and 6. Modern timber door and frame topped with decorative fanlight.
IMG_0833 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Doorway is set within an arch that features a possibly earlier moulded architrave on either side.

A ## i
Site name: Lloyds Bank, Monmouth Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.511.............Project code..BS/LBM/20......
First-floor, corridor between Area 5 and 6. Modern timber door and frame topped with decorative fanlight.
IMG_0834 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL31
Doorway is set within an arch that features a possibly earlier moulded architrave on either side.
First-floor corridor between Area’s 5 and 6. Entrance to stairwell between first and ground floors. Entrance/exit
IMG_0835 N ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
fitted with modern timber fire door within segmented arch frame and glass pane
First-floor corridor between Area’s 5 and 6. Entrance to stairwell between first and second floors. Entrance/exit
IMG_0836 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
fitted with modern timber fire door within a decorative timber frame
IMG_0837 W Stairwell between first and second floor. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Stairwell between first and second floor. Southern wall is projected inwards with a steep incline to just below the
IMG_0838 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
half landing of the stairwell. Unknown reason, possibly part-built over neighbouring property.
Stairwell between first and second floor. Southern wall is projected inwards with a steep incline to just below the
IMG_0839 S ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL39
half landing of the stairwell. Unknown reason, possibly part-built over neighbouring property.
IMG_0840 SW Stairwell between first and second floor. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Stairwell between first and second floor. Southern wall features a large centrally placed timber framed sash
IMG_0841 S ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Stairwell between first and second floor. Southern wall features a large centrally placed timber framed sash
IMG_0842 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL40
window. Stairwell also features a surround of timber skirting.
IMG_0843 SE Stairwell between first and second floor. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0844 NE Stairwell between first and second floor. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0845 NE Stairwell between first and second floor. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Stairwell between first and second floor. Stairwell features two half turn landings. Though possibly modelled on
IMG_0846 V ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL38
earlier staircase it is now modernised and features linoleum and metal runners
Stairwell between second and first floor. Southern wall features a large centrally placed timber framed sash
IMG_0847 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0848 N Second floor landing, view from window. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0849 NW General, Second floor landing between Areas 7 and 8. Modern fixtures and fittings ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
General, Second floor landing between Areas 7 and 8. Modern fixtures and fittings. Entrance into Area 7 rooms
IMG_0850 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
features a arch
Second floor, Area 7. Southern room, large open space, with a projected section of wall to the south. The
IMG_0851 W ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL41
projection runs in line with the fireplace in the floor below so is assuredly the continuation of the chimney stack.
IMG_0852 V/SW Detail, second floor, Area 7. Southern room. Skewed wall around section of the blocked-up chimney stack. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Second floor, Area 7. Southern room. Western wall features two timber framed sash window. Two of the three
IMG_0853 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
that run along the front façade.
Second floor, Area 7. Southern room. Western wall features two timber framed sash window. Two of the three
IMG_0854 N ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL43
that run along the front façade.
Second floor, area 7. Southern room. Northern wall entrance, into corridor fitted with fire door. Rooms feature a
IMG_0855 E ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
timber skirting board, but unlike floors below, no Cornice work is apparent on the ceilings.
IMG_0856 SE Second floor, Area 7. Southern room. Eastern wall features a small wall in cupboard area. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0857 SW Second floor, Area 7. Southern room. Eastern wall features a small wall in cupboard area. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Second floor, Area 7, Northern room. Room features blocked off chimney stack in northern wall, (continuation
IMG_0858 NW from floor below). The room also features a timber framed sash window set within a recess with box panelling, ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL44
(not found on windows in southern room).
Second floor, Area 7, Northern room. Room features blocked off chimney stack in northern wall, (continuation
IMG_0859 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL42
from floor below).

A ## i
Site name: Lloyds Bank, Monmouth Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.511.............Project code..BS/LBM/20......
Second floor, Area 7. Small room offset from the corridor to the north. Room features a single timber framed sash
IMG_0860 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL45
window set with a slightly splayed recess.
Second floor, Area 7. Small room offset from the corridor to the north. Room fitted with a modern panelled fire
IMG_0861 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
door. Door frame decorated with architrave.
Second floor landing, corridor between area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3 decorative timber framed arch
IMG_0862 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL46
windows, refitted with modern latches. (1 of 3)
Second floor landing, corridor between area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3 decorative timber framed arch
IMG_0863 E ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
windows, refitted with modern latches. (2 of 3)
IMG_0864 SW Second floor, Area 8. Services room. Large open space. Sash window to south wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL48
IMG_0865 NE Second floor, Area 8. Services room. Large open space. Sash window to south wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0866 NE Second floor, Area 8. Services room. Large open space. Sash window to south wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Second floor landing, corridor between area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3 decorative timber framed arch
IMG_0867 E ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
windows, refitted with modern latches. (3 of 3)
Second floor landing, corridor between area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3 decorative timber framed arch
IMG_0868 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
windows, refitted with modern latches. (3 of 3)
Second floor landing, corridor between area’s 7 and 8. Northern wall features 3 decorative timber framed arch
IMG_0869 E ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL47
windows, refitted with modern latches. (3 of 3)
IMG_0870 NW Second floor, Area 8, small northern room. Fitted with a fire door with architrave. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Second floor, Area 8, southern room. Blocked in fireplace in southern wall. Two timber framed sash windows set
IMG_0871 E ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL50
within box panelled surrounded recesses.
IMG_0872 SW Second floor, Area 8. Blocked in fireplace to chimney stack in southern wall. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL49
IMG_0873 E Second floor, Area 8. Southern room leads to a smaller room in the north eastern corner. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0874 NE Second floor, Area 8. Small room to east of the floor. Southern wall features a timber framed sash window. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0875 NE Second floor, Area 8. Small room to east of the floor. Southern wall features a timber framed sash window. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0876 SE Second floor, Area 8. Small room to east of the floor. Southern wall features a timber framed sash window. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL51
First floor, Area 6. Modern spiral staircase from first to ground floor. Room features modern fixtures and fittings.
IMG_0877 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Single timber framed sash window set within decorative box panel recess in southern wall.
First floor, Area 6. Modern spiral staircase from first to ground floor. Room features modern fixtures and fittings.
IMG_0878 W ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Single timber framed sash window set within decorative box panel recess in southern wall.
First floor, Area 6. Modern spiral staircase from first to ground floor. Room features modern fixtures and fittings.
IMG_0879 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL32
Single timber framed sash window set within decorative box panel recess in southern wall.
First floor, Area 6. Modern spiral staircase from first to ground floor. Room features modern fixtures and fittings.
IMG_0880 NE Entrance into Area 6 corridor through northern wall. Modern fire door set in a modern timber door frame of ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
decorative architrave.
First floor, Area 6. Modern spiral staircase from first to ground floor. Room features modern fixtures and fittings.
IMG_0881 NE Entrance into Area 6 corridor through northern wall. Modern fire door set in a modern timber door frame of ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
decorative architrave.
First floor landing, corridor between rooms in Area 6. Northern wall features two decorative timber framed semi-
IMG_0882 E/SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
circular arch windows, with reenforced metal bars set to match the decorative set of the window’s cames.

First floor landing, corridor between rooms in Area 6. Northern wall features two decorative timber framed semi-
IMG_0883 E ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL36
circular arch windows, with reenforced metal bars set to match the decorative set of the window’s cames.

A ## i
Site name: Lloyds Bank, Monmouth Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.511.............Project code..BS/LBM/20......

First floor landing, corridor between rooms in Area 6. Northern wall features two decorative timber framed semi-
IMG_0884 E ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
circular arch windows, with reenforced metal bars set to match the decorative set of the window’s cames.

First floor landing, corridor between rooms in Area 6. Northern wall features two decorative timber framed semi-
IMG_0885 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
circular arch windows, with reenforced metal bars set to match the decorative set of the window’s cames.
First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current bank staff room. Southern wall features a projected southern wall,
IMG_0886 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL34
presumably a centrally placed chimney stack
First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current bank staff room. Western wall fitted with modern fixtures and fittings.
IMG_0887 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL33
Room bordered with simple cornice, also found everywhere else on the first floor.
First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current bank staff room. Eastern wall features two timber framed sash
IMG_0888 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL35
windows set within box panelled recesses. Recesses feature faux panelled shutters complete with handles.
First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current bank staff room. Western wall fitted with modern fixtures and fittings.
IMG_0889 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Modern fire door entrance/exit between rooms.
First floor, Area 6. Southern room, current bank staff room. Southern wall features a projected southern wall,
IMG_0890 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
presumably a centrally placed chimney stack
IMG_0891 NE First floor, Area 6. Small room between corridor and toilet block to the east. Modern fixtures and fittings. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0892 E First floor, Area 6. Small room between corridor and toilet block to the east. Modern fixtures and fittings. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
First floor, Area 6. Corridor and toilet block to the east. Modern fixtures and fittings. Modern fire door exit in
IMG_0893 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
eastern gable.
First floor, Area 6. Corridor and toilet block to the east. Modern fixtures and fittings. Southern wall features a
IMG_0894 W timber framed sash window. However it is not orientated the same way as other windows along the southern ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
wall of the building and is presumably a later addition.
IMG_0895 NW First floor, Area 6. Toilet block to the east. Modern fixtures and fittings. Modern casement window to the west. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL37

IMG_0896 E First floor, Area 6. Toilet block to the east. Modern fixtures and fittings. Modern window to the east ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0897 SE First floor, Area 6. Toilet block to the east. Modern fixtures and fittings. Modern window to the east ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0898 SW Second floor, access to attic. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL52
IMG_0899 SW Second floor, access to attic. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL53
IMG_0900 NW Attic, Area 9. Dormer window in western elevation façade. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL57
Attic, Area 9. West of buildings roof structure features two hipped roof structures. Hipped roof’s structured with
IMG_0901 W a boxed frame of timbers, in a "M Truss" The truss is set beneath a king post with bracers with two separate ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL56
apexes on a shared collar. Each apex is set with it on rafters, purlins, and ridge purlin.

IMG_0902 W Attic, Area 9. Shared "M" truss, king post and raked braces. Between the two hipped roofs, South ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL54

IMG_0903 N Attic, Area 9. Shared truss, king post and raked braces. Between the two hipped roofs, North ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL55
IMG_0904 SE Attic, Area 10. Box framed truss with queen post and raked brace to principal beam. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0905 SE Attic, Area 10. General ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0906 S Attic, Area 10. Truss collar and king post. Metal braces have been added to secure timbers. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0907 W Attic, Area 10. Timber principals with fish plate repair, and timber rafters. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL62

A ## i
Site name: Lloyds Bank, Monmouth Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.511.............Project code..BS/LBM/20......
Attic, Area 10. North west from Area 10 to South east Area 11. Roof structure consists of a timber truss frame,
IMG_0908 SE with queen posted collar and raking struts, a timber collar and central king post. The structure also features ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL59
timbers principals, purlins and rafters and a central apex ridge purlin.
Attic, Area 10. Roof structure consists of a timber truss frame, with queen posted collar and raking struts, a
IMG_0909 SE timber collar and central king post. The structure also features timbers principals, purlins and rafters and a central ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
apex ridge purlin.
Attic, Area 10. North west from Area 10 to South east Area 11. Roof structure consists of a timber truss frame,
IMG_0910 SE with queen posted collar and raking struts, a timber collar and central king post. The structure also features ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
timbers principals, purlins and rafters and a central apex ridge purlin.
Attic, Area 10. South eastern side of attic ends in a Gambrel style roof. The last truss frame features two raking
IMG_0911 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL58
stuts place under the collar, in conjunction with the king posts.
IMG_0912 S General, elevation roof structure, rafters, and purlins. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0913 S General, gambrel roof, timber struts to each corner. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0914 SE General, gambrel roof, timber framed dormer window in south eastern elevation. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL63
IMG_0915 V/SE Apex of gambrel roof. Point where all struts meet under the roof. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0916 NW General, Area 10. Modern addition, metal chute/flue. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0917 N Detail, Area 10. Collar of truss joined with wooden pegs and re-enforced with metal clamps and bolts. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0918 N Detail, Area 10. Morticed tenon joint between principal beam and purlins, fixed with wooden pegs. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL60
Detail, Area 10. Roof apex. Morticed tenon joint between principal beam and king post, fixed with metal fitting
IMG_0919 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL61
and bolts.
IMG_0920 NW Repeat of IMG_0919. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0921 NW General, First floor to ground floor staircase ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Ground floor, Area 2, main lobby of bank. Entirety of bank lobby is fitted with modern fixtures, fittings, and
IMG_0922 NW partition walls to create office space. Half of the room has had the ceilings lowered, however, the sections not ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL14
lowered feature highly decorative cornice work that borders the ceilings.
Detail – cornice boundary of bank lobby, Area 2. Three layered cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over a
IMG_0923 V ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
moulded relief border, possibly acanthus leaf and flower design. Artex ceiling is a later modification.
Detail – cornice boundary of earlier ceiling against lowered modern ceiling, Area 3, bank admin. Three layered
IMG_0924 NE/V cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over, a moulded relief border. Sections of cornice beginning to break. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Artex ceiling is a later modification.
Detail – cornice boundary of earlier ceiling against lowered modern ceiling, Area 3, bank admin. Three layered
IMG_0925 V cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over, a moulded cornice relief border. Sections of cornice beginning to ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL15
break. Artex ceiling is a later modification.
Ground floor, Area 2, southern wall behind cashier area. Wall features two decorative recesses. The recesses
IMG_0926 W feature a moulded Stilted arch set on decorative moulded pillars. The pillars are decorated with Guilloche and ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL18
frieze’s and the arches are decorated with rib and bead.
Detail, stilted arch, and moulded pillar decoration. Pillar features Guilloche with flowers and bead. Pillar top
IMG_0927 SW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
feature acanthus leaf frieze, and dentil decoration.
Detail – cornice boundary of bank lobby, Area 2. Three layered cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over a
IMG_0928 V/SW moulded relief border, possibly acanthus leaf and flower design. Artex ceiling is a later modification. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Continuation of cornice into room behind ATM.
Ground floor, Area 2, southern wall behind cashier area. Wall features two decorative recesses. The recesses
IMG_0929 W/SW feature a moulded Stilted arch set on decorative moulded pillars. The pillars are decorated with Guilloche and ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL19
frieze’s and the arches are decorated with rib and bead.

A ## i
Site name: Lloyds Bank, Monmouth Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.511.............Project code..BS/LBM/20......
Detail – cornice boundary of bank lobby, Area 2. Three layered cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over a
IMG_0930 N moulded relief border, possibly acanthus leaf and flower design. Artex ceiling is a later modification. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Continuation of cornice from room behind ATM, back into main lobby.
Ground floor, Area 2. Room behind ATM. Timber framed sash window within box panelled recess. Window has
IMG_0931 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
been fitted with frosted glass.
Detail – cornice boundary of bank lobby, Area 2. Three layered cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over a
IMG_0932 S moulded relief border, possibly acanthus leaf and flower design. Artex ceiling is a later modification. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Continuation of cornice from room behind ATM, back into main lobby.
Detail – cornice boundary of bank lobby, Area 2. Three layered cornice, Waterleaf over Dentil cornice over a
IMG_0933 N moulded relief border, possibly acanthus leaf and flower design. Artex ceiling is a later modification. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL16
Continuation of cornice from room behind ATM, back into main lobby.
Ground floor, front of building. Open room above ATM. Ceiling bordered with same cornice design as rest of
IMG_0934 V ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL17
(exposed) ceiling on the ground floor.
Ground floor, Area 2 ATM room. Timber framed sash window within box panelled recess. Window has been
IMG_0935 W ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
fitted with frosted glass.
IMG_0936 NE Ground floor, Area 3. Northern wall features two semi-circular windows at higher level. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL20
IMG_0937 NE Ground floor, Area 3. Northern wall features two semi-circular windows at higher level. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0938 NW Ground floor, Area 3. Modern fixtures and fittings, bank vault (not shown) and lowered modern ceiling. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden area, that
IMG_0939 SW in turn leads to Nelson Garden, (not accessible). The wall to the left under the rectangular relief plasterwork is the ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL21
original rear outer wall of this part of the building.
Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden area, that
IMG_0940 V ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
in turn leads to Nelson garden, (not accessible) room features decorated cornices that border the ceiling.

Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden area, that
IMG_0941 V ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
in turn leads to Nelson garden, (not accessible) room features decorated cornices that border the ceiling.
Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden area,
IMG_0942 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL22
through large central doors.
Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden area,
IMG_0943 SE through large central doors. The door frame top is decorated with relief work of Dentil, waterleaf, bead, and fret ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL23
Ground floor, Area 4. Large open room to south east of building. Building opens out into a large garden area,
IMG_0944 SE through large central doors. The door frame top is decorated with relief work of Dentil, waterleaf, bead, and fret ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
External, rear of bank. Projected northern section of building features a southern semi-circular timber framed
fanlight over a small offset square casement window, in its southern wall. The fan-light sits under a brick arch
IMG_0945 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL09
itself under a shallow porch projection. This original access has been blocked off in favour of the new ashlar
framed doors shown in Plate 08
External rear of building from eastern garden area. Main building in background with a two-storey building to
IMG_0946 NW the north and an extended ground floor to the south. Southern, ashlar framed extension acts as entrance into the ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL08
bank’s ground floor level.
External back of building from eastern garden area. Main building in background with a two-storey building to
IMG_0947 N ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
the north

A ## i
Site name: Lloyds Bank, Monmouth Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.511.............Project code..BS/LBM/20......
External rear of building from eastern garden area. Main building in background with a two-storey building to
IMG_0948 NW the north and an extended ground floor to the south. Southern extension acts as entrance into the banks ground ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL06
floor level.
IMG_0949 SE Nelson Garden taken from the closed/locked back gate of bank rear garden. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL07
IMG_0950 SE Nelson Garden taken from the closed/locked back gate of bank rear garden. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
IMG_0951 NW External back of building from eastern garden area. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020

External. Entrance/exit into ground floor of bank. Large central timber doorway with transom window. Central
IMG_0952 NW ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
door bordered by two large vertically orientated windows. Windows and doorway set in an ashlar frame.
Basement, Area 1. Rooms constructed with concrete floors, re-enforced ceilings, and concrete block walls.
IMG_0953 NW Rooms also feature brick pillars and re-enforced beams. Rooms filled with metal shelving holding cardboard ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
boxes. All modern in construction.
Basement, Area 1. Rooms constructed with concrete floors, re-enforced ceilings, and concrete block walls.
IMG_0954 S Rooms also feature brick pillars and re-enforced beams. Rooms filled with metal shelving holding cardboard ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL11
boxes. All modern in construction.
Basement, Area 1. Rooms constructed with concrete floors, re-enforced ceilings, and concrete block walls.
IMG_0955 NW/V Rooms also feature brick pillars and re-enforced beams. Rooms filled with metal shelving holding cardboard ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
boxes. All modern in construction.
Basement, Area 1. Rooms constructed with concrete floors, re-enforced ceilings, and concrete block walls.
IMG_0956 SE Rooms also feature brick pillars and re-enforced beams. Rooms filled with metal shelving holding cardboard ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
boxes. All modern in construction.
Basement, Area 1, south western rooms. Rooms constructed of brick but continues west, (after low level brick
IMG_0957 NW partition) in random coursed stone with limestone plaster. Only part of Area one that is not constructed with re- ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL12
enforced concrete.
Basement, Area 1, south western rooms. Rooms constructed of brick but continues west, (after low level brick
IMG_0958 NW partition) in random coursed stone with limestone plaster. Only part of Area one that is not constructed with re- ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
enforced concrete. Detail: southern wall, stone and mortar constructed walls.
Basement, Area 1, south western rooms. Rooms constructed of brick but continues west, (after low level brick
IMG_0959 NW partition) in random coursed stone with limestone plaster. Only part of Area one that is not constructed with re- ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
enforced concrete. Detail: northern wall, concrete brick wall party wall with room to the north.

Basement, Area 1, south western rooms. Rooms constructed of brick but continues west, (after low level brick
IMG_0960 W partition) in random coursed stone with limestone plaster. Only part of Area one that is not constructed with re- ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL13
enforced concrete. Detail: southern wall plastered brick into, stone and mortar construct.
Basement, area one. Rooms constructed with concrete floors, re-enforced ceilings, and concrete block walls.
IMG_0961 SE Rooms also feature brick pillars and re-enforced beams. Rooms filled with metal shelving holding cardboard ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
boxes. All modern in construction.
IMG_0962 SE Stairwell from Basement, Area 1 to ground floor, Area 3. Modern carpeted stairwell. ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL10
IMG_0963 NW Basement, Area 1 from ground floor, Area 3. Modern metal security door and frame ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020

A ## i
Site name: Lloyds Bank, Monmouth Appendix I A.P.A.C. Ltd
Digital Photographic Record Project No:.511.............Project code..BS/LBM/20......
Front, western elevation façade to building. Second floor features 3 timber sash windows with 3x3 glass panels.
The first-floor features 3 timber sash windows with 4x3 glass panels. The middle window also features a
decorative pediment top. The lower level of the building also features two string courses of decoration with the
lowest topping the ground level windows and door with domed arches. The ground floor features two sash
IMG_0964 E ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL01
windows with modern fitted frosted glass. The main entrance features a decorative timber framed doorway
topped with decorative timber fanlight. The build is constructed in brick with the ground level featuring a course
string of black painted concrete render. The building is built with a raised and projected footing against the
incline of the street (Monnow St) to the west
Detail, Front façade. Western elevation, Decorative timber door frame with crosshead door top and decorative
IMG_0965 SE panel. Doorway topped with timber fanlight under a brick segmental arch, under moulded course string ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL04
segmental arch, (part of the continued string course across top of ground floor).
Front, western elevation façade to building. Second floor features 3 timber sash windows with 3x3 glass panels.
The first-floor features 3 timber sash windows with 4x3 glass panels. The middle window also features a
IMG_0966 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL03
decorative pediment top. The building roof line is finished with a typical balustrade hiding the roof pitch and a
dormer window.
Detail. Building roof decorated with a plain balustrade at the roof line featuring a coursed string decoration that
IMG_0967 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL05
spans the front façade.
Historic blue plaque attributed by the Monmouth Civic Society (2009) to Lloyds Bank. Reads “Roman Fort, The
defences of Monmouth’s 1 st century Roman Fort lie under this building – at right angles to the street; the fort
IMG_0968 SE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
pre-dated the Roman town of Blestium. The western inner defences of the 11 th century Norman town also pass
under the building, but diagonally”.
South eastern corner of the building. Building built with a raised and projected platform/footing against the
IMG_0969 NE incline of the street. Projected part of the platform has been cemented; however the lowest extent of the building ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
is exposed, showing the brick construct of the building.
South eastern corner of the building. Building built with a raised and projected platform/footing against the
IMG_0970 NE incline of the street. Projected part of the platform has been cemented; however the lowest extent of the building ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020
is exposed, showing the brick construct of the building. Detail height of projection, depth of street level.
South eastern corner of the building. Building built with a raised and projected platform/footing against the
incline of the street. Projected part of the platform has been cemented rendered; however the lowest extent of the
IMG_0971 NE ADAM PHILLIPS 18/11/2020 ADAM PHILLIPS 26/11/2020 PL02
building is exposed, showing the brick construct of the building. Detail width of projection of platform from
buildings western front façade.

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